The End Of Endrel

KeropiJeka द्वारा

304 10 3

If you were given immense power, how would you use it? How can you even tell if what you are doing is for the... अधिक

Author's Note
Ch. 1➖The Adarna

Ch. 2➖The Invitation

39 3 2
KeropiJeka द्वारा

Jai Consus of Broonswork

We are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to join our pool of Entrants from which the Vessels will be chosen.

We will be waiting for your arrival here at Endrel's Capitol not later than the midnight of the 2nd Super Full Moon of this year.

Refuse to adhere to this invitation would result to dire consequences.


Tremon of Endrel
Master Keeper

Jai read aloud the message written on the parchment attached to the bird's leg.

"You've been chosen!" Maia exclaimed excitedly giving our older brother a tight hug but his face shows a different reaction.

"How can I even believe this? Entrants? Vessel? This bird?" Jai pointed at the bearer of the message who seems to be listening to our conversation.

"But brother, look!" Maia giddily said while trying to point out something on the parchment but the bird screeched even before she was able to touch it.

I tried stopping Maia from getting close to the parcel, knowing the reaction the bird would make since the whole reason why Jai was reading it aloud earlier was because the bird refuses anyone else other than the recipient to even touch it or its parcel. A thing we regrettably realized after Maia tried to detach the letter from its legs which gained her a slap from its wings. The bird however looked at Jai, and bowed its head signalling us that Jai can come closer.

"I mean, look at the recepient, they actually know your name. So how the heck would people from Endrel, a small country in the north, know your name?" Maia explained while stepping to make distance between her and the parchment.

"You may be oblivious to reality, little sister. I would like to inform you that I'm really that good looking. So, it wouldn't be impossible for people in Endrel to actually know who I am." Jai sarcastically said which resulted for both Maia and I to show a face of disgust.

"But, what about the caution at the end of the letter? Are we going to take it lightly?" I asked which caused the bird to screech once again but unlike the earlier intensity, this time it seems that it's trying to voice out its concern.

We all look at the bird with uneasiness.

Jai sighed. "Look, let's say that this is all real and I actually joined the Entrants, what will happen to both of you then?"

Maia and I looked at each other and it dawn on us the reality in case that Jai would leave us. A look of concern plastered on both of our faces.

"I don't even know how long I will be gone or will I be able to return." He added.

I sighed as well and looked downcast. Below the balcony, I see a group of our employees looking at our direction and was discussing among themselves.

It's already past midday and the scorching sun is directly above us in this balcony where we found the Adarna. So the employees may have been taking their lunch and saw our uninvited guest.

"Let's continue our discussion inside. We are already getting attention. It's already lunch anyways." I suggested as I guide both of them inside. And to my surprise the bird flew inside before us and perched itself on one of the wooden chairs.

"I'm guessing another lady has fallen for your charms and grew an attachment to you." Maia teased Jai who only glared in return.

"How can you even tell that the bird is a lady?" I asked while staring at the bird to look for any indication of its gender. However, I don't think that this would help since this is the first time I saw any of its kind. But, if its similar to a peacock, wouldn't this be a male due to its intricate feathers?

"Just a guess." Maia shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, I'll prepare for lunch then." I waved at the both of them and went straight to the kitchen where I saw a handful of our helpers already tyding up and the food already prepared.

"Oh Mrs. Resa, I'm sorry I wasn't able to assist you." I rushed towards the head housekeeper, took away the dish she was carrying and placed it on the dining table.

"Little child! I told you that you are not obligated to assist any of us. You're one of our mistresses, so please." She carried another dish towards the dining table.

"I also told you that I wanted to so... Also, I'm not a little child any more. I'm already 21." I placed the plates on its position. "Have you eaten already?" I asked her.

"You don't have to remind me that you're long been at a marrying age dear." she winked and giggled "Yes, we've already eaten." she added.

I placed extra plates back to the dish cabinet and took 3 sets of utensils and cups.

"By the way, some of the helpers have informed me that one of the Adarnas are here. Who is it for? I mean the letter?" she inquired while doing some finishing touches on the dishes.

"Oh? You know about the Adarna and the letter?" I looked at her curiously.

"I.. Ah yes, uhm.. It was an old story told by my parents before." she answered but I noticed her stutter.

"Oh." I was contemplating to inquire a bit further.

"So, who is it for?" she asked once again.

Though I am not sure if I should answer truthfully but since she is one of the oldest helper we have and was able to serve even the grandparents, I answered "It's for Jai."

"Oh!" now it's her time to be speechless.

I just smiled at her and went upstairs to call Maia and Jai to eat lunch.

"I told you! Please just stay here!" I heard Jai shouting as I walked closer to his bedroom.

"Hey Jai, you okay in there?" I knocked.

The door opened wide and Jai's flustered face welcomed me.

"What happened?" I asked as I linked my hands into his arms as we walked towards the the staircase.

"It's this bird. He doesn't leave my side. Not even giving me a minute of privacy!" he purposely emphasized the word privacy while looking at the bird who's flying right above us. I giggled as I realized what he meant.

"Maia! Lunch is ready!" I shouted to call the younger. Which she hurriedly opened the door and ran towards us. She linked her arm to the other side of Jai and we went our way towards the dining room.

"So have you decided?" Maia inquired immediately as soon as we settled on our seats, Jai at the head of the table and Maia and I at each side.

