Infernal Love Flame

נכתב על ידי DanielleNorrington

12 4 1

Although Jaide was a hard working woman and loyal to her long time boyfriend, his commitment didn't know any... עוד

The Last Argument
Welcome Back
A New Woman
Deal (To Live) or No Deal (To Die)
I Want You
Creations of Her Own
Hell's Search Party
Noelle's and Felix's History
Found Again
A Moment of Truth

Not The Last Goodbye

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נכתב על ידי DanielleNorrington

As soon as they returned to hell, Jaide settled into her former bedroom. She had forgotten all about the man that she had turned, which had grown to become a loyal and trusted friend.

"I thought you'd never come back and leave me down here to become a tortured soul," Marvin now said as he placed the tray of a crystal goblet filled with fresh, dripped blood.

Jaide was now huge and ready to bust open from her stomach. As she sat on the side of the bed with her legs kicked out, her back and lower abdomen pains were intense.

"Master, you need to drink -"

"Didn't I tell you not to call me 'master'?" she reminded him. "Go and get Noelle. I think it's time," she urged him. As Marvin rushed out of the room, Jaide attempted to lay back and that's when she felt a gush of fluids from between her legs. She forced herself off the bed to see a small pool of blood from where she sat.

Jaide acted quickly, making her way to the bathroom and then running the tub water warm. She had stripped down out of her clothes and into only her bra before easing herself down into the tub.

She could hear the pain easier now. Jaide relaxed back against the wall as Noelle and Jamil rushed into the bathroom.

"There you are! Are you okay?" Noelle ran over to her.

"No! It's coming!" Jaide grabbed Noelle's hand and then threw her head back as she felt the need to push.

"Go and warm the dark lord!" Noelle ordered Jamil. She nodded her head and then her wings sprouted out from her back. Jaide closed her eyes as she pushed harder before relaxing. Noelle reached down into the tub and between Jaide's thighs, feeling the baby's head crowning.

"Have you fed?" Noelle asked her.

"No," Jaide briefly shook her head before holding her breath and then pushing again.

Noelle remained silent when it was time but gently coached Jaide through her pushing. A minute later, Noelle had released Jaide's hand to get the baby. She peeped the baby's gender and then smiled until she could no longer hear Jaide's heartbeat.

Hellfire could be seen above from the glass panel ceiling over the bathroom as it rained down. Noelle waited and watched Jaide for a response.

"Jaide?!" she called. With the crying baby in one arm, she gently shook Jaide with her free hand. It was then, she heard a faint heartbeat from elsewhere. Her eyes focused on Jaide's stomach. "Twins?" she softly murmured.

"What's wrong with her? Why is she not moving?" Jamil questioned as she returned with Carrigan. He hurried up to Jaide and then whispered something very soft into her ear.

Seconds later she was loudly gasping for air and then she started pushing again. Noelle watched in wonder as Jaide continued to push and manage the pain on her own until another baby slid from her. Carrigan reached down into the water.

"Wait! Please! Let me hold my baby!" Jaide begged him with her arms reaching out. The small baby cried until Carrigan rested her in Jaide's arms. The clear tub of water was now full of blood.

"Did you know that you had two babies?" Carrigan asked her. "You did great," he later said, lowering himself down beside her.

"Two, huh?" Jaide chuckled. "One for you and one for me, I guess?"

"We'll talk about our parenting arrangements once you're rested," he said. Carrigan leaned into Jaide and he kissed her on the forehead as he briefly held his arm behind Jaide's arm that was embracing their baby.

The infants were born with pale and cracked skin, and all black eyes like their father. But as they were a day old and breastfed from Jaide, their skin transformed from being pale and cracked to a fair skinned complexion with that smooth baby skin texture, and light brown eyes.

"They're beautiful," Noelle remarked as she stood on the bedside.

"They're everything," Jaide praised them. She kissed both of the babies on the forehead one at a time. "They are Kessem and Jinx."

Noelle and Jaide had both looked to see Carrigan enter into the room. Noelle briefly bowed to him before moving out of the way.

"How are you feeling?" he asked Jaide.

"Incredible," she answered.

"So I've come to the conclusion that this is how things are going to be. We still have to keep both babies from being known. Now that they've taken their human forms, you'll remain here in Hell and nurse them until you can't anymore."

"And when I can't nurse them anymore?"

"The male child must stay here in Hell with me. He's the prince of darkness now. You can have the female child," he said.

Jaide blew raspberries and said, "Typical." She rolled her eyes and then sighed. "And will there be a child swap? They are still siblings."

"Hell will throw the biggest birthday bash for every time they age which I don't know how it works for them. One might age faster than the other child?" he shrugged his shoulders.

"How about we have a designated anniversary date where all of us can meet and spend time together? This is going to be harder on me than it is for you," Jaide requested, directly looking at him.

"As long as it's safe to do so," he agreed. "You May visit Hell and I'd do the same as long as my schedule permits me to visit you and my daughter."

"We have a new deal then," Jaide accepted.

"Soon you will see. Just how great you're going to be. When you're older and as beautiful and as powerful," Jaide now gently sung the words to Jinx as she held her in her arms, swaying her back and forth. Jaide then hummed a soft tune, waltzing around the garden. She switched up from swaying to gently bouncing Jinx in her arms until the small child had fell asleep.

Minutes later, a fiery portal appeared in the doorway of the house. Jaide walked over as Carrigan exited from the portal. He dusted off his jacket releasing dry ashes from it.

"I'm glad you reached out to me. How she is?" he asked her.

Jaide lips were tightened and she deeply sighed. Since the twins 2nd birthday, Jaide has been on a power trip with Jinx. She didn't know a child was capable of so many "dark" abilities until now.

"She's better now. Her fever went away. I've reached out to a witch to make a suppressant for Jinx," Jaide explained to him. She seen the look on his face and his brows pressed together.

"You're suppressing her powers?"

"I need help blending in with her and her powers grow more each day, Carrigan. Don't act like the concerned father from hell now!" she fussed at him. "All of this started happening when you didn't show up for her birthday or our anniversary date!"

"Things have been hectic down in hell okay? I'm doing the best I can. You don't think that Kessem is flaring up too? But I'm not suppressing his powers. I'm teaching him how to control them."

"You mean your little demon minions? Save me the bullshit, Carrigan! You know what? Before you lead us down a road of more disappointment, just go."

"Now that I'm here, I won't go," he refused. His eyes went down to Jinx. "Can I?" he asked, wanting to hold her. Jaide gently shoved the child into his arms and stormed off. She settled into the small sunroom for tea that overlooked the garden and she watched as Carrigan rocked back and forth with Jinx. He leaned down and whispered something into the child's ear before walking into the house.

Jaide followed him from downstairs, into the elevator and to Jinx's room. He laid her down in bed and tucked the covers over her. Carrigan kissed the top of her forehead before turning to face Jaide.

"There's still a war brewing between the hell angels and nephilims, Jaide. I'd hope you understand," he softly said.

"I'm going to keep staying out of the way like I've always been doing, Carrigan. I'll see my son whenever I see him."

"What are you saying, hm?"

"I'm going to raise my daughter and you're going to raise your son," she firmly said to him. Carrigan could see the tears in her eyes. She didn't mean it. For now, it was the way that things had to be. As a portal appeared in the floor, Carrigan nodded his head and then stepped through it. Jaide stole a look back at her sleeping daughter before leaving her bedroom.

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