Journey To Face The Unknown (...

By Hotshot_gamer01

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Hello everyone!!! This is my first ever fanfiction here on Wattpad and I am really excited for this. Bare wit... More

Chapter 1: What If... Hot Shot met The Watcher?
Chapter 2: What If...Captain Carter Was The First Avenger? (Part 1)
Chapter 3: What If...Captain Carter Was The First Avenger? (Part 2)
Update 2
Update 3 (Announcement & New Story)
Happy New Year!!!!
Chapter 5: What If...Captain Carter Was The First Avenger? (Finale)
Meet the Guardians of the Multiverse
Chapter 6: What If...T'Challa Became A Star Lord? (Part 1)
Chapter 7: What If...T'Challa Became A Star Lord? (Part 2)
Chapter 8: What If...T'Challa Became A Star Lord? (Part 3)
Chapter 9: What If...T'Challa Became A Star Lord? (Part 4)
Chapter 10: What If...The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes? (Part 1)
Chapter 11: What If...The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes? (Part 2)
Chapter 12: What If...The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes? (Part 3)
Chapter 13: What If...The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes? (Part 4)
Chapter 14: What If...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead...? (Part 1)
Chapter 15: What If...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead...? (Part 2)
Chapter 16: What If...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead...? (Part 3)
Chapter 17: What If...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead...? (Part 4)
Doctor Strange Aftermath
Chapter 18: What If...Zombies?! (Part 1)
Chapter 19: What If...Zombies?! (Part 2)
Chapter 20: What If...Zombies?! (Part 3)
Chapter 21: What If...Zombies?! (Part 4)
Infinite Possibilities
Chapter 22: What If...Thor Was An Only Child? (Part 1)
Chapter 23: What If...Thor Was An Only Child? (Part 2)
Chapter 24: What If...Thor Was An Only Child? (Part 3)
Chapter 25: What If...Ultron Won? (Part 1)
Chapter 26: What If...Ultron Won? (Part 2)
Chapter 27: What If...The Watcher Broke His Oath? (Part 1)
Chapter 28: What If...The Watcher Broke His Oath? (Part 2)
Chapter 29: What If...The Watcher Broke His Oath? (Part 3) Finale
Post Credits
What If...? Credits
TVA Introductions

Chapter 4: What If...Captain Carter Was The First Avenger? (Part 3)

518 11 1
By Hotshot_gamer01

Welcome to Part 3 for the Captain Carter episode!! We're almost close into finishing this and moving on to the next part!! Starting from the chapter towards the rest of the story, Hot Shot's love life is about to get interesting. Hope you enjoy!!

Blake was at a loss for words right now. He is staring right at Steve Rogers wearing a giant metal suit of armor. Does that pretty much mean that Steve Rogers became Iron Man before Tony Stark? He immediately snapped back into reality just as a missile fired directly to the mech's head. It stumbled back just a bit and proceeded to put his hand on the tank's main gun, crushing it backwards and caused the whole tank to exploded as it tried to fire again. Peggy jumped out of the small trench and ran towards Steve to help him deal with the tanks, while Blake, Bucky, and the rest stayed behind, trying to process what is happening right now.

Dugan: Hold on a second, you and her are friends with that..."HYDRA Stomper".

Blake: *nodding his head* Mhm.

Bucky: I think I'm friends with him too.

The HYDRA Stomper began to blast more of the oncoming HYDRA tanks approaching towards him. Peggy landed on one of the tanks, traveling past Steve.

Steve: Stark made me some new dancing shoes. What do you think?

Peggy: Well, then we better start dancing.

She slammed her shield on the tank she was currently on and proceeded to unclip a grenade and throwing it in before she jumps off. The soldiers inside noticed this and only shouted in terror before the tank blew up. Peggy landed on her feet while another tank approaches toward her. She, of course notices this, then uses her shield to swipe the side of the tank's wheels, causing it to tip over and blow up. Blake, Bucky, and the rest of the soldiers came up behind Peggy and looked forward towards the smoke. The HYDRA Stomper came out of the smoke and stopped in front of everyone. The top of the mech opened up and popped up Steve, looking down at everyone. Peggy and Blake smiled up towards their friend, while Bucky makes a funny comment.

