His Angel || Zeldris x Reader

By 31KiwiChan31

51.5K 1.6K 560

*Collab with the lovely Jk_bias_love ! Hurt them and I'll hurt you-* Y/N was a member of the Goddess Clan wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 10

2.6K 88 35
By 31KiwiChan31

Y/N's Pov

Waking up the next morning, I prepare myself and leave my room.

Upon flying to the exit door, I notice my brother in the kitchen wearing a frown.

"Sariel? What's got you in a foul mood?"

Sariel flinched, not expecting me up this early,

"N-nothing sis don't worry about it... What are you up to today?"

I frowned, confused about his weird attitude. I didn't question him, as maybe he has many things going on with the other Archangels.

"I was going to fly a bit to clear my head," My brother nodded. He flew over to me and gave me a big hug. I was shocked about this act of display. He was never a hugging person.

Nonetheless, I hugged him back.

"Please be careful and don't- no nevermind. Have fun." After that he flew over to the door and went out without turning around, as if he was in a rush.

I frowned. What's up with him? He never acts this way. Is something going to happen?

Is he hiding something? Shaking my head at those thoughts, I laughed at those silly thoughts. Sariel would never hide anything from me....



I was flying over the Goddess Realm, clearing all the negative thoughts I had about yesterday. I was debating if I should go to the Demon Realm and visit Zeldris.

Maybe he's still upset about what happened yesterday. Maybe I should give him time to cool down and let him come to me?

Ugh! Y/N- of course he won't come to the Goddess Realm

Ugh stupid stupid stupid !

I was gripping my hair tightly and doing weird movements with my body.

As I was having yet another turmoil, I heard a clearing of a throat.

I froze, oh my god! Someone spotted me and now thinks I'm the weirdest angel ever.

Nice one Y/N!

Turning around, I was red as a tomato.

Once I turned fully around, I saw Gelda hiding in the forest giving me a weird look.

I flew to her and scratched the back of my neck, still a blushing mess.

"Hi Gelda... *awkward laugh* What brings you here?"

Gelda shook her head at me and exhaled a sigh

"I wanted to hang out with you, are you free?"

I smiled at the thought of spending some quality time with her. It has been too long since we were just the two of us.

"Sure! I'm free. What do you want to do?" I was super excited.

Gelda held her hands out and presented a blind fold.I tilted my head to the side, looking confused as heck.

"What's with the blindfold?"

"I need you to put this on. I want to show you something- it's a surprise." Eyes sparkling,I smiled. Gelda always gave the best gifts.

I took the blindfold and put it around my eyes.

Gelda took my hands and guided me somewhere.

I kept pestering her about where we were going and what she had prepared for me, but she wouldn't tell me anything.

Sometime later, I started to feel a light breeze near my face and light hot streaks.

It felt so pleasant. But where were we? As I was going to ask, Gelda removed the blindfold or so I thought. When I opened my eyes, Zeldris was in front of me. I blushed at the close proximity.

I looked around me, looking for Gelda but she was nowhere to be found.

Where in the heck did she go?!

"You won't find her. We exchanged places when you put the blindfold on; it was part of my plan." Zeldris said while blushing and scratching the back of his neck.

Oh- that's why she wasn't answering my questions

Makes sense. How in the heck did I not notice when he took my hand it was different?! Stupid me...

"Why would you make this whole plan just to see me?"

"I ..I wanted to make it up to you for how I acted yesterday.

I wanted to tell you how proud I was of you." I looked at him with big eyes. I was blushing at how gentle he was being towards me. I smiled at him with tears pricking the corners of my eyes. I lunged toward him and hugged him tightly, I wasn't expecting him to hug me back. The hug felt like he was protecting me.

I pulled back and gasped, noticing his bright green eyes.

" Zel.. your eyes are so beautiful!"

He blushed a deep red and turned away while mumbling his reply.

" They come only when I'm happy and trust the person...and something else but I'll tell you later...."

He took my hand and guided me somewhere. This time, I really took the moment to look closely around me. We were in the Demon Realm, but this part wasn't devoid of life. It wasn't eternal darkness nor lifeless. Actually it was quite lovely, more so than the Goddess race.

Once we stopped walking, Zeldris brought me down on the cover that was on the ground. "Gelda helped you with everything I presume?"

"Yeah, I didn't even know what to do to make it perfect, but she knew how to do it. I'll have to thank her for that later." he smiled a little, however he frowned right after.

