The CEO and Her Driver

Od AuthorCassidyKate

536K 35.4K 14.8K

Allie Winters is the CEO of one of the most profitable fashion lines in the world. But with that comes its ow... Více

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
"The Detective and Her Bachelor"

Chapter 26

9.9K 664 447
Od AuthorCassidyKate

You know that part of you that goes, wow look how much I've grown as a person? You look back at who you used to be and compare that person to who you are now, and are kinda relieved that you aren't as annoying, as crazy, or as nieve as you used to be. But when you are shoved back into the past, forced to be around someone who knew you at your worst, you suddenly feel... unchanged. The same. And suddenly you feel silly because you haven't really changed at all. You are still that annoying, crazy, and naive person that you used to be.

That was my current problem. I was staring one of my bad decisions in the face, and he was staring back, all sneers. And I was suddenly thrown back to the age of fifteen. When my parents had died and I was blind with rage and grief. When I had fallen for seventeen-year-old Ashton because he hadn't looked at me with pity like everyone else, but with admiration. Had seen my rage and taught me how to channel it into my fists.

I was suddenly struck by how good and bad memories tended to swirl together. Tender moments and painful ones quilted together into a tapestry of pain and joy. Until everything was tangled, leaving you unable to breathe. Unable to see one without the other. That was what Ashton was. Painful memories that had seen me at my worst, and knew just how to touch the most hurt parts of me with cruelty labeled as kindness.

Ashton looked me up and down taking in the sight of me with an open expression, that hurt. I hated how he saw me. All of me. "Did I miss the memo?" he asked with a hard smirk.

I blinked, unable to speak, my brain blank, all snark vanishing in a moment of shock.

Ashton looked from my clothes to Tate's and scoffed. "Matching outfits in public? You must have lost your fucking mind."

"What are you doing here Ashton?" I asked, my tone sharp, angry when I finally found the ability to vocalize. "You live in Chicago."

A slow dangerous smile spread across his face. "Keeping tabs on me, Falls?"

I winced at his use of my old last name. A name I left behind. "Better to know where your enemy lies," I replied cooly.

"Looks like you've been slacking. Moved back two months ago." Ashton's eyes snapped to Tate. "Who's Thing #2?"

"Clever. Come up with that all by yourself? Or did a five-year-old write your material?" Tate replied without missing a beat. I fought a surprised smile, refusing to look at either of them, my heart squeezing in gratitude at Tate's ability to be adorably clever.

Ashton's eyes narrowed. "What did you just say K-Mart?"

Tate started laughing, cutting the tension with ease. Like he was born to walk into a room of chaos and chuck a calming bomb of confetti inside. "I'm sorry. I feel like I was just dropped into one of those cheesy 80's movies where a heckler doesn't introduce himself. He just starts smack-talking and the audience goes, GOTCHA, that's the bad guy."

Tate held out his hand, "I'm Tate. But I will also respond to K-Mart or Thing #2 if that's easier for you."

Ashton raised a brow, looking unphased to anyone who didn't know him. But I could see that he had been thrown off. Not expecting a somewhat civil, and hilarious reaction to his total douchebaggery. It had taken the wind out of his sails. Leaving him glowering without much to say.

He made no move to shake Tate's hand, but after a beat, Ashton surprised me by actually responding with his name. "Ashton."

Tate pointed with his thumb towards the track. "You a racer?"

Ashton shook his head, his next word cautious, expecting some kind of trick. A game. "Boxer."

Tate nodded, taking in Ashton's frame. "Those are cool tattoos. The tiger is awesome. Like it could eat someone's face off."

Ashton scoffed but stared down at his ink with a flash of pride. "Yeah. Pretty bitchin'. Cost me a lot, but everyone likes it."

"Yeah, looks like the tiger's eyes follow you around," Tate said moving his head back and forth, staring at the tiger with interest.

Ashton smiled, actually smiled. "Right! I paid extra for that. Totally worth it. My secret weapon in the ring. Throws people off long enough to get my first hit in."

Tate walked closer, eyes inspecting the ink. "I've been tempted to get one. A dragon or maybe a barfing unicorn," he said pulling out his phone, face completely serious. "What's the name of your artist? I could use a good rec."

It took everything in me not to look completely dumbstruck as Ashton gave Tate his tattoo guy information, temporarily won over. Ashton wasn't the smartest guy around, and between his easy distractibility, and Tate's disarming charm, I swear I was looking at a potential friendship.

I was in the middle of arguing with myself over the very idea of them becoming friends when Tate offered Ashton a farewell wave. "Well, we're gonna head out." He tucked his phone away. "As soon as I get my ink, I'll let you know."

Tate shot me a smirk as we turned to leave, quite proud of himself. I let out an uneasy breath, not realizing that I had been holding it since Ashton walked up. "Freaking nice ninja," I muttered.

