Partner for Serenity

By miratulkhayati

101 7 20

Hi buddy. I am Mir'atul Khayati (192122131), I am a 5th semester student majoring in English education at Sil... More

Partner for Serenity

101 7 20
By miratulkhayati

A few years ago, a comet named Charlotte fell to earth. Like all comets, Charlotte also emits radiation. Anyone who is exposed to radiation if the person is still in his teens will be affected by a unique, he will gain various supernatural abilities. Although this special ability will disappear over time, but if the possessors ability to abuse their abilities, they will be caught and used as research material by scientists.
Hoshinoumi Academy is a school where students with this special ability gather. Like any other academy, this academy also has a student council chaired by Nao Tomori. Tomori and three other student council members, Yuu Otosaka, Jojiro Takajo and Yusa Nishimori, have a special mission of protecting the possessors of abilities by catching other children who are wrong in using their powers and asking them to join Hoshinoumi Academy. From here the search for children with special abilities began.


The rain had subsided since an hour ago, even though the Hoshinoumi Academy Student Council room was fully occupied by 4 student council members, it didn't make the room feel warm. There was silence and the air felt heavier. Unlike usual, today there was no laughter from Tomori. Yusa and Takajo didn't even joke with each other. And Yuu who just stood beside Takajo. Each of them was busy with their own thoughts. Looking forward to what mission they will do this time. What kind of power will they conquer today.


The student council room door opened, the drenched man came again. All eyes were on the man. The atmosphere in the student council room became even more quiet. The man walked over to the large map on Tomori's desk, then dropped a drop of water on the picture of the flats not far from Hoshinoumi Academy.

"Her ability is... Collapse," said the drenched man, the man named Kumagami.

Kumagami turned around and left the student council room with water splashed on the floor. The four Hoshinoumi Academy student council members looked at one another.

"Collapse? What kind of ability is that?" asked Yuu a little annoyed and curious.

"Who knows, maybe something like, 'can destroy any target'," answered Tomori casually.

The four of them then approached Tomori's desk, looked and guessed where the possessors of the ability they had to conquer in this mission was.

"This flat .." said Tomori slowly.

"Academy's flats, right?" asked Takajo to be sure.

"Isn't it natural for there to be an ability possessors in the flat?" Yuu asked.

"Isn't that weird? It is impossible for parents to become possessors of abilities, because special abilities only appear in adolescence," said Tomori.

"That means..." said Yusa slowly.

"Yep! The target is sick and doesn't go to school or something," Tomori replied casually.

Yuu was stunned, because his litle sister, Ayumi Otosaka, was sick and didn't go to school today. He is not willing if Ayumi is the target of their mission this time. But he realizes that he also has this special ability, it is very likely that Ayumi will become the possessors of the ability too.

Tomori noticed Yuu's facial expression changed. She was curious what Yuu thought about their mission this time.

"Wow, it looks like someone knows something..." said Tomori looking at Yuu.

All eyes in the room turned to Yuu.

" I'm sure it's just a coincidence," Yuu answered simply.

"What's wrong? Tell us, of course you don't want the possessor of this ability to be caught and become the subject of a scientist's experiment, right?" urged Tomori.

That's right, if it's true that Ayumi is the possessors of the ability they are looking for, she is still too small and doesn't know how to control her power, of course Yuu doesn't want Ayumi to be caught and used as research material by scientists.

"My little sister is resting at home because of a fever," said Yuu.

"Then let's go see Ayumi and we'll find out if Ayumi has this ability," Tomori exclaimed excitedly, she was always excited in all missions.

The four of them went to the flat to see Ayumi. Before arriving at the apartment, they stopped at the mini market to buy a package of porridge for dinner. When they arrived at the flat, Yuu asked his three friends to wait outside first while he checked on Ayumi's condition.

"Hello Ayumi, excuse me, sorry for coming in casually," Tomori greeted.

Yuu was surprised, because he had not called his friends to enter the house.

"I haven't called you in yet," Yuu said to Tomori.

Tomori just looked away and walked over to Ayumi who was sitting on the bed.

"See! Ayumi, what's up? You can see me again, right?" Tomori returned to greet Ayumi.

"Sis Tomorii! Eh.. there's Sis Yusa too!!" Ayumi exclaimed.

Ayumi is very hysterical because she finds her brother invites his friends to visit her, especially with Yusa Nishimori, a famous Tokyo celebrity who is Ayumi's idol. They then had dinner together. Right after dinner, Yusa's agency called her back to work.

"I'm sorry, I have to get back to work. See you later, Ayumi, I'll visit again later," said Yusa.

