
By tomdayasbvtch

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𝙎𝙚𝙧𝙚ð™Ģ𝙙𝙞ð™Ĩ𝙞ð™Đð™Ū- 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑐𝑐ð‘Ē𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑒ð‘Ģð‘’ð‘™ð‘œð‘ð‘šð‘’ð‘›ð‘Ą 𝑜𝑓 𝑒ð‘Ģð‘’ð‘›ð‘Ąð‘  𝑏ð‘Ķ 𝑐ℎ𝑎... More

prologue: that night
part one
ðķℎ𝑝.1: 𝙒ð™Īð™Ē𝙚ð™Ģ 𝙞ð™Ģ 𝙒𝙝𝙞ð™Đ𝙚
ðķℎ𝑝.3: ð˜ŋ𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙞ð™Ģ ð™Đ𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙖ð™Đ𝙚𝙧
ðķℎ𝑝. 4: 𝙋𝙝𝙖ð™Ģð™Đð™Īð™Ē 𝙏𝙧𝙖ð™Ŧð™šð™Ąð™šð™§
ðķℎ𝑝.5:𝙏𝙚𝙚ð™Ģ 𝙍ð™Ī𝙜𝙊𝙚
ðķℎ𝑝. 6: ð˜―ð™Ąð™Īð™Ī𝙙ð™Ū 𝙈𝙖𝙧ð™Ū
ðķℎ𝑝.8: 𝙑𝙖ð™Ģ ð™ƒð™šð™Ąð™Ļ𝙞ð™Ģ𝙜, 𝙖 ð™Ąð™žð™Đð™šð™§ð™–ð™Ą ð™Ąð™šð™œð™šð™Ģ𝙙 ð™Ĩð™Đ 2
ðķℎ𝑝.9: 𝙑𝙖ð™Ģ ð™ƒð™šð™Ąð™Ļ𝙞ð™Ģ𝙜, 𝙖 ð™Ąð™žð™Đð™šð™§ð™–ð™Ą ð™Ąð™šð™œð™šð™Ģ𝙙 ð™Ĩð™Đ 3
ðķℎ𝑝.10: 𝙎𝙠𝙞ð™Ģ
ðķℎ𝑝.11: 𝙃ð™Īð™Ī𝙠 𝙈𝙖ð™Ģ
ðķℎ𝑝.12: ð˜―ð™Šð™œð™Ļ
ðķℎ𝑝.13: 𝙃ð™Īð™Ē𝙚
ðķℎ𝑝.14: 𝘞ð™Ļð™Ūð™Ąð™Šð™Ē
ðķℎ𝑝.15: 𝙎𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙧ð™Ī𝙎
ðķℎ𝑝.16: 𝙁𝙖𝙞ð™Đ𝙝
ðķℎ𝑝.17: 𝙍ð™Ī𝙊ð™Đ𝙚 666

ðķℎ𝑝.7: 𝙑𝙖ð™Ģ ð™ƒð™šð™Ąð™Ļ𝙞ð™Ģ𝙜, 𝘞 ð™Ąð™žð™Đð™šð™§ð™–ð™Ą ð™Ąð™šð™œð™šð™Ģ𝙙 ð™Ĩð™Đ 1

168 6 47
By tomdayasbvtch

(A little fyi Ik Transylvania is in Romania but in my story it's going to be In Pennsylvania.)


I woke up to the sound of chatter, I felt the bed and didn't feel Dean or Eddie beside me. I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of me eyes and looked up to see everyone talking and eating.

"Where's mine?" I asked, halting their conversation; they turned their heads towards my direction.

"Hey, look who's finally up." Sam said, grabbing a sandwich and tossing it to me. I caught it and unwrapped it before taking a bite.

"What time is it?" I asked, after swallowing. Violet took out her phone, opening it then looked at me.

"It's nine o' clock." Violet told her.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I asked, Sam, Violet, and Eddie turned their heads towards Dean making me look at him. He noticed everyone's stares and glanced at them he rolled his eyes before looking at me.

"You needed the extra sleep." Dean told me. He put his food down before walking to stand over me. I blankly stared up at him, taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"No i didn't." I said, shaking my head.

"Yes you did." Dean said.

"No i really didn't." I countered.

"Yes you really did." Dean retorted.

"No." I said.

"Yes." He said, we had a staring contest, seeing who will break first.

"Okay, um, what's going on with you guys? You've been bickering more than usual." Sam asked.

"Nothing's going on." I told him.

"We kissed. Now it's weird." Dean stated causing me to widen my eyes and give him a stupefied look.

"Dude!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air.

