skinny love | chris evans

By tbhambrosex

224 9 0

a story in which a one night stand between olivia woods and chris evans changes the both of their lives ♡ so... More

before you read
1 | night out
3 | gossip session
4 | who is olivia woods?

2 | chris evans?

33 2 0
By tbhambrosex

olivia's pov

i was in the middle of one of the best sleeps i've had in the last month and the fact that the sun woke me up so easily was quite annoying.

i opened my eyes and rubbed them. i grabbed my phone and noticed that it was about 9:30AM. it was definitely earlier than i usually would wake up.

i looked under the covers and saw that i was naked. i widened my eyes and tried to remember what happened last night.

as i was thinking, i felt a body next to me move. i was so distracted that i didn't even notice a person next to me. see, if i was in a horror film i'd be the first one gone because i don't pay attention to my surroundings at all...

i was about to lift the covers and slowly get out, but the person pulled me back into their arms.

"where are you going sweetheart?" he asked me. the voice sounded familiar, but i was too embarrassed to look at him to find out who he was.

"um to the restroom?" i said as he chuckled.

"hmm, looks like you were about to sneak out. i've been awake for a while and just watching you all confused was really entertaining." he replied as i finally looked at him.

"oh my god... you're chris evans... i had a one night stand with CHRIS EVANS??" i said as i gasped loudly.

"well i mean i wouldn't categorize this as a one night stand seeing as you're still here..." he said as he trailed off.

"you get the point!" i told him.

"and you're olivia woods." he responded.

"you know who i am?" i questioned him.

"of course, i've seen a few of your films here and there. i also know you're one of scarlett and lizzie's friends! they talk about you a lot." he laughed.

"that's crazy to hear! do you happen to remember what happened last night because all i can remember was kevin feige casting me in black widow and then drinking an insane amount afterwards to celebrate." i explained to him as he smiled.

"well you were very drunk and spilled a drink on me and then offered to clean it up for me. then one thing led to another and here we are now. we should definitely do this more often though because i'm not complaining." he said as i smiled.

"we'll see evans.. give me your number and maybe we'll see each other soon." i said as he passed me his phone. i handed him my phone as well so he could put his in.

we entered in our respective numbers and gave each other back our phones.

"never would i have thought that i would have olivia woods's phone number in my phone. someone pinch me." he joked.

"for someone that i just met last night, you have a lot of jokes huh." i responded as we both laughed.

"what can i say, i'm a charmer." he said as he smirked at me.

"well this has been a blast, but i have to get dressed and go sign some paperwork for black widow." i told him as i pulled myself up.

"wow look at this view." he said as he looked at me. i looked down and realized that i was still naked.

i yanked the blanket off of chris to cover up my body only to realize he was also naked.

"oh my gosh i'm so sorry chris!" i said as i wrapped the blanket around myself.

"no problem olivia. don't cover yourself up, you are stunning." he complimented as he stared at me.

"thank you chris, that's very sweet." i said as i started putting my clothes back on.

"unfortunately your underwear can no longer be worn..." he explained as he tossed my ripped underwear towards me.

i shook my head and put on the rest of my clothes as well as my shoes. i quickly tied up my hair and grabbed my bag.

"well, i guess it's time for me to go." i told him as he pulled on his boxers.

he walked towards me and pulled me in for a long kiss. wow doing this sober is 10 times better than doing this drunk that's for sure. he pulled away and i could feel my face turning extremely red.

"just wanted to leave you with a little something so you don't miss me too much. i'll text you olivia." chris said as he smirked.

"i'll be looking forward to that text. until next time evans!" i said as i walked out the door. i heard it shut as i walked down the hall.

lord did that actually just happen? i slept with THE chris evans! THE captain america himself. how much did i drink last night oh my god.

i quickly made my way out the club and into my car before any paparazzi could see me. thank god for tinted windows.

i texted scarlett and lizzie to meet up for dinner tonight because this was a story i just HAD to explain to them. they both were available and we made a reservation at our favorite italian restaurant.

now, time to rush home and sign some paperwork. pushing chris to the side for now, i shifted my focus to my upcoming role, yelena bolva.


hello!! random update for you all hehe i think i'm doing a bit better updating wise, but still not as quick as i would like!! i am still trying my very best, but my life in general is just so overwhelming right now. all i want to do is rest and sleep!

regardless though like i always say, i will continue to update whenever i have the time to do so! i'm grateful that i still have people who read my stories, truly so appreciative of you all!!

again, please remember to vote, comment, and follow if you guys like my content! i truly appreciate it everyone!! i also have other books on my profile if you'd like to check those out as well! thank you all so much and see you soon!

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