"Ahh, Sis Yusa there's no need to worry about me. Thank you for coming," said Ayumi feeling bad.

"I'll take Yusa," said Takajo briefly, this man did seem to like Yusa.

Takajo and Yusa left, in the house, Ayumi, Tomori and Yuu were left. Tomori decided to wash their bowl of porridge, Yuu who initially only helped move the dishes to the sink was moved to help Tomori dry the dishes.

The night is getting late, the night wind is getting colder and colder outside. Yuu asks Ayumi to take medicine and then rest.

"You are lucky to have a good brother, Ayu," said Tomori, looking at Ayumi who was taking medicine.


Yuu's heart seemed to stop. This woman... Tomori has been living alone for a long time. She has an brother, but unfortunately her brother became a victim of the cruelty of scientists. Her brother was the subject of a scientist's experiment and now has a mental disorder which causes him to stay in the hospital because he needs medical assistance. Their parents sold them to scientists, Tomori managed to survive but her brother didn't.

Remembering that, Yuu felt sorry for her. Yuu's fate is not much different from Tomori, fortunately Yuu still has Ayumi beside him. He promised to take care of Ayumi with his life.

"But I'm afraid if I fall asleep. I had a scary dream this afternoon," Ayu said quietly.

Yuu gasped, he remembered the original purpose of his friends coming to visit Ayumi. He starts to worry what if this is a sign that Ayumi really has the ability they are looking for.

"If you have a fever, it's normal to have nightmares. Then what kind of dream, Ayu?" asked Tomori curiously.

Yuu who heard the question was angry, he unconsciously shouted at Tomori.

"If it's just going to make her remember her nightmare, there's no need to ask!" Yuu exclaimed.

"That's right, alright, I'm going home now, sorry for interrupting," said Tomori as she reached for her bag.

Yuu felt guilty, he was very afraid and worried about his little sister. No wonder, Ayumi is the only family he has, although the girl often says that they actually has one more brother but Yuu doesn't remember anything about their past.

"Come again, please," said Ayumi, breaking Yuu's thoughts.

"I'll take her to the front, Ayu, I'll be right back," Yuu said to Ayumi.


Yuu's door closed. Yuu froze staring at the flat page. Sure enough, the night wind began to feel cold. The courtyard of the flat looks empty under the light of the lamp. Tomori was engrossed in her own thoughts. Silence and awkward atmosphere.

"Eeeee, sorry Tomori. I didn't mean to yell at you earlier," said Yuu starting a conversation.

"It's okay, I know how you feel," replied Tomori while looking up at the sky.

"I just miss my brother. Maybe after this I'll visit him in the hospital," Tomori continued.

Quiet. Yuu didn't answer anything. He sensed that there was something different about Tomori. He realized one thing, the woman next to him, the woman who was busy with her thoughts looking at the sky was a strong woman but she was fragile.

"What shall we do next?" asked Yuu to change the subject.

Tomori's expression turned serious, she then corrected her position.

"Please ask what kind of nightmare she had," Tomori said flatly.

"I know it's a little painful, but we need it. Perhaps it could be a clue about the ability to 'collapse'. We haven't got any proof that Ayumi is the possessor of the ability we're looking for, but the chances are very high. I can't imagine how a 'collapse' could be so dangerous," Tomori continued before Yuu rebutted her words.

Yuu was silent. His head was filled with more and more thoughts. The fear that Tomori felt was the same as the fear that he felt.

"Take care of her, make sure she stays at home for the next day or two. The information we get is still very little. We can't let Ayumi roam outside, it could be very dangerous," said Tomori again.

"Okay," Yuu answered, looking down.

After hearing this, Tomori left without waiting for Yuu to say anything else. She realized, it is not an easy thing to accept all this. She understood the fear Yuu felt because she had lost her brother because of the scientists. She let Yuu sink into his own thoughts. She was sure Yuu knew what he had to do to protect his little sister.

"I have a little trouble remembering it, all I remember is that I had a dream of something destroyed.." Ayumi said when Yuu asked her about her nightmare this afternoon.


Is this the clue? Yuu thought. His feelings were getting worse, but he tried to control the expression on his face in front of Ayumi.

"What was destroyed?!" Yuu asked trying to cover his confusion.

"Eee I think land," said Ayumi unsure.

"What kind of land?" urged Yuu.

"I don't remember anymore, I saw a crack in the ground and it split. Why are you asking that?" Ayumi asked back.

"It's scary if it comes true," said Yuu without answering his sister's question.

The next day, Yuu finds a way to keep Ayumi at home and not go to school. Before going to school, he approached Ayumi in her room. He took the thermometer in the desk drawer and then moved to measure Ayu's temperature. The digital thermometer screen shows 36.5 degrees Celsius, even though Ayumi's fever has gone down, her body temperature is still high.

