His Angel || Zeldris x Reader

By 31KiwiChan31

51.5K 1.6K 560

*Collab with the lovely Jk_bias_love ! Hurt them and I'll hurt you-* Y/N was a member of the Goddess Clan wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

2.7K 86 53
By 31KiwiChan31

~Necklace Key~

Red : admiring/ dazed / showing love

Purple : jealousy

Yellow : worried

Black : angry

Pink : shy/ flustered/ embarrassed

Grey: sad

White : teasing

green : disgusted

Blue : happy/ soft


A small girl stood in the courtyard, with sparkles in her eyes as she watched the birds fly above the clouds. She giggled happily when one landed in front of her. She wore a small F/C dress with a tiny silver circlet on her head. A necklace was wrapped around her neck and radiated a magical presence that the little girl could not sense. 

"Y/N!" A sweet voice called out, causing the birds to disperse. "Awww, the birdies flew away," she pouted playfully. 

In a single second, her mood lifted up again. She waved towards the small boy with light hair. "Hey Arthur!" She exclaimed with a smile. The prince finally made it to the front of her and smiled brightly. 

"Lady Julicka asked me to come and find you. She said to meet her in the back courtyard," Arthur explained with a smile. Julicka was one of the maids at the castle. 

Y/N was found when she was only an infant. The kingdom of Camelot was raising its future ruler, Arthur Pendragon. The maids took her in and she was considered a princess by the people. She wasn't related to Arthur by blood, but her kind and outgoing nature earned the people's love. Some even consider her as the prince's future fiancé. 

"Oh? Okay!" Y/N exclaimed. "Let's go then!" She smiled before giggling and running into the palace. "H-hey! Wait up!" Arthur ran after the small girl with a small sigh. 


When the two children entered the back courtyard and were confused at the sight of a small group of people. Julicka was speaking to them before looking in the direction of the children. 

The maid smiled warmly and gestured for the two children to come over. "Lady Y/N, Sir Arthur, it's okay. These are the people I wanted you two to meet," 

The two children turned to look at each other. Their hands interlocked as they slowly walked towards the maid and hid behind her, slightly speaking out.

A blonde male chuckled and leaned down. "Yo! My name is Meliodas! The ones behind me are my pals' the Seven Deadly Sins!" He chuckled with a smile, gesturing to the six armored beings behind him.

His green eyes caught sight of Y/n and almost seemed to freeze. Meliodas tilted his head and appeared quite confused.

The girl looked up at Meliodas with a soft smile. The demon held out his hand with a gentle smile. The girl jumped into his arms randomly. She pulled back and appeared quite weirded out herself. A small blush coated her cheeks at how close they were.

She'd only just met him and had acted like he was one of her best friends. That behavior wasn't how she was taught.

"S-sorry mister-" Y/N stuttered in a meek voice that shook. "No worries!" Meliodas laughed.

His eyes were suddenly entranced by the necklace around her neck. "What-" he mumbled. "Do you mind if I see your necklace for a second?" She nodded slowly before lifting the pendant up for him to see.

Meliodas examined the pendant in his hands carefully, occasionally feeling small shocks. A demon's pendant was almost immediately recognized by a fellow demon. Any other race would only view it as a simple necklace.

And to see one given to the reincarnation of his old friend, was almost overwhelming. The Demon Race was sealed 3000 years ago. Could she have possibly met a Demon before the Holy War?

Meliodas begins to collect the pieces. Y/N had grumbled about wanting to get closer to someone, even quoting 'love is difficult'. Not to mention, she had been crying over someone accidentally hurting her....

"Don't squeeze it!" Y/N suddenly exclaimed. Meliodas realized that as his worry grew, so did his grip. "That's where my friend lives!"

"Your friend?" Meliodas repeated in both shock and confusion.

"Yeah! He sometimes talks to me, isn't it cool?!" Meliodas frowned, what in the world is happening? Who could have given this to her?

"Where did you get this? Who gave it to you?" Meliodas asked quite seriously. It almost scared the small princess.

"I- nobody gave it to me, I've always had it..." she clenched the pendant to seek protection from it unconsciously.

Meliodas seemed to have his cheery attitude and usual smile back like nothing happened

 "Right.. Say Y/N, what do you say to going on an adventure with the Seven Deadly Sins and myself?" He held out his hand towards her waiting for her to answer when someone took her hand in his and brought her back.

"I'm sorry mister. But Princess Y/N is still small and I can't let her go by herself. It's too dangerous- OW!" Arthurs's hands received pain and let go of the confused child.

"What's wrong Arthur?"

"I don't know... my hand suddenly felt some kind of pain.." Meliodas was watching the pendant closely and saw it pulsing wildly, that nobody seemed to notice.

Dark purple? It appears the being is jealous...

Now he was certain she had met a demon, but who could it be?

"Well- I want to go with mister Meliodas! I want to visit the world! Come onnnn Arthur! Pretty please let me go! I promise I'll come back!"

