Boruto/hxh Crossover Killua Z...

Por Simpp_4life

7.4K 103 30

A/N: oh my gosh- im crying at the amount of misspellings๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ So this is my VERY FIRST story I EVER wrote, I h... Mรกs

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
๐Ÿ’—A/N importantโœจ
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Special Chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
๐Ÿ™Its out๐Ÿก

Chapter 6

308 4 1
Por Simpp_4life

Chapter 6: Hunter Exam last phase

Third Person POV
As Gon and Hima got back, someone started speaking "Attention all applicants, the chairman wishes to interview you, when you hear your number, please come to the redemption room on the second floor. We'll start with number 44, Mister Hisoka. Thank you for your cooperation!"

Then it was finally my and and Hima turn.
"Out of all nine applicants, which one are you two keeping an eye on?"
"I'm keeping an eye out on number 44 and 301, they're different. I'd rather engage in combat unless it's an absolute must, even then at that I'd still hold back on my friends." Hima spoke as I agreed

Le Timeskip

"Well then, everyone rested up? Good. For the final faze of the Hunter exam, you'll be competing on a one on one tournament" Netero spoke.
He then uncovered the board
"Hold on a second, so only the last person standing passes?" A question was asked.
"No, you only need one win to pass this faze" Netero explained
"Just one?" Gon repeated
"You see it's the winners that will be drooping away, losers that will advance to the next round. Which means to person that finishes at the top will not pass. Makes sense to everyone?"
"You're saying that only one person will fail the exam?" Hanzo asked
"Exactly, here is the bracket we put together" Netero said pulling off the tape

Hanzo vs Gon= -----
Hisoka vs Kurapika= ----
Pokkle vs Hanzo=----
Killua vs Pokkle= ----
Bodoro vs Y/N= ----
Pokkle vs Hima= ----
Gittarakur vs Killua= ----
Leorio vs Bodoro= ----

(Pls don't be upset/mad with the person you're gonne fight. I tried my best, so everyone will come at least one time. And it was hard to figure it out)

"Impressive yes? You see under this format we made at least one chances to win."
"Yeah but some contestants get 3 chances like #294." Pokkle remarked making Bodoro speak up. "Couldn't you have used a more balanced bracket?"
Now that's a fair question, this Bracket was made based on each of your individual performance is pop out The Hunter exam. To put it simply, those who performed higher had more chances to win." Netero explained
Then I zoned out.

I didn't stop zoning out till i heard Leorio yell.
"Enough already! I'm gonne kill you! You hear me?! Pick on someone your own size!" From what I was seeing Gon was getting horrible beaten. I signed. I guess he's not dead yet because of the rules.
"If you can't handle it then you better leave, it's only going to get worse." Hanzo said
"The hell did you say-?!" Leorio started before guard went in front of him explaining that if he interferes Gon will be disqualified
"Its okay... Leorio, this is...this is nothing....really-I...can still fight him!" Gon breathed out before Hanzo kicked him down, prepping his arm.
"I'll break your arm....I'm not kidding now say it, say you surrender" Hanzo threatened
"NEVER!" Gon screamed before I heard a snapping sound.
I cringed as Leorio and Kurapika looked like they were going to kill someone.
"Don't try to stop me Kurapika, Y/N and Hima. If that Bastard does anything else, Gon will fail the exam...because I won't be able to control myself" Leorio said as Kurapika responded, eyes shining scarlet red. Is he an Uchiha? No he can't we are in another World. "Me? You think I'll stop you? Don't worry, there's no chance of that-" Kurapika was cut of by Hima start saying with a serious voice, and dangerous aura "Don't do anything. Let me deal with him for hurting my Boyfriend." As she said that everyone including me was shocked and a little terrified cause of the murder aura around her, and that Gon was HER BOYFRIEND! What?!

