A Court of Fire and Starlight...

By LadyTess28

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Born into the cut-throat Autumn Court, Eris Vanserra had been surrounded by monsters his entire life and spen... More

The Delinquent Desk
Free Fallin' Part I
Star Blessed
A Vanserra Family Dinner
Party Crasher
Whispered Warning
Beron Burns the Flowers
Best-Laid Plans
An Eventful Afternoon
Unforgettable Island Getaway
Head(s) Will Roll
Dangerous Detour
Oaths and Bargains
Grey Area
The Upper Hand
Deception with a Side of Pumpkin Pie
No Favors
Horrid Hospitality
Arguments All Around
Unexpected Visits
Expensive Firewood
Breathtaking Views
Cracks in the Door
Overheard Conversations
The Hunter and His Prey
Fire Night
Bitter Bitch
On Your Knees
Faster than the Wind
No Dinner
New Tillstead Part I
New Tillstead Part II
Fire and Night
That's the Tea
Free Fallin' Part II
The Radical Fish
An Earful
Summer Solstice
The Secret Mission Part I
The Secret Mission Part II
Don't Break
The Fallout
The Woes of Rejection
A Duel to the Death
The Worst-Case Scenario
She Who Wears the Crown
The Battle of the Sea
The Price of Victory
A Blustery Day
A Star in the Sky
A Vanserra Family Breakfast
Extra Chapter - Nyx Gets a Sister
Extra Chapter - Astra the Terror
Extra Chapter - The Seventh Son
Extra Chapter - The Autumn Twins
Extra Chapter - The Disappearance of the Children of Night
Extra Chapter - Tidus the Conqueror
Extra Chapter - The Birch Girl
Extra Chapter - Uninvited Guest
Extra Chapter - The Ruined Brother
Extra Chapter - The Pleasure Barge
Extra Chapter - Summer Solstice

A Reign of Peace

1.4K 52 10
By LadyTess28


Eris found peace to be relative, not absolute. Many soldiers had perished, but those that remained returned home in time to celebrate Solstice with their families. From what Kane relayed, most had gained a newfound respect for their High Lady after seeing what she'd been willing to sacrifice to give them a better shot at victory. Had she not had her powers returned, they may have turned on her like animals trying to eliminate the weakest amongst them, but thankfully it didn't come to that.

To put it mildly, Eris became revered. Those of all courts thought him some sort of living myth. The Blazing Beast of Autumn, they called him. It amused Astra to no end, bringing a smile to her lips each time it was spoken within earshot of her, though he wasn't unaware of her intense jealously that he had managed to shift into his High Lord form.

More than once, he caught her standing in front of a mirror while trying to bring whatever prowled beneath her skin to the surface. Eris knew she hoped it would be something with wings, though there was really no telling what form she might take. He suspected the transformation would come with time, practice, and proper motivation. In being far older than her and desperate to reach her in the midst of chaos, Eris had sprouted scales and wings, but it hadn't been easy and so far, he hadn't managed it again, though Astra pleaded with him to try each day because she wanted to clamor on his back and ride him in the sky. He hadn't a clue where she'd gotten the ridiculous notion that people were meant to ride dragons.

Though the weather remained mild during the day, they often awoke to dustings of snow that left Eris unmotivated to do anything other than roll back over and trap Astra in bed for the entire day. Victory afforded them the time to indulge in such activities and put their duties aside since there was nothing pressing to attend to, but there was still an endless stream of correspondence, outrate to equality laws, and unease over the newest court.

Eris had half a mind to shrug off all duties to his brothers for the remainder of the winter season and retreat with Astra to a cabin in the northern region of the Autumn Court where snow would be more prevalent, but he opted to remain so that unrest could be further settled. He worried about the eighth Lord and if he would make a move for more power after proving himself capable of taking any of them on.

To counteract all the death and destruction, Astra suggested they throw an elaborating mating ceremony that could double with a coronation for her, inviting all those that had helped lead in battle, rather than just the nobility. Eris wasn't keen on entertaining so many guests, but Astra deserved to be celebrated and he couldn't pass up an opportunity to have their mating bond official declared for all to witness.

His selfish desire to watch her crown herself in person drove him to order it be put together with haste. As a Solstice gift, Rhys had shared his memory with Eris of Astra announcing her title and smacking Beron's crown on her head in the Dawn Court, which only made Eris move the date up by a few weeks as his anticipation bubbled. Though Rhys had meant it as a nice gift, it turned cruel when Eris had to refrain from tearing Astra's clothes off and remain composed in front of her entire family as they celebrated the holiday together.

