It's A Wonderful Afterlife (S...

De GreatestShowman123

979 63 11

The story of Betelgeuse and his newly adopted son continues. The two's relationship is just becoming stronger... Mais

The End of the Summer Holiday
Chapter 2: Back to School
Chapter 3: A Dire Situation
Chapter 4: Planning and Leaving
Chapter 5: Returning
Chapter 6: Explaining And Plotting
Chapter 7: Chaos and Family
Chapter 8: New School
Chapter 10: Big Changes, Part One
Chapter 11: Big Changes, Part Two
Chapter 12: Strange Surprise
Extracts and Songs
Colour Chart
Chapter 13: Vive La Révolution
Chapter 14: You Can Only Work With What You get
Chapter 15: Step Right Up
Chapter 16: Half Demon In The Auditorium
Chapter 17: It's not confidential, He's got potential
Chapter 18: An Actor Is Born
Chapter 19: Reconnecting
Chapter 20: It's Showtime!

Chapter 9: A Demon's Emotions

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De GreatestShowman123

It was simply another Friday two weeks later. Remus went to school, then hung around with Cortney before returning home. Remus was preparing to go to school. He didn't mind walking because it was only a 30-minute stroll. He yelled his goodbyes up the stairs and walked out the door without locking it because Lydia usually leaves a few minutes after him. Betelgeuse was still sleeping in the home. The Maitlands and Deetzes had no choice but to bunk him in the spare room with Remus. Betelgeuse slept on a black and white striped hammock while Remus slept in a single bed. Three of the walls were a baby yellow pastel, but one was a light pebble grey. There were two sets of white wooden drawers, each with two little ones on top and two regular ones beneath them. They each received one set. Next to a vertical decorative radiator was a tall white single door wardrobe. There was a white desk in the rear corner with a wooden chair that Adam had built out of scrap wood from the attic. Betelgeuse's striped jacket hung on the back of the chair. A little lamp in the shape of a sandworm's tail, a pencil pot with coloured and plain pencils, and another one for pens were all on the desk. Betelgeuse began working from home, visiting the Neitherworld only to turn in paperwork or attend a meeting. Remus used it for his homework when he wasn't using it. They kept their school and work belongings on the bottom of the desk, divided by a sheet of metal. Remus had his school books in one half, which were all organised in a certain chronological order. He also has distinct coloured folders to separate different subjects. Betelgeuse didn't have a lot of work, so all he had was his briefcase, a few extra boxes of paper and ink, and the papers and forms he needed to complete. Both had their own bedside table. Remus retained all of his vital belongings, including medicine, his box of eyes, and his testosterone, which he had yet to inform the Maitlands and Deetzes about. Betelgeuse just tossed items in there at random, hoping that he would remember where he placed them and find them. Remus was busy with his schoolwork. The demon, on the other hand, had a lot of spare time today. He wanted to spend it asleep, but he experienced the same nightmare he had been having for a long time. It was the one where he hung himself at the bridge, but when he awoke, he was in his mother's office, a terrible expression on her face, preparing to harm him. He panted and wiped the sweat from his brow as he startled up. He drew the blanket he'd used to cover him back up to him, high enough to cover his entire neck. He couldn't get the pictures of all the blood and bruises Juno had inflicted on him out of his head. He refused to give in, although it was difficult. He snuck inside the bathroom, knowing it was the only room with a lock. Adam was whistling to himself upstairs in the attic, doing his normal woodwork. When he heard the sound of faint muffled tears, he was interrupted. He went to the bathroom after hearing the noise and carefully opened the door. He anticipated Lydia or Delia to be there, perhaps because she wasn't feeling well and didn't go to school or work, but it was Betelgeuse who surprised him.

"Betelgeuse? What's the matter?" Adam came in to help.

"What? Nothing! I'm perfectly fine! I'm only peeing! Goodbye!" Betelgeuse was about to walk away when Adam grabbed his arm.

"Hey, you don't seem to be feeling well, do you want to talk?"

"Yes..." Betelgeuse brushed away a few tears.

"Do you think you're okay?" Adam gave a soothing grin, hoping to cheer up the demon.

Betelgeuse returned the smile. He despised how Adam's sweet grin made him feel.

"I had a nightmare and needed to cry," he explained. Betelgeuse sighed and slammed the door shut behind him so he could lean against it. Adam snatched his arm and turned to face him.