Hanzo then start explaining his background of being a Ninja and all that. Can I kick him, like he doesn't even have Chakra, he doesn't know what a Ninja does or- wait we are still in another World... He he. Maybe to be a Ninja here is.....different? Maybe...

Gon has kicked Hanzo square in the face as the four of us gasped.

"Owww, Damnit! Between the pain and you blabbing I don't know what cleared my head up more!' Gon yelled as a giggle escape my mouth.
"Pardon me" I heard Hima whisper as Leorio yelled "HELL YEAH!! THAT A BOY, NOW KICK HIM WHILE HES DOWN AND HES FINISHED!" Kurapika smiled at the three of us.
"If your 18, that means your only 6 years older then me, beside this isn't a battle to see whos the strongest, it's to see who will turn in the towel first." Gon said
"I let you kick me because I wanted to" Hanzo remarked as Leorio yelled, "YOUR A LIAR!" I almost giggle again.

In the end Hanzo gave up, cause he couldn't find a way to make Gon surrender. Gon didn't want to except it and was knocked unconscious. But really since when are they together?!(hima n Gon) Nevermind, i will ask another time.
But to be honest it was funny to watch the 'fight' between Gon and Hanzo.

Hanzo vs Gon= Gon

It's Kurapika turn, and I'm really want to know how he and Hisoka fight will go, but Hisoka just whisper something in his ear and said he give up. That was the fight.

Kurapika vs Hisoka= Kurapika 

Then it was Hanzo vs Pokkle. Hanzo did the same think to Pokkle like to Gon, just that Pokkle surrender as Hanzo broke his left arm.

Hanzo vs Pokkle= Hanzo 

Next is Killua vs Pokkle...
As the Battle begin Killua gave up, cause he said it would be a waste to fight some as weak as Pokkle or some, I zoned out a bit.

Killua vs Pokkle= Pokkle 

Now it is my turn. Hima hug me for luck and I went to the front.

Third Person POV 
As Y/N is in the middle of the room and trying to figure out how she will fight her opponent Bodoro without revealing a little to much, cause of the maid outfit. Then Y/N made a hand sign, and a little boom made on the opposite direction. Everyone was looking there beside of Himawari, Hisoka, and Gittarakur(illumi). Y/N made (her fathers fav jutsu) a Shadow  Clone. Then she hides her presence.

With Boruto and his friends

Boruto POV
"Hey Mr. Sota. Do you know something knew about the last phase of the exam?" I asked.  He answers "Hallo Boruto, and yes. The chairman has already called me back. The Hunter exam will end in the next few hours." "Thank you. But why didn't you tolled me earlier?" I asked, for him to answers "Sorry kiddo. I forgot. And also I brought tickets for you and your friends for the next airship to go to the last faze of the exam and take....what do you want to take again" then I realize he didn't know. "Oh yeah. My little twin sisters are there, and we have been searching for them. Thank you again. Mr. Sato, I will be get going with my friends. Bye and Arigatō!" "No problem kiddo. Hope you find your sisters. Bye" with that I gathered the others and we went to the last faze of the exam(he already knows the address for the last faze).

Back to Y/Ns fight

Third Person POV 
As Y/N had hides herself and her Presence for more than 10 min, the clone has been fighting Bodoro. He then took something out and threw it at her. The clone poof away, and Y/N run at him before appearing behind Bodoro. She took her Kunai (think she had an extra one) and put it on Bodoros neck. Then Bodoro spoke with a smirk "You can't kill me, or you'll get disqualified" Y/N chuckled and then said "I know. And I wasn't planning on it. I though maybe I'll hurt you but not that you die. So much till you give up" "Never" Bodoro spoke. Y/N then chuckled again and said "As you which." Y/N then started to slowly cut of, his ear. Blood is dripping and everyone looks really shocked(everyone-hisoka&illumi)/amazed(hisoka)/ no reaction(Illumi).

