The Luck that's slipping away

Autorstwa Luna_moon862

1.9K 12 52

It all started with one job keep a watch on squarey till four came back but things started to go all down hil... Więcej

Before you read
Chapter 2: Vet visits and Agents
Chapter Three: Shop and don't drop the stuff

Chapter One: Just another day in number land

638 3 20
Autorstwa Luna_moon862

The sound tweeting of birds filled the air with its whistling symphony. The bright summer sun rays shined through the wide open window. A soft breeze blew around the multi-colored bedroom where a lucky numberblock was peacefully sleeping.

The air was sweet and soothing. The sun just not to bright. The perfect Saturday morning.

Then at 7:00am on the dot his alarm clock rang. It wasn't usual annoying, force on snooze, want to throw straight into the wall kind of alarm. It made a sound like angels singing down from heaven.

The brightly colored block softly clicked the alarm off and yawned. He slid to the edge of his bed sitting himself up while rubbing his eyes. And shortly after doing that he was as fresh as a multi-colored daisy.

Seven took a deep breath of the nice summer air and turned to the window right beside him.

" Ah such a wonderful looking day I'm so lucky. "

He'd take a moment to gaze outside. Watching the birds sing and play and the flowers swaying to the wind.

After he was done looking out the window he headed down the steps and cheerfully walked into his kitchen.

Seven opened a violet cabinet and grabbed a fresh box of fruity hoops. It was one of his favorite cereals. He liked the many bright colors and fun shapes that the cereal came in.

He then grabbed a clean rainbow colored bowl and spoon off the dish rack and opened his fridge. It was filled with all kinds of fresh fruits and veggies. His purple hand grabbed the milk and lightly shook it realizing it was almost empty.

" Oh no I'm almost out of milk. Luckily I'm heading to the shop today to grab a few extra things."

The lucky numberblock poured the remaining milk into his bowl which was just enough for his cereal. He tossed the empty milk carton into the recycling bin and munched on his breakfast.

After he finished eating he grabbed a small list of things he needed to buy from the shop and added milk to that list using one of his rainbow gel pens.

And just like that he was out his house and skipping along to the shop.

While he was going down the path he was humming his little theme some would say. He first sung it the very day he was created and he remembers it like was just yesterday.


One, two, three, four, five and six went out for a picnic one day and things were going well. They had food, snacks and drinks enough for each of them. And it looked like a great day to have a picnic.

But then suddenly it started raining and that rain turned into a heavy storm.

As they watched their lunch get swept away by the running water Two thought standing tall would help them a bit to stay dry. . .
It didn't help much.

Good for them One had brought an umbrella with her. But sadly it was only big enough to protect one numberblock from the wet storm. So One hopped on her friends block by block like a staircase. Trying to cover each of them from the rain. But as she was hopping from Five to six she tripped and went flying through the air.

Six tried to catch One but there wasn't really any time to react. The only thing they had time do was nervously shout,

"One plus Six equals ... "

And like that a new numberblock was created.

" Seven! "

A tall, light violet, prime number.

"I am Seven! Am I in heaven?"

He said hoping and looking around.

"Your in number land."

Five said to the brand new number.

"Oh, lucky me."

After that a rainbow suddenly appeared from the dissipating storm and shined down on the Seven blocked number.

Then each of his blocks then magicly changed into one of each of the 7 main colors of the rainbow. Red, Orange, yellow, green blue, indigo and violet.

And like that wasn't lucky enough there was a magic mirror just a few steps away.

Seven stood in front of it looking at his colorful self feeling super lucky about it as the mirror made a copy of him .

The Seven copy split its self to One and Six making the group complete.

"All of you numberblocks are my friends? "

Seven asked sounding more like a statement rather then a question.

" Mhmmm ! "

Others said in a joyful unison.

For the rest of that day the lucky numberblock sang about all the amazing deeds he can do with his luck, all the bright colors he was and many other things about himself.

And at the end of all that he found out that it was his destiny to bring luck and joy everywhere he gose and share it with all his friends.


As he was skipping along the path he pasted a couple of his numberblock friends.

The first two was eleven and twenty-two. They were practicing for a big foot ball game that was coming up.

The two of them are the biggest football lovers in numberland and this coming game is very important to them.
Neither of them wanted there skills to slip up during the big game so they were doing all they could to be ready to show the numberblocks of numberland what they can do.

They were passing the ball back and forth to each other and doing all kinds of cool tricks with it.

