The DownFall Comes But, You'r...

ThisSaramWeeblove द्वारा

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As Hikashi walks through the woods, taking a short cut home. She runs into two strangers, those two being the... अधिक

The Down Fall Comes But, You're The One I Want
The Solution To Get Them Back, A Tragic Moment
True Colors
Deidara's First Day At School
Movie Disaster
Meeting Sasuke
Sasuke Stays
School School Fitting In!
Role Models
Akio Likes Sasuke! Ha Who Didn't Know That..
I Found Something!
You Started It. Baka.

Let's Discuss Something..

66 6 4
ThisSaramWeeblove द्वारा

My mouth dropped open at what Akio has told me! Miko has liked me since 1st grade?! I did not know that! Am I that blind to see it? Or was Miko to shy instead of being blunt with me about it?

Well, Akio and I were at her house for a while, catching up on some things. When I had looked at the time I saw that it was five! "Oh my crippled legs! I gotta go Akio!"

She only fell on the floor laughing at what I said.. Ok what? I can't help saying stupid things like that.. "Really Akio! Sasuke is gonna kill me! I was suppose to been met up with him" I whine pouting. She slowly stops laughing nodding. "Yeah yeah ok! You better get going then crippled legs!" Akio says before she bursts out laughing again.

I anime sweat drop, leaving her in her room as I ran back home. I was taking the short cut through the woods but some weirdo grabbed me, slamming me to a tree! "O-Ouch!" I cried out as my back hit the tree. It stings really bad.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here in these woods eh?" The man asked. He looked around in his late fourties. Gray and brown low cut beard, little wrinkles, bum clothes.. And yeah. "These woods? These woods are mine! I rule these woods!" I retort, glaring at him.

"Is that so?" The man asked, licking my cheek, leaving a wet trail. I scrunch my face disgusted, trying to push him off. "Aww come on now, don't you want me?" His hands were traveling down to my pants, trying to unbuckle them!

I punch him across his face as hard as I could, kicking him in the balls and making a run for it. My heart was racing and my breath hitched as I was pulled back from my hair. "You dumb bitch!" the same man had slapped me.

I tried fighting him off but he only hit me in my mouth. I felt warm liquid traveling down my chin. He grabbed me by the neck, leaning closer towards my face, licking the blood off my chin. I closed my eyes tightly. Crying silently. "Kakashi.. Deidara.. S-Sa..suke help me" I pleaded quietly as more tears left my eyes.

"Shh.. Don't worry. I'll make this quick" The man smirked before he began ripping off my shirt. I tried my best to kick, punch, bite, anything to fight him off and make a run for it. But it seem the more I tried, the more harder he hit.

He began sucking on my neck and I found myself crying harder. "D-DEIDARA! SASUKE-" I couldnt finish my sentence. My head was slammed against the tree and I was being choked by the neck.

"You've done it now!" The man growled as he tightened his grip around my neck. My vision began to get blurred and I was dizzy. The corners of my vision began to get black, as if darkness was consuming me so soon.

We're we that far into the woods?.. Could no one really hear me?

I heard the man help in pain before he released his grip around my neck. I fell onto the ground, coughing and gasping for air, as my vision very slowly was starting to go back to normal.

"He did this too you?.." I heard that all familiar voice. I couldn't see the figure perfectly but I had a hint who it was. "let's get you home" he says before picking me up, carrying me in his arms. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, not wanting to let go.

I was scared to.

I heard him smack his teeth as if he was annoyed. "Dammit.. Why did you stay out so late?! Especially alone!? What were you thinking?.. You could've gotten killed..." I heard him say, in an worried tone.

He was actually worried?.. I thought he didn't care about someone like me.. "I'm sorry.." I mumbled as I was slowly falling asleep. "Don't go to sleep yet.. We don't need you slipping in to coma now do we?" I heard him chuckle.

I giggle slightly to myself, opening my eyes and trying to stay further awake. Before I knew it we entered the house. "Oh my-.. What happened to her?!" I heard Kakashi ask. "Some idiot tried to rape her" He replied.

"Lay her down, I'll tend to her wounds" I heard Kakashi say. I was put on the couch gently, as Kakashi hovered over me.

*Kakashi's POV*

This was very.... I was left speechless. How could someone do something like this?.. Her upper body was half exposed, shirt completely turn, hickeys, and bruise marks everywhere on her upper body.

Her lip was bleeding badly and her nose. "Deidara give me some bandages, alcohol, ointment, and cotton!" I say, not taking my eyes off of Hikashi's bruised body. "Mm!" Deidara said before he ran to get the supplies.

I know. When did I get so medical nin? I've had some experience. He came back, handing me the things I needed. I clean away the blood, rubbing on ointment before I bandaged her up. "There, for now take it easy. You're safe to go ahead and take a nap" I tell her. But, we should really get her out of these clothes..

"Sasuke, could you get her cleaned up?" I ask, looking towards him. "No, ask Deidara, hn" was all he said before walking off. I sigh lightly, looking back at Hikashi. "Deidara I need a favor!" I shout, but not to loud. He came downstairs, with a questioning look.

