Darknesses And Lights [Dracul...

By CaffeDinverno

3.8K 149 31

Dracula of Castlevania × OC in modern time. "Darknesses, master. And only a great light will save you.." More

Chapter 1: The Decision
Chapter 2: Unexpected
Chapter 4: Better circumstances
Chapter 5: Forgiveness
Chapter 6: Storm
Chapter 7: Te iubesc
Chapter 8: Dinner
Chapter 9: Overcast
Chapter 10: Old Glory
Chapter 11: Of family and the past

Chapter 3: The right time

340 15 3
By CaffeDinverno

It's been a week since Avelina met her strange customer. Her days are peaceful and she truly appreciates that.

Only one thing disturbed her peaceful days, Marco.
Marco is a guy almost her age, who has been appearing at her store for the past few weeks. He saw her for the first time on his way to the near-by bar. Passing few times a week, he hoped she would notice him, which didn't happen so one day he decided to go into the store and try his luck.

That day he went in, introduced himself, and offered a drink at the bar. Avelina thanked him and kindly refused, yet it seemed he wouldn't take no for an answer. He appeared a few more times, the latest of which Alessia witnessed herself.

"What was that? A secret admirer?? How come you never told me?"

"Oh please.. I'm this close to calling the police for him"

"Come on! He seems nice.. Good looking too"

"He's not my type and I'm not interested"

"Ave.. I think it's time for you to have someone in your life. Give him a chance! You've come a long way but you need to let yourself love! And be loved"

"Love?? I don't even know him!"

"Well, give him a chance.. get to know each other!"

"No.. I just don't feel it. He's not my type"

Alessia sighed and said

"At least come to the bar tonight?"

"Can't. I'm watching Milan's game"

"God!! I can't believe you!!"

"You love me though

It was near closing hour when Alessia left. Not many customers usually come at this hour.. except Vlad. Avelina found herself thinking about him again, why didn't he show up? Why is she even thinking about him?? She decided to wait until exactly closing time, just in case he shows up, even though she would close around 30 minutes early at a slow night like this.

She closed and went home. Storm, her husky, was waiting for her at the door. One thing she was free - and looking forward to do - once she left her parents' house was to have pets. She was never allowed to have any back then and once she moved into her own place she got herself a white siberian husky and decided to name him storm.

Storm became her loyal companion and best friend. She always preferred her precious peaceful moments at home with him rather than going out despite Alessia's invitations to bars or cafés.

It was a miracle that Maria agreed to that! She would never allow any pets but she agreed since she knew it would help Avelina.

She got everything ready for Milan's game. AC Milan is her favourite team since she started watching football and their stadium, San Siro, was one of the first places she visited when she moved into the city along with the club's museum.

Storm understands he shouldn't mess around when she's watching a game so whenever there is a game on, he just sits quietly next to her. By the end of the first half storm unusually started barking at the window.

As Avelina looked, she could see something that seemed like a bat flying away.. a bat? She wondered. She was relieved that the window was closed and whatever she saw flew away so she just went back to her game and went to sleep afterwards.

Next day went as usual until night. It's Marco again and this time he's drunk. He pushed the door open and went in

"Hey Ave.."

"Hello Marco. Are you OK?"

"I'm super!... No no I'm not. Why are you like this??"

"You're drunk.."

"Listen listen.. I just want to know"

"Know what, Marco?"

"Why are you like this?! Why?? - Marco yelled - All I want is a drink! get to know you.. you're so beautiful but you never listen.."

"You had my answer, Marco. You're a good guy but I'm just.. I can't. I'm very flattered but that's all I feel. I'm sorry"

"Sorry??" Marco said as he went closer to her.

"You should go" Avelina said, trying to remain calm as possible.

He put his hands up, went even closer to her

"Are you afraid of me?"

"Just go, Marco! For God's sake! This is enough! If you don't go this instant, I'm calling the police"

"I'm going.. but you're coming with me" Marco said as he grabbed her arm. Avelina struggled and tried to pull away.

"Leave me!! I said let me go!" She yelled in vain.

At this moment Vlad rushed into the store. As if he appeared out of nowhere, he didn't wait or need an explanation. In one move he grabbed Marco by his shirt and threw him across the store. He walked towards him like an animal about to finish his prey.

"Vlad! Vlad please!" Avelina said.

He didn't turn to her, as if he only sees Marco but Marco ran for his life.

Vlad stood in his place for a moment, with his back to Avelina, looking at nothing

"Vlad? Vlad, are you OK?"

As if her voice woke him up, he turned and answered

"Are you hurt?"

"No. Thanks to you.. I'm so sorry about all this"

"Don't be sorry. I am glad I was here at the right time"

She didn't understand why he was avoiding her eyes, but she was glad. She felt safe. She didn't want him to leave.

Minutes passed. She didn't know how many but they just sat quietly. He seemed deep in his thoughts while she contemplated him. He broke the silence.

"I assume you need to rest. I'll walk you home"

"I really appreciate it but I actually live upstairs.. would you like to come over for a drink or something?"

He smiled and said

"I would be glad to, but you need rest tonight. Maybe later, in better circumstances"

"Thank you, Vlad"

He made his bow that she adores now and said

"My pleasure, miss"

They wished each other goodnight and went on their ways. She went home straight to her room as she did need to rest like Vlad said.
Storm was barking again so she went to see what it was. Nothing was at the window so she just made sure it's closed and went back to her room.

As she finally fell asleep, something was at her room window. A bat, that seemed as if it's watching over her...

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