Tainted hands

By Gracejenniferanne

412K 12.5K 4.1K

Angelina is a strong-willed and closed off girl although she has grown up in a strong family. Because of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 53

7.7K 232 98
By Gracejenniferanne


My gun was instantly drawn to him as well as his gun was drawn to me. The last time I saw him I had promised that the next time that I saw him that I would kill him. This was the final fight, the final test to see who the best was of the best. It was me or and him and this was the final test, the final fight.

His friends behind him Cole, Simon and Maddie looked at us with horror which was the same as Devon, Jace and my family. Everyone was confused but no one would ever be able to guess the number of emotions and adrenaline that was going inside of me.

His eyes never left mine just like how his finger never left the trigger. Thicker than blood, the tension in the room never left as the room was dead silent. People wanted to see what would happen and who would win.

Everything was depending on this.

I had a loaded gun that could kill him at any second, but the only problem wasn't my skill or ability, but it was my heart and willpower. I loved him... I loved him with every bone in my body and I still longed to be with him. He was the only person and the only thing in this world that made me feel safe, who made me secure in this world and made me feel like I was enough.

The hand which had the finger on the trigger was shaking, unwillingly making me show weakness. Tears surfaced in my eyes as the man in Infront of me was so close to me but felt so far away at the same time.

Could I do this?

I knew the answer, but I was scared about finding out whether he could do this. I didn't know what to do which just made me feel like a little girl so in the end I just ended up crying. My arm pointing the gun at him dropped to my side as tears ran down my cheeks. For a split second when I saw that Blaze's gun was still pointed towards me was the worst feeling of torture I had felt in the last few days.

But the second when he looked at me with the same desperation while lowering his weapon was everything that I needed to know because in seconds we were in each other's arms, our lips instantly crashing together, both finally together again.

No words were exchanged, no sound, no nothing... we both were just enjoying each other's touch, taste and presence again as it was the best type of relief medicine I could get. It didn't matter what was happening around us because nothing mattered anymore as I had everything I needed and desired.

His lips had never tasted so sweet, and his touch had never felt so intoxicating.

I could stay like this forever....

"I love you," I whispered through my breath. "P-please never leave again. I-I am so sorry for letting you go. I-I." His hold around my waist got tighter as he buried his head in my neck smelling my scent. "Shh princess you will hurt yourself getting stressed. I am sorry too and it will be over my dead body if I were to ever let you leave me again."

The fight between us was over... No more deciding whether I will or how I will kill Blaze because he is all I need. He is what keeps the fight inside of me, he is what brings quality and life to me. We were no longer fighting each other but we are going to fight together because life does not matter if we are not in this world together.


Suddenly someone cleared their throat behind us which made me sigh. I looked to Papa, Mamma, my brothers and the rest of my family who was looking at us with confusion and with hatred which was directed to Blaze. However, the two twins of evil and Aunty Jessica's anger was most definitely directed towards me. The only members who had a different emotion were my great grandfather and grandmother who instead looked longing and proud. "Mamma and Pappa this is Blaze."

I could see that it was challenging for Papa and especially my brothers and cousins as well as uncles. Because again this was showing them that I was not innocent instead I was showing them that I was grown up. Papa drew a deep breath and exchanged his hand out to shake Blazes which Blaze took. "Nice to meet you, Blaze, call me Taylor."

My uncles, cousins and brothers all acted shocked and to be honest I was surprised as well. "And please Blaze, call me Breanna. It is a pleasure to meet you." Mamma smiled.

My brothers, cousins and uncles looked conflicted because they knew for a fact they couldn't do anything to Blaze. Blaze could kill anyone and everyone in this room easily and with ease but not to mention they have now seen what I am capable of. I and Blaze together are not people to mess with and I could see it in their eyes that they feared us.

Heck, just a few days ago they were discussing the uprising of 'Sparrow' and how they needed to be stopped. Not to mention their fear of Blaze and his capabilities which has always been known.

Blaze nodded to my parents which did make it awkward, but I knew this was hard for him as he was standing in front of the people who killed his mother and stepfather. The tension in the room had now increased more as no one knew what to say. But as always leave it to Simon to make the most out of awkward situations. 

"Hey Ange, good to see you. Glad to see here that you are making loverboy here more of a pussy." Simon spoke cheerfully while slapping my back.