"Fine," Arthur huffed. " I give you one month, but then you have to come back to me. I can't be away from you for too long....I can't bear it..." He seemed to have mumbled the last part, so little Y/N didn't hear it, but the blonde demon sure did and chuckled behind them, finding their relationship quite cute.


The Seven Deadly sins and the little princess arrived at the Tavern quite late causing some of them to go to bed while some stayed up, who are Meliodas, Ban the Fox sin of Greed, and the princess.

The two males began drinking and per usual, Ban got drunk. The princess felt slightly uncomfortable when Ban suddenly eyed her from the corner of his eyes.

"Say princess, you seem to be quite fond of that necklace of yours. Mind if I take it for a check to see its quality?"

"Ban enough. You're drunk and not thinking straight" Meliodas seemed to have taken a serious tone so the drunk man didn't dare defy him. Ban shrugged his shoulders and left for bed.

"Just wanted to protect her. I don't know why, but I already feel attached to her for some reason, maybe her aura, her cute personality-"

"I wanted to check the necklace to protect her. I felt a dark present there. Or maybe it's just 'cause I'm drunk *chuckle* well good night capt'n princess~" He started off serious and then suddenly changed his tone to a more cheery one.

Meliodas seemed to be lost in thought. He hasn't said anything to the princess ,who seems to be weirded out.

Why would he feel attached to me? Oh my god, is he my stalker?? Oh my- Arthur was right! There was really someone watching me '>//<'

"You must be tired, you should go to bed"

"Mister Meliodas, could I perhaps learn how to fight?" The princess asked abruptly in a quite cheerful tone.

Meliodas looked confused for a moment, for a princess to ask to learn fighting skills is uncommon


"Oh! It's because my friend said it's essential for me to be prepared for the unexpected. He says I have to be strong before he comes back and takes me with him to his kingdom. Isn't it awesome?"

"I... guess- Fine. You can train, we'll take turns-"

"Nope! My friend said it has to be you who trains me!" She smiled innocently. Meliodas widened his eyes at her words. That could only mean 'her friend' knew him and wanted to watch him closely.

He knows me personally, could be one of the ten commandments or again it could be anyone who hates me. Almost every demon does....*sigh* how troublesome

The princess kept smiling innocently, all the while holding the pendant close to her chest. The pendant pulsed again radiating a light pink color which represented the demon was flustered or shy.

Meliodas gave a dead panned expression.

So he's a shy one too? How interesting.

"Fine, I can train you, but be prepared. I'm not going to go easy on you even if you're a princess" He gave a devilish smirk, to the princess who looked slightly worried.

Maybe I shouldn't be trained by mister scary guy!! >///<

"U-umm I'll go now mister goodnight!" And just like that, she dashed upstairs, Meliodas just snickered. He just teased her. Of course he wouldn't actually be hard on her. She's like a little sister to him and wouldn't actually hurt the girl.

But it was fun to tease her. He had missed her so much. When he had learned she was killed by Ludociel he felt pure rage. He thought he wouldn't see her ever again, but apparently she reincarnated into a princess. How is it possible? Was it faith that gave her mercy and a second chance at life?

The only person who would know is the sin of Gluttony...

Phew~how scary..the princess collapsed on her bed.

"I wonder why Oni wanted me to train....He said he would protect me...

I mean if I don't train he would come to my rescue everytime I'm in danger. How romantic! It's like the book I read when I was young ! O//O '' the princess seemed to have screamed the last part as Meliodas decided to check on her.

He watched from behind the door, hearing that she was speaking with someone

Maybe I can find out more about it?

Inside the room, the princess seemed to be in a dreamy state and she had fallen asleep without realizing it.

The little child opened her cute little eyes, her gold pupils looking around before settling on a standing person.

She gasped in happiness and ran to her most precious friend and hugged him, who hugged her back. We couldn't really see his face that well but she could see his body quite well. And she saw he was always wearing the same red suit and armor.

She pouted at this.

"Aren't you always wearing this, isn't it too heavy with that sword of yours?"

" *chuckle* of course not you little cute bunny," she gave a deadpan look and smiled right after. "Say Oni, why would you have me train? Won't you be enough to protect me?" he gave her a sad look, almost in melancholy, the princess felt a tug at her own heart and didn't understand why.

"You never...know what might happen, you must be careful... you're still a small kid after all," at those last words she pouted and gave an angry look,

"Hey! I'm not a kid!"

"Well, then how old are you? Are you considered an adult yet?"

"Well n-no... but I'm not that small! I'm eleven years old-!" At that revelation, she gave a proud look, almost like she was considering herself already quite an adult. The mysterious being chuckled at her cute behaviour. He patted her H/C hair.

"That's not even the age for adulthood yet" She gave a pout. Even her friend thought of her as a child. He saw how sad her expression went. He decided to say something romantic to make it up to her.