" 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, and one more is 11!"

Eleven shouted her cheer happily making twenty-two laugh a little since this was forth time she did it in a row and she wasn't the least bit tired of it.

"Do you ever get tired of that cheer?"

Twenty-two asked in a more curious then rude manner.

"No, not in the slightest. Why you ask?"

"You sing it all the time."

"It's my little song that helps me keep count plus it's juts fun to say."

"Okay I do gotta admit your cheer is kinda catchy. "

"Good Morning Eleven and Twenty-two."

Said Seven waving at them.

" Good mor-"

As Twenty-two started greeting Seven back Eleven passed him the ball and he tripped on it not seeing that she passed it to him. He feel back with a thud and splitted into his Two Eleven duo.


The blue and red football players groaned in unison. The world seeming to spin around them.

The football went flying at Seven. Luckily there was a tree right next to him which he quickly ran behind.

The ball bounced around. Up and down and all around for a bit then slowed down and rolled into a bush.

" phew that was lucky. "

" sorry Seven that was my bad. "

Said Eleven in an apologetic tone.

" It's okay. it's always nice to have some excitement in the morning and with my luck on my side nothing really bad can happen to me."

" Wish we had some of that luck of yours. It could be pretty handy for our upcoming game. "

Said the blue Eleven as she was helping up her red teammate.

" Everyone has luck silly, you just have to believe you have it for it to really work."

In a small flash of light of light the team of Elevens added up back into Twenty-two.

"I guess so."

"Hey Seven want to practice with us for a bit ?"

" I would love to but I have things I have to get done first. I may come by later though. "    

"Oh alright then."

"Well Goodluck on your practicing you guys."

"Hey can you help us find our ball first before you..."

But before Eleven could finish Seven was already a good ways away from them.


"Looks like we have to look for our ball our selfs Eleven."

"First one to get it gets a free smoothie from the other! "

Eleven ran off with Twenty-two quickly following behind. Laughing while she was in the lead.


The next small group that Seven ran into was Nineteen and Twenty-eight along with Seventeen which was setting up his paint and canvases.

" Goodmorning Seventeen, Nineteen and Twenty-eight what are you guys up to? "

" Hi Seven. Me and Nineteen are about to do a pattern contest."

" Yeah and who ever dose the best pattern in each round gets a painting of it by Seventeen. "

"That sounds really fun."

" It is but it's going to hard for me to choose which pattern is the best. These two are amazing at making patterns."

"I would help you judge Seventeen but I'm not that good at choosing either. They always make such great shapes with their blocks."

"Well we need some one to judge us how else are we supposed to know which one of us are the best at making designs."

" I'm clearly the best."

"no im pretty sure im the best."

The rainbow colored number block thought for moment. As he did that the gray prime and quadruple lucky started to argue over who's the best.

As they went on the two of them started to make crazy shapes that Seven didn't even think were possible.

" I was the first number block to really use my blocks for fun shapes and patterns."

" Okay so I have more blocks and I can do patterns far better then you ."

" Wait wasn't eight the first one to use his blocks in all kinds of shapes and stuff like that."

" yeah that's true seventeen but eight uses his shape making skills for his hero work me and nineteen do it for fun."

The argument continued and they even started to grab seventeens extra paints throwing it at each other .

seven watched as this chaos started to get out of hand. He saw seventeen which was trying his best to stop there argument and protect his limited amount of canvases from the raging ladies paint throws.

Then an idea popped into Sevens head.

" What if Seventeen painted both of you each round and after the all the rounds are done he brings the paintings to his art gallery so everyone can see and vote which is the best."

" that doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"Yeah not a bad idea at all."

"How does that sound Seventeen?"

" Some painters like to paint good friends and I think that's very neat. I'll also paint my good friends but I'll paint Seventeen!"

He sang in a very cheerful tone.

" We should probably wash this paint off each other before we get started. "

" No wait stay there this is perfect."

Nineteen and Twenty-eight looked at each other confused.

Seventeen grabbed one of his canvases, and set it in front of him.

" You two stand right there and seven you stand in between the both of them. Oh and don't forget to smile."


The three confused blocks said.

They did what Seventeen asked and just like that he took out his paint brush and rapidly started painting.

In only minutes Seventeen finished the painting and showed it to his friends.

"Wow that looks great!"

"You really out done yourself Seventeen."

" I'm glad you all like it."