Tate winked, enjoying my shock. Freaking magic sunshine boy.

"Hey, hold up!" Ashton shouted, crashing fear back inside my chest.

I turned back around, pretending not to be nervous. Oh gosh, please just tell Tate that you want to be bros and then go away.

The cruel set of his mouth was back and I could almost feel dangerous words on the tip of his tongue, like a knife itching to be drawn. He looked from me to Tate, the look vanishing, replaced by a knowing smile that left my stomach in worried knots. "See you around, Falls."

I bit back several angry remarks that involved threats of physical harm or claiming to prefer death over seeing his face again, and instead, I offered him a cold stare. Then I turned around, and walked away without a word, forcing myself to walk instead of run.


I was quiet, peeking up at Tate who walked silently next to me as we moved out of the building and into the parking lot. I could see the wheels turning in his head, but he wouldn't push. He knew I'd talk about Ashton when I was ready. He wouldn't push for details. Not about something this big. That's just who he was.

"So..." I finally said as we reached the car. "You've been tempted to get a barfing unicorn tattoo?"

"Or a dragon," Tate added turning to look at me as he leaned against the hood of his car, eyes unreadable.

"RIIIIGHT," I replied with several quick nods that made me feel like a bobblehead. Gosh, this is uncomfortable. Just thank him for confusing Ashton and tell him about why your ex-boyfriend sucks. Do it. Do it. Do it. Don't chicken out.

Tate moved to pull out his keys, changed his mind, and tucked them away again. Taking out his phone, Tate shot off a message and looked back at me. "That encounter ruined your mood didn't it."

It wasn't a question. And the direct way he broached the subject startled me. I shrugged, hoping to admit the truth without expressing how deep that truth ran. "A bit."

Tate's phone chirped. He glanced down, shot off another message, and put his phone away bringing his attention back to me. Reaching for my fingers, he tugged me closer, forest green eyes full of tender concern. "What would you like to do?"

I sighed, feeling deflated. I want to go home. I want to eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. Maybe Chocolate Salted 'n Swirled... No. I need something more chocolatey. This is a Brownie Batter Core kind of day. I want to eat it all in one sitting, then crawl under my covers and forget today. To hit reset. I wish I had picked somewhere else to spend time with him—

A set of strong warm hands cupped my face, pulling me out of my reprieve. "Hey."'

I blinked, Tate's eyes coming into focus. He rubbed his thumbs gently against my cheeks. "Don't do that."

"What?" I asked, self-conscious of how his touch warmed my face.

"Don't give someone else the power to ruin your day like that. Especially someone who isn't worth it." Tate placed his forehead to mind. "So... what would you like to do? What would make you feel better?"

I drew a blank, no longer in the 'have fun' mentality. I'm not going to be any fun. I should just cut my losses and go home. No sense in ruining Tate's day too.

"Would you like me to pick?" Tate asked, rescuing me from my glum thoughts.

I nodded, my forehead still pressed against his.

Tate chuckled. "Good." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. "Because I refuse to let that beautiful smile of yours get snatched away by some douche nugget."

I laughed. "Douche nugget?"

He leaned away from the car door and helped me inside. "What? You've never heard that brilliant insult before? I have more."

I pursed my lips, fighting an all out grin. "I'm sure you do."

Tate leaned down into the doorway and offered me an award-winning smile. "But we will have to swap out rides to avoid ex-boyfriends from following us. I don't intend to share you today."

My heart tumbled over itself at the words, I don't intend to share you. But I sobered at what he was implying about Ashton. "Wait? What?"

Tate closed the door and climbed into the driver's seat. "I was a bodyguard remember. I know when I'm being followed."

The car roared to life and we peeled out of the parking lot at top speed. "Are you sure he's following us?" I asked, glancing out the back window doubtfully. I didn't see Ashton's car, but he had probably changed it in the last seven years.

"Not for long," Tate replied, eyes taking on a dangerous glint as he took a turn so sharply that I let out a startled yelp as the car tilted. I suddenly had a glimpse into Tate's past life. What he must have been like as a drag racer. Wild and dangerous.

Then the car was consumed in darkness as it skidded under a bridge and came to a stop against the curb. Tate jumped out of the car and pulled open my car door before I could get my seatbelt off. My fingers fumbled angrily with the belt before Tate leaned down and did it for me. Completely calm.

He led us deeper under the bridge towards a man in shadow leaning against a motorcycle. I stopped short, alarm bells going off in my head. "Um... who's that?"

"Our new ride. My cousin's going to take our car and give Ash face the run around for a bit."

