Dear Diary ⭐

By jenica1988

20.5K 718 115

~COMPLETED~ When Sebastian Stan is your brother and all you want is a normal life, can it be done? It all hap... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 10

1.1K 38 6
By jenica1988

Chris and I didn't even worry about grabbing his suitcase to take with us and I didn't pack one either. I grabbed my tote sized purse to make sure I had my ID, money, cellphone charger, laptop and a couple other things I thought I would need that could fit in my purse. I got dressed and put on a baseball hat and sunglasses and we rushed out of the apartment to the waiting cab. The trip to Boston passed quickly and I wanted to be excited about being here but I still had a fear once we landed that there would be more paparazzi. As Chris and I walked through the airport he took my hand and checked his phone as we walked.

"Scott is here to pick us up and he said no paparazzi in sight." Chris said to me and I smiled.

"Perfect." I said and we rushed to pick up area and found Scott. Him and Scott hugged and then we hugged, quickly got in the car drove away.

"So, your finally in Boston when Chris invited you." Scott said trying to make a joke and I huffed a laugh and shook my head.

"Scott..." Chris said and I could tell he was trying to forget about my last trip to Boston.

"I just want to get home and relax. Ever since last night I have been running on a million miles an hour." Chris said and I nodded in agreement.

"Uh....there might be a slight problem in that plan...." Scott said and I looked at him confused as did Chris.

"Scott what is going on?" Chris asked.

"Mom is at the house, she was bringing Dodger home and she wants to meet Aria. Carly and Shanna are also there because I mentioned you weren't bringing luggage so they brought clothes." Scott explained and he groaned. I looked at him.

"Hey, it's okay. I was going to have to meet everyone eventually." I said and Chris just sighed.

"I was just hoping it wasn't the morning we arrived home." Chris said and I placed my head on his shoulder.

"Do I have time to take a quick nap?" I asked and Chris looked down at me.

"You feeling okay?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Just a lot happening and I feel tired." I said and he nodded. I closed my eyes and I was instantly asleep.

"Is she falling back in?" Scott asked and Chris sighed.

"I want to believe no, but I cant say for sure." Chris said and he kissed the top of my head.

"Let me see if mom and the girls will leave the house." Scott said calling his mom and then got off the phone.

"Shanna and Carly dropped the clothes off and left so it's just mom but she really wants to see you Chris." Scott said and Chris nodded.

"Mom is fine I just didn't want the girls there right now." Chris said and Scott nodded in agreement. Chris laid his head on top of mine and he slipped into sleep too. We finally arrived at Chris's house and I woke up.

"Home sweet home." Chris said and smiled and we got out of the car. Once we walked inside Chris called out.

"Hello?" We walked into the living room hand in hand and I saw Lisa sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys!" She said excited to see us. Chris hugged his mom and then she looked at mom.

"Mom I would like to officially introduce you to Aria Stan." Chris said and she went in for a hug and I accepted.

"Welcome to Boston....again." She said and I laughed and Chris groaned.

"Calm down, it's fine." I said and he sighed.

"Where is Bubba?" Chris asked at about that time we heard a bark from somewhere in the house.

"You may want to get behind me." Chris said.

"Actually join me over here." Lisa said gently grabbing my arm and pulling me on to the couch to sit next to her in just enough time as Dodger came running in. Chris bent down and Dodger knocked Chris over when he reached him and started licking him and jumping all around him.

"AJ, some help." Chris finally said and through my laughed I decided to help.

"Dodger." I said his name and he stopped and looked at me and then he jumped on me on the couch and started loving on me. He was gentler with me and I wrapped my arms around him and just hugged him.

"I missed you bubba." I said.

"He is happy to have you guys home." Lisa said.

"Well Chris' home, I'm just visiting hope the paparazzi clears out from my house and place of employment." I said and sighed as Chris sat next to me on the couch and put his arm around me on the back of the couch.

"Hey, it will be okay." Chris said and I just shot him a look and he sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry." Chris said and kissed the side of my head.

"I'm sorry it just hit me that Chris called you AJ. Isn't your name Aria?" Lisa said.

"Yeah it is but my middle name is Jade so Chris became accustomed to call me AJ when we started dating since it was a nickname was I was a kid." I explained and Lisa smiled.

"And the fact that he didn't know your name right away." Lisa said.

"Mom..." Chris said.

"You left him with no name, only an initial, that you lived in New York. Even telling him Sebastian was your brother who wasn't the best help because he wasn't giving any info and there was nothing about you online. He was going crazy. He gave you his number and you never even cared to text him." Lisa said and I sat there taking it all in unsure of what to do. I finally looked at Chris giving him a slightly panicked looked.