"What? He wanted to know." Dean told me. I scoffed and shook my head at him.

"Wait, you guys actually kissed? Come on, Violet." Sam said, stretching his hand out to her making me tilt my head in confusion.

"What? No! He said it's weird now, how is it weird?" Violet asked dean.

"Things got a little hot and heavy and well-"
Dean said.

"Ugh! Ew!" Violet exclaimed with a disgusted look.

"Gross." Sam muttered with a disgusted look as well.

"What?" Eddie asked, confused and curious.

"No! Get your head out of the gutter. We didn't-do that." I told them, shaking my head. I scowled at Dean who shrugged his shoulders.

"So, are you guys together?" Violet asked, not understanding.

"No." Dean and I simultaneously said.

"Hmm." Violet let out, looking at Sam with smug smile, Sam brought his hand back down with pursed lips. I exchanged a glanced with Dean to see he was just as confused as I was, both of us turned our heads to Sam and Violet.

"What's that about?" I asked, pointing between Sam and Violet.

"Oh, nothing. Just an inside joke." Violet stated, I squinted my eyes at her.

"So, where are we going today?" Sam asked Dean.

"I don't know, wherever the road takes us." Dean stated.

"Let's go to Transylvania." I said.

"Um, no." Dean said.

"What? Why not?" I asked, looking at dean.

"Because I'm the driver and the driver says no." Dean retorted.

"No, don't play that card with me." I said, getting out of bed and to stand in front of him.
"We've never been there before and I think everyone will like it there." I added, looking up at him.

"Let me think about it..." Dean said, looking up before looking down at me.
"No." Dean stated, I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, why don't you want to go?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"They do everything old school like 19th century old school and they're not exactly nice." Dean told me.

"How would you know that? You've never been there." I asked.

"Every country, state, and city has a reputation." Dean stated.

"Dean, you can't always believe in reputations." I told him.

"Answer's still no." Dean said, not budging.

"Look, why don't we go and if no one likes it there then we can leave." I bargained with him.

"Nope." Dean told me.

"Okay, I asked nicely. Just know you made me do this." I said with a sigh, getting out of bed. I went into my bag and got out my clothes.

"What?" He asked in confusion, giving me an unsure look. I raised my hand as I walked past him to go to the bathroom.

"Wait. Wha-what are you talking about?" Dean asked, I just closed the bathroom door.

After taking a shower, I put my clothes on which was a sky blue tank-top and black leggings. I opened the door, walked towards the bed, sitting down, I put my boots on. A shadow was in front making me look up to see it was dean.

"What did I make you do?" Dean asked, giving me a suspicious look. I stood up and grabbed his hand, dragging him outside. Once we were outside, I stood in front of him and gave him a look.

"Stop doing that." Dean told me.

"Doing what?" I innocently asked.

"Assuming I'll give in because you're giving me that seductive look." Dean told me.

"Is it working?" I asked, biting my lip. He glanced down at my lips then looked at my eyes, He blew out air, looking up at the sky shaking his head.

"Damn it." Dean said. He opened his eyes and looked at me.
"Fine but if they don't like it or Transylvania doesn't have pie or burgers, we're leaving." Dean added.

"Thank you." I told him, smiling at him. I hugged him before he could reciprocate, I let go of him and opened our door.

"All right. Looks like we're going to Transylvania." Dean told them; Sam, Violet, and Eddie exchanged looks.

Transylvania, Pennsylvania

After a six hour drive, stopping for bathroom,  food breaks, and pulling over to sleep. We finally made it to Transylvania. Everyone was staring at us and slowly started to surround the car.

"Stay in the car." I told them, I opened my door and got out of the car, closing the door, I walked in front of the car.

"What's up?" I asked, looking amongst the villagers. I noticed some people had weapons which made me tense up.
"You know maybe put the weapons down and we can be civilized." I added.

"Hey. Turn around." I heard a males voice behind me making me frown and slightly tilt my head.
"Come on, let me see your face." I heard him say. I sighed and turned around to face him.

"Who are you?" I asked the man; he had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, long stubble beard, his body figure is slim and he was six feet and three inches.

"The name's Cameron." He introduced himself.

"Okay, um Cameron, could you please tell them to get out of our way." I asked Cameron, nicely.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, can't do that." Cameron told me.

"Why not?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

"You'll have to forgive them. You see we don't really trust new faces." He told me. I can understand that.
"Do you have any weapons on you?" He asked me.

"No." I lied with a straight face. He studied my face before he pursed his lips.

"Liar. Now, you and your family will be disarmed." Cameron said, the people started inching closer to me and the car.