The figure threw Tate a set of keys and walked out of the shadows. The man had 'resting angry' face. He wore a black v neck that sat tight across his chest and sported a set of ice blue storm eyes that looked like they belonged to someone who'd destroy you if you looked at him sideways. I took a step back, unnerved by this stone-cold human.

But before I could take a second step, Tate pounced on the man and tucked his head under his arm in a playful headlock. Then Tate rubbed Storm Eyes' midnight hair with his knuckles like a kid trying to get a cat to love him back. Storm Eyes struggled to get free. "Allie, this is Aiden. Aiden, Allie."

"For all that is holy Tate! Let me go!" Aiden growled, all glares as Tate laughed. They broke apart and Tate continued to grin, but was met with another glare from his cousin.

Aiden adjusted his shirt, smoothed down his hair, then turned and offered me a halfhearted wave, his eyes going from angry to unreadable. "Hey." He didn't seem like the friendly type. Tate must have gotten all of those genes.

I matched his wave with one of mine. "Hey," I echoed.

We fell into silence, neither of us knowing how to have a conversation. Apparently something else Tate got all the genes for.

Tate laughed again. "I swear it's like looking at a grumpy mirror." Then he reached for my hand and tugged me towards the motorcycle. Tate shouted over his shoulder as we went. "He's driving a silver Camero. Give him a wild goose chase for a bit to piss him off."

Aiden nodded. "The decoy, got it," he replied before climbing into Tate's car.

"Not very talkative is he?" I observed as I settled onto the motorcycle behind Tate.

"No. He's always been pretty quiet. Laliana tends to get all the words out of him," he answered as the motorcycle roared to life below us.

I yanked on a helmet and I had just enough time to wrap my arms around Tate's waist before we bolted out from under the bridge and out into the afternoon sun. I tucked myself as close to his body as possible to avoid falling off. And it came with the perk of enjoying the feeling of the strong muscles under his shirt. Tehe. I think I prefer this form of travel.

Sunshine kissed my face. Wind weaved into my hair as we took turn after turn up a deep dirt slope that curved into a mountain above Los Angeles. I felt alive as the road blurred past, trusting Tate to see things that came and went too fast for me to spot. The feeling of safety mixed with adrenaline, creating an elixir deep inside that made me giddy. I felt free and suddenly wanted to freeze this moment for all time. To cherish it. Because it was perfect.

Then we came to a stop at the top, and I found myself staring at a large dome at the end of a lush green field. The Griffith Observatory, stood tall, reaching towards the sunshine and casting a long shadow across the grass before it.

Tate slid off the bike eyes on the dome, a thoughtful expression on his face. I could tell that The Griffith Observatory held a deep significance for him by the way he got lost in a memory for a moment. Then he blinked and then turned back to look at me.

I pulled off the helmet, shaking out my hair, most of it no longer in my side braid.

A sudden and furious blush filled Tate's face.

I blinked, surprised by the dark expression that filled his eyes. "What?"

Tate took off his helmet, brown curls falling into his face, hiding his eyes for a moment. "You make it incredibly hard for me to think straight," he finally said, avoiding my gaze as he took my helmet and tucked both helmets into a side back attached to the bike.

I waited patiently for him to finish, but when it took him far too long to put the helmets away, killing time as he fumbled with the latch, I scooted up the bike until I sat with my back against the handles, head tilted to the side. "Care to fill in the blanks?" I asked, toying with him.

Tate swallowed, then finally looked up at me, his eyes dark as he took me in. "You sit there on my bike looking like a motorcycle goddess as you take off that helmet and shake your hair around like a model for a shampoo commercial. It's enough to drive saner men insane."

I started laughing. I couldn't help it. He made me sound like an irresistible creature that he could barely keep his hands off of. "You're utterly ridiculous."

Tate climbed back onto the bike, taking my old spot, facing me, our shins touching as we stared at each other. "And also completely serious. You call my sanity into question on a regular basis."

"I'm sorry?" I offer lamely, surprised by his sudden closeness. By the bold honesty. By how his legs feel against mine as we sat on his motorcycle with the sun hitting the curves of his body.

Tate smiled slowly, eyes drinking me in like a man dying of thirst. I swallowed, suddenly nervous. My heart felt like it was going to make a break for it. Is it possible for a heart to knock itself unconscious by beating itself senseless against your ribcage?

"Sorry about Ashton," I said, finally willing to address what happened.

Tate pressed his shins against mine in a tender gesture. "Don't you dare apologize for someone else being an ass. You aren't responsible for him." His tone was hard, holding a sense of finality to it.

"You handled him well. I really thought he was going to pick a fight."

Tate leaned back on the bike, brow furrowing as a flash of anger filled his eyes. "It was hard not to fall for the bait. But I didn't think you'd want me to punch a professional boxer in the face in a stadium full of people, even if I wanted to."