It was getting easier to be around her family, so he voiced no complaints when Astra informed him that they'd been invited to the two ceremonies. She'd spent months in the company of his infuriating brothers, so Eris figured he could manage a few more hours with the Inner Circle.

An hour before sunset on a brisk evening, Eris made his way to the woods surrounding the Forest House. He walked with his brothers and mother, going earlier than guests were meant to arrive to ensure the area was secure.

Upon their arrival, he saw that Rikoh had already set a permitter of guards, posting them in the trees to maintain a strategic vantage point. "You are supposed to be taking it easy," Eris drawled loudly, feigning displeasure at seeing his captain back to his duties.

Rikoh's lip curled up but fell down as pain flashed in his eyes. Burns marred his face, neck, and hands, all of which hadn't been protected by armor when he'd shielded Astra and Eris with his body from Tidus's erratic energy flares. Rikoh wasn't vain and joked that the blotchy, melted skin made him look far scarier and befitting of his role within their court.

"I don't need another healer," Rikoh leered as he came to stand beside Eris and clap him on the shoulder.

"But you do need more salve," Reed mused, summoning a small canister that kept the pain at bay. "Wouldn't want you in the background of Feyre's latest masterpiece with a pained scowl on your face."

Eris groaned. Astra warned him that her mother had a tendency to paint the emotional moments in her life and witnessing her daughter's mating ceremony would surely invoke such creativity. Reed thought it hilarious and tried to act as a muse for the High Lady during the few times they'd been around each other since the battle. He almost lost his tongue to the Lord of Night's ire when he suggested she paint him naked. Though Eris had come to tolerate his most aggravating brother, he rather liked the idea of Reed's tongue being permanently held.

"What does your white swan think of your fascination with the High Lady's paintings?" Kane asked as a mocking grin broke across his face.

"What swan?" their mother asked, looking between them and not understanding who Kane referred to.

"A Seraphim female has caught Reed's attention, mother," Cormac responded, looking pleased when Reed scowled. Having one's mother know of a relationship, no matter how serious the nature, meant she'd ask about it on every occasion.

"Astra's friend?" their mother expectantly asked, likely already dreaming of having another son happily married.

"It's nothing," Reed said, waving off her budding curiosity.

"So, she's available then?" Kane's grin turned feral. "I saw her gliding down in battle with twin blades drawn. She'd make a fine bride for a General."

Profound silence stretched over the forest and Eris stepped away, not wanting to risk rumpling his scarlet jacket.

"I beg your pardon," Reed too-calmy asked.

Eris took another healthy step away.

"You fucking heard me," Kane provoked.

A fist flew, backed by the imposing strength Reed possessed. He didn't hold back, repeatedly pounding his fist into Kane's face. Based on Kane's booming laughter and the ease with which he tossed Reed off, he'd said it with every intention of forcing Reed to admit he felt something for the girl.

Though Prythian was at peace, there was rarely a day that went by when a small argument or brawl didn't break out amongst the Vanserra brothers. Their father had ensured that it was their nature and instinct to piss each other off and throw threats around as other families did with pleasantries. But Beron had failed to get any of his sons to resort to murdering each other aside from Lucien, a fact which Eris would forever be grateful for. Eris liked to think that Lucien no longer counted anyway since he'd begun telling people that Helion was his father.

At the first sign of blood staining the gold fabric of their matching, caped jackets, Eris intervened. "Enough, Reed. Nobody is going anywhere near your lovely swan."

Reed rose and violently straightened his jacket while their mother brushed away the dirt on him. "I think it's wonderful that you wish to win the affections of a single, worthy female." It was her subtle way of encouraging Reed to only seek out his pleasure from Alette since females didn't often enjoy having to vie with others for attention."

Eris cleared his throat, preventing Reed from saying something brash in response, and gave Kane a pointed look, knowing he'd goaded their brother to get him to admit he had some sort of feelings toward Alette, though it remained to be seen how it would play out.

The soft pop behind him signaled the arrival of the High Priestess performing the ceremony. Like most of the priestesses, Orla was devastatingly beautiful, though the one Eris selected was less interested in prominence and more in the education of Autumn's younglings. Astra's family had a bad history with Ianthe, so Eris made sure to select someone that wouldn't raise eyebrows.