"Listen, I want to apologize for how I acted towards you. You didn't deserve any of that, you were nothing but sweet to me and I got angry at you. I should've told you how proud I was to you, I should've been touched that you were willing to risk your life to protect the Demon Realm and it's not even your home. Please forgive me"

Tears were streaming down my cheeks touched about his words

"Zel I- "

"Wait let me finish-! I need to say it." He took my cheeks and held them in his warm armored hands. Caressing them gently "You mean so much to me, at first I didn't realise what those emotions were. I thought those feelings were just about friendship because nobody treated me as kindly as you do. But then those feelings were more than that, I thought about you constantly, your cute smile, your cute and shy personality, your- actually I love everything about you. And I know it hasn't been long since we have known each other but I couldn't help but fall in love with you. It's kinda impossible to not fall in love with you actually." taking a deep breath he said the words I never thought he would say to me.

"I love you Y/n."

My eyes were wide open, with tears still streaming down my cheeks and on his hands that still held them. I was at a loss for words. I held his hands that held my cheeks

"I-I- Zel- Zel I-" I couldn't even say it back I was too overwhelmed by my emotions.

"Shhh, It's fine you don't have to say it back right now, take your time"

Gasping like he remembered something he removed his hands from my cheeks and took something out from his red suit pocket. When he brought it in front of me I saw that it was a necklace.

"This necklace holds special meaning for us demons, we give those necklaces to the ones we love, whom we want to spend our entire life with. It's like a wedding ring, except it holds powers like no other; this necklace will protect you whenever you're in danger if danger ever comes towards you, I'll also be able to talk to you through this necklace, I'll also know where you are whenever you need me.

Plus, this necklace can't be taken by anyone, once it is gifted to you it is a part of you. If by mischance someone takes it or wears it and it isn't the special person wearing it it will curse them and eventually they will die.

This necklace, It's like i'm giving you my heart, it's yours forever"

I held the pendant in my hands tightly, feeling touched about the gift he gave me.

I don't deserve him, he's too precious

"I don't know what to say Zel- I- i love you too... so much it's overwhelming me.

I don't deserve you."

Zeldris smiled at me, but shocked I said the words I love you too. He approached me and took one of my cheeks and carressed them affectionately. I blushed when he started to lean in.

My eyes were wide, then closed my eyes expecting to feel his lips on mine.

However, before it could happen we heard a big explosion just a few metres away from us. My eyes flew open in shock.

Wind started to pick up, debris went everywhere, my hair flew in every direction possible.

Zeldris shielded me with his built body, protecting me from getting hurt. He had also drawn out his sword.

He turned around to face me, and uttered words I never wished were coming out of his mouth.

"It's the goddesses they're attacking" he was about to go and fight them but I held him back " wait let me help you! I won't sit by and watch the goddess destroy your world! I won't let it happen!"

"Y/n please there is no way I'm letting you get hurt-"

"I won't get hurt, I swear! but please let me help.. I need to stop them" he clenched his fist tightly thinking about it but then sighed and nodded.

We both took off, along the way we separated to fight off different sides.

When I arrived on the battlefield, everything was on fire, young demons were screaming, some were badly injured.

I looked up in the sky to see a giant ark sphere. I gasp as I knew what it would do to the captured demons.

I saw Ludociel up in the sky; I clenched my teeth. I flew up at him at high speed and appeared in front of him. He wasn't expecting me and recoiled a bit.

I glared up at him in hatred

"Let them go, you bastard, they haven't done anything to us!"

"Tch I knew you would betray us for them you filthy angel;

But on the contrary those filthy creatures are but innocent-"

I slapped him across the face, that cut him off mid sentence, his face turned the other way around, he glared up at me and summoned an ark, I widened my eyes unprepared to defend myself. I put my arms in front to protect myself the best I could.

However, I didn't feel anything. Opening my eyes I saw a shocked Ludociel.

I looked around me and saw I was inside a sphere of darkness, I gasped

The necklace!

"Tch, it doesn't matter, Sariel! Tarmiel! Do it now

The ark Omega annihilate them now!

I gasped at the name of my brother "No Sariel please I beg you don't do it !"

I looked up and saw hundreds of demons being killed by the ark omega that my brother and Tarmiel did. I put my hands in front of my month in shock.

"No," I said in a whisper.

"I wonder how the rest will survive with the next omega ark" he smirked up at me, I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. I drew out my sword, I lunged at him screaming in anger.