"Let's go to my room, and I'll help you relax." Adam led the demon inside his room and yanked the cover from his bed. He commanded Betelgeuse to lie down, which he did reluctantly. On Adam's directions, he lay down and made himself comfortable. He saw Adam take a pillow and carefully elevate his head, pushing the cushion beneath it. He also draped the blanket over him, securely enveloping him. He tucked the blanket under his flanks and gripped his ankles, carefully raising them up and folding the bottom underneath them. He took a step back to study the demon, who was curled up like a burrito in a tight ball. "I understand how strange you are feeling; it's fine to be nervous. But, because you're going through a difficult time, it's fine if you nap here." Adam made an offer. Betelgeuse chose to stay put because he was already nestled up, so he nodded.

"Thank you," Betelgeuse chuckled as he fiddled with a stray thread from the blanket.

"Good night," Adam made a kind remark. The demon attempted but failed to turn off his thinking. The demon's hair was indigo, purple, gold, and blue, which gave it away. "Y- your hair?" Adam was both interested and perplexed. The demon let out a sigh. He inquired,

"What colour is it now?". Adam informed him, and Betelgeuse described the many hair colours he was familiar with. Adam hastily scribbled them down on a piece of paper.

"Would you like me to help you sleep?" he inquired.

"Please, yes." Betelgeuse's hair became pink as a result of his shame. He was a demon, to be sure. He had to quit being so pitiful. Adam saw his embarrassment and assisted Betelgeuse in explaining his feelings. His hair was turning a brighter pink by the second as he talked.

"Hey. You've been brave enough for a long time. You're also being courageous" He was told by the ghost.

"How-how so?" inquired the demon.

"By asking for help." Adam responded, bringing up a chair near to the bed and searching beneath the cover for Betelgeuse's hand. He realised he had it when he felt a scratchy roughness. He snatched it from behind the cover and yanked it out, clutching it tightly. "Now, you go to sleep." Adam spoke in hushed tones, his voice full of concern. Betelgeuse closed his eyes and nodded, waiting for sleep to claim him once more. He reopened his eyes to see Adam still holding his hand, but in the other he held an open book. He appeared to be so engaged in his reading that he failed to notice the demon looking at him until he went to get a drink. "Hello there. Are you all right? "He inquired.

"Did I sleep for a long time?" Betelgeuse inquired.

"A few hours. I wasn't paying attention." Adam shrugged his shoulders.

"Have you been- holding my hand for that long?" As he lay on his side, Betelgeuse tilted his head as best he could. Adam suddenly realised he was still clutching his hand and released it.

"Hey, do you want something to eat?" He shifted his gaze to Betelgeuse, changing the subject.

"I could eat?"

"I'm going to get something to eat. I'll return." Adam rose up and replaced his glasses. He returned with a bag of crisps, some biscuits, chocolate, and a drink a few minutes later.

"So, what's the deal with the sudden hunger?" Betelgeuse grabbed a handful of crisps and crunched his way through them.

"I was simply hungry and wanted to chat." Adam nibbled a biscuit, swallowed it, and then opened his lips to speak. "Now, how are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm doing just fine. Thank you very much for helping me throughout my panic attack." Some strands of Betelgeuse's hair became a rose pink as he chuckled gently.

"That's helpful to know. But, in general, how are you doing? Are you having a good time here?" For a long time, Adam's mind had been wondering how the demon was doing.

It felt right to ask now like they were alone.

"This is fantastic. You folks, especially you, make me feel welcome." Betelgeuse spoke directly from the depths of his lifeless heart. Adam was the most fantastic member of his new family, and he made him feel extremely welcome.

"That's great to know; I'm delighted we can improve our friendship." Adam placed his chin on his hands as he continued his conversation with the demon. "Do you think Remus is settling in well?" he inquired.

"That appears to be the case. I believe he has taken a liking to you. He has a thing for you." He was informed by Betelgeuse.

"I've taken a liking to him. He's a sweet kid." Adam answered. They were chuckling and smiling at each other after a few minutes. Adam grew silent as soon as Betelgeuse's laughing stopped and he began looking at the wall.

"Bug?" Adam asked.

"B-bug?" The demon felt his dead heart flutter as he heard this name, and he felt all mushy and tingly inside. It made him feel incredibly warm, and it made his hair stand on end in the most delightful way. His hair had become a rose pink colour, which he thought was humiliating. Adam was captivated by this and wanted to kiss him. The ghost shook his head, unable to believe he was falling for the demon.

"Are you all right?" he said, his hand resting on his shoulder.

