Star Wars Visions. The Jedi C...

By CrossoverGeek

5.6K 79 45

The galaxy changed many years after the destruction of Palpatine's Sith empire in the battle of Exegol. The g... More

Jedi Code. A Jedi trial on Tatooine
Demon's Blood
Parchment. A fallen Jedi story
Force reflections
Planet Hoth. The Barash Vow
Canto Bight. The drunken stranger
Prison Escape. Saw Skywalker
Darth Sor. Grey Jedi code
Planet Bogano. The Jedi Covenant
Empire's Wrath. Sins of the past.
Prince Ethan Blagg. Search for the Jedi Masters.
Flashback. The Runaway
Planet Lettow. The Dark Academy
Jacen Syndulla. The way of the Hawk-Bat
The Kaggath. Jedi vs Jensaarai
Balmorra. Saw's family secret.
Duel of Fates. Darth Askot's redemption
Jedi Master Cal Kestis. Sister reunion.
Leviathan's attack. The mysterious Darth Acnirr
Kiannya Dameron. A new Grey Jedi.
Dathomir. The Book of Law
Dathomir. The Talisman of the Beastmaster
Dathomir. Nightsister Civil War
Skywalker in Odessen. Fulfill your destiny
Mand'alor Knight. This is the Way
Don't deny what you are. The Lah family legacy
Jacen's betrayal. Jedi Master Kata Akuna
The Fist and the Wrath. The trial of Skywalker
Force Enlightment. A new kind of Forcesaber
Succession duel. Skorpa Vizsla
The Rule of One. I AM ALL OF THE SITH
Valley of the Jedi. Force War Part I
Casting. Force Sensitives

Valley of the Jedi. Force War Part II

298 2 2
By CrossoverGeek

(play this music)

While Ethan dueled the fallen Jedi Jacen Syndulla, Lah Kara and Chaes were about to face the evil Sith Emperor Darth Krayt who had almost absorbed all the Force of the Jedi and Sith spirits that dwelled in the valley.

Kara gets close to the meditation sphere, only to see the Dark Lord of the Sith enveloped in The Force. Then Darth Krayt exits the sphere irradiated with energy, corrupting it with the Dark Side of the Force

Kara and Chaes gets close to him

Darth Krayt says - In Belsavis I've been through death and I've conquered it. No mere would-be Jedi will stop the Darkness that there is to come!
Kara says - You took my father away and twisted him to your likeness. I'm getting even with you this time -
Darth Krayt taunts Kara - Are you sure, foolish child? Revenge is not the Jedi way. -
Kara responds - The Force guides our actions here, as a reward for protecting the Galaxy. And demands balance! You go down, once and far all!-
Chaes says - We here for something more than revenge and you understand-
Darth Krayt says - I will not be undermined by an untested child and a foolish Sith Pretender who doesn't speak right!-

Chaes advances at Darth Krayt, using again his Darkshear technique, but Darth Krayt absorbs the lighning spear and returns it back to him. Chaes uses one of his lightsabers to deflect the energy surge and keep advancing at the Dark Lord of the Sith

Chaes attack Darth Krayt with a Dashing Strike, but Darth Krayt somersault the strike and activate one of his lightsabers. The two of them began their lightsaber duel exchanging saber strikes, twirling their sabers around their bodies and dodging each other's strikes

While struggling Darth Krayt says to Chaes - You are almost Sith. Why do you fight for the Jedi? Join me, and I'll complete your training! -
Chaes responds - The Sith kill mi clan and mi kin. Mi never join you! -
Darth Krayt says - Your thoughts betray you. Your thoughts dwell on that child. If you don't join the One Sith, then perhaps she will-
Chaes says - She more strong than me. She more strong than you!
Darth Krayt responds-  You decieve yourself! -

Darth Krayt summons Force Lightning to his lightsaber and managed to pin Chaes down, leaving him twitching in pain from the remaining lightning

Darth Krayt was about to kill Chaes if not for Kara's special elongated lightsaber which she activates to protect Chaes

Kara tries to cut him up with the long lightsaber, but Darth Krayt summoned a Force Barrier made out of yellow lightning

Darth Krayt says - Recognize it? I learned it from your master Saw when i twisted him to become a Sith
Kara responds while summoning rocks through the Force - You underestimate Saw Skywalker and The Jedi Covenant...and me. It will be your downfall-

Darth Krayt boast while saying - Foolish child. Everything that has transpired until now has been according to my design

Kara says - What?!
Chaes says - Haku(what)?!