"Your fever is starting to go down Ayu, even so you are still in the healing period and you have to stay home until tomorrow so that you are completely healthy," said Yuu.

"How can? I've managed to get through the pain, I'm bored if I'm only at home, I want to go to school," protested this junior high school student.

"There's still a chance your fever will recur. Never mind, just be a good girl and stay one more day off, understand? I'll contact your school," said Yuu then left Ayumi with a grunt.

This junior high school girl could no longer stay in her bed all day especially after finding out that her fever had gone down. Ayumi couldn't be stopped easily, she quietly slipped past the security guard of the flat and went to school.

During break time at Hoshinoumi Academy, Yuu and Takajo were eating pasta in the cafeteria when Takajo's phone rang.

"Damn! Tomori is calling us. Hurry up and finish your pasta, Yuu," Takajo said.

Hearing that, Yuu quickly finished his pasta. They then rushed towards the Hoshinoumi Academy student council room. Sure enough, Tomori gathered the four of them together.

"So long!!" Tomori shouted at the two men in front of her.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Yuu asked without heeding Tomori's exclamation.

"Ayumi goes to school," answered Tomori clearly.

Yuu gasped, this morning he had contacted the school and asked Ayumi to stay home. Is Ayumi not obeying him, so thought Yuu.

"How is she?" Tomori asked Yuu.

"This morning the fever went down, but I was worried that the fever would come back, so I asked her to stay home," Yuu explained.

"Maybe because her body temperature is normal so she decided to go to school by herself," Tomori assumed.

Yuu's thoughts went wild. He is very worried for Ayumi. He worries if Ayumi does something that harms herself with her power. Ayumi doesn't know how to control her abilities yet. The girl didn't even know she had the special impact ability of Comet Charlotte.

"My hunch is not good. Let's check Ayumi's condition now,"continued Tomori.

Meanwhile, at other Earth coordinates, Ayumi is confronted by her classmate, Oikawa. Even though they are still in middle school, Oikawa really likes Ayumi. He has done various ways to be able to win Ayumi's heart and date her. But poor, Oikawa never succeeded with all his efforts, Ayumi's heart really couldn't be touched by it. Ayumi never gave a chance for him to enter into her heart.

"I found a sweet shop that serves delicious red bean soup near our school, Ayu. Let's go there to celebrate your recovery," said Oikawa.

"Sorry Oikawa, I just got better, so I don't think I can," Ayumi refused.

Ayumi felt bad when faced with Oikawa, so she decided to turn around and leave him.

"Wait, Ayu. It's really not good for us to go there today. How's next week?" Oikawa said while tugging Ayumi's arm to prevent her from leaving.


Oikawa's body was thrown against the wall. Oikawa grimaced at the pain on his right arm. One hand had cornered him. He was shocked to see who did this to him.

"You don't understand, huh?! You've been rejected right? Just give up!" exclaimed Nomu, Ayumi's class president.

"Get out of the way, I still want to try," Oikawa shouted, not wanting to lose.

"Oh no.. no.. no! Ayu, you can go first, I will take care of this boy," said Nomu.

"Thank you Nomu-Chan," said Ayumi.

Ayumi felt relieved, she then ran away leaving Oikawa and Nomu. Oikawa's faint screams could be heard asking her to wait. Indeed, that one man was a little troublesome.

While running to class, Ayumi passed Konishi near the stairs. This woman is a bit mysterious today, it is undeniable that even on normal days Konishi is more silent. However today was different, Ayumi could feel a different aura from Konishi.

"Konishi .." Ayumi said quietly, she was a little scared at that time.

"Because of you.." Konishi said.

"What?" Ayumi asked surprised.

"With Oikawa.." Konishi lowered her head.

"What? What's the matter with Oikawa?" asked Ayumi curiously.

"I was eating lunch alone. Oikawa and I should be dating. But ever since you came, Oikawa has forgotten about me. Ever since you were in this school, you've always been the center of the Oikawa world. He's always looking at you," Konishi said with emphasis.

Konishi slowly walked over to Ayumi. Ayumi feels even more cornered by Konoshi's behavior. What did she really do? Was she the one who asked Oikawa to love her? Not.


The sound of the cutter being opened. Konishi was carrying a cutter behind her back, she was really looking forward to this moment. Ayumi is getting more and more scared with the longer the cutter tip, she is afraid that Konishi will do more daring than this.

"Wait.. Let's talk about this, I think we're just misunderstanding. So save the cutter, okay?" Ayumi said, trying to be as calm as possible.