"Mom, its fine. Like I said before I liked the challenge. I get tired of women throwing themselves at me and telling me anything I want to hear. When I met AJ, it was like the best challenge ever." Chris said and I shook my head.

"And I will thank Walter until the day I die." Chris said and I started laughed.

"Walter?" Scott asked confused.

"Walter is a customer at my flower shop and he comes in once a week to by flowers for his wife. Well he happened to come in on the day Chris found the shop and he called my by name so Chris was hand delivered my name practically." I said and everyone gave a small laugh.

"Well now you guys are together and everything seems to be going well?" Scott asked.

"We are hiding out here, what do you think?" I asked with a small laugh.

"Hey, it wont be forever. My assistant and PR guy are working on getting a statement to me for approval, your brother is working on one too so once we approve them they should back off." Chris said and I sighed.

"But for how long, until I go back to New York? I can't stay away forever." I said and started having an issue breathing and Chris pulled me close to him.

"Hey hey, 4 things you see." Chris whispered to me and I shook my head taking a couple of deep breaths with my eyes closed.

"I'm okay, I don't need to my calm down method." I said and Chris smiled. Lisa put her hand over mine in my lap.

"Aria, I want you to know we will keep you as safe as we can while you are here. Paparazzi aren't big here and even if they are here and Chris says he is asking for privacy they respect it." Lisa said and I smiled.

"Well I just want to forget it all happened." I said and Chris shook his head.

"Aria, it was your birthday and someone tipped them off we were there. If no one had tipped them off....-" Chris started off.

"This is why I don't celebrate my birthday. Ever since all of that went down with Sebastian I was always fine doing something at home. I think it's sweet what you guys planned it out and I had a great night until I didn't." I said and Chris sighed hanging his head. I groaned.

"I'm sorry, I just made you feel bad and that wasn't my goal Chris." I said and he shook his head.

"No, I get it. Your brother and I talked about it for a long time and we thought about doing a dinner party just the 4 of us at his house but we had all just had the argument and you got hurt there so things were tense in the house still." Chris explained and I sighed.

"What do you mean got hurt?" Scott asked.

"Nothing serious." Chris said and I huffed a laugh.

"I just got the big brace off a week ago Chris, I still have to wrap it in an ace bandage." I said, Lisa and Scott looked at us confused.

"It was an accident." He said immediately defending himself to his mom and brother.

"What exactly happened?" Scott asked.

"Sebastian and Chris were arguing and I tried getting in the middle to calm them down so punches weren't thrown. Well both of the went to physically move me and shoved me more than needed and I fell and sprained my wrist." I explained and Chris groaned.

"AJ...." He groaned knowing what was coming.

"Aria, can you duck for a second?" Lisa asked since I was sitting in the middle of her and Chris. I did what I was told. Lisa reached across me and smacked Chris on the back on the head.

"Ow!" Chris yelled and I hid my laughter. Scott quickly got up and did the same thing to Chris.

"SERIOUSLY?!" Chris yelled and I just started laughing.

"This is funny to you? Me getting abused by my family?" Chris asked me with a smile and I nodded while laughing.

"I was the abused one!" I said holding up my wrist being wrapped. Chris gently grabbed it and kissed my wrist.

"And we are sorry." Chris said and I nodded.

"I know." I said smiling at him.

"You're lucky your sisters aren't here to know about this." Lisa said and Chris groaned.

"And we wont be telling them, I don't want to die." Chris said and we all laughed.

"Okay well Scott and I are going to go so you two can get settled. Chris, the girls put the clothes they brought in your room on the bed." Lisa said and Chris nodded.

"Can someone thank them for me. It didn't want to have to take their clothes." I said and everyone just shook their heads.

"It's no big deal, they are more than happy to help." Lisa said and I smiled.

"And I will take you to the mall tomorrow to go shopping." Chris said.

"The mall? Public?" I asked and Chris shook his head.

"You would be surprised how normal of a shopping trip it is. I will just have us wear hats to be on the safe side." Chris said and I nodded.

"Okay well you two get settled and we will talk to you later." Lisa said standing up she hugged Chris and kissed his cheek and then hugged me kissing my cheek. I hugged Scott and they left.

"You hungry or anything?" Chris asked and I shook my head with a smile as we sat back down on the couch.

"What?" Chris asked and I pulled him by his shirt and passionately kissed him. He smiled in our kiss and then place a hand on my back and gently laid me down on his couch as we made out. I reached the hem on his t-shirt and took it off barely break out kiss to take it off and Chris reached for the hem of mine. When he almost had it off the front door opened.

"Sorry I forgot...." Scott said causing Chris to scramble off of me and hurry to put his shirt back on.

"Oh sorry guys." Chris said and I sighed as Chris groaned and Scott grabbed his wallet that dropped out of his pocket in the chair he was sitting in. He walked out and I just looked at Chris and sighed.

