Class D: Young Ayanokouji

By timothy_g2

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Young Ayanokouji goes to ANHS all out but due to his age he will not be as op and this is going to be kind of... More



7.6K 216 260
By timothy_g2

As I made my way on the bus to school the people around me gave me a few peculiar looks likely because of the fact that I was wearing a high school uniform despite my age.

Once I got to my seat I asked if it was ok for me to sit down.

Kiyo: Is this seat taken mrs?

???: No you can sit are you going to ANHS as well kid?

Kiyo: Yes I am and I am not a kid I am eight years old you know.

I was pouting quite a bit as I wasn't a kid my father said I was the perfect human being and that being isn't a kid but a man.

???: Oh sorry about that I am Honami Ichinose and I'll be in class B how about you?

Kiyo: I am Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and I am in class D.

Ichinose: Nice to meet you Ayanokouji-chan a shame we aren't in the same class though. She was a bit saddened by the mention of my class but why the hell did she add chan is she mocking me?

Kiyo: Why am I Ayanokouji-chan I am a man you know.

Ichinose: Ok then Ayanokouji-man.

Is she fully mocking me she seems to be innocent but you never know people do have often have hidden sides but something tells me she doesnt.

Kiyo: Hmmpphhf.

I turned my head away to show my dissatisfaction as the use of man in my name even if it was teasing it went way too far.

Ichinose then came and gave me a hug with her huge assets knocking into my head before being completely enveloped by them.

It was getting hard to breathe is this what death feels like I doubt this is an attack but it seems to be very effective at immobilising me and I'm pushing with all my strength and I am barely getting out.

Ichinose: Oh you are quite strong you might actually be a man then.

She was giggling at the end of this exchange while I was so proud that I was puffing out my chest to show my manliness. 

She continued giggling as we arrived at our destination.

A few onlookers looked at me with envy for some reason perhaps due to having such a great friend next to me as she was very friendly and easy to talk to even with my lack of experience. 

Ichinose: Do you know where you are going for the ceremony?

I shaked my head as I didn't know where to go and she put her hand out for me to grab I did and her hand was as low as it could go naturally being at around my head level. 

As we got inside the school many people were looking at me and Ichinose bewildered at what was happening was it not normal to hold her hand in this situation it was the simplest way for her to guide me.

Kiyo: Why are people staring at me Ichinose?

Ichinose: Because it's not normal for a child to be in high school.

Kiyo: I already said I am not a child I am a man.

Ichinose: Sorry man also call me Honami ok.

She looked very caring at that moment and I could observe a lot of males glaring holes into my head for some reason. 

Kiyo: Ok Honami.

Kyaa he's so cute. Ichinose thought

We then arrived in the hall and sat down together at the back near some other girls.

???: Ne ne is that a child he looks so adorable.

Kiyo: I am not a child I am a man.

???: He's such a cute little kid.

Did they not hear me or are they mocking me again.

I could feel a vein popping on my head and then Honami held my hand and using her other pulled her closer to me.

My head was resting on her boob and it was very soft and comforting perhaps this is what they call motherly love. 

???: Hello I am Kikyou Kushida class D who might you 2 be?

Ichinose: I am Honami Ichinose class B and this is Kiyotaka Ayanokouji class D.

Kushida: Oh nice to meet you 2 Ayanokouji-chan is really cute isn't he?

Kiyo: I am not cute I am a man. 

I could feel myself pouting is this how everyone would treat me in high school.

Ichinose: He doesn't like being treated like child as he is a man and nice to meet you Kushida-san.

Kushida: I can't believe Ayanokouji-chan will be get to be my classmate I'm so lucky. 

I was getting angry again but I can't do anything about it I guess I'll have to accept being a child here at school. 

Thankfully the chairman started speaking but it was honestly so tiring and monotonous.

After a few minutes I started feeling drowsy and let out a yawn as I sank into Honami's chest and feel asleep. 

As I slept I could feel the gazes of all the girls around me and even heard some of them speaking.

???: He's so cute I wanna keep him. 

Kushida: He's in our class so we can spoil him all we want hehe.

Well if I am going to be spoiled then I guess being a child wouldn't be so bad plus I can hide myself under the disguise of just being a kid that's good at academics for a while.

As I awoke I was being carried by none other than Honami in the hallways for the classes as none of them had noticed I had awaken I decided to go back to sleep again and just wait out the day.

Upon my second awakening I found myself sitting on a desk with multiple girls around me taking pictures and chatting lively.

As they saw me awaken I immediately become the centre of attention even among the boys as they approached me.

???: Awww the cute kid's awake what's your name.

Kiyo: I am not a kid and I am Kiyotaka Ayanokouji a man.

I stated this while puffing out my chest like previously and all the girls looked at me with admiration while the boys were stifling their laughter with a few girls glaring at them upon this encounter. 

???: Settle down class I am your teacher here now I'll explain some stuff.

*timeskip the useless parts*

Chabs: Ayanokouji you'll have a lower allowance as I'll be caring for you here and come to faculty office when you are done any questions class?

Kushida: Sensei why do we have a kid in our class?

Kiyo: I am not a kid. Frustration was slightly visible in my voice.

Seems like everyone just thinks its cute seems I'll have to try and make this into an advantage.

Chabs: He is very smart so he skipped multiple grades any other questions? 

Kiyo: Do we get the same allowance every month?