"You can try." I threatened, my hand immediately moving my jacket, flashing my gun; everyone stopped and saw that I'm not to be messed with.

"Kill them." Cameron ordered them. Before anyone can move, I hurriedly climbed up the steps of the well, unsheathed his sword and held it against Cameron's neck.

"Who are you to these people?" I asked.

"Their protector." He told me.

"Anyone that goes near my family and your protector gets it." I threatened loudly, pulling the sword closer to his neck. They started to back away from the impala making me let go of Cameron, I held his sword out towards him, he grabbed it and sheathed it.

"She's not a threat nor is her family." He called out loudly, the civilians started to disperse.

"Well, aren't you daring." Cameron stated with a smile.

"When it comes to my family, I'll do anything." I told him.

"And I respect that." Cameron said to me with that same smile.

"Is there a motel around here?" I asked.

"Nope but I have a place you and your family can stay. You'll just have to follow me." Cameron said.

"Okay, let me tell them." I said, walking back to the impala, I opened the back door and slipped in.

"Elle, what was that?" Dean asked.

"Well, they don't trust strangers and there's no motels but Cameron is their protector and has offered us a place to stay." I informed him.

"Cameron?" Violet asked.

"The guy I put in a chokehold with his sword." I told her, nonchalantly.

"And we're just gonna blindly trust him?" Dean asked.

"Protector? Protect what?" Sam asked.

"No and I don't know but I'm gonna find out. That's why I'm gonna walk with him as he brings us to his place and ask him questions." I told them.
"All right, here I go." I added, opening the door of the car.

"Oh and Elle?" Dean called out, making me turn my head towards him, I saw the look he was giving me.

"Don't-" I was interrupted.

"I told you so." Dean gloated.

"Shut up." I retorted, getting out of the car and closing the door, i walked up to Cameron.

"Lead the way." I said to him. We started walking, I could hear the impala following us.

"So, you said you're the town's protector. What exactly are you protecting them from?" I asked, starting up the conversation.

"Creatures of the night." Cameron stated.

"Wait....you're telling me there's vampires and werewolves in this town?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said.
"And...everyone knows?" I asked, baffled and a little relieved.

"Yeah." He said.

"Huh." I let out.
"You're a hunter." I state, continuing to walk with him.

"And you are too. So is your family I'm assuming." Cameron stated.

"Yes. Well not the kids. They know about the supernatural but I want them to still have a childhood and be kids." I told Cameron.

"You're a good mother." Cameron complimented.

"I try to be." I said.
"Oh-do you have pie around here?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, we have a supermarket filled with everything you need. We're not that old school. The people might dress like it but that's because they want too." Cameron informed me. 

"Oh. That's good." I said, nodding my head.

"It's probably best if you don't use your car considering there's no gas stations. You should tell your boyfriend that." Cameron told me.

"He's not my boyfriend...yet? I mean we've established that we have feelings for each other. But we're not labeled-I mean we're not even in a relationship yet because I'm not mentally ready to be in a relationship." I ranted to Cameron.

"And why am I even telling you this?" I question myself with a frown.

"I don't know why are you?" He asked, looking at me.

"I don't know I have this...feeling like I can trust you which is weird because I don't trust anyone. Except for my family, obviously." I told him as I glanced at him. We shared a look before looking back in front of us.

Five minutes later.

"Well, this is it. Mi casa es su casa." Cameron stated. My mouth is wide open as I stared at the castle in front of me. A literal castle!

"This is where you live?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah. Castle Valerious. Passed on from my ancestors." Cameron told me.

"Ancestors? You were raised here?" I asked.

"Uh, no. I'm from Wyoming." Cameron said.

"Really? How did you find this place?" I asked.

"It's funny-I was doing a project for collage, a family tree kind of project, I was only able to get up to ancestors from 1887. I searched them up, they were famous and we're born and raised here, so I came to Transylvania after I finished my second semester. And ever since I stepped foot into this town, I've been drawn to it." Cameron explained to me.

"Huh." I let out, nodding my head as I processed this information.

"I'm gonna go inside and open up the gate so your-person can park that impala and it'll be tucked safely." Cameron stated, walking up the steps to the castle. I walked back to the car and got back inside, everyone turned and looked at me.

"So?" Dean asked.

"Well, good news and bad news." I said.

"What's the bad news?" Dean asked.

"Bad news-there's vampires and werewolves that roam this town." I told them.

"So, we involuntarily walked in on a case?" Sam asked.

"No-no we didn't. See that's why Cameron is the towns protector. Whenever vamps or werewolves are around he kills them." I said.

"He's a hunter?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah and plus everyone knows about the supernatural so we don't even have to hide who we really are." I said.