"You wanted to?" That surprised me. He looked so calm. So collected. So completely Tate. And the look on his face now hit me hard. I was utterly touched that he hadn't acted out because he knew I didn't want a scene. His thoughtfulness nearly broke me in two.

He leaned forward, anger still brimming under the surface. Eyes igniting as I looked back at him, the deep green ablaze with want and protectiveness sent a shiver down my body.

"Very much. I can tell how much he has hurt you..." He ran his fingers through his chocolate brown locks in frustration. "And I was actually worried I'd beat him senseless."

It was hard to imagine Tate hurting anyone. He was so gentle with me, that sometimes I forgot how much power was in those hands, in those arms. In the muscles that chorded his body.

I reached out and gently touched his cheek. "I appreciate that you wanted to. But I don't want you to fight my battles for me." His eyes closed, dusty long lashes tickling my fingers. "If I have to kick his ass, I will do it. Just... have the getaway car ready," I finished.

Tate's eyes were still closed as he smiled. "Deal."

Eyelids fluttering open, Tate snatched my hand that still sat against his face and gently let it drop between us. He slowly leaned towards me, his eyes falling to my lips.

I raised a brow as his eyes came back up to mine. "Afraid you'll never stop kissing me if you do?" I asked quietly, almost in challenge.

I had been tempted to yank him towards me by his collar and kiss him senseless several times today, but something inside me told me to be patient. To let Tate decide when he was ready. Just because I was ready didn't mean he was, and irritating though the wait was, I wouldn't push him.

"Always," he whispered gruffly.

Then as if giving into a temptation he couldn't keep himself from any longer, he pulled me towards him by my jean belt loops and his lips came down and captured mine, hungry and full of need. Like a man dying in the desert and I was the water he needed to survive.

This was different than any other kiss I had experienced. Explosive and powerful in a way I had never known. I felt like I had been lost in a desert and he was my oasis. I had been starving and he had filled me. I unraveled, losing all sense of thought as fire exploded inside, threatening to melt me into a puddle under his touch.

I felt like a girl in a Kdrama who experienced the kiss from a hundred different camera angles and still couldn't wrap her head around it.

And suddenly that was all I wanted. To be a roaring fire, touched by this sunshine boy of kindness that made me melt and believe in love. His hands snaked into my hair, getting lost in the tangles, pulling me closer, hungry for more.

I gasped against his lips and he instantly began to move away, uncertain of my reaction. But I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him back, not wanting to come up for air. Not yet. I didn't want to process what it all meant. I wasn't ready. I was afraid of what would happen if I let my brain become part of the equation. I just wanted to kiss him over and over until the world blurred.

I felt him shudder against my touch as I dug my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. His fingers moved to my waist, keeping me pinned against him. I was losing all my walls, all control. There was nothing left but desire, want, and a hunger that threatened to end me.  His lips were firm, yet tender. Fire, yet soft. And as his lips moved from my mouth to my neck, each touch careful, but purposeful, I swear I saw stars.

And just when I thought I was going to burn and fall like a shooting star among the stars that flashed across my vision, he pulled away and looked down at me, his eyes wide and brighter than I had ever seen.

"Whoa," Tate said between deep breaths.

I smiled, unable to hide the grin that took over my face at the mystified look that crossed his. I wanted to reach out and smoosh his face. He was just too adorable. But I fought the urge, not wanting to look like a love-sick idiot.

"You feeling better?" Tate asked, with a shy smile.

I nodded, tempted to yank him back for another kiss. But we had already made enough of a scandalous scene in the parking lot of The Griffith Observatory.

A sudden flash to our left confirmed my theory, sobering me of the thought of more kisses. Tate's head whipped around so fast that I half expected him to have whiplash from the movement. He scanned the trees and spotted something I couldn't see, swearing under his breath, a muscle working in his jaw. Tate's hands on my hips released me one finger at a time like the idea of letting me go was suddenly painful and required physical effort.



Thank you for reading chapter twenty-six! I hope you are enjoying the story! Or are at least curious to see where it goes! Add this story to your reading list to know when the next chapter drops!


You've been so patient with these two and now something has changed. A kiss has been shared!!! AHHH! What does this mean?

The Paparazzi have appeared! GAH! What will they make of Tate and Allie? Will this start a whole lot of chaos for them? Will the gossip column people be mad that their "LOVE TRIANGLE" between Tate, Aiden, and Laliana is ruined?

Have we seen the last of Ashton? When will he come back?

Looks like we have seen another of Tate's family members. What do you think of Aiden?

If you would like to see more of Aiden's story with Laliana, and you haven't read "The Author and Her Bodyguard" yet, click on the link in the comment section here and go read it now! It's completed! -->

CHAPTER QUESTION - What is your favorite TV show kiss scene?

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