???: Hahahaha you said this kid was smart but sensei clearly said we'll get this every month what an idiot.

Only another person laughed with him as all the girls were glaring at the 2 which seemed to not notice the hatred towards them. 

Chabs: You heard my explanation Ayanokouji you should know what I meant. 

She was smirking when she said that which my neighbour, a brown haired girl with blue eyes and a blonde haired man seemed to pick up on. 

There was an eerie silence in the room but that was soon filled by a students voice. 

???: Seeing as we aren't changing classes why don't we do introductions guys?

The whole class unanimously agreed even the red haired guy which I thought would storm off. 

???: I'm Yousuke Hirata and I like soccer and I hope to be friends with everyone here. 

A few of the girls looked at him in admiration seems he'll be popular. 

Kushida: I'm Kikyou Kushida I hope to be friends with everyone here and I want to be friends with everyone in the school so please invite me when you can.

She seemed to be very well liked by both boys and girls she'll also be popular. 

A few others introduced themselves with many disappointing ones like Ike and Yamauchi who were dubbed the idiot duo already in class. 

???: I am Rokusuke Koenji sole heir to Koenji Conglomerate I hope to make your acquaintance ladies.

He just excluded half the class from himself and seems to have been seen distastefully by most of the class. 

???: Suzune Horikita.

She was very much straight to the point and she was really cool when she did that she noticed my admiration for her and simply smirked. 

I was the last one to introduce myself and most of the class looked at me eagerly perhaps that's why everyone stayed for introductions.

As I stood on my chair and then my desk I looked at the rest of the seated class feeling superior as I was now taller than all of them.

Kiyo: I am Kiyotaka Ayanokouji my father said I am good at everything and that I am the perfect human being nice to meet you all. Oh also, don't call me a kid I am a man.

Koenji: You are not the perfect human Ayanokouji boy because I am the perfect existence.

Kiyo: Why can't there be 2 though?

The moment I tiled my head all the girls were kyaaaing again well they do seem to be very happy while doing it so it shouldn't be too bad if they do it occasionally.

Koenji: Fair point boy we'll see who's better throughout this school hahahahah.

After that haughty laugh he left the classroom and many of the females swarmed me and asked questions such as my previous school likes and stuff like that which I vaguely answered as I don't even really know what I like. 

Kiyo: Can someone take me to the faculty office I don't know where it is.

Horikita: I'll do it I am his neighbour after all. 

Most of the girls wanted to retort but failed to at the logical statement she made. 

As I got up I waited for her to put her hand out which she didn't so I just held onto her skirt tightly. 

It started falling but she quickly grabbed it.

Horikita: What are you doing Ayanokouji.

Kiyo: You didn't put your hand out so how else would I follow you.

Horikita seemed to realise that she had made a lapse of judgement as I was a child and dapped up my hand. I mean grabbed my hand. 

Horikita: So how smart are you kid?

Kiyo: I am not a kid. 

Horikita: But you are a kid you're at least half my age are you not?

Kiyo: That may be true but I am a man. 

She just sighed and once we arrived she left me as she knocked on the door leaving me there at the door. 

Chabishira opened the door and then put her hand out for me to hold and she seemed very happy with me being with her.

Where we walked was desolate so no one saw me with sensei.

Chabs: I'll be taking care of your clothes, food, class arrival and everything else also the latest you can arrive back at the dorm is 6 o clock so make sure you are there or else and make sure someone accompanies you. 

I simply nodded and as we arrived she started cooking.

I decided to do my workout as I didn't have the chance to do it this morning and decided to do upper body starting with pull ups I used the door frame which I had to jump off the door frame to get to and proceeded to do 100 followed by 100 push ups and after that did other variants of push ups to target specific areas. 

Kiyo: How long until dinner is ready sensei?

Chabs: 30 minutes you have time for a shower.

Kiyo: Hai. 

I went in and took a shower thankfully the shower was easy to use with me just pulling on a knob like thing and water came out. I took off my clothes and scrubbed my body with the soap. 

Once I finished I rinsed myself with the towel and stepped out of the bathroom. 

Chabs: ...

Kiyo: ... Umm why are you looking at me like that.

Chabs: Where are your clothes?

Kiyo: I put them in the basket that was over in the bathroom. 

Chabs: No where are the clothes you should be wearing.

Ahh yes I was naked right now.

Kiyo: I don't know that's why I came to you.

Chabs: Wait here a second. 

I was confused by her behaviour she kept glancing at my penis with looks of astonishment I wonder why. 

Chabs: This is one of my shirts it'll be a big but should fit you. 

I took the shirt and put it on and the ends of the shirt reached the floor and the chest area of the shirt naturally protruded perhaps from Sensei's large breasts. 

Kiyo: Sensei you have very large breasts. 

Chabs: ... You can't say that stuff kid. 

Kiyo: I am not a kid. A pout could be seen on the child

Chabs: Well anyways do not comment on a woman's breasts ever got it?

Kiyo: But girls have been pushing their breasts into my head a lot isn't it natural to comment on them like how soft or big they are.

Chabs: No!

Kiyo: hmm ok then. 

After eating a very tasty dinner I went into the bed and unexpectedly sensei did too. 

As I was taking a while to fall asleep I noticed that she had taken me and put my head into her breasts like seriously why can't I comment on them when this is happening constantly.  

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