"That is good news." Sam said.

"There's more." I told them.

"Of coarse there is." Dean muttered.

"All good. They have a supermarket filled with everything. You know like pie, burgers, and etcetera." I said, looking at dean with a pointed look.

"Really?" Dean and Eddie simultaneously asked.

"Yes." I said with a smile. Dean gingerly smiled.
"Oh, that's right. I almost forgot." I added.

"What?" Violet asked.

"I hate to dampen your mood dean but you can't drive the impala." I said.

"What? Why not?" Dean asked, confused.

"There's no gas stations in this town. Good thing we filled it up in the last town before we came here." I told him with pursed lips. Dean frowned.
"That's why Cameron is opening up the garage-kinda thing, baby will be perfectly safe." I tried to lift his spirits up but it didn't work.

"She'll be all alone." Dean said with a sad face. I saw the gate ascend indicating Cameron finally opened the gate.

"Let's go." I said, Dean drove inside. When we got inside, we exited out of the car, Cameron brought the gate down.

"Hey Scooby gang." Cameron greeted us.

"Cameron, this is Dean and Sam; their brothers. This is Violet and Eddie; my kids." I introduced Cameron to them.

"Let me guess, Chachi over here is your person and baby daddy?" Cameron asked, gesturing towards dean.

"Yeah." I said with a chuckle. Cameron chuckled as well.

"Chachi?" Dean asked, confused with that name.

"Let me give you guys a tour." Cameron said, walking away, we followed him.

After giving us a tour, we were in the great hall.

"You can have any bedroom you want except for the master." Cameron said before leaving us.

"So-" I was interrupted by Sam.

"I'm rooming with me, myself, and I." Sam stated, leaving to find a room.

"I'm bunking with Violet." Eddie said, before grabbing her hand and dragging her away, Violet shrugged as she was being dragged. I scoffed; shaking my head.

"Then there were two." Dean said.

"Yeah." I softly said.
"So...do you want to room with me?" I asked, taking a step closer to him.

"How can I refuse such an offer." Dean said with a smile. We passed through the double doors and got to our room. I opened the curtains, looked outside and it was a nice view. I turned around and saw Dean on the bed with his eyes closed and his arms behind his head. I smiled at him before turning back.

"All right, I'm hungry." I heard Dean say making me turn towards him to see he was standing now.

"Come to think of it, I'm hungry as well." I told him.

"Let's go ask Cameron for directions of this supermarket." Dean said. We both walked out of our room, the double doors, and entered the great hall.

"Woah." Dean said as we saw Cameron cleaning a crossbow.

"Oh, hey guys." Cameron greeted, not taking his eyes off of the crossbow.

"Is that a PSE fang 350 compound crossbow?" I asked, intrigued, coming closer, inspecting it in his hands.

"You know your weapons." Cameron stated, impressed with my knowledge.

"You could say that." I said.

"Here." Cameron said, handing me the crossbow after he was done cleaning it.

"Elle, do you even know what you're doing?" Dean asked, I can detect a little nervousness in his tone.

I grabbed it and firmly stepped on the stirrup, I carefully cocked it, removing my foot from the stirrup, lifting the crossbow into a horizontal position, I grabbed an arrow and inserted it along the flight rail until the nock rested firmly against the crossbow's string. I took a step back from the table and held the crossbow up and carefully aimed at the painting besides dean, I placed my fingertip and gently but firmly pulled the trigger until it broke.

The string released and the arrow flew towards the painting, hitting bullseye. I decocked the crossbow and put it on the table. I walked towards the painting and yanked the arrow out.

"Head shot." I said as I walked pass a shocked Dean, I put the arrow down beside the crossbow.

"You never cease to impress me." Cameron told me with a smile. I smiled back at him.

"That supermarket-can you give us the directions?" I asked, remembering what Dean and I were initially here for.

"It's in town-by the well. You'll find it." Cameron answered.

"Thanks." I said, grabbing dean's arm and dragging him out the door.

Fifteen minutes of walking, we finally arrived in town.

"Finally." Dean sighed in relief.

"I don't understand. You have no problem with fighting a monster but you can't go on a fifteen minute walk." I told him.

"Yeah it's called adrenaline rush." Dean made a comeback. I shook my head at him.

"There it is." I said as we looked at it.

"You go in." Dean said. I looked at him with confusion.

"Um why don't we both go in." I countered.

"Nope. I just don't want to go inside." Dean told me. I squinted my eyes at him for a minute.

"Okay." I dragged out, before walking inside the store.

five minutes later

After getting what I had to get, I walked out the store. I was confused and on edge because I didn't see Dean and the townspeople are screaming and running around like headless chickens.

