The Assassin's Cupid {Under E...

By YourAcetylCholine

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"I don't care if you do proms or not. I'm not missing my last high school prom. You're going to prom with me... More

You're so sus
Memory wipe.
Change of plans
Wrong answer
Mop stick
Death of Dickhead
Rage and Trust
Oreos + Candy
Tell Mum
No Escape
Bloody Motherfucking Asshole
Island girl
No Fucking Way
Bad Guy
Promises and Swears
Crazy But Perfect
Tough Night
Way Too Nice Assassin.
My Cupid
You're Amazentastic ❤️


19 12 4
By YourAcetylCholine


"Just keep your eyes locked on the target." I said, standing behind Doce and correcting her aim with the Pistol gun.

I could literally feel her body vibrating.

"Calm down," I said against her hair, holding back a smile as she flinched.

When I tried guiding her fingers on the grip and frame of the gun, her back was pressed against my chest and I began to find it a bit difficult to concentrate on the targets myself.

What? I'm a Guy. Get over it.

"Lyrik." she started, her voice shaky, "I don't know if I can do this. What if I miss it?"

"Sincerely, that's a great possibility." I said flatly and she turned her neck to look at me.

"Yeah. Thanks. You know, that's really helpful." She stated, sarcastically, to which I chuckled at before she turned back to face the targets.

Shakily, she pulled the trigger and hit the target perfectly.

"Ohmygosh!!!" She yelled as I let go of her hand. "I did it, I actually did!!!! I freaking made that shot. Did you see that?!! That was me!!! Yes!!!!" She started running round the arena in victory and I watched her with a sort of permanent smile on my face.

I let her victory linger for a while before stepping forward. "Yeah, you did. After a hundred and twenty four trials."

She stopped in her tracks, glared at me and stuck her tongue out. "I still completed my weapons training and that's all that really matters."

She started doing a really weird victory dance just as Kyan opened the door and made his way in.

"How's it going?"

"I completed my training!!!!!!!" Doce yelled and ran into Kyan's arms.

He hugged her back but of course a trace of confusion was visible in his expression as he glanced at me with questioning eyes.

I just shrugged a smile.

This girl was something else.

She soon let go of him and made her way to the glass shelves where the weapons were stored.

"Anyway... again, Alexander has been found." he said straightening out his hair.

I groaned in response. "Why does this guy keep fleeing in the first place?"

Sincerely speaking, the guy has enough gun men for an actual battle but he keeps fleeing before the end.

Something makes me believe he just enjoys us chasing him down.

Kyan shrugged. "The guy's a psychopath. No one knows why he does anything he does."

"This time, he won't get far." Doce said causing Kyan and I to turn to her direction.

"You know why?" She continued, holding an AR-15, "because this time, there's an extra gun expert on our team."

Figuring out that she was talking about herself was a no brainier. It was like this final training gave her an unexplainable ultimate boost of confidence.

"Aneeqa, you might want to be careful with that. It's pretty dangerous." Kyan said, to which she rolled her eyes.

"Puh-lease, I eat danger for break fast."

I winced at that and she gave me a glare.

"Last time I checked, you ate Oreos and candy for breakfast."

"You know, you don't always have to be a wet blanket." she snapped before running over and climbing over my back.

She then leaned closer to my ear and whispered in a pleading tone. "piggy back ride?"

God, this girl.

If I said no, it was going to be a waste of time because knowing her, she'll never back down so I simply agreed to it and put my hands under her thighs for support.

"And Jaxon said Mauve needed to show us something. I'm guessing a new gadget or something like that." kyan said and led the way to the tech room.

I followed him with Doce on my back.

When we arrived, Mauve and Jaxon were there having a conversation.

"So what makes it any different from a plain Grenade?" Jaxon asked.

"The damage it causes is greater than a normal grenade, because it makes double explosions. See, I had the nuclear radioactivity doubled by combining micro molecules, atoms and radioactive nuclei from some other radioactive materials, calculated the molecular mass, range, horizontal velocity with regards as a projectile and trust me, this baby is a great bet." Mauve explained holding a black grenade.

Jaxon was silent for a while and bit his nails.

"Are you speaking English?" Jaxon suddenly said, making Mauve groan in frustration.

"It's just quantum Physics."