"Yes, of course. fine. I appreciate your kind assistance, Adam, but I need to get back to work." Betelgeuse got out of bed and headed outside of the room. He exited the attic through the exterior stairs and crossed the landing to his and Remus's room. He stepped inside the door while simultaneously opening it. With a huge sigh, he closed it behind him and rested against it. He thought long and hard about how the mere term 'bug' made him feel. He had no idea what was going on. "Would it be possible for me to like him?" Betelgeuse pondered this.

"No! Certainly not! I'm not capable of falling in love with him. He's a man. I'm not a fan of his." He gave himself a strong slap across the face, concentrating on his right cheek. Juno had slapped him so brutally and often that the muscles had wilted, making the pain much worse. He slumped to the ground, crying and wiping his tears on his suit as soon as he slapped himself. "You're a complete moron. You shouldn't be feeling this way. There should be no connection between you. Lawrence, you're a demon. Act as though you are one!" He slapped himself in the face again, weeping even harder into his suit. He couldn't help himself; sobbing was his only means of coping. He became so enraged that his hair became a fantastic combination of purple, red, blue, gold, and grey, suggesting that he was angry and overwhelmed, and it was making him dizzy. He roared and snatched the lamp off the desk, hurling it across the room and smashing it totally. He gasped as he realised what he'd done and hurried to pick it up and repair it. When he lifted it up, there was glass from the bulb all over the floor, as well as broken pieces of the sandworm tail lamp itself. He realised someone was approaching when he heard footsteps getting closer to his door.

"Betelgeuse? Are you all right? "He was startled by a familiar voice call and a knock on the door.

"Deborah, leave." He sniffled and bit his lower lip as he fought back more tears.

"Hey, Betelgeuse, sweetie?" she said softly, her hand rising, ready to knock again if the demon didn't answer. "Do you mind if I join you?". Betelgeuse slammed his fist against the locked bedroom door, startling Delia and causing her to fall backwards a few steps. Delia regained her composure and returned her attention to the bedroom door.

Betelgeuse slammed his fist against his bedroom door once more, this time louder than before. It pierced it and created a little hole in it. Fortunately, it did not make it to the other side.

"Just leave me alone,". He yelled under his breath, which alarmed Delia even more. "Right now, I want to be alone!"

"Betelgeuse!" Delia was becoming increasingly anxious and agitated. "I only want to help you. Please simply allow me in so we can have a conversation." As the demon talked, the red head could hear the despair in his voice.

"No!". Regardless, Delia took a step nearer Betelgeuse's door. Delia relaxed as she extended her hand. She slowly and carefully twisted the doorknob, opening the bedroom door and stepping inside. When she first walked in, she noticed the demon curled up in a little ball on the bedroom floor, broken and wailing, and surrounded by the smashed light and glass fragments.

"Oh... Bj..." Delia whispered to herself, gently and worriedly, as she sat down next to the broken-down demon. Attempting to get him into an embrace, on the other hand, was another matter entirely. Betelgeuse merely slumped and turned away, sliding away from her. "Please, Beej," she begged gently and sweetly. Betelgeuse's weeping and sniffing continued to be his constant companions. Delia's gaze was drawn away from Betelgeuse and toward the break in the door that she had closed, before returning her gaze to the crying demon. "Would you like a cuddle?" she inquired, petting his hair softly. He wiped his eyes and nodded his head, murmuring,

"yes please." As he sat back up, Delia threw her arm around him and supported him. She softly drew him towards her chest, running her fingers through his hair and gently kissing the top of his head.

"Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh, It's alright. It's alright" She said in hushed tones towards his ear. "Take a few deep breaths and count to 10," she said, not being pushy. As he counted to 10 softly, Betelgeuse took a few unsteady breaths. This went on for a minute or two until the demon stopped wailing and calmed down.

"Are you all right now?" Delia smiled.

"Does that mean you're leaving now?" Betelgeuse cracked a joke.

"Hey. You're almost back to your old self." Betelgeuse snickered as Delia giggled and shook her head. "Would you like to talk?" she said, and the demon nodded. "Wanna tell what happened?" the life coach said and again, was answered with the demon nodding.

"I'm just baffled. I have no idea who I am. I'm at a loss for words." As he went on, Betelgeuse's voice grew louder and more frustrated. "And since I'm such a moron for getting worked up over feelings, I ruin everything. I damage everything I come into contact with simply because I'm too foolish to comprehend both myself and my irrational feelings." He screamed and went to smack himself again, but Delia caught his wrist. She offered him a kind smile before kissing his forehead and lifting his hand to her lips, where she gently kissed his palm.