Kara tosses her boulders to Darth Krayt, but the Force Lightning barrier is undeterred

Darth Krayt says - It was i who implanted a member of my Sith on your Jedi Covenant -
Chaes senses the truth and says - Da wanga, the masta Syndulla! -
Kara says -Impossible! The lightsabers would've told us -

Darth Krayt explains - The Lightsaber indeed shows their Force attunement, but only when they displayed heavy emotions, child. Darth Ster has the skill of surrounding himself with the Light Side of the Force. I was always aware of his pitiful attempt to destroy the Force. Instead, he will help me destroy every Force aligned to the light. I'm afraid I'll have all the power of the Valley when your friends arrive -

Then Darth Krayt uses the Dark Side to open the Valley's chambers and the Nexus chamber is exposed to the light of the surface

Meanwhile, Ethan kept dueling Darth Ster while trying to reason with him

Ethan says - You liked Dameron because she didn't relied wholly in the Force. We, the members of the Jedi Covenant seek balance and stillness -

Both of them kept trying to take down the other one with heavy lightsaber strikes

Ethan said - I had an experience in Dathomir. I fell to the Dark Side and then lost my connection with the Force. Had to make do without the Force while I traveled through Dathomir with nothing more than my wits

The both adversaries make a pause in their duel and Darth Ster releases Kiannya Dameron and Alina Ulgo from his grip

Then Darth Ster tosses the Kashi Mer talisman to Kiannya and says to her - Take this to the ones fighting Darth Krayt. It will disturb Darth Krayt's control over the ghosts inside him. It will fracture his mind -
Kiannya then says - You used us... you used me -
Darth Ster says - Yes, I've used you Dameron. I've used you so that you might become stronger than i am, without the Force -
Kiannya asks - Why? -
Darth Ster responds - Because the future belongs to people like you. People who show restraint on using the Force, like the members of the Jedi Covenant. The Force has a will and it will always cause turmoil. -
Kiannya says - You know that's not true. We'll learn from our previous mistakes. As long as I live we will maintain balance. I promise you-

Kiannya and Alina leave in a hurry to help Kara. Ethan was about to go with them, but Darth Ster stops Ethan

Darth Ster says - You and i aren't done here -

Darth Ster activates his lightsaber again, but this time, the saber was transparent and color absent, since he cut himself from the Force. 

Darth Ster says - Show me what you have learned in your spirit trial, Ethan. Show me that dead spot in the Force. That emptiness you've acquired that allows you to have true free will!  -

Ethan activates his lightsaber and the color of the blade was absent as well

Ethan says - I'll show you the balance I've acquired. But you will answer for your betrayal and deceit  -

Both men charged at each other with their transparent lightsabers.

Darth Ster says - Is this the limit of your knowledge? I will break you!
Ethan says - I think not!

Ethan does a sweep, successfully tripping Darth Ster. Then Ethan tried to cut Darth Ster in the ground, but he rolls away from the strikes, gets back on his feet and lunges back into action

Both of them exchanged saber strikes and kept fighting without using the Force. Then Ethan changes to Soresu form, but Darth Ster disarmed him with a strong lightsaber strike to the saber's guard, breaking it

Darth Ster tried to cut him down, but Ethan dodged acrobatically while he thought of a way to defend himself from Darth Ster. Ethan made a Tëras Käsi defensive takedown technique to break Darth Ster's arm, forcing him to drop his lightsaber.

Darth Ster yells - Kill me!
Then Ethan says - That is the answer I discovered in my mission on Dathomir. Your life is now your own, Master Syndulla. Do with it as you please -

Ethan recovered his Force Connection and summoned Jacen's lightsaber. The saber glowed blue again. Ethan went forward to fight the Sith and Darth Ster was left alone in tears while screaming

Meanwhile In the breached Meditation Chamber, Darth Krayt was trying to use Force Lightning to Kara and Chaes. Both of them used their lightsabers to reflect the lightning  back to its source, but they were harmed as well.

Then Mand'alor the Courageous arrived with her Mandalorians, armed with beskar battleblades.

Shay says to the Dark Lord - We can bring you in warm ... or I can bring you cold -
Darth Krayt responds - Your Feeble Mandalorian warriors are no match for the Power Of The Dark Side -
Shay, seeing that Darth Krayt was alone says - I like these odds. FOR MANDALORE!! -

The Mandalorians charged at the Sith Lord wielding their blades while shooting with their blasters. Darth Krayt paralyze the blasts with the Force. Them moves slightly to the left and when the Mandalorians passed their own paralized lightning, Darth Krayt released the blasts, killing a few with their own blasts.