"What is it, un?" he asked. "Take Hikashi to her room and clean her up will ya? I have some errands. Need to take care of. Watch after her, thank you!!" I said, already leaving out the house.

*Deidara's POV*


"Dammit, un.." That slick Kakashi went out before I could even say anything! I look at Hikashi who was sleeping peacefully. She didn't look as bad like a few minutes ago. I gently pick her up, carrying her upstairs to her room. Goodness was she heavy!

I lay her on her bed, making a Luke warm bucket of water and getting a rag. I got her some clothes out, before tying cloth around my eyes. I made sure that as I took off her clothes and cleaned her, I didn't touch any personal parts.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I was cleaning her off. Her skin was so smooth and soft. Keeping the cloth on my eyes, I took it off after I finished dressing. She was very, beautiful.. I still feel bad about that day.. The way I treated her..

There really isn't a way to get back to our world is it?.. It wouldn't be bad to change the way you live if you have the chance sitting right in from if you. Right?.. This will be easy until we find this Jitaru guy huh?! Just like boring paradise!...

This was gonna be a long experience.. I got up and walked out her room, quietly shutting te door. I left down stairs to tend to my art collection.

*Hikashi's POV*

I woke up, my upper body was aching really bad. I look down at myself seeing that I was perfectly cleaned and dressed into comfy clothing. How did I?.. I te the thought slip my mind before I went to Sasuke's room.

I knocked first before I opened the door, peeking my head in. "Can I come in?" I ask, seeing that he was in the desktop. He looks at me with an bored expression. "What's the point if asking when you're already in?" He asked, basically somehow answering my question. My cheeks flushed lightly as I look down.

I went over towards him, bending down so I was peeking over his shoulder. "What ya doin?" I query. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes. "What does it look like idiot? And stop peeking all the time! You seem like a creep" Sasuke says, frowning. I giggle slightly, rolling my eyes.

"And besides I'm searching about this information on this Suma Jitaru.. I've looked into the depts of the Internet and still couldnt find anything!" Sasuke sighed deeply, slouching into his chair, running his fingers through his spiked hair.

"I'll look more into it.. But I wanted to say.. Thank you" I mutter, yet loud enough for him to hear. He grunted lightly, looking at me. "I know that it was you who came and saved me.. Thank you, Sasuke" I utter, bowing slightly.

"Its nothing. Next time just don't stay out like an idiot and travel around after noon by yourself" Sasuke warns standing up. "Besides, get dressed in something more.. You when you're out. I want to take you some where to discuss something" Sasuke says before he left out his room.

I watch him as he left, not daring to take a glance back. What could he possibly wanted to discuss? And he's taking me somewhere?..

I went into my room, slipping on some blue jeggings and a gray plain shirt. He said more me! Ha that duckbutt should know by now that I throw on anything nowadays. I slipped on some shoes, heading downstairs where Sasuke was.

Deidara was sitting on the couch, watching tv until his attention focused on me. "Where are you going yeah?" He asked. "Sasuke is taking me somewhere. Don't worry though we'll be back! If you want, there's an library down the hall to your left, go into that room, walk down the hall, turn right and there's the library!" I inform.

Yes, my house was just that big. Deidara's eyes had widen from the instructions I gave him. "O-Ok. Just be back soon! It gets scary being in a big house alone. I don't even see you could stay at home by yourself sometimes un.." Deidara mumbled the last part.

I laugh, walking out with Sasuke. I let him walk ahead of me while I trailed behind. His back was just enough.. The site of it makes you want to melt and just burst into pink and blue butterflies..

I mentally face palm myself. I can't believe myself! I'm fan girdling over Sasuke! Right behind him too! I sound like Sakura. Just less... Fan girl-ish. Sasuke was indeed a handsome guy. Yet Deidara was too. But I don't think they both love or like me the way I do..

If anyone found out that the real Sasuke and Deidara was here. Hell would break loose. Haters will rise. Yet I love the compliments that I would get. About how lucky I was. But, we don't need anyone finding out that they're real and here. Not while we're doing something extremely important.

I was so much into a gaze and not paying attention that I bumped into Sasuke without knowing. "S-Sorry I wasn't paying attention" I apologize, blushing slightly. "Hn" was all he said.

We had reached a cliff. There was a blanket, and a picnic basket there. Did Sasuke do this? And was he the romantic type?.. I followed him as he sat down onto the blanket, sitting next to him. He opened the picnic basket, taking out attic wrapped plates filled with charities of different Japanese food.

He handed me a plate before placing one in his lap. "Thank you.."

He kept quiet, taking out some cups with juice In them. Wow.. This looks so good.. "Did you make this?" I asked. He nodded. "I thought you'd get hungry since you slept for while" he replied, unwrapping his plate. I smile at him. He was actually sweet.

I unwrap my plate, grabbing some chopsticks. "Itadakimasu" we both say at the same time before we ate. We ate in silence until we were both done. The night was fairly quiet but peaceful. The stars shine bright but the moon outdid them all. It was a beautiful scene.