"What?" I muttered to myself. I looked around and saw this thing choking Dean. It was a female with straight blonde hair, had wings and she was pale white. I took out my machete and ran to them. I thrusted my blade from her behind; the machete went through her stomach. She yelled in agony, letting go of dean, he fell on his back clutching his throat. I retracted my machete, dropping it on the ground; I rushed to deans aid.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried for him.

"Yeah." Dean said, slightly nodding his head.  His voice raspy from being choked. Suddenly, I was grabbed and ripped away from Dean; I was facing that thing that wasn't a monster anymore, she looked human now.

"Who do you think you are!?!" She exclaimed in anger. I quickly glanced down to see her stomach healed. A Vampire.

"Someone you pissed off." I retorted.
"What do they call you?" I asked, staring into her bright green eyes.

"Svetlana." She stated in calm tone.
"My. My. My. The tongue on you, I can't wait to rip it out and feed on you." Svetlana threatened. While she was threatening me, i discreetly took out my dagger.

"Yeah well, you'll be dust before you can do that." I told her, before she can react, I stabbed her heart which lessened her grip. I ripped myself away from her, she hissed as her chest turned grayish-blackish. I quickly ran, got my machete and chopped her head off. Thinking of a folklore, i straddled Svetlana and started to cut out her heart.

By the time I cut out her heart, it was in my hand; discolored, gray, no pulse. I dropped her heart, standing up, I grabbed her head and placed it by her feet; I reached into my jacket pocket, flicked the lighter open, I threw it on top of of her body. Just like that, her body was on fire.

I heard devastated screams in the sky making me look up to see three more; the one with black hair snatched me up in the air. She threw me up in the air which made let out a scream only for her to grasp my throat, she sniffed my neck causing me to cringe.

"A Valerious. How can this be? I thought there was only one?" She asked herself.

"I guess not." I croaked out. She sneered but before she can do me any harm; a thunderous roar could be heard from miles away. They let out a cry. The vampire holding me, dropped me. I was free falling and landed on a roof of a house, sliding off the roof; I hit the ground, landing on my back which knocked the air out of me.

I slowly sat up and stood up, gripping my back. I felt myself tense up as someone touched my arm, I snapped my head towards the person only for that person to be Dean.

"You alright?" Dean asked me. I nodded my head, breathing heavily from the adrenaline rush. I only just noticed how quiet it really got, I looked around and saw the people staring at me with awe and apprehension.

"What?" I asked them.

"She killed a bride!" Someone exclaimed. Than an uproar happened.

"What's the big deal? Didn't I do a good thing?" I asked, confused with their response. A guy with a top hop walked forwards.

"Vampires only kill what they need to survive. One or two people a month. Now, you have a target on your back. You're the first one to kill a vampire. No one has been able to kill a vampire in 500 years." He informed me.

"Bride? Whose bride did I kill?" I asked, unsure of what answer to expect.

"Dracula." Top Hat stated. Dean and I exchanged bewildered and worried looks.

Walking back to the castle was no joy, my back was hurting real bad, I had to carry the groceries, and too top it off, I was vexed with Cameron for neglecting those pieces of information. After putting the groceries away, I walked backed to the great hall with the kids following me. Dean, Cameron, and Sam were in the great hall, waiting for me.

"Why didn't you tell me the vampires here are different?" I asked Cameron.

"What do you mean different? I thought you knew about vampires?" Cameron asked, confused.

"I do. The vampires we deal with are human-like with fangs. They don't transform into a life-sized bat." I countered.

"Than their are two different types of vampires as far as we know." Sam stated, his interest a little piqued.

"If you didn't know about these vampires, how did you kill a bride?" Cameron asked.

"Based on 18th and 19th century cases, specifically the Mercy Brown case; she was suspected of vampirism-So her father, assisted by family physician, removed her heart and burnt her to ash. I just chopped Svetlana's head off to destabilize her." I explained to him.

"Nerd." Dean said under his breath but I ignored him.

"Svetlana?" Sam asked.

"The bride." Dean, Cameron, and I simultaneously told him.

"Ah." Sam let out, nodding his head.

"You also forgot to mention thee Dracula actually exists." Dean told Cameron.

"That is my bad. I take full responsibility. A lot has been on my mind that I forgot to inform you of his existence." Cameron stated.

"I thought Dracula was just a cereal." Eddie said.

"Nope, turns out he's real. And now I have a target on my back." I said, pursing my lips.

"What do you mean?" Violet asked.