However, his light joke didn't come lightly as my reflexes came in when his hand came towards me. The sudden movement made me flinch and grab onto Blazes jacket as his hand encountered my raw whip wounds. Fighting the urge to make a sound a sudden wave of dizziness hit me, making the ground beneath me harder to stand on.

"Simon you idiot! You can clearly see she is hurt with all that blood on her." Cole scolded, slapping Simon across the head. "How should I know?" Simon said dumbfounded. "That blood could have been someone else's because surely losing that much blood you wouldn't be alive." Just while Simon was saying this Blaze's and everyone's eyes snapped towards my wrapped wound on my leg which was drenched in blood.

Blaze's eyes widened and in seconds he picked me up bridal style and walked hurriedly out of the cafeteria. "Blaze stop stressing!" I expressed. "I am fine you know that I am more than capable of looking after myself. You don't need to act like a knight in shining armour." But my defence was unheard in his ears because he just kissed my forehead and kept walking onwards.

"Just let me take care of you." He pleaded quietly. "I haven't got to hold you for so long and I-." Sighing deeply, I weakly caressed his cheek. I need him just as much as he needed me.... We still desperately needed each other.

"I love you, Blaze."

"I love you more." He kissed me once again and then walked into a modern bedroom and carefully placed me on the bed. I could not help but curiously look around the bedroom which was nicely decorated and had a comforting fire going in the fireplace. "This is nice." I addressed but Blaze was too focused on my wound and was starting to slowly undress it. "Blaze?"

"The wound is deep and will need to be stitched." He said fully focused. He then walked out of the room quickly and back in with a first aid kit. "It might be painful as I don't have any medication, but I have Panadol here which is better than nothing I thought." He looked such in deep thought and so caring. I had never seen him show so much emotion where he looked so worried. "Thank you that will be fine enough for me." I tried sounding strong but as soon as Blaze had put slight pressure on my wound I started hissing.

"Sorry." He sighed frustratedly.

"No, it's ok... thank you for doing this." He smiled at me weakly and squeezed my hand. But then his mood changed as his fingers lightly caressed my bruised cheek. His eyes darkened the more closely he looked at my face. I didn't look strong or pretty. I looked, bruised, bloody and fragile. "Don't thank me princess those fuckers who did this are still alive." He gritted.

"Only look for ways to thank me when I kill those bastards." My eyes narrowed. "You kill them? If anyone was going to kill the boss or Tony it would be me." His head snapped to mine.

"I have my own reasons to kill that boss of yours."

"And what is that" I challenge. He may have saved me and my family from getting kill but this was still my revenge. I still needed justice for what he had done to me, to Jace, to my family and everyone's. But blaze wanted to kill them, and I couldn't understand why but maybe for just selfish bloodthirst. "I-I haven't been honest to you again." He said giving me the Panadol and a glass of water. I quickly swallowed it which he took as an indicator to start trying to stitch me up.

"What about?" I ask carefully seeing that his eyes no longer show darkness but only sadness and grief. "Your boss is my uncle..."

"What?!" I gasped.

"OWW!" He pulled away with the needle after tying the stitches. "H-how."

He looked at me heartbroken and I could now see and understand why he is so bloodthirsty and why he is the way he is. Because if Boss was his uncle, I could only imagine the kind of pain and torture he inflicted on Blaze. "Oh Blaze."

Ignoring the pain, I pulled him tightly into a hug and let his head rest on my chest. Making sure that I was giving him the love and comfort that he was deprived of for so many years.

"I-its ok princess." He whispered however I still was not going to let him go. His hand wrapped around my back, and I made sure to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from making a sound. "Your bleeding princess." He said whilst forcing me to let go of him so he could lay me back down. He then placed his hand on my forehead. "You are also burning up."

Picking me up and carefully removing my top, trying not to injure or hurt me he then laid me down on my tummy so he could look at my back. "Fucking hell Ange!" he hissed to himself more than to me. "How the hell are you still alive." Rummaging through the first aid I grabbed his hand, stopping him through the process.

"I-I love you blaze, and you aren't alone a-anymore," I whispered. "W-we will k-kill your uncle." He quickly stood up from the chair and leaned down to kiss me gently.

"D-don't waste your breath sweetheart save yourself for our fight. Because no longer are we fighting alone, we are a team now. We are a team not to be underestimated but to be greatly feared. So, sleep now princess and let me take care of." Closing my eyes, I let my heart hold onto every word but most importantly to. "I love you, my Angelina."

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