You could see part of the city from here. "It looks amazing" I say, flabbergasted as my Gaze couldn't stay off the sky and the city. I was to in awe to think of anything else. I lay down on my back on the mat, Still looking at the sky. Right.. It reminds me of the days in Konoha"

Sasuke spoke, also laying back.

"Sasuke.. Do you plan on going back to Konoha soon?" I asked, looking towards him fom the corner of my eyes. He stayed quiet, glaring intensely at the sky. "Of course. But it looks like it will be no time soon. This Jitaru guy must've thought his plan throughly. Or your world methods at finding and extracting information sucks horribly at it" Sasuke says.

I laugh lightly and he chuckled smirking. I smile. "I promise I'll work harder on finding a way to get you guys back.. I will" I said truthfully. Though I may not want them to leave, that isn't my desicion.

"You really remind me of that idiot Naruto.." Sasuke scoffed shaking his head. "huh?" I was puzzled. "You and him think just alike. I wonder what that dobe is doing now" Sasuke asked himself as a smile slightly plastered across his face.

Through the night me and Sasuke sat talking about memories and I told him about Naruto's funny moments in the anime. But not anything that would happen in the future. We both were laughing. I just happened to brought my phone with me and went to YouTube to show Sasuke what I meant and he was actually laughing tears!

That didn't make sense.. But you know what I mean! Sasuke clutched his stomach tighter as he just watched Neji beat Naruto and sent him flying from stage for not letting Neji having his own chronicles show!

I think the reason why he's laughing so hard is because I was rolling back and forth laughing.. The first video I started laughing he told me to be quiet because nothing seemed funny but I couldn't help it. The more I tried not to crack a laugh, the more Sasuke was cracking an amused smile.

Maybe my laugh sounded weird to him..

We both wipe tears from our eyes as our laughter slowly died out. I wish Sasuke was like this in the manga and anime. If he wasn't all action,drama, and hadnt had a lot of hate in his life and was the nice little Sasuke how he was when he was little, if only he stayed that sweet little Sasuke until now..

I've wondered how would he be now.? I couldn't help but look at his gorgeous face. I was actually falling for Sasuke literally... But I liked Deidara a lot too.. Oh gosh! Why am I saying these things?!

There's no way they like someone like me. I'm only helping them get back to their world.. That's it..

*Sasuke's POV*

I was telling Hikashi something but she didn't answer back. I look at her, seeing that she was staring at the sky frowning. Sadness then came across her face before she shook her head, as if shaking away all the emotions.

I wonder what was wrong?.. She was actually a really interesting person. I also like the outfit she was wearing. You could see her body figure nicely. She wasnt to skinny nor even fat. She had nice curves that fit her size.

Of course she was short.. No taller than 5'2 if I was to say.. She was pretty I guess- Wait did I just say that?! No no way.. Am I really me right now?! I can't be.. I just awe'd over a girl! I sighed, rubbing my face.

When I looked at her again, I saw her looking at me with an worried expression before she smiled. How does she mask her emotions so well? Like nothing isn't wrong.. "We should head back now, it's getting really late" I tell her, grabbing our plates.

She also helping, grabbing the cups and napkins, placing them in the basket. As we put the things back into the basket, our hands brushed against each other, "Sorry" she apologized.

I kept quiet. The moment was getting awkward.. I could feel her gaze on me as I was placing the chopsticks in there too. I set the basket aside, standing up. I pick up the giant blanket we were sitting on.

It would take quite a while to fold.. When I began folding it by myself, Hikashi joined in too, getting the other end and helping me, joining the ends with my end, grabbing another end and connecting it with mine before I fold it the last time.

I place the blanket on top of the basket, carrying it. We began walking back home. There were a lot of alcoholics, bums, prostitutes we seen on our way back. It was quite a walk from home to the cliff.

Hikashi seemed uncomfortable as people were sending her, flirtatious looks. I wrap my arm around her pulling her close to me as I glared at those men, sending her those looks. This world disgusts me already. Especially these kinds of people. Hikashi buried her face into my chest.

"Don't worry.. I'll keep you safe" I whisper into her ear.

*Deidars's POV*

I groaned frustrated. Where we're those two?! It was two o'clock and they still aren't back! They left out at 11.. What could they possibly be doing?! I went after them to go look for them. I didn't feel like walking the streets so I used one of my clay birds to see from above.

I fly into the air for what seemed like around 10 minutes until I noticed that spiked familiar hair. Bingo. I land not that far away, hiding behind a tree. Yep. It was Sasuke and Hikashi for sure. But what are they doing, un?

I used my scope on my eye to look closer. ARE THEY ON A DATE?! I saw Hikashi and Sasuke's hand brush against each and she was blushing. They kept sending each other looks while they weren't looking too! What was going on?..

Don't tell me they.. I frown getting back onto my bird. I won't let Sasuke take Hikashi away from me..


Hiiiii sorry for not updating in so long!!

Um, as you know.. Well dont know. My brothers broke my laptops. Yes all of them! Annoying brats ;-; it's gonna take a while till I can get a perfect update/edit in.

I hope you enjoyed this!! >u

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