" Lucky I got over here the time I did."

"Lucky indeed."

"Well I'd be going now I need to get to the shop. Hope the rest of your painting goes great."

Seven waved bye to the three of them and continued walking along.

Nineteen and Twenty-eight were already readying up their next pattern pose.

Seventeen was about to set up the next canvase but just then his com link went off.

" Agent Seventeen head to the secret base ASAP there's an important meeting I need all you agents at."

Said Fifteen through the com.

"Okay ill be there as soon as possible."

Seventeen whispered into his com.

Seventeen looked up and saw that Twenty-eight also got the message.

Nineteen looked confused as to Twenty-eight and Seventeen suddenly stopped and were whispering.

"Hey is something wrong guys? Why did you stop? "

"Umm well..."  Seventeen started trying to think of a lie, which was a hard thing to do for him since he didn't necessarily liked lieing. 

" Seventeen just remembered he forgot his keys to the art gallery at my house. "

The painter was grateful for his friends quick thinking.

"Yes, and without those keys how are we going to show everyone the amazing shapes and patterns you girls can do ? "

"Don't you have a spare key hidden under a rock at the gallery for situations like this? "

"He left his spare keys too! "

"Oh. Well can I come with you two? "

" There's no need we'll be there and back in 12 minutes tops.  "

"Alright then I'll be waiting here till your back ."

Seventeen nodded a thanks to Twenty-eight and grabbed his art stuff. He felt bad lieing like that but he couldn't tell Nineteen he was an agent not yet at least.

He placed his paint brush on the side of his head and started heading to the secret base at Fifteen's show studio.

"I know you want to tell her Seventeen but you know the rules ."

"Can't we just ask Fifteen to hire her like how she hired us? "

"Fifteen will have to make that choice herself we just can't tell her do so. "

"I know.." 

The two agents walked along the rest of the in dead silence.

Seven by now was only a few minutes away from the shop. He walked cheerfully a big smile across his face.

It was quiet for a good moment or two then out of the blue One and Two came running looking very worried.





" whoa whoa you two slow down one thing at a time. "

"We were with Four walking to his house so he can grab squarey for her vet visit. "

"Yeah and I bought these two new pet treats."

"And we asked him which one squarey would like more."

"He couldn't choose between the two and he split into the Terrible Twos!"

"Yikes.. "

"Yeah! And it gets worst."

" They were pushing me and One around and they cracked my glasses! "

Two then proceed to show Seven his broken glasses. The left lens had a large crack that went all across and branched off in the corner.

"Oh my that doesn't sound lucky at all."

"We know! And after they did that they ran off saying there gonna get OctoNaughty! "

" Oh No! We need to do something! "

" Me and One can go and run to get Eight. Seven can you look for the Terrible Twos? You kinda have the better view of the area then One and me."

"I can do that."

" Alright then. Yell once you find the Terrible Twos so we can quickly find you."


Three of them then split up quickly running as fast as they could.

Seven looked all over. High and low. He even went back to ask 11, 22 , 19 , 28 and 17. They all said they didn't see the Terrible Twos. Though he was confused of why 19 was all by herself when he went asking. 

" hmmm if I was a terrible two where would I be...? "

Suddenly he heard yells for help.

"Stop it! What did I do to you Guys?! This is so unlucky..."

It was thirteen and he was getting jumped on by the terrible Twos.

(In this story the purple masked terrible two will be called PurpleTwo and the blue masked terrible two will be called BlueTwo )

" For being a agent you are so defenseless. Right amigo? "

" I agree amigo. I don't even know why staircase fifteen let him join her agent squad. "

"It's just sad really. He can't even walk in a straight line let alone do missions. "

"Yeah. Even just saying his name is so much for him he falls apart. "

Thirteen whimpered believing all that was true. He wanted to cry but he didn't want to make the terrible Twos have more to laugh at him about.

The clumsy numberblock rolled and kicked the Terrible Twos off himself. He then tried to run away from them. He actually got a good distance away. But he then tripped on his own feet and fell face first deep into the dirt.

"Hey Amigo. "

"Yes Amigo? "

" let's find out how many times we can make him split into ten and three before he passes out. "

" Let's do it ! "

"Oh no.. " Thirteen said muffled. Face still deep in the dirt.


" Look amigo the rainbow block. "

" It looks like he wants to help is friend amigo. "

Purpletwo then took out a small pouch of marbles. He then dumped its contents all over.

