The Offer That Changed My Lif...

Av gigglegeek11

725K 15.7K 9.3K


The Offer That Changed My Life
The Offer
Meeting up
Tree House!?
The choice
Going To Jail!?
Campfire stories and... People getting lost!?!
Fighting and Song Writing
Fun in the sun
DairyQueen and... Robberies?
Flights to... Boston?
Chipotle status!
New York Concerts!
Movie Marathon!
The test
The secret
Ninjas and Paint Balling
Studio Stammers
Thanksgiving Feasts!
Games and Dates!
Oh No They Didnt!
There goes the power!
Holiday Traditions!
Party On!
Hide and Seek!
Nemo :)
Girls Night Out
Messy Surprises!
First Tour Concert!
Sight Seeing Gone Wrong
Marco Polo and Nightmares
Secret Meet and Greats
Last Tour!
Movie Mayhem
Ripped Contracts and Happiness
Trampolines and Sparks
Starbucks Riot!
Playgrounds and Really Rude Workers
Muffins and Pasta
LA Adventures

Blindfolds, Swings, and Stars

11.9K 276 97
Av gigglegeek11

I sit at the kitchen table and drink my orange juice while scrolling through my Twitter feed. Then someone bursts through the room.

"Lexie-Wexie!" Shawn laughs while coming and hugging me from behind.

"Gosh," I breathe out. "You scared me half to death."

"Sorry," he smirks, "but it had to be done."

"'It had to be done'," I jokingly mock him. "It's okay. So what are you up to today?"

"I was thinking that we could go out," Shawn suggests.

"Sounds good," I smile. "Where to?"

"Okay, it's a really good thing you said yes because I already had everything planned out," he chuckles. "But it's a surprise. You'll just have to wait and see."

"Alright," I giggle. "What should I wear? Do I need to dress up or dress casual?"

"Just wear something cute but casual," Shawn explains.

"Okay," I thank him before quickly giving him a kiss on the cheek and running upstairs.

I rummage through my closet trying to find something suitable for Shawn and I's date. After a few minutes I stumble across a cute black sun dress with white daisies all over it. It's also tight around the waist and then flowy down from there.

Then I go into the bathroom and curl my hair and put on some light makeup, consisting of eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara.

When I finish, I slide on my white toms and go downstairs.

"Why are you so dressed up?" Nash asks me before I step into the kitchen.

"I'm dressed up?" I gasp while looking down at myself. "Am I too dressed up? I'm suppose to look cute but casual. Am I over the top?"

"No, you look fine," he chuckles. "I meant you just look really pretty today. What's the occasion?"

"Oh," I laugh. "You scared me for a minute. But Shawn's taking me on a date."

"Aw," Nash smiles. "That's cute. Where to?"

"I have no idea," I shrug. "I wish I knew, but Shawn refused to tell me."

"Ohh," he nods. "Well then you better get going now- you don't want to keep him waiting."

"Alright," I grin. "I'll see you later!"

I walk into the kitchen and see Shawn putting his shoes on. He's wearing jeans and a nice blue plaid shirt.

"Hey," I smile while sitting down next to him.

"Are you ready to go?" Shawn grins. "I'm ready whenever you are."

"Yep, I think I'm good," I nod.

"My lady," he smirks while sticking out his hand for me to take. I grab it and then we go and get into the car.

"Here you go," Shawn exclaims while handing me a bandana.

"Please tell me we aren't going to a rodeo," I laugh nervously.

"Oh my gosh," he chuckles. "No, we aren't. What we're doing is just a surprise. I thought it would be cute and a little more fun if you had to be blindfolded."

"Fine," I pout. "But let me take off the blindfold ASAP!"

"I will," Shawn promises. "The place we're going to isn't that far away."

"Okay. Ohh, we should listen to some good music as we drive around," I suggest.

"ED SHEERAN!" he cheers while turning up his song, Tenerife Sea.

After about fifteen minutes of driving, the car slows down to a stop.

"Can I take off my blindfold now?" I whine.

"You're so pushy," Shawn laughs.

"Sorry," I blush. "You know how much I dislike not knowing things."

"I know, sorry. But this is going to be worth it!" he explains. "But no, you can't take off your blindfold. I have to go set everything up."

"Okay," I sigh.

"It'll be quick," Shawn vows before I hear him leave the car and shut the door behind him.

After a few minutes I start to grow reckless. I start to pull down my blindfold but then I see a shadow in front of me, causing me to shriek.

"You peaked!" Shawn laughs while opening the door for me.

"Psh, no. I just had an itch," I fib.

"Liar," he chuckles. "Okay you can take off the blindfold and come outside now."

"FINALLY!" I cheer while ripping the blindfold free from my face and looking out to see where we're at. Shawn caught me trying to take off the blindfold before I could actually see everything.

I look around and see that we're at an empty park. There are a bunch of swings, a slide, and a bunch of other things. Also there's a picnic blanket on top of the green, fresh grass.

Shawn cheekily grins at me and then grabs my hand. "Let's go."

We walk over to the picnic blanket and I see a basket full of food sitting there.

"Oh my gosh," I giggle happily. "You just put my two favorite things together- you and food!"

"I'm just that great," he chuckles.

"Obviously," I nod. "Best boyfriend ever. You will literally sit with me for hours and watch Pretty Little Liars. If that's not relationship goals, I don't know what is."

"Neither do I," Shawn agrees. "So, do you want to see what I packed for us to eat?"


"Okay," Shawn laughs. "Okay so I brought Taco Bell tacos, Doritos, and pudding cups."

"How fancy," I joke. "Just kidding, but I love it!"

"Well I know how you are," he smirks. "You're not really a fancy girl. Yeah, every once in a while you like doing something fancy, but for the most part you just like going with the flow."