"I killed his bride, if the other brides could feel her death then so did he." I told her.
"Will he and his brides go for anyone I love?" I asked Cameron.

"No. Just you." Cameron told me.

"Good." I muttered, nodding my head.

"No, not good. They're not gonna lay a finger on you." Dean said.

"Dean, one vampire bride almost choked you to death. Albeit, the brides are strong; Dracula is most likely stronger than them." I told them,

"We were unprepared and I will not let him near you even if it kills me." Dean stated.

"Yeah, you're not gonna get yourself killed to save me." I declared. He went to open his mouth but I raised my finger.
"This isn't up for debate." I added, shaking my head making me wince.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked.

"I was five feet in the air, I went free falling, landed on a roof then landed on the ground. My back's been killing me." I told them. Wincing as I slowly took off my jacket. I placed it on the chair beside me, I felt someone delicately touch my right shoulder blade.

"What is that?" I heard Dean question me.

"A bruise." I said.

"No, you don't have any bruising. There's this mark though." Dean stated, gently caressing my shoulder blade. I turned my head to glance at what dean's talking about.

"Oh, that's a strange birthmark that I have. I'm the only one in my family who has it." I told him.

"It looks like an axe." Dean commented.

"That's because it is the shape of an axe." I confirmed.

"If you want, I'm gonna hunt down a werewolf with some other hunters, next week." Cameron said.

"Yeah sure." I said, nodding my head.

"You know I'm down." Dean agreed.

"No thanks, I'll stay with Violet and Eddie." Sam stated.

"Well, I've lost my appetite so I'm gonna hit the hay." I told them, leaving to go to my room.

Meanwhile in Paris, France

A man was looking at a wanted poster. This man had brown eyes and shoulder length hair that was dark brown. He wore a black wide brimmed hat, black turtleneck sweater with a long black leather jacket, black pants, and black boots. Weapons were hidden inside of his leather jacket and more weapons were strapped around his waist.

He ripped the poster off the brick wall and thoroughly looked at it. The night was silent until a female scream and maniacal laughing could be heard making the man look up at the bell tower, he started walking where the scream came from.

When he got to the bell tower, he walked towards the deceased female body. She was young, her blonde hair coated with blood. He kneeled down and took his hat off putting it to his heart.

A disturbed and murderous laugh was heard, the man looked up to see a monster whose name is Dr. Jekyll, he was climbing up the bell tower.

The hunter made his way towards the bell tower, making his way up the stairs, he reached a wooden door. He opened the door and crept to the middle to the bell room. The moonlight shines on the bell causing it to glisten. through a window that's on the far side of the room, you can see the crescent moon.

Suddenly, Dr. Jekyll appeared in front of the man causing him to rear back a little bit. Dr. Jekyll was hanging on the wooden beams of the roof of the bell tower.

"Evening." The man said, tipping his hat.

"You're a big one. You'll be hard to digest." Dr. Jekyll said.

"I'd hate to be nuisance." The man told him, after taking his mask down. Dr. Jekyll let a chuckle before jumping in front of the hunter, he had a cigar in his mouth.
"I missed you in London." The hunter added. Dr. Jekyll let out yet another chuckle before jumping and holding onto a different wooden beam.

"No, you bloody did not!" Dr. Jekyll exclaimed.
"You got me good." He added, showing his arm that had a hole in it.

"Dr. Jekyll, you are wanted by the knights of the holy order..." The man was interrupted.

"It's Mr. Hyde now!" Dr. Jekyll now Mr. Hyde exclaimed

"...for the murder of twelve men, six women-" The man was cut-off.

"Four children, three goats, and a rather nasty massacre of poultry." Mr. Hyde finished with a bored tone.
"So, you're the great Van Helsing." He mocked, he was hanging on a wooden beam in front of Van Helsing.

"And you're a deranged psychopath." Van Helsing remarked. Mr. Hyde let go of the wooden beam and now stood in front of Van Helsing, he smoked his cigar and blew smoke at him, Van Helsing looked down to avoids the smoke.

"We all have our little problems." Mr. Hyde stated, eating his cigar.

"My superiors would like for me to take you alive, so that they may extricate your better half." Van Helsing told him. Mr. Hyde jumped behind Van Helsing and took off his hat.

"I bet they bloody would." Mr. Hyde said, placing Van Helsing's hat on his head.

"Personally, I'd rather just kill you and call it a day." Van Helsing stated, he turned around facing Mr. Hyde.
"But let's make it your decision, shall we?" He asked. Mr. Hyde contemplated his question.

"Mmm, do let's!" Mr. Hyde exclaimed, backhanding Van Helsing across the room which made him start shooting at Mr. Hyde but Hyde dodged his shots before disappearing.