Darth Krayt used his Jar'Kai double lightsaber form to attack the Mandalorians, cutting them one by one, but the Mandalorians were getting more ground, forcing him to disengage, step back and use a telekinetic blast that disintegrated them . Only Mand'alor the Courageous remained standing because she made a Force barrier at the right moment. Shay then activated her Darksaber and proceeded to attack him.

Then they both clash. Darth Krayt then uses his second lightsaber to wound her while defending from the first strike. The wound was not fatal because she had her beskar armor, but she was incapacitated to keep fighting

Darth Krayt says - There is no mercy -

He was about to do the killing blow when Darth Krayt's sword was deflected by Kiannya Dameron's blaster fire who arrived with Alina Ulgo to challenge him

Darth Krayt says - A Jedi with a blaster? So uncivilized-

Neither Kiannya nor Alina  squandered words and charged at him with their lightsabers. Darth Krayt then changed to his modified version of Niman lightsaber form with both lightsabers and managed to defeat them, but not before Alina Ulgo disabled one of his lightsabers.

Ethan tried to attack him from behind, by making his own Force connection disappear, but he notices this and blocks the killing blow. Then uses the Force to push him away while attacking him with Force Lightning

Darth Krayt says - Now you realize the true nature of the Dark Side. As long as i can siphon the Force from the spirits trapped here, i cannot be killed -
Kiannya tosses the Kashi Mer talisman at Darth Krayt's feet and yells - We've Pulled Crazier Stunts Than This!! -
(play music)

Then she shoots at the talisman and it releases a strong Force energy that crippled Darth Krayt's concentration and the Spirits inside Darth Krayt rose up against him. He struggles to remain in control, but the Sith restless spirits were too strong for him.

The ghost of Darth Bane says - Now you feel what is like to face death alone -
The ghost of Darth Zannah says - You're dying, Pretender. Don't struggle. You're only prolonging  the unavoidable-
The ghost of Darth Nihilus says something in ancient Sith
The ghost of Skere Kaan says - You've used us, Darth Krayt -
The ghost of Githany, former lover of Darth Bane says - Now it's our time to have some fun -

Darth Krayt's mind was fractured by the multiple Sith spirits inside him and his Force Powers wavered

Darth Krayt then saw the Ninth Jedi Lah Kara standing . She closed her eyes shut. She then remembered the newfound skill taught to the members of the Jedi Covenant by Saw Skywalker. The Forceback ability

Kara made introspection as she whispered - Be with me.... be with me... be with me - 

Kara reaches the Valley's Jedi spirits with the power of her newfound ability.

She could hear the spirits of the Jedi encouraging to fight for balance, as well as her teammates. All of the members of the Jedi Covenant reached Kara through the Force and lent her their power.

Then she hears Saw Skywalker and Anini Dess saying - Rise, Ninth Jedi.-

Jaesa Willsaam's ghost says - Flesh of my flesh...-
Then Kara hears her father Lah Zhima saying - My daughter. The Force will be with you... always. -

She ignited her Forcesaber and glared Darth Krayt with determination

Kara says - Shroud of the Dark Side. Return to Darkness!
Darth Krays yells - Even in this weakened state you won't defeat me. Your death will mark the end of the history of the Jedi Order and the Jedi Covenant altogether!

Darth Krayt launches a barrage of unstable Force Lightning that Kara blocks with her lightsaber

Darth Krayt says - You are nothing! The Jedi will fall before me, for I AM ALL THE SITH!!

Kara sensed the Force of not only the Jedi, but also the other Force Sensitivites she befriend in her journey, including Jacen Syndulla and the Sith Woman who could learn to use both sides of the Force

Lah Kara responds - And I AM NOT ALONE!!!-

Kara's Forceback powers and her Light Forcesaber managed to deflect the lightning. Darth Krayt tries to wield his remaining lightsaber, but Lah Kara dashes towards Darth Krayt and manages to stab him in the chest before he could respond.

Darth Krayt's body fell to the floor and dissolved into Chaos while the spirits of the deceased Jedi could finally have freedom to be one with the Force. The day was won.

Kara fell to the floor in exhaustion. She didn't showed any life signs, but all of the members of the Jedi Covenant and Mand'alor the Courageous put their hands above her and used Force Transfer to restore her back to life

Everyone smile while Kara asked - ¿Did we win?-
Chaes couldn't contain himself anymore and kissed Lah Kara.

Lejj Kestis wonders - What if the Sith resurfaces and try to take over the Force again?-
Ethan responds holding her hand - We'll need to become stronger together -

Kiannya Dameron and Alina Ulgo go with them. Kiannya says - A new era awaits and if they retun...-
Alina Ulgo complete her phrase, saying... - we'll be ready-

The Force was restored back into balance, but for how long?

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