Two children clung to the bottom of her robe, both newly orphaned from the war. They hid their faces in the rich brown, silky folds when Eris approached, making him instantly put a damper on their magic so he didn't scare them. "Welcome," Eris greeted, doing his best not to sound severe.

Orla offered a bright smile. "Say hello to your High Lord, children."

Eris shifted uncomfortably but relaxed slightly when his mother placed a gentle hand on his arm. He received two soft, "Hellos," before they scampered off to find a place to sit.

Eris let out a low whistle, signaling his hounds to keep an eye on them and to be on their best behavior. Children tended not to understand that dogs didn't like having their tails pulled and he didn't want an incident on a special day.

After going through the details of the ceremony again while guests arrived and took seats in the wooden chairs set out, Eris stood in the center of the rickety bridge he loved that arched over a small stream. More than once, Orla nudged him to stop fidgeting by way of pushing the fallen leaves around the railing.

When the sun neared its final descent, leaving the sky a mirage of red and orange, Eris lit the torches that had been staked in the ground before taking a deep breath.

A horrible voice in his head mused that Astra might not come or she might arrive just so she could publicly reject him, but those thoughts ebbed away when she stepped out from between the trees.

Though she was flanked by Ethra and her mother, Eris only saw Astra. She was stunning. His leg moved forward, but and a hand fell on his shoulder keeping him in place. For once, she walked slowly, taking her merry time to close the unbearable distance between them.

He couldn't even remember what he was doing here as his eyes raked over her. There wasn't a seamstress in Autumn that would dare sew something so mouthwatering. Eris had a sneaking suspicion Mor had been involved in the design.

Much of her chest and stomach were exposed, with just narrow fabric dancing up like the tips of flames. The dress was the same scarlet color he wore, matching the most eye-catching of the maple leaves above. It sparkled, reflecting the orange glow of the torch flames as she passed by. The long train was weaved with mesh and left the toned muscles of her legs visible underneath.

How was he to get such a gown off quickly? Was there a tie in the back or a small zipper up the side? Surely, she wouldn't mind if he burnt just a bit of it to get his hands beneath.

A cough jolted him. Eris blinked, suddenly realizing Astra now joined him on the bridge with her brows raised at him. He'd stepped far too close to her, and his arms were reaching for the fabric. A coy smile curled her lips that had been painted red.

Eris sucked in a breath as he stepped back to where he was meant to stand, allowing the High Priestess room to move between them. He instantly regretted agreeing to such a lavish ceremony with so many guests, not realizing that the need to have her then and there would be overwhelming. Getting rid of those seated was the best course of action. Those from the Night Court and the few invited from the other courts, many of which he'd never met, sat on the left bank of the stream, and all from Autumn occupied the right.

Eris snapped his jaw shut before the order let his lips because Astra looked happy. They'd wanted this and he wouldn't ruin it this early in the evening, but later...

"-the most sacred bond between our kind." Orla had already started speaking, but Eris missed the first half of her speech. "When united, two halves of the same soul can offer peace, contentment, love, and support. The bond stretches between equals, offering pairs to work in tandem toward their goals and share in each other's triumphs and failures."

That last bit had been an addition to the traditional lines spoken during these ceremonies in Autumn. It was not the belief of some in his court that Astra was his equal, but he'd be damned if it wasn't announced before all in attendance that might still doubt it. Orla had been enthusiastic about the deviation in wording and tone. Looking out at the crowd, he saw that several guests smiled and nodded, including Astra's family. His own seemed more inclined to think Astra above Eris in many regards, but none objected when the time came to allow any in attendance to do so.

Eris vowed before his court and on his crown to love and cherish his mate, protecting her until the end of their days. When Astra did the same, she managed to slip a hint of a threat in her voice, challenging anyone to raise a hand against him. Her affinity for violence enthralled him.

The High Priestess grasped their outstretched arms, bringing them together so they grasped each other's wrists. She looked up and said a prayer that caused the leaves to rustle loudly. A rope of golden flames wrapped around their forearms, binding them together. Orla's fire was warm, but it was the adoration shining in Astra's eyes that truly smoothed the goosebumps peppering his skin. His chest tightened as the bond between them was pulled taut, allowing him to experience Astra's overwhelming wave of emotions.