"How can you be this heartless, have you got no heart?! They're beings with emotions, feelings, they have families like us! How can you assume otherwise!" I kept striking him with my sword, he kept on blocking but I saw he was having a hard time.

Some of my strikes got him injured. Bringing my sword back I brought it back at high speed, that he just barely blocked it with his sword.

I kept pushing forward with mine, I was angry, my eyes held hatred. I won't ever forgive him. His hands were starting to shake and his sword lost a bit of firmness. Regardless of his bad position he still smirked.

"I wonder how your little demon lover will defend himself" I widened my eyes, shocked by his words.

"What- what do you mean..?"

you see, I'm not really present here. I took possession of a regular goddess body and made it my own. The real me is currently in front of your injured demon prince.

If you think you can protect him by arriving here on time. Good luck." He smirked.

I gasped, I pushed his clone away and took off at high speed.

I need to get there on time, I need to protect him, if anything happens to him I won't ever forgive myself!

I spotted Zeldris on the ground badly injured, Ludociel high in the sky, sword high up in the air gathering enough power to execute ark omega, a powerful spell to kill an entire clan worth of demons.

"Feel my wrath! my power! you filthy demon, begone!" he pointed his sword at Zeldris's weak body and unleashed the omega on him.

"NO!" I flew faster, I put my hand in front of me, trying to reach Zeldris before the hit could. Once I was near enough I pushed Zeldris out of the way. I closed my eyes and let the ark omega inglobe me, after a while it disappeared as this spell kills demons and not goddesses. However, I still got minor injuries from it.

Zeldris got up from the ground, and coughed, "you dummy why- why would you come back for me! You could've gotten hurt or worse-"

"You dummy our powers do not work on our own kind" I went to him and gave him my hand and smiled at him. He softened his glare and was about to give me his hand, however before he could reach it, I gasped in shock. Feeling pain in my chest, most precisely in my heart.

I looked down and saw a sword go through my body, I coughed up blood. Zeldris widened his eyes in shock. "Well. I guess you did manage to save him, however you don't get to live for that; traitor."

Ludociel removed his sword from my body violently and smirked

" I told you that it wasn't over"

Zeldris saw red after this, he got up and charged sword drown out at Ludociel screaming his wrath

"You bastard you'll pay!"

Ludociel smirked and took off.

Zeldris stopped and glared in anger, he turned to me in worry, and widened his eyes once he saw I was on the ground, bleeding internally.

He came to me in a hurry and held me on his lap embrassing me.

"y-y-y/n c-come on open your beautiful eyes... " he started panicking, when I didn't answer.

"C-come on Y/n it's not funny, answer me I beg you... please..." he shook my body trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes at the feeling, but coughed blood and whined in pain.

"P-p-please f-forgive m-m-me Z-zel, I-I w-won't m-make it.

B-b-but I was a-a-ble to s-save you" I brought my hand on his cheeks and held it affectionately, I gave him a closed eye smile, blood dripping from the corner or my mouth and on my clothes.

I opened my eyes tears going out,

"I l-l-love y-you Z-z-zel" I exhaled my last breath my eyes seeing darkness.

My hand that was on his cheek fell down on the ground.

"N-n-no c-come on don't leave me I beg you!

You promised you wouldn't get hurt!"

"Come on! Wake up! Please!

Please... open your eyes and tell me it's a joke! Tel me it's a stupid joke..." he held my body tighly, my head against his chest, he kept on chanting please over and over again. Rocking back and forth.

He opened his eyes in anger and brought his fist on the ground banging it harshly, making a dent in the process, however he didn't care about that at all. Because he just lost the love of his life.


Damn it! Damn them!

Opening his eyes, he glared up in the distance, his eyes holding utter hatred

"I swear I'll avenge you, I'll make them pay!"


Author's pov:

That same day the demon clan got sealed away, in the same moment, the Demon Clan was sealed away and the deceased goddess was cursed. Since she loved a demon, she was cursed by the Grand Deity. The goddess was forever reincarnated in the human world, with a small portion of her powers in a human form, forgetting all events of her past life. However, she was able to fall in love with anybody.

The necklace would forever be a part of her, following her through her journey. One day, she heard a familiar voice without knowing who it was telling her to wait and that it will find her again.

Through the necklace, Zeldris found out that Y/n was cursed with eternal reincarnation and found out she was indeed alive. From the moment he found out, he swore to himself that he would break the seal, find her again, and save her.

Wait for me my little angel

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