A Lion's Sin ~Bronn~

By Autumnsday

7.7K 176 1

Relia is the youngest daughter of Tywin Lannister. Her father describes her as a Harlet will she ever marry t... More

Betting man
Just Some Fun
Father Is Home
Authors note
Where it began

The Trial

580 11 0
By Autumnsday

Walking into my brothers cell he had a trial today.
"Tyrion," I stood looking at him. He looks at me.
"Sister," he smiles but it was a farce." So father finally has his way. The Dwarf gone," his head drops.
"Father wants me to testify against you. I won't he is mad at me for it, just like usual." I step towards my brother."You know I love you little brother. I don't say it a lot. I might not show it a lot either, but I do." He looks up at me. As I lower myself we embrace. "I will do the most I can to get you out of this," I let him go walking away.
Sitting next to my Loras as people began testifying againist my brother. I  was getting angry they were turning against him his friends his family. I gripped my dress knuckles turning white. Loras places his hand on mine I relax slightly to not draw attention. Looking to see Tyrion turning his gaze to our father, who has just retaken his seat on the Iron Throne. They lock eyes for a moment. Tywin, of course, betrays nothing.

The crowd quiets down as the other judges take their seats.

"The Crown may call its next witness." Father called out. My heart dropped when I saw her. Shay dressed modestly, quite different from her sexy handmaiden dress, her face stoic. Tyrion looks as if he's been punched in the gut. He thought she was long gone. Shay walks past the stand nit looking at my brother and takes her place before the judge.
" State your name." Father spoke.
"Shay," She answers.

"Do you swear by all the gods your testimony will be true and honest?" Father continues.
"I swear it." Shay answers. Shqy begins to betray my brother and I felt my heart break for him when I head my brother.
"Father, I wish to confess!"He says barely before repeating and yelling slightly" I wish to confess."The crowd chatter dies down.

"You wish to confess?" Father asked.

Tyrion gazes out at the crowd, who are taking such pleasure in his destruction."I saved you. I saved this city and all your worthless lives. I should have let Stannis kill you all--"

"Tyrion. Do you wish to confess?" Father interjects.

Tyrion turns to face father."Yes, father. I'm guilty. Guilty. Is that what you want to hear?"

"You admit you poisoned the King?" Father asked

"No, of that I'm innocent. I am guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I am guilty of being a dwarf." My brother responded.

"You are not on trial for being a dwarf." Father answered.

" Oh, yes I am. I've been on trial for that my entire life." Tyrion voice sounded so much like he was hurting.
"Have you nothing to say in your defense?" Father asked.

"Nothing but this: I did not do it." He turns from our father to Cersei." I did not kill Joffrey but I wish that I had. Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores."Tyrion turns from her and looks out at the crowd of nobles. "I wish I was the monster you think I am. I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you. I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it."Uproar from the crowd Killer! Kingslayer! Monster!

Father zhouts over the crowd," Ser Meryn, escort the prisoner back to his cell--"

"I will not give my life for Joffrey's murder. And I know I'll get no justice here, so I will let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by combat!" I stare shocked at him. The roar of the crowd is deafening. Any hope of saving Tyrion is gone.
I pace my room I sent for the Oberyn Martell after hearing that he volunteered to fight. Hearing the door open I turn it was Bronn dressed nicely.
"Don't you look like a lord." I turn my back to him.
"Mad at me?" He asks placing his hand on my back his lips againist my ear.
"No, anyone is a fool for going againist the mountain. I'm mad at my family. " I sigh,"I thought you were someone else."
"Lady Relia," I turn seeing Ellaria and Oberyn.
"Thank you for joining me." Bronn let's me go taking his leave.
"That is not your husband," Ellaria smiled. "I was wondering after I've seen your husband Loras at the brothel if it went both ways. Do you share the same interests as him?" She eluded stepping closer.
"It would be a lie if I said no. It has crossed my mind I just never explored it." This caused them both to smile.
"You should no one knows a woman's body better then a woman." She stepped closer running her hand on my lower arm.
"Maybe one day but that is not why I call you here." I try to politely decline.
"Yes, why did you call for me?" Oberyn asked.
"I'd like to thank you for fighting for my brother. You won't get thanks from the rest of my family. The Mountain is not a easy fight and I am greatful to you." I smile at him.
"It will do me a honor to kill him for what he did to my sister." Oberyn smirks as he takes his leave with Ellaria. 
I stare out of my window over looking the sea.  Tomorrow was the day my brothers fate would be decided. I turn walking out of my room.
Struggling to sleep I look at Loras as he slept I walk out of the room not bothering to change into anything walking through the halls in my night gown my bare feet on the floor.  I knock on Bronn's door before I go to open it. It opens before I can.
"You're awake," I say softly.
"As are you." He smirks he was shirtless.
"I couldn't sleep, I.." I stop I didn't  know why I came here I just did. "Can I come in?" He moves motioning for me to come in. He heads to his bed sitting taking off his boots. I follow him joining him. I feel him lay down I roll towards him my hand falls on his chest. His lips meet mine moving slow he pulls away his hand on my face staring at each other for a moment. Our bodies become entwine with each other. His hand moves down my body slowly tracing it resting it on my rear end gripping. His lips going down my neck.
"Bronn," I groan as his teeth gently graze my collar bone.  He pushes the fabric away from my body. Rolling on top of me. We moved slowly and intently this time no one would fine us or interrupt us. We just enjoyed each other's bodies.
"I wish I was your wife." I say not even thinking as we lay there my head on his chest. His hand on my back. I pull away slightly realizing what I had said. He pulls me back to him.
"I could kill Loras," he smirks. I shake my head laying there before falling asleep.
Waking before Bronn I sit up looking to him I smile. I slide off the bed but before I could make it to the door. Bronns arms are around my waist.
"Sneaking off?" His lips brush my ear shivers go down my spine.
"Not from you," grabbing his arm leaning back into him sighing. "Got to get dressed not very lady like to wall around in a night gown. "
"Then maybe naked?" He growls in my ear.
Later I watched as Oberyn fought The Mountain and for a moment I thought he was going to win. Till he got cocky giving the mountain the time to overtake him.

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