"You know me so well!" I acknowledge while giving Shawn a big hug.

We start to eat and just talk about life and everything that's been going on.

"So.. Do you think we'll get signed to another record label?" I bring up.

"I hope so," Shawn frowns. "As much as I disliked Charles and Angela, I did love the whole process of making music and recording it."

"Me too," I agree. "If we do get signed, I hope we get signed to a record company with nice people."

"And to people that don't make us break up," he adds, chuckling slightly."

After a while of just eating in quietness, I turn over to Shawn. "Can you promise me something?"

"What is it?" he questions me.

"That you'll never let anything come between us, that we'll always be together. I know it might sound ridiculous since we're both only seventeen, but I like you a lot. More then I ever planned to. And what we have is special- I don't ever want to loose what we have."

"Lexie, we've been through so much together. There's no way that anything could ever come between us," Shawn promises before leaning in and kissing me.

When we both pull away, I start to clean up my trash. "What should I do with this?"

"Just put it back into the picnic basket," he explains and I do that.

"Hey," I smirk, "let's go swing!"

I sprint over to the swing set and try to beat Shawn. He quickly puts the basket into the car and then races over to me.

I get ready to sit down, but then Shawn sits down right before I do and I fall onto the ground.

I just laugh and stand back up.

"Are you okay?" he chuckles.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I giggle before walking behind Shawn and grabbing ahold of the chains on the swing. I start to push him on the swing, but then he gasps and immediately stands up.

"What's wrong?" I worry.

"The guy is suppose to push the girl on the swing!" Shawn exclaims. "That's what always happens in the books and movies."

"So I'm not allowed to push you on the swing?" I giggle.

"No. No, you are not," he smirks. "So sit down so we can officially be one of those cute cliche couples at the park."

I laugh at his statement, but take Shawn's place on the swing. A few seconds later I feel him lightly pushing the swing.

"Are you happy now?" I wink while turning my head to face him.

"Yes. Yes I am," he smiles before quickly kissing my lips.

I turn my head back so I'm looking in front of me again. It's starting to get a little dark, but the sky is really pretty.

"Hey, when are we going back?" I ask Shawn. "It's getting a little dark out."

"Psh, the date's not over yet!" he beams. "Let's go back to the car."

I hop out of the swing and go over to the car. Shawn swiftly pulls a blanket out of the back seat and then sits on the hood of the car.

"Come here," Shawn grins. I laugh and then climb on top of the car and sit right next to him. He then hands me half of the blanket, which I pull up to my chin since it's getting really cold out. Shawn wraps his arms around me and then I lean closer to him, admiring the bright stars which brighten up the dark sky.

"It's so pretty," I sigh happily. "We should try to find a bunch of constellations."

"How many of them do you know?" Shawn questions me.

"Two," I admit. "The Big Dipper and the Small Dipper."

"Those are the only two I know too," he confesses while chuckling.

"We should obviously become astronomers," I joke. "Then we'd become more famous than Harry Styles."

"Totally," he agrees.

I start to get a little tired so I close my eyes, but my eyes open right back up when something wet splatters onto my face. Then it happens again.

"It's raining," Shawn speaks up.

"No dip," I giggle.

It was only sprinkling, but in a split second it went from that to pouring rain.

I try to jump off of the hood of the car, but since Shawn and I were wrapped up in the blanket, we both fall down onto the muddy, wet ground.

"Oh my gosh," I laugh. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay," Shawn winks. "I'll get you back."

"Huh?" I say, but then he starts shaking his wet hair in my face. "Ew, no! Shawn!" I shriek while quickly untangling myself from the blankets and then jump up.

I run into the car and then sit in the passengers seat. A few seconds later Shawn opens the drivers door and sits down.

"Are you ready to go back now?" he laughs.

"Actually, I think we should go penny boarding since it's obviously super nice outside," I say sarcastically.

"Okay, okay," Shawn grins. "If that's what you want..."

One of my favorite things about this date was how casual but cute it was, and I couldn't have asked for a better day.


Song suggestion: With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear (acoustic version) by Sleeping With Sirens

Reader of the week: @Magconbae_chloe


I hope you all liked this chapter:) I donno, but I thought it was kinda cute and super cliche. But if you did like it, make sure to vote, comment, share, and follow.

Okay, so in a lot of fanfics when the characters kiss it says like 'and he pecked my lips' or something like that. Whenever someone says that, I honestly think of a woodpecker like pecking their lips and I'm like um do you need to go to the emergency room?! But then I'm like oh yeah, they just meant kiss... I don't know lol I'm just weird but that's why I don't say they pecked lips or anything when they kiss.

And if you guys haven't subscribed or checked out my YouTube channel yet, please do that. I'm getting REALLY close to 200 subscribers and I put a lot of work and effort into editing/ filming the videos. My YouTube is Fangirl Faith so make sure to check it out:)

Also, I love getting tweets from you guys and talking to you all!! I always follow you guys back (as long as I know you read my story) and thank you all for reading. I've made so many friends on Twitter from my story. So if you haven't followed me (@gigglegeek11) and tweeted me 'Wattpad sent me' or something about my story yet, you should!! While you're at it, you should tweet me that you've been shipping Shexy or what you think about Shexy!! I've been retweeting all of the tweets that talk about Shexy and/or have the hashtag #Shexy.

I love you all more than you'll ever know❤️❤️❤️

Twitter- gigglegeek11 (if you follow and tweet me 'Wattpad sent me' I'll follow you back!)

YouTube- Fangirl Faith

Vine- Fangirl Faith/ Basically Basic Edits

Patreon- Fangirl Faith

Younow- gigglegeek11

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