Van Helsing got back up and walked forwards, a sound was heard making him look straightforward to see Mr. Hyde swinging on the wooden beams, coming his away. Van Helsing holstered his guns and took out his Tojo blades, turning them on as he got ready for Mr. Hyde.

"Here I come...ready or not!" Mr. Hyde said, charging for him. Van Helsing ducked and cut Mr. Hyde's stomach. Mr. Hyde shrieked in pain, running into the bell.

"The bells!" Mr. Hyde screamed, clutching his head. As Van Helsing got ready to attack, Mr. Hyde ripped the bell from the pillar causing Van Helsing to widen his eyes in alarm as Mr. Hyde slammed it over him.

Mr. Hyde chuckled, he walked away but stopped when he heard a whirring sound.
Mr. Hyde was confused when he picked up the bell and saw no Van Helsing and a hole in the floor.

Van Helsing was holding onto the roof of the bell as he grabbed his hat off of Mr. Hyde's head and amputated Mr. Hyde's arm with his Tojo blade. Mr. Hyde let out a shriek as he let go of the bell.

Van Helsing rolled out of the bell and landed on the floor as Mr. Hyde was stumbling around in agony.

"I bet that's upsetting." Van Helsing commented.
Mr. Hyde grabbed Van Helsing and threw him through the roof, the hunter landed on his front. Mr. Hyde jumped through the hole Van Helsing made.

"Ahhh! Paris!" Mr. Hyde exclaimed. He picked up Van Helsing and held him over the edge of the bell tower.

"I think you'll find the view over here rather spectacular. It's been a pleasure knowing you, Au revoir!" Mr. Hyde told Van Helsing before throwing him off the roof. 

As Van Helsing was falling, he quickly grabbed his grapple gun and fired, the metal tip of the rope penetrated Mr. Hyde's chest, Van Helsing landed safely on the ground.

"Oh no, no, no, no." Mr. Hyde said frantically as he looked down at Van Helsing.

Van Helsing looked up and pulled roughy on the rope causing Mr. Hyde to lurch forward but he put his foot out to stop him from falling off the roof, Mr. Hyde smirked and grabbed the rope.

"My turn." Mr. Hyde said, running across the roof which caused Van Helsing to shoot up into the air. Mr. Hyde tripped over the edge of the opposite side of the balcony. The rope in his chest caused him to crash through a window and swing through the hall of the church.

Van Helsing reached the rooftop and landed gracefully. He turned around and watched Mr. Hyde falling towards the ground, he changed back to Dr. Jekyll, he let out a scream which was cut off as he roughly slammed onto the ground.

"Ripsare in pace." Van Helsing said as he crossed his heart. A large crowd formed around Dr. Jekyll's dead body, a villager who was an old man looked up at the bell tower and caught sight of Van Helsing.

"Van Helsing, you murderer!" The old man screamed. Van Helsing put his hat back on.

The hunter went back to his horse and rode to Rome.

Vatican City, Rome

it took about three days for Van Helsing to reach Rome. He got off his horse and walked towards the Roman Cathedral. When the hunter entered the church, he went over to the confession box and sat down.

"Bless me, father, for I have..." Van Helsing started but was cut off by Cardinal Jinette.

"Sinned! Yes, I know." Cardinal Jinette said. Van Helsing winced as he thought of the Sins he's committed.

"You are very good at that. You shattered the rose window." Cardinal Jinette stated.

"Not to split hairs, but it was Mr. Hyde who did the shattering." Van Helsing corrected him.

"13th century. Over 600 years old, I wish you a week in hell for that." Cardinal Jinette said.

"It would be a nice reprieve." Van Helsing murmured.

"Don't get me wrong. Your results are unquestionable...but your methods attract too much attention. "Wanted" posters? We are not pleased." Cardinal Jinette told him.

"Do you think I like being the most wanted man in Europe? Why don't you and the order do something about it?" Van Helsing asked.

"Because we do not exist." Cardinal Jinette stated, as he opened the confession booth's screen.

"Well, then neither do I." Van Helsing countered, he went to exit the booth but Cardinal Jinette stopped him from doing so.

"When we found you crawling up the steps of this church, half-dead...it was clear to all of us that you been sent to do god's work." Cardinal Jinette told him.

"Why can't he do it himself?" Van Helsing asked, angrily.

"Don't blaspheme." Cardinal scolded him.
"You already lost your memory as a penance for past sins. If you wish to recover it...I suggest you continue to heed the call. Without us, the world would be in darkness." Cardinal said, going through a hidden door and walking downstairs. Van Helsing followed the Cardinal through an underground headquarters of the order.