He stood and leaned in very close to her face, with this close proximity she could see his bright dark eyes. She flushes pink hue at this closeness.

"I mean if you were an adult I would have asked you to marry me since you wouldn't be cute but quite beautiful " he smirked when her face went bright red.

"D-d-don't s-say that! I can't get married with my friend, it's not even realistic...!"

He chuckled at that, right then the princess remembered something.

"Say... Arthur said something similar ... he said that people like the both of us together but I mean he's also my friend so I can't really marry my friend right-*gasp*

The princess couldn't finish her sentence. Her friend had punched the tree beside them. The startled princess reached for her friend and took his armored hands in hers.

"W-why would you do that...?"

"I saw an annoying ugly bug. A very ugly bug he was about to hurt you" He turned his head away to hide his anger. He didn't want to scare her anymore than that.

"Please don't punch a tree though! You could get hurt!"

"I won't get hurt from punching a tree. So don't worry"

"R-right and another thing...there is this stalker guy from mister's scary team and he said he felt a dark presence from my necklace. You should be careful, Oni. Maybe this dark being could hurt you!" She clenched her tiny fist in front of her face and gave a serious face, but failed to do so as her face was a cute one.

"Right... but for now you should have some rest. Come here, you can lie on my lap. And don't worry too much. I'll be fine" She gave a worried look but complied to get some sleep. I mean, she would be training with mister scary guy tomorrow and god bless what he would make her do.

"Okay..." She mumbled to herself. Once she relaxed for a split moment, she could feel her sleepiness overcome herself. Her eyelids drooped and her movements were much more lazy.

The small girl walked over to where he sat down beneath the very tree he had punched. She let out a small yawn and stretched out her arms, almost hitting 'Oni's' face. He laughed softly. "You shouldn't be staying up this late. For someone as young as you, your body needs rest," he explained whilst she let herself lay her head in his lap.

She pouted and poked his nose. "I wanted to talk to you before I went to sleep," She mumbled. "You're my friend," Y/N spoke again.

Hesitantly, he let his hand gently play with her hair. He laughed softly. "You really are a weird goddess," he mumbled to himself, his shaky voice barely audible. The girl laughed softly. "Night Oni...."

The princess closed her eyes and quickly succumbed to sleep. The demon sighed sadly and glanced down at the sleeping girl.

The very goddess that gave her life to save a demons'....

He gave her a name to call him when she first met him, Oni. If he hadn't, she would've kept calling him Mister Abs and Mister Serious Guy.

Part of him felt bad for slightly deceiving the girl......after all.....how could he say that..... That evil presence was him...

.....the Second Prince of the Demon King, Zeldris....

How could he tell her that he's loved her from a long time ago and still does

For now, he will stick to her as a friend, even if it hurts. He'll protect her this time, he won't let her die this time or he'd never forgive himself. When he felt a familiar aura being awakened, he almost collapsed due to shock.

When he found out through his necklace; since the necklace is like part of his heart, he knew that she was alive.

He felt beyond happy. He wanted to know how she got reincarnated and as a human princess nonetheless.

He had started to communicate with her when she was old enough to understand words.

He had grown anxious and even angry when this human boy started to hang out with her quite often. Abruptly, this ugly human didn't like her at first, but grew a crush on his precious goddess/human girl. He wanted to crush his face against a wall. Well, it can't be helped who wouldn't fall in love with her. She was cute, beautiful, funny, delightful, nice and the list goes on.

" *sigh* I won't him take you away from me...you're mine forever"


Meliodas came inside the room to check on her and found her in a dreaming state with a smile on her baby-like face. He chuckled at the cute princess.

He opened his eyes once he sensed the pendant of the princess pulsing.

He saw that first it was green. The green color signifies that the demon is quite happy and relaxed. He hummed in thought. Who would show happiness and a relaxed face? He began to ponder who it could be.

"Maybe Drax (random demon name) pff no.." he began to mumble to himself.

Suddenly the color changed to a dark purple

Well he's quite the bipolar guy huh?

Then it seemed to change again to black, Meliodas seemed to deadpan now. There were many possibilities for demons that get angry quickly. Was the necklace testing him? On purpose to mislead him?!

Suddenly, the color changed yet again to yellow, meaning the being was worried

Had he heard him saying the necklace was misleading him and began to feel worried??

Meliodas began to smirk in victory.

However, the expected happened... The pendant pulsed with this sound that only other demons can hear, the sound was like a silent cry of sadness.

Then the pendant pulsed a vibrant blue color, signifying sadness and overwhelming guilt. Meliodas widened his eyes at this, now he was really confused, he doesn't know a demon who could feel this type of way. He's the only demon he's heard of to have felt those kinds of emotions.

But through that color, he could still perceive another hidden color. If you looked closely, a vibrant red mixed within the vibrant blue color.

Meliodas felt frustrated too. Again, he was the only demon to ever feel love for someone. So who could be this sad and this in love with his small little sister?

He felt lost. 

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