Teen Wolf No More


2K 63 2

Allison Argent returns to Beacon Hills after twelve years since leaving (in Teen Wolf Season 2 Finale) to fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

248 6 0

Martin House
Allison's POV

"Um, uh... It's the initial action done by most parents that result in small people, like you, who grow up to be big people, like me." The man answered and I was impressed, very impressed.

"I will be big like you?" The child asked with cute excitement.

"Yes, princess. Or big like mommy. Go put your backpack in your bedroom and then check on grandma."

The man walked into the sitting room a few seconds later and the first thought that crossed my mind, at first sight, was that he was definitely Lydia's type.

There was just something about him that said 'bad boy', apart from his early statement, but the ring on his ring finger said that he was a bad boy on lockdown. I just hoped he treated Lydia well.

"Don't get up on my account, I'm just passing by," He said right before recognition entered his eyes and they narrowed just a little, I just didn't know whether in concentration or something else. "Allison Argent, right?"

"You know me?" I inquired, surprised.

"I'll take that as 'yes'," He replied seating down. "I know of you. You're quite infamous around here. Derek uses your relationship with Scott as an example of why dating hunters is a bad idea, now and then. I think every member of Hale Pack has heard the story at least a dozen times."

"Oh," I didn't know what I expected but that wasn't it, even in our absence it looked like Derek wanted to ruin my family, my life. "Wait, Derek is still an Alpha?"

"You didn't know?" The man asked with obvious disappointment. "I thought you were a dangerous werewolf huntress set on getting rid of werewolves, shouldn't you be well informed? You know, so you can have an easier time getting rid of werewolves.

But then again, you might not be that bad, or dangerous. Derek likes dramatics. Have you seen him make an entrance? The show-off."

"What about Scott?" I had to know, so I filed away everything he said to unpack later and focused on getting the answer that I needed to know; if Scott was alive or not.

"What about Scott?" The man inquired with a knowing smirk.

"Where is Lydia?" Natalie spared me from replying with her entrance and question. "Wasn't she supposed to be the one dropping off Ariel this week?"

"She just won the highest paying case of the past five years, so I booked her a few hours at Erica's Spa."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Erica's name.

"And you didn't think to invite your mother-in-law to celebrate with her daughter, Aiden?" Natalie questioned and I finally knew the man's name which I realized I didn't ask and he didn't volunteer.

"I have a business meeting in thirty minutes and you know kids are not allowed at the spa after four except on family nights," Aiden responded and stood up. "I'll make it up to you."

"You better."

"Granma, where is my cake!?" Ariel's asked from the kitchen. "And ice cream!?"

"Cake and ice cream?" Aiden inquired with a knowing look.

"I think you should get going. You don't want to be late for your meeting, do you?" Natalie replied, totally avoiding answering before her eyes landed on me. "Oh, Allison, this is Aiden, Lydia's husband and Ariel's father. And Aiden, this is..."

"Allison Argent. I know."

"Granma!" Ariel called upon not receiving a reply.

"I'm coming, honey!" Natalie responded. "Aiden, would you mind giving Allison the directions to the spa? I have a spoiled granddaughter to see to."

"I'll do one better," Aiden replied. "I'll show her."

"Don't you have a meeting to prep for?" I asked.

"It's around the spa and I don't mind showing you."


"It's settled then," Natalie said and then excused herself.

Aiden went to see Ariel to say his byes and I got to see her in passing before we left the house but not before Aiden warned me before we got into our cars.

"Just so you know, Lydia isn't at the spa yet but the others are. We're going to surprise her and you are the cherry on top."

He didn't give me the chance to ask who the others were, though, probably on purpose, but I could guess.
Road to Spa of Reyes
Kira's POV

"Where are we going after the spa?" I inquired from Scott's shoulder in the back of Syzygy Pack's large limousine, turning my head to look at him.

"Anywhere but home until Sunday," He replied with a familiar kiss on my forehead.

"I have work tomorrow and so do you and everyone, Scott," I reminded him. "And we have to pick up Sandā after work."

"I already spoke with your parents and they agreed to look after him until late Sunday," He responded reassuringly.

"You mean dad, don't you?" I asked knowingly.

I didn't know what it was about Scott that made my dad love him so much but Scott and my dad had the greatest father/son-in-law relationship in history and this relationship started on the first week of high school junior year so when Scott asked my dad for a favour he almost always delivered.

Scott smiled at my question.

"You know us guys have to stick together," He said with a small shrug, careful to not mess up my hair. "Ken knows that we youngsters have to unwind now and then and that you, in particular, have been working too hard on your latest project and need a break.

Your team agrees too and they need a break as well, hence I went behind your back again and arranged that they take the weekend off to cool off so when you return to work on Monday you'll all look at the project with new eyes and fresh minds."

"We have a deadline, Scott," I replied, taking my head off his shoulder and giving him all of my attention, clearly not pleased.

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