Bucky: Hold on, you can't even drive a car.

Dugan: So a dame, a kid, and a flying Buick. Okay.

Steve: Let's hear it for Captain Carter and Hot Shot!

Everyone began to cheer for both Peggy and Blake. They looked at each other and smiled.

Peggy: Save the cheers for the victory parade. We have a war to win!

(I'm going to be replace the montage part and add in my own thing here.)

It's safe to say that Blake was living the time of his life. He was pretty much in WWII helping Captain Carter, Steve Rogers, Howard Stark, Bucky Barnes, and the Howling Commandos fight back against HYDRA. It was really huge honor for him that the people he is working with considered him an ally and an honorable friend. After breaking out the prisoners, he got a chance to properly talk with Sergeant Barnes and the others and immediately became great friends with them. Blake also became close towards Steve and Howard and trusted each other with their lives. As for Peggy, they were inseparable. They stopped many HYDRA soldiers without leaving each other's side. Little did they know that the more they bond, their feelings would also grow for each other. Of course, he along with Peggy, Steve, Howard and the others really do hate working alongside Colonel Flynn. Blake even caught him talking to the President and taking credit for himself that he was the reason they are winning the war. That guy didn't even want Peggy and Blake to be on the front lines. Other than that, Hot Shot was having a lot of fun.

As days go by, Blake began to worry. Why you may ask? He doesn't know if there will be a Blake Riley in this universe's future and is worried about the consequences it could unleash upon this universe. He really wished he asked The Watcher earlier if a version of him exists in this universe. As a precaution, he confronts Peggy and the others and asked if they could keep his involvement a secret from the world. Everyone began to ask questions on why would he not want the world to know what he did. He then looks up and sees The Watcher looking down at him and nods, meaning that he should tell them the truth.

Blake: Okay, what I am about to tell you is going to sound insane and it will go beyond your suspension of disbelief.

Peggy, Steve, Bucky, Howard, and the Howling Commandos glanced at each other with worried looks on their faces. What was Blake about to share with them? They all nod at him to proceed.

Blake: Okay here it goes....*inhales and breathes out*....I am not from this universe.

Howard: *confused* I am not quite following.

Blake: Well I come from a world that is the complete opposite of this one. Let me try to give you an example on what is different from here. In my universe, Steve Rogers was able to take the Super Soldier serum and became the hero, Captain America.

Everyone in the room was shocked and all stared right at Steve. Peggy was quite happy to hear that in another universe, Steve took the serum and did what he was meant to do. Bucky was having hard time to picture Steve with muscles and how different he would be.

Peggy: Wow.....okay about you then? Did you see how that event unfolds?

Blake: No. That's because I wasn't even born around that time. I was actually born in 1988 (In my story, Blake is around 24 years old in 2011, which is time The Watcher took him from).

Everyone quickly turns their heads to Blake with shocked expressions again.

Steve: 1988?!

Bucky: That' many years is that from now?

Howard: It's 45 years from now. So not only you're from another universe, but also from the future?!

Blake: Exactly.

Steve: So how's it that you know about us?

Blake: Well from the stories I've been told from my parents and history lessons I learned growing up. As for knowing Howard, I learned a bit about him through Tony Stark.

Howard: Wait a minute....did you say Tony Stark? As in....

Blake: Yep. Your son.

Howard couldn't believe it. He is learning that in the future, he was going to have a son. Did he do a good job as parent? How's his son like? He was throwing these questions at Blake left and right and couldn't quite answer. Peggy notices this and tells Howard to calm and let him try and explain more.

Peggy: So you were already aware of who we were before we met you.

Blake: Correct. I've read history books and learned about everyone in this room. Also, it's a little embarrassing for me to say but, you and Steve are pretty much my heroes and my inspiration growing up as a kid. It is also that inspiration that made me who I am right now, a hero. I think you can already imagine what I must've felt like when I first met all of you.