"This is all your fault, Ayu," said Konishi.

Konishi walked closer to Ayumi with the cutter in her right hand, Ayumi couldn't help but walk backwards to avoid Konishi.

"It's your fault .." Konishi said full of anger.

Konishi raised the cutter holding it up. Ayumi was getting scared, she then ran towards the stairs. Surprisingly there was no one in the corridor at this time. Ayumi kept running, she saw a door at the end of the corridor. Her steps were directed towards the door.


Nothing. The door was locked, while Konishi was getting closer.

"It's your fault.." Konishi repeated.

"No. That's not true," Ayumi exclaimed in fear.

"That's why .. you will feel the pain," said Konishi lifting her cutter.

"Please... Anyone please," said Ayumi, shaking.

Ayumi's eyes were fixed on the cutter, fear engulfed her. She's getting more and more cornered. Cutter was getting closer to her.


The building's glass started to shake. Cracks on the floor began to show.

"Someone help me..." Ayumi cried at the same time that the collapse ability appeared.

All of the building's windows were broken. The ceiling of the building began to fall. The floor they were on began to crumble and split apart.

"AAAAAA" Ayumi shouted along with the collapse of the school building.

Everything happened so fast, Ayumi who knew nothing about the ability couldn't control it. The school building collapsed with Ayumi still in it.

Yuu and his three friends couldn't be faster than that. They saw with their own heads, the school building in front of them collapsed.

"The building... collapsed..." Yuu said quietly.

It was too late to save his little sister.

"I'll be there!" exclaimed Takajo.

"Don't! It's too dangerous," Tomori prohibited.

"Ayumiiii...." Yuu shouted and ran towards the ruins of the building.

"Yuu.. You could get hit by the rubble!" Tomori exclaimed.

Yuu doesn't care. All he could think of was Ayumi. His litle sister. The only family member he had. He was frantic. He was afraid that Ayumi would not survive. He kept looking for Ayumi's body in the pieces of rubble. He didn't feel his tears falling.

"Ayumi .." Yuu said quietly and broke up.


Yuu looked up, the ruins of the building began to crack again. Without having a chance to dodge, the rubble fell on him.


Yuu opened his eyes, a bright light greeted him. The smell of medicine filled his nostrils.

"You're awake Yuu, how do you feel?" a gentle voice greeted Yuu.

Yuu recalled something. His eyes widened, his consciousness was full for a moment.

"Ayumi.. My little sister .." Yuu exclaimed.

"Sorry, she's dead," said Tomori looking down.

Yuu's body went limp instantly. The rain outside was getting heavier as if knowing how Yuu felt. He lost his only family. He failed to save his little sister. That cheerful girl is no longer in the world. No one else would cook breakfast for him. No one else would fall asleep on the couch waiting for him to come home. There will no longer be Ayumi's laughter filling every inch of their house. He was devastated. In fact, there will never be a human who is ready to lose and neither will Yuu.

Today Ayumi is interred. Everyone went home early because it was raining. Only Yuu was still standing still looking at the mound. Next to his was Tomori holding an umbrella for the two of them.

"I know it's hard, Yuu. But for her sake, you must move on. Time will heal a lot of wounds in this world. Even though it can't heal everything," Tomori said quietly.

Tomori knew her words would have no effect on Yuu at this time. Yuu remained silent, staring blankly at his little sister's grave. Tomori also stayed beside him. Soon Yuu decided to go home.

Arriving at home, Yuu saw Ayumi's photo on the table, he approached, looked closely at his sister's beautiful face. He is lucky to have a sister like Ayumi. A girl who is strong, cheerful, and kind. Ayumi has never complained about anything. She's always been a submissive little sister to Yuu. Yuu depends too much on Ayumi for life.

"Have I ever done anything to Ayumi? Can I repay the kindness? Is she lucky to have a brother like me?" Yuu said quietly.

"Ayu, I didn't expect you to leave so quickly. Even though I want to repay your kindness but I don't have the chance at all."

Yuu burst into tears. He couldn't hold it all anymore.

The following days, Yuu never again showed up at school. He locked himself in his house, also never letting anyone into his house. He became a different Yuu. His days are filled with television sound and instant noodles.

Yuu then decided to start a new life on the outside. He's far away from where he is now. Stay in hotels, junk food, play online games, even fight with thugs. Yuu's life has changed a lot. He couldn't save himself.

Tonight, finished fighting, Yuu got something he shouldn't have in his hands. He was sitting alone under the bridge, dark and cold. Even though he had never done this before, his hands were still skilled at rolling. His face smiled faintly, his life hope was no longer there.