"I know you believe you ruin everything you touch, but these lovely hands could do so much good," she said lovingly as she held both of them in her palms. Betelgeuse inquired,


"Yeah. It's just a lamp, after all." She reassured him, "It's easily replaced. And I'm sure Adam will be more than happy to fix the door. You know that he enjoys things like that. Now, what's brought this on?" she said as she kissed his brow.

"Adam came up to the attic and tucked me into his bed after hearing me having a nightmare. He was so nice, even holding my hand till I fell asleep. When I awoke, he was still kind and called me 'Bug.' It made me feel strange, and I'm not sure what I'm feeling. I was genuinely bewildered." The demon confessed.

"Really? Do you want me to help you with that?" Betelgeuse nodded in response to Delia's question.

"What did it feel like inside when he called you 'Bug'"? She inquired one again.

"I received a flutter in my tummy and felt incredibly warm within," he says. Betelgeuse shrugged his shoulders. She informed him,

"That sounds like love."

"It can't possibly be love. Demons are incapable of falling in love." Betelgeuse said, his hair colours deepening.

"You do, however, have love." She informed him. "May I ask your sexuality, Beej?" Delia asked.

"Sexuality?" Betelgeuse cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah. For example, I am bisexual because I am attracted to both boys and girls." Delia informed him while still hugging him.

"I'm not sure what mine is." Betelgeuse had a frown on his face.

"Well, I suppose I could help."

"Would you?"

"Yeah. First, let's talk about your gender." Delia made a suggestion.

"I'm not sure. I'm not sure if I'm a male or a female. I don't really feel like either." Betelgeuse had informed her.


"Ever.". Delia took her phone from her pocket and typed LGBTQ+ into Google. She investigated the many genders and sexualities.

"That seems like non-binary to me." The demon was informed by Delia. He was questioned,

"What is that?"

"That is when a person does not cleanly fit into either gender and is neither masculine nor feminine." Delia informed him.

"I believe that is me," he says, a small smile tugging on his lips.

"Do you want me to start referring to you as 'they/them'?" Delia questioned politely.

"No, he/him's alright," Betelgeuse answered, his hair beginning to fade back to its natural green colour.

"That's okay ." Delia was confident. "Who do you think you're attracted to now?" Delia asked him.

"I suppose I find both males and girls attractive." Betelgeuse shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose non-binaries are cute?" Betelgeuse added to the mix. Delia explored further and discovered omnisexual.

"It's possible that you're omnisexual. Take a listen to this: "To be omnisexual is to be attracted to anyone regardless of their gender, which means they might date a man, a woman, a non-binary person, or anyone else while being aware of their gender but unconcerned with how they identify." She informed him.

"I don't give a damn about gender or notice it to be honest. I'll date anybody so long as they're gorgeous and nice." Betelgeuse announced. Delia continued her search and discovered pansexual.

"Pansexual then? Pansexuality is the attraction to individuals regardless of gender. This means that they might date a man, a woman, a non-binary person, or anybody else without their gender influencing whether or not they date them or have the potential to love them." The demon was informed by Delia.

"I'm still unsure. I'm hopeless, so get out of here!" Betelgeuse wept, his hair becoming gold, purple, and blue once more.

"Alright. alright. It's alright. It's alright." Delia was reassuring. The demon's hair had some indigo pieces in it, she observed. "Hey. Are you tired?" she inquired. The demon pouted as he nodded. "C'mon. I'll tuck you up for another nap. We'll continue when you're not as sleepy and stressed, okay?" Delia remarked, and the demon replied with a nod. She assisted him in rising off the floor and onto his hammock. He settled down and made himself comfortable. Delia smirked as she put the blanket around him and carefully raised his ankles. Before the demon could respond, she began tickling the soles of the demon's feet. He began to giggle and kick his legs like a child. Delia was pulled back and forth as she tightened his grip on Betelgeuse's ankles. There was no way out for him. She then moved to the backs of his knees and toes.

"Please. Stop," he wheezed, still frantically trying to flee. Delia chuckled and came to a halt, allowing the demon to collect his breath as she re-covered him with the fallen blanket. She rapidly raised it, as well as Betelgeuse's shirt, before pressing her face against his stomach and blowing sequential raspberries whilst tickling at his ribs. Like a toddler, Betelgeuse laughed and kicked his legs. "Stop! That tickles."

"All right, I'm done!" Delia giggled as she snuggled the demon in. "When you wake up, call me down, okay?" Betelgeuse nodded in response to Delia's question. She stayed with him, stroking his nose until he fell asleep, then quietly exited the room, closing the door behind her and returning to her room to converse with her crystals.

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