Orla's fire burned differently than most from her specialized training and through whatever prayer and spell she murmured, the brands sizzling into their skin beneath the rope of flames didn't hurt. All he felt was a pleasant tingle that went straight to his cock. The urge to rip Astra away from the priestess and bend her over the wooden railing came back in full force. He had to stop breathing altogether to keep her scent from reaching him.

Orla sped her prayers, rushing through as if she sensed that her High Lord was a few seconds from tossing her into the icy water below.

Rather than disperse, the gold rope of flames sank fully into their connected arms, spreading its warmth and causing them both to glow. Helion must feel lackluster at the moment.

The moment he was permitted to lean down and kiss his mate, Eris lunged. Leaving no space between their bodies, he greedily ravaged her mouth, uncaring that the traditional ceremony in Autumn normally concluded with a chaste peck.

Throats cleared and uncomfortable laughs rang out, but Eris merely twisted his body, so all their guests only saw his broad shoulders leaning over Astra. He began scooting her toward the railing when she bit down on his lip viciously. "That's enough," she chuckled as she stepped back and tossed her styled curls over her shoulder.

It wasn't enough...

"You lack patience," she playfully mused as she shuffled around him and smiled at the cheers and applause. He'd once said that to her and of course, she felt the need to throw it back at him.

She was right though, there was another ceremony to make it through and a reception. Mother help him.


Eris's heated gaze followed every step she took, burning her far more than the binding had. Try as she might to remain focused, she could only think of the things he kept whispering in her ear and none were appropriate for a coronation.

It was just a formality since she didn't need to be declared High Lady to ensure power of authority, but it was a way to celebrate her accomplishments.

The guests made their way back to the Forest House, standing as they had during Eris's coronation. As with his, there was a procession of Vanserras.

Eris's brothers entered together in order of age, making Reed pout at being the youngest amongst them. Despite ending her tenure as the Lady of Autumn, Rhea walked with Mera Vanserra at her side. To no one's surprise, Helion sent a beam of sunlight down from the dark sky to illuminate his mate, showing off her white and gold dress.

A hush came over the courtyard when Astra and Eris stepped into the view. They stalked up to the dais side-by-side with all twelve hounds flanking them. The air shimmered with heat their combined flames danced up the crimson fabric of the capes they'd donned.

Twisting around to face those from Autumn, Astra felt their admiration and fear mixed together. Some of the pricks were convinced she'd run their beloved court into the ground, others whispered that she was a witch that had Eris under a spell, but more than she expected seemed intrigued to see a female standing before a throne.

She summoned Beron's crown, allowing herself a moment to look down at where it waited in her hand. Someday she might commission new ones to be made that incorporated her own style, but wearing this particular one reminded those not enthralled with her ascension that she'd beheaded its prior owner and would do the same to any that dared challenge her rule.

Astra lifted her gaze and straightened her spine to stand at her full height. She released the hold she had on her magic, letting violet flames engulf her limbs as she raised it. Crowning herself, she placed it on her head and let a wicked smile form.

People fell to their knees without having to be ordered to bow. She stole a smug glance at Eris and felt him caress the bond lovingly, even as he remained looking severe and arrogant.

Those not of Autumn remained standing but dipped their chins in acknowledgment of her position.

Astra kept them in their bows for longer than Eris had, if only because she wished to outdo him. The mysterious tree gods had blessed the ceremony by further quickening the growth of her throne so that she had a seat of power of her own next to the carved trunk Eris sat upon. She had yet to decorate it yet, wanting to wait and see what beast she might turn into to have it artfully carved into it. After sitting, she continued to glance at the dragon carved into Eris's throne, wiggling her brows and going as far as to stroke it with the tip of her finger.

After letting their subjects disperse and mingle, tables appeared along with food and drink. Faelights twinkled in the trees and vines, making everything glow with the breathtaking Autumn colors. Small, contained fires kept the chill out of the air.

Astra and Eris sat separately at their own private table for two, though they remained the focal point of the feast and it didn't begin until Astra presented Eris with food she had made.

His face softened when she lifted the gold dish lid to reveal an apple pie. The lattice crust was browned to perfection, thanks to assistance from Cerridwen and Nuala, though Eris need not know she'd been unskilled enough to manage an edible pie on her own. Several were tossed before she became fed up and sent word for help.

"It smells delicious," he drawled after leaning down to get a whiff. "I think I have an idea of what inspired you to make it." His wink increased her pulse.

