Noir Evans

By cosmos178

57.9K 2.4K 451

This Plot belongs to @cescawriter Same plot, different writing ‼️Currently have Writer's Block so please DM o... More

Chapter 1: Noir Evans
Chapter 2: Felix Felicis
Chapter 3: Colten Alley
Chapter 4: Burgock
Chapter 5: Beta Lowell Bledig
Chapter 6: Fenrir
Chapter 7: Lord Loculus
Chapter 8: Hair
Chapter 9: Romania
Chapter 11: The Dark Lord
Chapter 12: Letter
Chapter 13: Reply
Chapter 14: No Introduction
Chapter 15: Legilimency

Chapter 10: Catch-Up

3.1K 131 16
By cosmos178

"WHAT ARE BLOOD-SUCKING FILTH DOING IN HERE?!" an angry Werewolf barked at the bartender for that night.

Last night, the details of the contract had been ironed out and as a celebration, around 10 Vampires came that night. They had gotten glares and spits in their direction and, however sad it may be, they were used it. This werewolf in particular was the first with enough nerve, or idiocy, to actually say something. Harry, who was in a corner drinking some Butterbeer, a drink he had always been fond of, stood and wiped off the non-existent dust off his lap and walked over to the Werewolf, not looking up from the floor but somehow still being intimidating. His strides were fast and he had his wand strapped to his thigh and was dressed in jet-black combat robes that he had gotten from a clothes shop in Knockturn. It was undoubtedly pricey, but worth it.

Walking towards the man, the Werewolf glared at Noir, obviously unaware of who he was. The Vampire, who Harry had spoke to a couple times, smirked.

"Who are you?" he sneered disrespectfully. He chuckled and shook his head slightly, "I work here."

"Well then you should tell the owner to get rid of these guys." He pointed at the table of Vampires, grinning widely in anticipation of the encounter.

Harry turned his head towards than and apologised before smiling at the Werewolf and knocking him out cold, without even touching him.

With a wave of Harry's wand, which he had pulled out as the man fell to the floor, the hairy man stirred and sat up before cowering into a corner. He may have used a slight intimidation charm.

Harry smirked before completely vanishing the horrible excuse for a being and shook his head.

"Anyone else have to say anything to me?" he asked looking around the, rather large, place. It was about the size of the Great Hall and was packed with creatures from all walked if life, though mostly those of a higher-class. Even Humans were there and happily chatting and eating a few things Lisa learned to make. She was quite the chef.

The silence in the bar was broken by a chuckle. Harry, not wanting to make assumptions and regret it later, turned to the place the sound was coming from and found a certain Werewolf Alpha.

"Fenrir! How nice to see you! You didn't tell me you were coming!" he said joyfully.

"It appears so..." he nodded. A little snake told him that Fenrir wasn't all that happy, "I apologise for my intrusion but I was wondering if we could speak?"

Harry only nodded, knowing where this was going to go. He turned on his heel and walked to his office door gracefully entering. Fenrir bid farewell to the Betas at the table and one followed behind him as he entered the familiar room.

After only a few moments, they were sat opposite each other in a rather uncomfortable silence. To Fenrir, the tension in the room was just rising. Harry, on the other hand, was filtering through the thoughts of Fenrir. The man was insane but he had cause; like most. He finally got to the reason they were actually meeting and he suppressed a shake of his head.

Fenrir only wanted to pull his leg by saying that he didn't want to be in business with him after Francois' deal. Of course, this wasn't true. Harry was aware that Francois and Fenrir were on good terms and had corresponded before both deals were made. Fenrir, however, was unaware that he knew. The man was very childish indeed. He pulled out of the Werewolf's mind and turned his attention to the Beta in the room just to spite him. He felt as though they had a strong enough friendship that he wouldn't be too mad and decided to take the chance. That was part of the fun of being on the Dark side.

"Otsana! How nice to see you again! I trust your cub is doing well?" He ignored Fenrir's 'subtle' scowl. He did not want to be racist but Werewolves tended to be on the more... self-assertive side.

The she-wolf just looked over to her Alpha and shrunk into her seat, hoping she could just be absorbed by the chair.

Harry chuckled lightly before returning his gaze to the, still scowling, Death Eater. Yes, he knew that Fenrir was a Death Eater. He had known ever since his first encounter with the Betas when they, rather rudely, came to his bar unannounced. It was a wonder why people didn't;t have Occlumency shields.