Jaxon scoffed. "More like barbarian physics."

Mauve glared at him before rolling his eyes. "It's not barbarian physics. There's no such thing as barbarian physics."

"What do you know? You're just Eighteen." Jaxon snapped at him and Mauve narrowed his eyes at him.

"Soo.. Alexander?" Kyan piped in.

"Yeah." Jaxon said, walking towards Kyan, Doce and I "I'm not so sure you guys should go on this mission particularly."

We all stared at him in confusion.

"Why not?"
"What do you mean?"
"What the fuck are you saying?"

Kyan, Doce and I asked respectively and simultaneously.

Jaxon exhaled.

"Because,... Alexander is getting more dangerous by the minute. Two days ago, he was at New Brunswick and now he's back. We've been watching him but I don't know what he has planned this time, but I also know he's up to something bigger. I have a feeling that this is going to be the most taxing mission ever and I don't want you guys getting extremely injured."

"Seems normal to me."
"I don't see a problem there."
"And so?"

Kyan, Doce and I spoke in unison respectively again.

Jaxon now looked uneasy.

"Its too risky." He said, emphasizing his point.

"So what's your plan then? Just let him win?" Mauve asked.

"No. You guys have really done a lot for me and I really appreciate that, but I was thinking of going on this particular mission myself."

"No way."
"We can't let you do that."
"You're pretty old."

We said in the same order as the two last times and yet again in unison.

He glared at me. "Thanks Tevette. That's a really nice reminder." He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I simply gave him an acknowledging nod.

Of everyone's statement, he just had to take note of my mine.

And yeah, I know he's only Forty but still..

The dude's too old to be messing around with Alexander which makes me wonder why Alexander is still plotting evil at his age.

Jaxon and Alexander are practically age mates.

"Jaxon, the point is that, you really have nothing to worry about. We've got this." Doce said with her hands around my neck from behind, playing with the lace of my hoodie.

"She's right." Kyan said, walking over and taking the upgraded grenade from Mauve.

Without waiting for a reply from Jaxon, he proceeded to laying out the plan... ..which was meant to be Julian's work.

"Hey, where's Julian? He was here earlier, right?" I asked interrupting his explanation.

"He said he wasn't feeling too well and had to go home." Jaxon stated.


"But, he managed to draw out the phases and plans before leaving so I'm just going to lay it out to you guys for better understanding." Kyan said and went ahead with his explanation.

Minutes later, he finished his explanation, we suited up and were ready to go.

Only when we had to suit up did Doce get off my back.

"Wait!!" Mauve called out when we were on our way to the garage.

We simultaneously turned to him.

"Take the grenade with you." He said, tossing his upgraded grenade to Kyan.

"Uhh...." Kyan looked at it like it was a piece of garbage. "Are you sure? This thing looks pretty dangerous."

"Yeah. But it could be really helpful."


"All you need to do is take out the ring and explosions occur. The explosion occurs twice. One happens when the ring has been taken out, the second happens ten minutes later."

"OKay. Thanks." Kyan said and turned around heading for the Tesla.

As we walked into the garage, towards the tesla, I pulled Doce back.

She turned around and gave me a questioning look.

"As Jaxon said, this mission isn't going to be easy at all. Fucking Alexander travelling to New Brunswick and back isn't something that happens everyday. You have to be extremely careful and I mean it."

She stared back at me and nodded.

"I will. Thanks but that goes for you too." She said, tightening her leather gloves.

"Me? How? I'm not the one who just learnt how to use some of the world's most illegal guns."

She giggled at that. "I know, but honestly, have you met yourself?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, trying to see where she was getting with this.

"You literally flirt with danger." she said with a serious look on her face.

I held back a smile and rolled my eyes. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

And without waiting for a response from her, I pulled her with me towards the car where Kyan was waiting.

We had our weapons with us and Jaxon said he was going to send back up.

Few minutes later, the ride began and I immediately found myself feeling nervous.

Although, I wasn't feeling nervous for myself, I was feeling nervous for her.

I hated the fact that I was putting her life at risk.

I tried to think about Alexander's plan, and what he had in mind when he went to New Brunswick, where Jaxon's family resides.


A/N: How are you all? Don't worry, the book is gradually coming to an end. What do you think is going on with fucking Alexander? What do you think his plan is.


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