5min later
Y/N is making it really painful. But then Bododro spoke "I give up, but don't cut of my ear! Please!" And with that Y/N stopped then she released the geenjutsu. As Bodoro touched his ear their was nothing. "Why isn't it bleeding?" Y/N then spoke "You guys were in a geenjutsu so what you saw never happened it was not real. What I say, and what I did. But as you said you give up, that means you give up and I win." Everyone was shocked (beside hima). Then Leorio asked How did you do it?" "Oh, as I was running to Bodoro, I made a Hand sign really quick that put you guys in a geenjutsu."

Bodoro vs Y/N= Y/N

With that Y/N went of and it was Himas  turn.

Himawari fight 
Then my lovely sis went to the front.
It was a really quick fight. Pokkle tried to send Hima flying away or some, while Hima was dodging all his attacks. After 10 min, Hima had finally enough and activated her Byakūgan. Then she looked for his weak spot, and she found it. She knocked on it and he fell to the ground unconscious.
(Please don't think wrong)

Himawari vs Pokkle= Hima 

As Hima won she salut us, and went to her Boyfriend.

It is now Killuas turn again.
Killua started to step forward carefully before Mr.Illumi spoke. "Its been awhile Kil" He spoke before taking his pins out like last time. Killua then froze making me worried. "Big brother" he murmured. "Hey" Illumi said. Then he continued talking.
"I heard you stabbed mom and Milluki" illumi stated
"I guess so" Killua stammered. "Mom couldn't stop crying" Illumi remarked. "Well who could blame her? Anyone would cry if their kid did that-" Leorio started.
"She was so happy" illumi said making Leorio fall down. "She was delighted to see that her son has finally grown up but she's concerned about you being on your own and asked me to check on you when I got the chance, lucky me huh? I had absolutely no idea that you wanted to be a hunter. As for me, I'm here to get a license for a job that's coming up." "I dont....actually want to become a hunter I just felt like taking the exam" Killua stammered.
"I see, well that's a relief, in that case I have some advise for you. Your not cut out to become a hunter" Killua seemed shell shocked, we'll more terrified then anything and I was standing here doing nothing...

"Your born for one purpose, to be an assassin. Your a puppet of darkness, avoid of passion. There is nothing you desire. Nor is there anything you wish for. As one who lives in the shadows, the only pleasure your capable of is derived from cause and death, because that's how dad and I raised you."
I was feeling how I was getting more and more angrier. I know Illumi has been nice and all that BUT this goes too far!
"Killua!" I screamt and wanted to go to him. But the man that held Leorio back didn't let me.
Then Illumi continued speaking. "What do you imagine that you would accomplish if you became a hunter?" Illumi questioned ignoring me.
"Its true.....I don't really want to be a hunter. But. Everyone wants something. Even me-" Killua stated.
"You don't" Illumi blandly said before Killua yelled "Wrong! There is something that I really want!"
"Hmn in that case, enlighten me, what is that you want?" Illumi started.

"What's the matter? There really isn't anything is there?" He questioned.

"There is!" Killua yelled.
"I....wanne be...friends with Gon and Himawari. And... I wanne...c-confess to Y/N." As he said that I was shocked before he continued "I'm.....just so sick of killing people, I want to be friends with Gon and Himawari, just for fun. I want to confess to Y/N so she sees who I really can be, how much better I can become!-" but ofc Illumi interrupted.
"Impossible. You are not in case of friendship or relationship. The only thing you can do is discern whether or not you can kill them, that is all that you were ever taught. Gon has such a radiant  personality, Himawari is complex(whatever that means), and Y/N she is like her sister you don't need love or a relationship." Illumi stated as I was getting angrier and angrier.