"Are we just going to sit here doing nothing or are you gonna talk?"

"I have come across some..."

Before he could continue Harry chuckled, "You really think you can fool me with this childish hogwash then I overestimated you."

Fenrir glared at him although a smile began to form at the corner of his mouth before, he too, chuckled.


Severus scowled as he walked through the halls in search of Potter. He had gone missing for over a day now and apparently, the Headmaster was worried for him. That lead to the torture of him.

He had long ago realised that the boy had more to him than it seemed and that he was a Slytherin at heart. At first, it was shocking and now, it was still shocking. He had never seen that coming. He saw that the Dark Lord would rise and that he would spy for him and that Albus insisted that Harry Potter be the one to take him down. They had spooked of it many a time; mostly against his will.

He turned a corner and his scowl depended when he spotted the Gryffindor leaning against a wall and reading what looked like a very old book. He never though him to be a person to read anything that he wasn't forced to but then again, he hadn't thought the boy to be dark either.

Harry had been wandering the halls of Hogwarts after coming back from a long, and successful, trip to Romania and an overnight shift at Demeure des Ombres. He had completely forgotten about school and kicked himself when he found out that the staff were looking for him. They would have let him be if he was any other student but, alas, he was Harry Potter. The person that defeated the Dark Lord before he could count to 7.

He narrowly avoided Minerva and quickly made his way to the opposite end of the school where he knew Snape was looking for him, by means of the Marauder's map. Harry hadn't wanted his secret to be out at all, no less to Severus Snape, but it was and he might as well put it to good use and annoy the man a bit.

He leant up against a wall with the sole of one of his feet on the stone walls of the seventh floor corridor. When he saw Snape moving close to the corridor he was in, he tucked away the and took out on of his books. This particular one was called 'Magicks Moste Evile'. Despite its name, it was only recently published. He picked up where he left of and smirked when he heard the muttering voice of Severus Snape. The man had a habit off muttering under his breath and it was usually directed at 'reckless Gryffindors' or 'cowardly Hufflepuffs'.

Snape advanced towards him rather angrily with a sneer plastered on his face.

"Professor!" he chuckled, "What can I do for you?". He put the book in his bag but not before made sure that Severus saw the title. He smirked at the double take that the professor took.

Not saying a word, Severus took out his wand and sent a Patronus to Minerva and the rest of the staff. Still in silence, Snape ushered Harry to Minerva's office, as she was his Head of House, and forced him into a seat.

That night was full of nagging and 'not angry but disappointed with you's. In the end, he only had three nights worth of detentions and 20 points from Gryffindor. Overall, he had much worse.


"Harry? Harry?" Hermione said as Harry was making his way towards the chamber. He sighed before turning to face the buck-toothed Gryffindor.

She caught up to the green-eyed boy and, to no surprise, began to nag him. She didn't even bother to aske where he was or what he did. She just kept going on and on about how important studies were, and how he shouldn't be reckless. It had lasted about 20 minutes when she realised that Harry wasn't listening and stopped.

"I'm sorry about Sirius... but you cant keep doing this."

Harry chuckled. In this situation, he may have come off as slightly psychotic, as Hermione's face clearly showed, but he couldn't help himself. The way that Granger actually thought that she was being a good friend was absolutely hilarious. She had been nothing more than a pain for the last 5 or so years and somehow thought they were best of friends. Ron had basically ignored him for the entirety of the term and Harry was happy with that.

Harry shook his head and just headed to the Gryffindor common room, not wanting to have to answer unwanted questions about where he was going.


It was Yule break and Harry finally got rid of his prison guards. He was free. Ron had gone back to the Burrow and beside Molly's insistence, Harry stayed at Hogwarts. Molly had always thought of herself as Harry's mother figure but she couldn't be more wrong.

He packed some things from his desk, mostly paperwork from Lordships and such, as well a few books that were sure to keep him entertained. He rushed to the Chamber and promptly jumped inside and landed gracefully before rushing to the Apparition point and feeling the familiar sensation that was Apparition.

He grinned as he took down the Wards. He would be able to be here for most of the duration of the Yule break. The place he truly belonged...

Sorry about the rather boring chapters but the next one will be more interesting...


(PLOT BELONGS TO @cescawriter)

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