A foot kicked Yuu's hand, allowing the intoxicating white powder to fly in the air. Tomori. Yes, those feet belong to Tomori. Yuu was shocked. Didn't expect that Tomori would be nearby.

"Wait.. Since.. When.. You?" asked Yuu stuttering.

"All this time," answered Tomori.

"All this time?" Yuu asked again.

That's right, all this time Tomori has always followed Yuu. She uses her special ability, invisible to the target, to follow Yuu. It is undeniable that she is worried about Yuu. She knows whatever Yuu has been doing all this time because she is always near Yuu.

"Impossible .." Yuu objected.

"If you keep at it, you won't be able to become human again. That's why I stopped you," Tomori said.

"This isn't your business!" snapped Yuu.

"You want to be crippled for life? Do you want to stop being human?" Tomori sarcastically.


Yuu was so desperate. Tomori's words made him wake up.

"Then.. what should I do?" Yuu asked softly.

"Emm, how about for starters you have to eat right first," replied Tomori.

Yuu then remembered what he had eaten so far, pizza, mochi cake, pizza again, then mochi cake again. He grimaced at the memory. How he didn't care about himself anymore.

Tomori then takes Yuu to her house. She planned to cook something for Yuu.

"You can watch television while waiting for me to cook," said Tomori.

"What will you cook me? Why make decisions on your own?" said Yuu annoyed.

"Leave it to me. I'm sure this will calm you down. Or you can choose to eat just one bite and then we won't be in touch anymore," Tomori offered.

Yuu just snorted.

"Promise," said Tomori loudly.

"Okay, promises must be kept Tomori,"

Yuu was laying down on the sofa while watching television. From the TV room he could see Tomori cooking. Deja vu. He seemed to see Ayumi who was cooking.

"This, it's ready," Tomori said, waking Yuu from his daydream.

The omlet rice is exactly what Ayumi usually cooks for him.

"The taste is the same," said Yuu gasped.

A small smile was on Tomori's lips. She did it, "Thank God,"

"Your mother left a recipe book. I need time to learn it. The page that discusses omlet rice is the only page that has a large flower image. Looks like this is your favorite food ever. After your mother decided not to take care of you anymore, Ayumi saw this, and was probably trying to make the same food all along," explains Tomori.

Yuu remembers his days with Ayumi. Ayumi always cooks this omlet rice every day. Ayumi studies very hard to be able to cook his favorite food. He misses Ayumi.

"Tomori, what should I do from now on?" asked Yuu after the food was finished.

"How about going back to the student council again?" Tomori asked back.

"But you and I.. We promised not to talk to each other anymore," said Yuu.

"Oh that, you don't eat one mouthful, you finish it. I looked at it while thinking, 'WOW, you really finished my food,'" said Tomori.

"You're really great. Alright, I'll go back to the student council," Yuu answered with a warm smile.

This morning the sun was shining brightly and warmly welcoming Yuu back. Arriving at the academy, Yuu immediately rushed to the student council room, where he found Tomori enjoying her breakfast. He sat down in one of the chairs. The other student council members haven't shown up yet. Silence spread between the two of them, neither wanting to start a conversation. Tomori was busy with her breakfast, as was Yuu, busy with his own thoughts.

"Hey Tomori, I don't want to lose anyone again or make anyone else suffer anymore. If there's anything I can do with my powers, I'll do anything to protect those around me. Now what should I do?" said Yuu conveyed his thoughts.

Tomori flinched a little, but a smile curled on his lips. She was grateful Yuu became better than before.

"What if you just stay here and help me on all the missions? Together we will save the possessors of special abilities. Our team will become stronger with you and we will become partners for serenity. That's the only way I can think of right now," Tomori replied nonchalantly.

They were sitting quite far apart, but that didn't stop Yuu from staring into Tomori.

"Okay, I'll try," Yuu said firmly.

"Eee. You made a decision so fast," Tomori was surprised.

"I'm serious, I owe you one already. If you say it's the only way then I'll do it," said Yuu while moving closer to Tomori.

"Your motives are so weak," Tomori mocked.

"Any incident regarding the possessor of the ability will likely happen again. This time, I want to save you," said Yuu seriously, looking at Tomori.

"Why?" asked Tomori.

"Because I love you,"

"HUH?" Tomori was startled.

"I'm serious, let's be partners for serenity, everything and forever,"


"All I can say to you is, one day you will be so broken. You will feel you are useless and imperfect. You will fall into a very deep ruin. One thing you have to know, without the rain we would never feel thankful for the warmth of the sun. Pain and suffering are a part of life. It makes us stronger and helps us grow,"

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