Peggy and Steve smiled towards him. They were happy to know that what they are doing will lead to inspiration towards to others, like what they have done for Blake. Bucky was really happy for Steve on what he had achieved and now he was starting to realize that the more time he spent with Blake, the more he reminded him of Steve. A few minutes later, Hot Shot then explained that if this universe's Blake Riley does exist in the future, then his existence and actions in the past will lead to confusion and possibly consequence, so they all agree to keep his involvement a secret.

Blake: Thank you. It means a lot.

Bucky: No problem bud. But now, I gotta ask you something. Me and the guys have been trying to ask you this but you were very busy.

Blake: Okay, what is it?

Bucky: Do you have a special lady in your life?

Blake: exactly.

Howard: Really? I thought you would. I mean look at yourself. You are a nice and handsome young man. Don't believe me, then you should ask the women in the other room who had been looking at you.

Blake: *begins to blush* Huh?!

Steve: *chuckles* Leave him alone Howard. Since you are not dating anyone, is there someone that you have feelings for?

Blake: Well....yeah....I do.

Peggy: *in curiosity* What's her name?


Bucky: What's she like kid?

Blake: Well she is amazing. She is sweet, caring, beautiful, and very protective of me. She even calls me her shining star because of how I always make her smile. Nat means a lot to me. I wish I could tell her how I feel but I don't know what she'll say which kinda scares me.

Peggy was a little sad to hear that Blake has feelings towards someone else, but nonetheless she was happy for him and hoping that they would both be together. Blake actually glanced at her for a bit and noticed the sadness in her eyes. Does she have feelings for him? No, that can't be. They're partners and plus she's already with Steve. She doesn't enough room in her heart to love both of them........

....right? He even admits to himself that not only he has feelings for Natasha, but now for Peggy. Is it wrong to have feelings for two people? He might have to talk to her about this. Right now though, he wonders if he will admit his feelings to Natasha when he gets back home.

The battle against HYDRA is almost coming to an end, thanks to the help of Captain Carter and Hot Shot. Everyone was at the bar celebrating their victories, raising their cups, and music playing in the background. Blake just now arrived at the bar to meet up with Peggy and Steve. They actually wanted to talk with him about something important. He wonders if they got information in stopping HYDRA for good and win this war. He finally finds the two of them and hears Steve say....

Steve: *chuckles* Hm. You're my hero too.

This was interesting. It looks like the two are finally going to be together. Blake just smirks and decides to interrupt their cute moment.

Blake: *clears throat* Hopefully I'm not interrupting anything.

Peggy: *jumps a bit* Oh Blake!

Steve: Blake! You kind of spooked us for a moment.

Blake: *laughs* Sorry I just had to do that. I do like to have fun with people. So you two wanted to talk to me about something important?

Peggy then glances at Steve and he gives her a smile and encouraging nod.

Peggy: Blake, there is something that I have been meaning to tell you.

Blake: Okay, what is it?

Peggy: You and Steve have really been there to help me through these past few days after I took the Super Soldier serum. You helped me with dealing that HYDRA spy on the day we first met. You have stood up to Colonel Flynn about him stating that I don't belong out here in the front line just because I was woman. You've also been a great partner in helping me stopping those HYDRA Soldiers and rescuing the 107th. I couldn't ask for a better friend than you, Blake.

Blake: Aw, thanks Peggy. It really means a lot to me.

Peggy: There is actually more to it.

Blake: Oh?

Peggy: The more we spent together, I began to have feelings for you. Actually for both you and Steve at the same time. It was troubling for me to keep this to myself and even admitting to you but Steve actually encouraged me to tell you in person. I understand if you don't feel the same way since you are in love with someone else. I just wanted to tell you how I feel.

Blake: Wow....I thought I was the only one who feels same way.

Peggy: R-Really?

Blake: I do. I was actually afraid to tell you the truth because you are with Steve and I didn't want to lose the friendship we have together. Working with you was the greatest thing to ever happen to me and being with you makes me happy.

Peggy was tearing up in happiness. She began to stand and hugged Blake really tight. He smiles and hugs back. After a while, they let go of each other and Blake wanted ask Steve about this.