"Try it," she urged as she squirmed in her seat. All eyes remained on them, and a flush crept up her cheeks.

"I thought pumpkin pie suited you better," Reed loudly crooned above the hushed silence.

Eris flashed his brother a lethal smile, likely remembering the first time he introduced her to his brothers. She had no doubt Reed would be made to regret his interruption, but Eris proceeded with composure.

Astra quickly carved a sliver out with a long knife, but Eris took his sweet time to dig in with his fork, building anticipation. She worried he wouldn't like it or would find her selection boring, but he ate every bite. His movements were seductive and though she ought to look away, she just stared at him. He could make eating look like a risqué art when he chose to.

Just as he was about to lick the filling off his lips, Astra leaned in, capturing his lips with her own so she could have a taste too. He laughed into her mouth before hungrily deepening the kiss. A white linen cloth appeared over their small table, preventing anyone from catching a glimpse of where his fingers slid.


"Eris," she warned after he shooed away another noble who'd asked to dance with her. "You're being rude."

He shrugged, completely indifferent. "It's my party and I can be rude to whomever I please."

Insufferable asshole. "It's our party," she corrected. "It could even be argued it's my party since it's following my coronation."

Eris reached down and flicked her nose. "Do you wish to spend the evening dancing with my brothers, Dallen, Struq, and all the others that will stomp on your toes?"

A scowl formed on her face at his inability to share her. They had guests to entertain and alliances to foster, but all Eris clung to her as if he would never have another night with her. All males became pathetic babies once mated.

The first beats of another song began and before Eris could lead her out, a dark tendril of magic brushed by. Looking over her shoulder, she saw that her father waited expectantly, holding out a hand. Eris bristled, but Astra pushed on the bond, warning him to behave.

She allowed her father to gracefully glide out to the center of the courtyard. Normally, he looked a bit sullen when Eris was around, but tonight he beamed. Only the most powerful High Lord could raise a daughter meant to don a crown, he boasted all evening. He skirted around the topic of her mating as best as he could, not because he disapproved, but because he became uncharacteristically uncomfortable when people asked him if he wished to become a grandfather soon or hoped to stay feeling young for a few centuries longer.

At each opportunity, Astra reiterated that she and Eris were in no rush to produce heirs, threatening a few nosy nobles that suggested their crowns were at risk until a babe grew in her belly. She'd promised that she wouldn't shed blood and cause a scene, so she'd sent Ethra and Rikoh after them.

"Most of their inquiries and suggestions can be taken lightly," her father mused, guessing where her thoughts had strayed.

She let her head movement fall out of rhythm with their feet so she could meet his twinkling gaze. "Some of my people are really quite awful."

"But not all," he said with a soft smile.

"Are you referring to Eris?" she asked with a laugh.

"Of course not," he huffed. "I'm referring to the polite brother that shares his looks."

She rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. Cormac was the ideal male that every father wished their daughter wound up with.

"It could be worse, I suppose," he continued after bringing her back from a twirl. "You could have fallen for that one," he said with a nod toward where Reed danced with Alette.

Her father would not have survived it if she tied herself permanently to Reed. The thought brought a smile to her face that turned into a gape when she spotted Reed's hand skim over Alette's feathers scandalously. cGood gods, he was doing far more than teasing the Seraphin. It looked like he was seconds away from bringing her to release.

"The crown suits you," he said while dipping her.

She smirked. "Everything suits me,"

"Your confidence never fails to amaze me, little star."

Sensing he was about to get sappy, Astra peeled her eyes away, looking off over her father's shoulder to watch her mother approach. The High Lady of Night cut in, sparing her daughter momentarily before her Uncle Cassian stomped over to demand they try to outshine Nesta and Eris.

"Graceful fucks," he huffed while trying to mimic their precise steps. Cassian was skilled, but nobody danced like Eris and Nesta. Had it been anyone else, Astra would have fumed with jealously, but she knew Nesta's precise movements were as sharp and deadly as a blade that Eris was narrowly spared from years prior.

When the song came to a close, Astra had barely bowed before Eris was at her side again. "Don't hesitate to put those new weapons to use," Cassian said with a wink before slipping off to find Nesta.

"What gift?" Eris asked.

"He sent an entire arsenal of Illyrian steel weapons for a mating gift along with a card stating that he'd support me if I chose to turn them against you once your charm and allure faded."