"Maia, I cannot decide that easily. And, I still have about 3 days before I would need to travel there." Jai said as he grabbed a spoonful of mashed potato.

The 2nd Super full moon would be 5 day from now. And it will take about 2 days to get to Endrel from here by horseback.

"May I voice out my thoughts about this?" I asked.

Jai stopped eating and nodded. Maia did as well.

"Judging by the current events, I think that all of this might be real?" I said unsure. Jai nodded and signaled me to go on. "..the magic, I mean. So, I do suggest that you do go."

Jai just stared at me in disbelief.

"Think about it. If this is real and you go, you won't suffer the dire consequences the letter warned you about." remembering the last part of the letter. "and if it's not true, then you can just return here." I added.

"What if this is just a trap set by one of our business competitors?" he inquired.

"I don't think that we actually have any competition? I mean, you have scared them away a long time ago. Besides, they are not capable of pulling this kind of grandeur tricks. To add to that, even the mention of Mr. Porlo and Mr. Reno would have them running." I was hoping that the mention of the names of our head butler and business foreman would solidify my point that our business is secured from outsiders.

"If you're concern about us," I continued while pointing at myself and Maia. "Then don't. You have nothing to worry about. You have prepared all of us well." I smiled at him and held his hands which was resting at the table.

He stared at the gesture and was contemplating for a moment. "Thank you Anea, I would take it into consideration." I retreated my hands and continue eating my meal.

I noticed Maia was smilingly jumping on her seat and was giving me a round of applause. "That's 2 vs 1 brother!" she singed.

"What did you do to my ever reasonable Anea to make her side with what you want?" Jai shrugged his head.

"So, you do admit it, that whatever she said was reasonable!" Maia teased.

"I already said that I will take it into consideration. It seems that both of you are conspiring and eagerly trying to get rid of me. I must say, I am a bit hurt." he placed a clenched fist on his chest acting as if he was really hurt.

"I'm sorry brother, but you must take this as an opportunity to bless other beings with that glorious face of yours." Maia teased. "I mean the people within the Blemont Wall have been blessed enough." she added.

The Blemont Wall have been here for hundreds of years and was said to have been protecting the towns within it from the dark entities. Broonswork, thankfully, being one of the towns within the wall, have never had an issue caused by those dark entities, so probably the wall was really doing what it was meant to do. I can't, however, say the same with the towns outside, which to be honest I have never even set foot in to.

"As I've said I will use these 3 days to think about it." Jai said with finality.

- - - - - - - -

Two days have passed since the unpredicted visit of one mystical bird, who to the dismay of my older brother have remained by his side even at moments that he needed privacy.

"Sir, a message has been sent from the town's mayor informing you that there would be a community gathering at the Square later at 4 in the afternoon." Mr. Porlo, our butler announced as he entered the study where the three of us, Jai, Maia, and I were killing our time.

"Did it say anything about the reason why a community gathering would be held?" Jai inquired.

"It's for your send off, sir." Mr. Porlo answered.

Jai's eye widened by the announcement.

"It is the mayor's invitation, Jai." I said feeling his hesitation. The information that Jai have agreed to travel to Endrel must have reached the mayor. Well, to no surprise, people really do talk and our household have not been spared.

"Oh, Okay. Is that all Mr. Porlo?" Jai placed the book he was reading at the shelf.

"Yes, sir. I shall inform the messenger of your attendance." With this, the butler bowed and exited the room.

"Well, I must prepare for this. I don't want to dissapoint my fans." Jai joked and followed Mr. Porlo to the exit.

Though I know that he is more concerned with what rules he will be setting upon this household in his absence than that of what he will be wearing later.

Both Maia and I shook our heads in disagreement.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"My fellow Townspeople, I am delighted to announce that one of us have been chosen to be part of the pool of Entrants from which the Vessels shall be chosen!" the Town's mayor announced proudly. The crowd was now cheering and in awe despite of the idea of magic is still foreign to us.

"Without further ado, I would like to welcome on stage the Entrant from Broonswork, Jai Consus!" the Mayor's voice boomed despite the absence of any amplifier.

The cheers was louder this time. I looked at my brother and cheered him on. We were seating at the front row and he walked towards the stage. As soon as he was there, the cheers turn into hysterics, probably coming from my brother's fans.

He was not smiling, I noticed, the cold persona now standing on stage. But before the mayor can give him a handshake, the people on stage were all looking straight ahead, all of their brows furrowed.

I looked at the direction where they are staring at and saw another majestic bird flying towards us.

To my surprise, the bird, landed heavily on Maia's shoulder causing her to slump a little bit.

We were both looking shocked and I noticed that a parchment was also attached to one of its legs. Learning from the 1st bird, I pointed this to Maia. Understanding what I meant, she took the parchment and opened it, showing no dispute from the bird.

"It's.. It's for me." Maia stuttered showing me the message in the piece of paper.

"Oh it seems that we have two Entrants!" the Mayor bellows drawing another round of applause from the crowd.

"Please welcome on stage, Maia Consus! The Consus sibling!" the mayor extended his arms assisting Maia to the stage with her Adarna on her shoulders. The 1st Adarna flew to Jai's shoulder and nodded to the 2nd.

"I mean look, even though this wench keeps on leeching off of them, she will never be worthy enough to be part of the family." a female voice snickered behind me. I recognized that voice even if I don't look at the owner's face. After all, she has been at it since our school days. Sadly, she is one of the most vocal fan my brother have.


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