"Why don't you order in some lunch and I will go see what your kind of clothes your sisters gave me." I said and Chris nodded. He showed me to his room and then sat on the bed and ordered in some pizza. I started looking through the clothes and laughed.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked.

"They gave me tons of clothes, more than I need but they gave me no pajamas." I said and Chris smiled.

"It's okay, I will not protest you sleeping in the nude." Chris said with a laugh and I playfully shoved him.

"Not happening." I said and Chris shook his head.

"You can sleep in one of my shirts, you did at your place." Chris said and I nodded knowing he was right.

"True. Maybe I will pick something up tomorrow." I said and Chris came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing my neck.

"If I have my way, you wont need anything to sleep in." Chris whispered in my ear and I moaned. I turned my head and started passionately kissing him as I turned in his grip. He gently pushed me on the bed and climbed on top. As we made out for a minute we heard the doorbell.

"This is never going to happen." Chris groaned as he climbed off of me and went to get the food. I knew he was semi joking but I was starting to think he was right.


The next day Chris and I were at the mall and we had been shopping for a few hours. Chris wasn't letting me buy anything since he planned this last-minute trip to Boston. We had worn our baseball hats out to the mall but no one seemed to noticed it was Chris or if they did they were subtle about it. He had one little boy come up to him with his mom when were getting some shirts for Chris. I was sitting on a bench outside a store waiting for Chris since he insisted on going in a sports store. When he came back out he was smiling and sat down next to me. He handed me the bag.

"I'm not carrying your bag." I said joking and he laughed.

"You aren't even carrying your own bags, I am." Chris said and we laughed. I took the bag from him and looked in it and laughed.

"Really?" I questioned and he nodded.

"Hey if your in Boston, you need one." Chris said as I pulled a Boston Red Sox cap out of the bag that matched his. I took off the one I had one and placed on the one he just got me. He leaned in lifting up his hat a little to get under the brim of the hat and he kissed me.

"I can't wear this back in New York you know..." I trailed off and he laughed as we got up, he gathered up my bags and we continued to walk. I linked my arm through his.

"Well then I guess you just leave it here in Boston with all these clothes we are buying and they will be here when you come to visit." Chris said looking at me from the corner of his eye and I smiled.

"That sounds like a good plan." I said and Chris fully looked at me and smiled.

"Really?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yes, I mean I want to be able to help you out from time and time and you live here. If me traveling helps you out I am more than willing to do so, just would have to clear it with Elle." I said. Chris stopped walked and gently led me to the side of the mall out of the main walking path people were in. He removed my hat and passionately kissed me.

"You are amazing AJ." Chris whispered with his lips against mine. Once we broke apart I put my hat back on and we continued walked.

"Okay, are we done shopping?" Chris asked.

"I have one more store I actually need to go to." I said and Chris nodded. As we walked through the mall to find it I was laughing at myself knowing he was going to hate this. Once we arrived outside the store I stopped and Chris looked at the store and groaned.

"Really?" He asked and I smiled.

"Yes really and you wont want to sit and here and take a chance of being spotted so you have to come in." I said and Chris groaned as we walked in the store.

"For the record, this is mean and underhanded and you are not playing fair." Chris said.

"Who ever said I played fair?" I asked sarcastically as we walking the store. I started looking around and Chris made sure to stay close to me. Luckily this was the store I shopped at all the time so I knew my size and what I would wear. I think decided to torture Chris slightly more and walked over to the lingerie.

"AJ...." I heard Chris moan under his breath and I hid my smile so well.

"I told you I need pajamas." I said and he sighed. I picked out a couple items and headed to the register.

"You are seriously wearing those around me at night?" Chris asked and I shrugged and the sales lady rang up everything and Chris paid. She handed me the bag and we left.

"I'll carry this one." I said as we left the store.

"Thank you." Chris said and we laughed. As went to leave Chris' cellphone pinged. He checked it and sighed.

"One more stop to make." Chris said showing me the text.

>Dinner at my house tomorrow. Please dress nice.< it was from Lisa.

"Does she do that often?" I asked and Chris half nodded.

"Mostly for holidays. She must have planned something since you are in town." Chris said and I shook my head.

"She doesn't need to go through the trouble." I said and Chris stopped walking and looked at.

"Hey, you aren't trouble and people do things for you because they love you. I love you." Chris said and I looked at him with shock. I knew I had told him I loved him when we were at Sebastian's right after I got hurt but he hadn't said it yet. I wasn't sure as to why he was holding back but he was, until now.

"You love me?" I questioned with a smile on my face.

"Yes, I love you Aria." Chris said and I pulled him into a kiss.

"I love you too." I replied when we broke apart.

"Now lets go get you an outfit for dinner."Chris said and I smiled. 

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