" Try getting through that Prime!"
Blue two said smugly.

The marbles rolled all over the ground in all directions. These small smooth orbs to most is a slippery pain to get pass.

" Hey Thirteen you think your buddy there can make it though? "

The moment Purpletwo said that Thirteen splitted into Three and Ten. The three getting launched through the air.

"I believe Seven can get through your little marble trick. He's the luckiest numberblock I know. "

Said Ten in an encouraging tone.

" Yeah and He's not gonna fall to you two fake Twos! "

Three yelled before flipping back to Ten to form Thirteen.

Seven skipped and jumped around the marbles with ease and started to run towards the Terrible Twos.

"I knew that wasn't gonna Stop him Blue!"
Purpletwo hissed at his blue masked brother.

"Your the one that dumped the Marbles!"
BlueTwo yelled back.

Thirteen wanted to run and escape before they could make him split again but the marbles ahead and around him made it feel like an impossible task.

He knew he could barely run on flat ground without tripping on himself So getting past a mess of marbles like the one infront of him would just make him look like a fool.

Seven was closing in on the Terrible Twos but they weren't done with their fun just yet.

Purpletwo threw up his brother onto Thirteen, almost knocking Thirteen over with the sudden extra weight. BlueTwo then took out a small pocket knife about to slice part of Thirteen with it.

Sevens eyes widened. His senses all up but his body stuck in place.  He wanted to run and throw off that terrible two off his friends back but a type of fear he never felt before over took him.

"Thirteen Look Out! "

Seven shouted but it was just to late. Right before Thirteen spilt into Ten and Three, BlueTwo slashes the the knife through a corner of one of Thirteen's yellow blocks. BlueTwo then putting the cut piece into a small bag while riding the flying Three.

"Get Off Me You Evil Two!"

"Not yet I have one more block slash at."

Ten that exact Second who he was talking about. She activated her rocket and flew straight to the still in shock Seven. 

She scooped him up then shot straight up in the air just intime before Three and BlueTwo crashed into them.

"Amigo stop standing around and help! "

"What do you want me to do!? Snipe the living rocket and rainbow block !? "  Then Purpletwo got an idea  "Actually maybe I can.. "

Purpletwo takes out a slingshot and using the marbles on the ground as ammo shoots at Ten.

Usually Ten wouldn't have a problem dodging things that was thrown at her while she's flying, but with a passenger that's much harder. 

"Ten just put me down you know you can't dodge well while holding somebody. "

"No. I don't know why but Terrible Twos want something with you and Thirteen and I can't allow them to hurt you ."

"But Ten..." A marble would come soaring at them .  "LOOK OUT! "

The marble would hit Ten in the face forcing her to fly lower so she wouldn't crash. Meanwhile BlueTwo pined Three down so she couldn't run and help Seven and Ten. There was blood dripping off her top block but she put all her effort in fighting BlueTwo.

Purpletwo hit Ten again and she crashed protecting the rainbow colored block from the collision.

"TEN! "

Three punched BlueTwo off and ran to her taller friends.

"Three sit with Ten and make sure she's okay. I have an idea to stop these trouble some Twos. "

It was less of an idea then it was stretching his luck ability to the max.

The Terrible Twos got ready for whatever the multi-colored number had in store.  BlueTwo with his pocket knife and Purpletwo with his slingshot.

Seven rushed at the two smaller numbers and grabbed them before they could use their weapons on him. The Twos tried to wiggle themselves out but they were stuck under the odd numbers arms.

Purpletwo basically gave up at that point but BlueTwo didn't. The blue masked Two shook his knifed arm free and sliced a very thin piece of one of Sevens blocks. Just quick enough for the rainbow block to not feel it happen. He then put it in a baggie like did before. 

"Now time to put you Twos back into Four! "

Seven held them together and added them back into four.  The green square block looking confused as in why his number friend was holding him.

"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Stop! "
shouted Eight finally arriving holding One and Two with his upper tentacles.

" Octoblock has arrived! "

" Your a little late Eight. "  Seven said with a sigh.

"Did the villains get away? "

"No Seven dealt with them."  Said Thirteen finally back together.

"Can someone explain to me what happened? "  Four asked and Seven placed him down on the floor.

"I'll explain it the best I can." The lucky block said with a weary smile.

All this in happening and it's hardly pasted 9am .  Seven thought to himself.  

Little did he know this was just the beginning of something that might affect his life forever....

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