"How thoughtful," Eris deadpanned.

"For Solstice next year, I figured we could send Nesta a few of the weapons from Clove's tribe, copying the note."

Eris's frown flipped into a serpentine smile, promising retribution. "Excellent idea."

A small sweal of pain caught their attention and Astra's eyes narrowed on Ethra. Astra sighed and strode over, waving Eris off so she could handle the situation herself.

"What is going on here?" Astra hissed, trying to keep those nearby from overhearing, though her efforts were likely in vain since Autumn faeries had an affinity for eavesdropping.

"Your feral handmaid kicked me," Sarelle seethed as she cupped the back of her knee.

Astra pasted a smile on her face, speaking through her teeth to appear as if she weren't scolding Ethra to anyone watching. "Why?"

Ethra sneered and crossed her arms. "She meant to ask your brother for the next dance. Now she is unable to."

Astra cut a glance at Sarelle. Her dress was more revealing than what she'd worn at Eris's coronation, as were many of the dresses the ladies of Autumn wore. They now took their fashion cues from their High Lady. The protruding swells of her breasts were bound to have Nyx drooling.

In an effort to appease Ethra since she had been nothing but loyal, Astra tugged her away forcing her to apologize. Astra dragged her across the courtyard, stopping when they stood before Nyx.

"Dear brother," she drawled, interrupting whatever story he told to a group of females.

He twisted around and looked over her. "What can I do for the High Lady of Autumn?"

"You have not presented me with a mating gift."

He blinked and tugged at the collar of his midnight black jacket. "I... haven't decid-"

"Forget it," she interjected. "Watching you dance with Ethra will be suitable."

Ethra stomped on her foot, but Astra only smirked.

Nyx appeared confused by her demand but obliged.

"My shadows tell me she is quite taken with him," Azriel softly said, seemingly coming from nowhere as he often did.

Astra scooted closer to the shadowsinger so she could keep her voice low. "He's oblivious."

Azriel chuckled. "It happens to the best of us." He knew from experience, having been unaware for quite some time that Gwyn found him attractive before their bond was revealed. "In a few years, I suspect he'll view her differently."

Astra pursed her lips. If Nyx didn't, Astra would likely pierce sewing needles through his eyes, allowing him to see nothing at all.

Shifting to a lighter topic, Astra asked, "Has Gwyn found her way to the library already?"

A rare smile graced Azriel's lips. "I believe she's exploring the nearby paths with Mor and Emerie, but she's talked my ear off about getting her hands on some of the old texts rumored to be stashed away inside."

Gwyn's mother once dwelled in the Forest House as a child before being given to the temple in Sangravah, making Gwyn giddy with excitement at the prospect of seeing some of the places her mother had told stories of. Astra had given her access to the wards, allowing her to pop in and out of the library whenever she pleased.

As quickly as he'd appeared, Azriel was gone, likely to check on his mate.


Cormac spoke softly, trying to entertain Eris while Astra greeted guests and graciously accepted congratulations whether the sentiment was meant or not. Every so often, Cormac's pointless words trailed off as he tracked Dallen Birch.

After finishing his glass of spiced wine, Eris finally stopped Cormac. "Go speak with him. He's never going to approach if you stay next to me." Cormac stiffened, looking guilty. When he said nothing, Eris went on. "Apparently, I've been rather rude to him. Perhaps you ought to occupy his attention lest he asks my mate to dance again."

"I don't see why you would think I wish to speak with him," Cormac bit out, not meeting Eris's eyes.

Eris contemplated how best to convey his opinion without outright ordering his brother to go talk with the Birch boy. "I am not our father. You won't face judgment from me on whom you choose to spend your time with."

"That kind of relationship is not accepted here," Cormac bitterly spat.

"You don't' have to stay here." That finally got Cormac to meet his serious gaze. "You can tell Astra no."

"No, I am looking forward to my new role," Cormac admitted.

Astra had appointed him as their emissary, allowing him the freedom and purpose to visit other courts and spend time away from Autumn. He was a wise choice for the role since he was generally pleasant to be around and could win almost anyone over with his singing.

Eris went at it from a different angle. "Have you seen Mor with her Illyrian lover? They are quite open with their affection. I see no reason why our people can't be eased into accepting such relationships."

Cormac's face turned the shade of a ripe apple and he sputtered something unintelligible. Sighing, Eris made it easy on them both. "Go, introduce yourself properly, and enjoy the rest of the night."