"No.." Killua murmured
If you stay with day you'll end up wanting to kill them, you'll wonder if you can, and you'll want to find out, because you are by nature a murderer." By now he was shaking. Leorio stepped up before a guard got in front of him. "Killua! I couldn't care less if he this guys your brother alright! He's a worthless piece of crap so don't listen to him!" Leorio yelled. "Just beat the crap out of him like usual and win! You wanne be  friends with Himawari and Gon? Are you kidding me?!" He nudged me.
"Your already friends! How do you not know that?! Gon and Hima sure seems to think so anyway!" Leorio continued yelling before looking at me, and saying "And you want to confess to Y/N?! Confess! She would accept you! We all can see that she loves you, and you love her! You would make a cute couple!!" Then Illumi then spoke up "is that true?" "Hell yeah its true you idiot!" Leorio yelled back.
"Oh no, that isn't good, so they already consider Kil' a friend. Fine then I'll just kill the three of them" Illumi started causing Killua to gasp along with a few others. "Assassins have no use for friends, they only get in the way. Where can I find Gon?" Illumi asked walking the other direction.
A guard tried to stop him but he only threw needles in his direction. I dashed in front of the man repelling the needles, with my Kunai. The man looked shocked and so did Illumi for split second before ignoring me and continuing to walk the other way.
Kurapika, Leorio and Hanzo stood in front of the door as I was behind him.
"Oh what a pain, I need to acquire a hunters license right now so I can do my job. But if I kill them, I'll fail. And Killua' will pass automatically. Oh no..the same thing will happen if I kill Gon." He put a finger to his head.
'Why is something telling me he's lying?'
"Hmmm wait, I'll pass the exam and then kill Gon!' He seemed to ignore my existence, I'll protect them either way. I will protect my sister and Gon!
Then Leorio cursed at Illumi, but was interrupted by him asking if he was right, if he would kill Gon, and Hima after the exam. And he was right. Then he turned to Killua and begin speaking again, but i zoned out till I heard
"You win Illumi....I admit defeat" Killua stammered with his head down. "Oh excellent, no need for us to fight then huh? I lied Kil, I was never going to kill Gon or Hima, that was only a test to see what you were made of, and now I know for certain." Illumi then whispered something, bowing down at his level. ''Killua seemed traumatized, drained'
Me Kurapika and Leorio tried helping nothing would work, he wouldn't even respond.
I pulled Killua into a hug.
(Forgot to say Illumi is not in the room he's somewhere else with Hisoka)

The sixth match was between Leorio and Bodoro. Bodoro had recovered from what happened in the match between us.
Once the match began, Killua had killed him. I stood there little shocked, but then rushed over to Killua. He was on the door, and left despite my protest. As I healed Bodoro, and then wanted to go after Killua even with no clue were he is. I was about to rush after Killua before a meeting was held. I didn't care but Leorio said we would go after Killua when we have or license. Then we went to the meeting.

In the meeting I saw Illumi. I went down to his seat and "Illumi, how could you?" "Oh, hallo Y/N" "Spare me your 'hallo Y/N' I thought we were friends? Killua is your younger brother! OK, you wouldn't stop with whatever you were doing.....but I thought we were friends. You clearly heard me yelling for his name and trying to stop you. Why wouldn't you stop? I know Killua is from a family of assassins but still I could feel how scared he was and you could feel it too!" By now i could feel the tears in my eyes "Y-you must apologize to Killua." I ended my speech "Y/N" I hear Illumi whisper before the door was slammed open "Apologize to Killua" I heard Gon with Himawari behind him but saying nothing. Then they saw me. Gon continued his speak while Hima calmed me down.

Timeskip after the Orientation 

After the Orientation when we were going I heard someone call my and Himas name. As I turned to the voice it was


>Yes, I'm not dead.
>I haven't post cause of school. During November I'll have exams, so I will try post 1-4 days instead of 1-2 days. I am sorry but I must still study and all that so it will now be 1-4 days as I said. Thank you for understanding.

>The Good thing is, that the Story will soon end. So, it is not that Much anymore.

>And I'm making a new Story. It's not out yet, it will be out when this one is finish.

1h later
>I just realised I always write Naruto: Boruto next generation instead of Boruto: Naruto next generation. I'm sorry.

*3068 Words*

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