Blake: So Steve, what do you think of this?

Steve: I'm perfectly fine with Peggy dating you as well. Blake, I've seen the good that you have done these past couple of days. You stood by her side at all times and showed your kindness and respect towards her. It was all I was looking for and I'm hopeful that the three of us will find a way to make this work. That is, if you want to be part of this.

Blake: *smiles* Well if you two think this can work, then I'm willing to give it shot.

Steve smiles right back at him and gets up to give him a hug. Then, Peggy joins in as well.

Peggy: By the way, me and Steve were hoping that we could show you how you can tell Natasha about how you feel about her.

Blake: Really? You don't mind that I go with Nat as well?

Steve: Of course, she is the first person you truly love. We know that you would eventually have to go back to where you came from and you might feel sad and alone, knowing that me and Peggy won't be there for you. You deserve to have a nice life with someone else. All we want is for you to be happy.

Blake: *begins to tear up* Thank you. You two are the best.

Peggy: *smiles* Of course. Oh and there is one more thing.

Peggy then presses her lips on Blake's for a kiss. He was caught by surprise and kisses her right back. Steve smiles at the two heroes and then was kissed by Peggy next. This was a great moment for the trio!

Until the moment got interrupted...... Howard appeared out of nowhere on the other side of the glass.

Howard: Hey! Barnes stole a jeep!

The trio were caught by surprise and looked out the window. Then Bucky, riding a jeep, arrives just after Howard tells them about it. He then honks the horn to get their attention.

Bucky: Blake! Steve, come on let's go! You too, Carter!

Howard then glances back at the trio and notices that something must've been happening before his little announcement.

Howard: Whoa, hey! What's going on?

Howard stares at them for a bit and now realizes what had happened. Peggy and Steve actually told Howard and Bucky that they were going to talk with Blake about Peggy's feelings and see if he feels the same way and joins them. It looks like it really happened. He had forgotten about their plan due to him and Barnes stealing a jeep.

Howard: *smirks* Oh, no, no, no. No, you three continue. Just pretend we're not here.

Blake, Peggy, and Steve just stood there and blushed with embarrassment. Blake was still processing the fact that both he and Steve Rogers are dating Peggy Carter at the same time. Now he wonders where Howard and Bucky are planning on taking them and what Peggy and Steve are going to teach him in admitting his love towards Natasha. Well, he is about to find out.


???: Captain Carter, Sergeant Riley, and this so-called HYDRA Stomper are wreaking havoc. The Führer demands your presence in Berlin!

A German commander along with two soldiers, standing by each side, were behind Schmidt. As the commander was yelling at him, Schmidt was inspecting a large wooden design of the wall, which they had taken from the church.

Schmidt: *sneering* "Demands"? "Demands," does he? But a god does not answer to a man.

German Commander: "A god"? You? *scoffs* You lost the Tesseract and now you play with metal trinkets.

Schmidt: I would not expect a creature of your limited capacity to understand. *begins to walk towards him* Soon, the true champion of HYDRA shall be summoned from beyond the stars.

As Schmidt steps closer, he rests his hand on the commander's shoulder.

Schmidt: *grinning sinisterly*My champion.

German Commander: Yours? How dare-

Before he could finish saying anything, a gunshot sounded off. He looked down to see Schmidt holding a gun to his chest and he collapses. The two soldiers aimed their guns toward Schmidt, but HYDRA soldiers surrounded them and held their guns. Seeing they were outnumbered, they held out their arms in surrender.

The Commander was on the ground gasping for air. Schmidt bents down, looking at him as he began to remove his face-mask, revealing his hollow red face.

German Commander: *chokes out* The Third Reich.

Red Skull: *stands up* The Third Reich will fall and HYDRA will rise from its ashes.

HYDRA Soldiers: *saluting and chanting* Hail HYDRA! Hail HYDRA! Hail HYDRA! Hail HYDRA!

To be concluded....

Allllllllllright!!!!! So I wanted it to be the full finale for this chapter, but this was taking forever so I'm splitting the finale into parts so yeah!! Hang in there, we are almost finished!!! See ya next time!!

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