The tone gave his brother no choice but to step forward and obey. He'd thank Eris eventually.

As Eris began to make his way around the far edge of the crowd to find his mate, a breeze blew his hair from a different direction. Static had his hair separating and standing on end. He immediately willed his fire into his palms and whistled for the smokehounds. They darted between the trees with their noses to the ground, forgoing trying to get people to slip them food.

Eris slipped out of the courtyard area, eyeing the dark trees and looking to the sky. A brisk gust of wind, smelling of the sea, rushed past Eris, leaving his hair a mess of tangles.

Gasps rang out and shields formed. When Eris winnowed back to the center of the courtyard in the direction the wind blew, he found Astra greeting Lord Barak. Eris tenses and shared a glance with Rhys, but neither of them made a move to interfere since Astra didn't look the least bit surprised by their unexpected guest.

Eris forced an impassive expression on his face before strolling closer, taking up position beside his mate, making a show of slipping his arm around Astra's waist. She caressed the bond, letting him know she didn't feel threatened.

"Congratulations to you," Barak said with a nod to Astra's crown, "And to you both."

"We thank you," Eris quickly replied. "What brings you here so late into the celebration?"

Astra dug her elbow into his ribs at the rude undertone in his voice.

Barak's lip curled, deepening the wrinkles in the corners of his mouth. "I believe I was invited, and I don't recall a specific time being addressed."

Eris smiled; the look a complete farse. Astra appeared completely innocent, shrugging her shoulders. "We are thrilled to welcome you to our home. All the High Lords were invited."

They all were, but not all attended. Thesan sent a gift and his regrets that he couldn't take time away from helping his displaced people return to normalcy. Kallias sent much the same, though Eris had spotted him dancing with Viviane, likely having been forced into attending anyway. Tarquin was around somewhere since Eris shooed him away after he'd asked Astra to dance. Even Tamlin showed, though he mostly only conversed with Lucien and Elain while steering clear of Feyre.

But this Lord had very purposefully not been invited. At least not by him, but it appeared that Astra had extended a personal invitation.

"Yes," Eris smoothly added. "It's wonderful to share in our happiness with someone who helped ensure victory." It wasn't all he ensured if Eris's suspicions were true.

"Would you like us to introduce you to the more prominent guests?" Astra asked. "I'm sure they're dying to foster alliances."

What the fuck was she up to, Eris wondered.

"Oh, I'm sure I can manage to mingle on my own, though it's been quite some time since I've needed to make small talk."

It sounded almost like sarcasm, but Eris didn't buy it.

"Splendid," Astra sweetly said. "Find me if you wish for a dance."

Absolutely not. Over Eris's dead body would that Lord touch his mate. He'd declare a duel. He'd-

"-looks different than I imagined. More festive ." Barak was speaking, but Eris hadn't caught it all.

"Yes," Astra mused. "Beron's influence is slowly unraveling, though Autumn will never be a court for the faint of heart."

Barak nodded in agreement, but before turning away Eris dropped his voice low. "Not what you were expecting, is it?"

Barak tilted his head slightly. "On the contrary, it's nearly as I expected."

"Expected or ensured?" Eris couldn't stop himself from asking. He had to know.

Barak's grey eyes flashed like lightning. "Both." He slipped into the crowd, leaving Eris stunned at the honest admittance. No interrogation or torture necessary.

Eris rounded on Astra, guiding her back to a shadowed corner. "What were you thinking, inviting him here?"

Her eyes began to glow, but her response was composed. "You need to stop obsessing over how we got here."

"I have not-"

She held up a hand that sparked with energy, silencing him.

"No lies. You are disturbed by the idea that there was more at play to our meeting and everything that followed, but it doesn't matter."

Eris frowned as she scolded him. He'd only voiced his suspicions that his father might have been listening to rumors brought by the Lord of the Prison on the wind, just as Tidus had, but of course, Astra sensed how it bothered him. He wanted to scheme to find out for sure and assess the threat, but Astra demanded they accept that it may not have been a coincidence and try to forge an alliance with the new Lord of the Dusk Court. She'd been promised peace and he could tell she was willing to broker alliances and set aside suspicions to ensure their reign started off peaceful so they could make much-needed internal changes.

"He admitted it, so there is no need to launch us into another war when Barak might turn out as a strong ally," Astra continued, raising her hands to her hips. Not liking how mad she looked, Eris closed the minimal distance between them and twisted his arms around her waist, so she had no choice but to stand less stiffly.

"We are going to enjoy the peace we earned and not pick a fight with someone who quite possibly did what he had to free himself and his people." She had a point.

"All right," Eris relented as he rested his forehead on hers. "I'll defer to the High Lady's judgment on this." She swatted at him but giggled when he kissed her neck.

"It also means that we can en...enjoy." she could barely make it through her sentence between pants as his fingers started to brush across her chest. "We can enjoy some time away from the politics and plots."

That caught Eris's attention. "What have you been planning?"

Hunger flashed in her bright eyes. "I've arranged for your brothers to handle everything in our stead for a month or so."

"You trust them to not burn our court to the ground?"

Her answer came without hesitation. "Don't you?"

Eris couldn't deny that having Astra to himself for an entire month was appealing. His pants tightened at the very thought of days spent in bed and no one to bother them.

A year ago, Eris would have rather put his brothers in the ground before letting them get a taste of leadership that belonged to him, but they had proven themselves somewhat capable, though Eris still guessed that their bickering would lead to at least one wing of the Forest House going up in flames. It wouldn't be too much of a loss, considering he and Astra planned a massive redecorating project to bring some color and life into the interior.

Not agreeing too easily to make Astra think him desperate to get her alone, he kept his response casual. "Fine, but I'm leaving at least half of the hounds with them to ensure they remain on good behavior."


Eris should have served the cheap wine. People dispersed and left early when the alcohol tasted bad. He wanted to winnow up North to a hunting cabin that had been prepared for them immediately, but Astra insisted they remain at their own party.

Eris found himself trapped between Lucien and Elian. They kept trying to get him to hold their sleeping babe who'd entered the world a few weeks earlier, but he feared the boy would sense his apprehension and begin crying the moment he was passed over. Despite having six younger brothers, Eris had never been good with children. They were too innocent.

Lucien beamed with happiness, even allowing Helion to bounce the babe around and declare that his grandson was the most handsome male in attendance, aside from him.

"Oh look, Lucien," Elain sang. "I think Reed has worked up the courage to come meet little Ryo." She squeezed the babe's chubby cheek lovingly.

Reed had indeed heard that they'd named their son after his fallen twin, but Eris wasn't sure it smoothed anything over.

With a glass of wine in hand, Reed sauntered over. Lucien angled his body in front of his son, but there was no need. Eris had already made Reed swear to remain civil.

For once, Reed seemed at a loss for something clever to say and Eris wondered if he'd simply walk away, but his mouth finally moved. "He looks like Ryo."

"The resemblance will be uncanny as he grows," Elain quipped. No doubt she'd had a vision or two about her son.

Reed arched his neck around Lucien, eyeing the sleeping babe before addressing Elain. "Have you seen who becomes his favorite uncle?"

Eris and Lucien both sighed as Elain let out a chipper laugh. "It'll be Cassian."

Eris couldn't believe he had to share a nephew with the Illyrian General, though thankfully Cassian was only related by mating. Reed scoffed, learning fist hand that Elain wasn't as sweet as she seemed.

Reed's white swan appeared, brushing him with a wing. "We'll see about that," he crooned before letting Alette lead him away.

Leaving his youngest brother to continue cooing at his son, Eris set his sights on Astra, finally deeming it an appropriate time to depart. The moon was high rounding low in the sky and for all he cared, people could remain as long as he got to leave with his mate.

She danced with Pix blissfully and Eris was pleased that the demi-Fae had decided to remain in Autumn with Clove's tribe. Astra wanted to integrate their unusual society back into the rest of Autumn, making her friend a valuable asset.

Astra didn't protest when Eris gently pulled her away at the end of the song. "Our guests and subjects are drunk and won't even notice if we slip away now," he murmured into her ear. "There is much I want to do to you before the sun rises."

She shivered and her scent turned deliciously sweet, causing a rumble to sound in Eris's chest. He didn't have to coax her into goodbyes, for she seemed all too ready. Eris raised his voice, letting it boom across the courtyard. "Thank you for celebrating us. It's been lovely, but my mate and I must leave." Not a single person questioned the abrupt departure, catching his meaning and seeing where his hands trailed along her body.

A mixture of violet and orange flames engulfed them, Astra's taking them to their destination and Eris's burning her dress off.  

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