"Governments and empires come and go...but we have kept mankind safe since time immemorial. We are the last defense against evil. An evil that the rest of mankind have no idea even exists. To you, these monsters are just evil beings to be vanquished." Cardinal Jinette said.

"I'm the one standing there when they die...and become the man they once were." Van Helsing told him with a sad expression.

"For you, my son, this is all a test of faith," The Cardinal said to Van Helsing whom looked down at the floor.
"And now, we need you to go to the west. Specifically the United States, Pennsylvania. An a cursed land...terrorized by all sorts of nightmarish creatures. Lorded over by a certain Count Dracula." Cardinal explained.

"Dracula?" Van Helsing questioned in confusion.

"Yes." The Cardinal casually replied. They walked passed men who were building and creating new inventions and weapons.

"You've never faced one liked this before. Our story begins 450 years ago..." He took Van Helsing to a large projector where a picture of a man appeared, he had long hair and a beard, he looked very much older than the Cardinal.

"When a Transylvanian knight named Valerious Elder...promised God that his family would never rest nor enter heaven...until they vanquished Dracula from their land. They have not succeeded...and they are running out of family.

His descendants over descendant Robert Valerious, a hunter. He died, killed by a werewolf almost 12 months ago. His twins, Ellen and Lily Valerious have lived their lives and had children. Lily died giving birth to her only son, Cameron Miller. Ellen gave birth to two daughters, Daniella and Joanna Harvelle. Cameron and Daniella are at Transylvania as we speak.

If the two of them are killed before Dracula is vanquished...thirteen generations of their family...will never enter the gates of St. Peter. For more than six centuries...this family has defended our left flank. They gave their lives. We cannot let them slip into purgatory." Cardinal declared.

Van Helsing stared at the image of Daniella with curiosity and a protective feeling came over him.

"So, you're sending me into hell?" Van Helsing asked.

"In a manner." Cardinal replied as he walked over to a table, the hunter followed him. He handed a small scroll with a small torn piece of paper to Van Helsing whom inspected it.

"Valerious the Elder left this here over 400 years ago.
We don't know it's purpose...but he would not have left it lightly. The Latin inscription translated as: "in the name of God, open this door"" Cardinal stated.

"There is an insignia." Van Helsing pointed out.

"Yes, it matches your ring. I think that in Transylvania you may find the answers you seek." Cardinal told him before walking off.

Van Helsing found his friend who was looking at some men building a weapon.

"Ah, there you are. Did you bring Mr. Hyde back or did you kill him?" Carl asked once he spotted Van Helsing. He just gave Carl a look which gave Carl an answer.
"You killed him, didn't you? That's why they get so annoyed. When they ask you to bring someone back, they don't mean as a corpse." Carl said, he saw the look of annoyance Van Helsing was giving him.

"All right, you're in a mood. Come on. I have some things that'll put the bit back in your mouth." Carl told him, as they started making their way to Carl's work bench.
"Any idiot can make a sword." Carl added causing a monk who was also a black smith to glare at Carl.

"Sorry, father." Carl apologized.

"Come along, Carl." Van Helsing said. When they made it Carl's work bench.

"Here take this." Carl gave Van Helsing a bag.
"Rings of garlic, holy water...silver stake, crucifix." He named as he put them in the bag Van Helsing was holding. A machine gun of some sorts went off causing Carl and Van Helsing to jump.

"Why can't I have one of those?" Van Helsing asked, arching his brow at Carl.

"You've never gone after vampires before now, have you?" Carl asked.

"Vampires, gargoyles, warlocks, they're all the same. Best when cooked well." Van Helsing said.

"No, they're not all the same. A vampire is nothing like a warlock. My granny could kill a warlock." Carl argued as Carl and Van Helsing walked.

"Carl, you've never been out of the abbey. How do you know about vampires?" Van Helsing asked, confused.

"I read." Carl replied, Van Helsing and Carl walked up to a bottle filled with clear liquid.
"Here's something new. Glycerin 48." Carl said.

He put a drop of the liquid on his finger before jerking it onto the floor causing an explosion. A few people scrambled and were shouting angrily.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Carl yelled.

"What in Allah's name is wrong with you?" Someone shouted.

"Sorry!" Carl yelled once more.
"The air around here is thick with envy." Carl joked as he walked towards the crossbow.

"This is my latest invention. It's gas-propelled. Capable of catapulting arrows in rapid succession...at tremendous velocity. Just pull the trigger and hold on. I've heard the stories from Transylvania. Trust me, you'll need this. A work of certifiable genius." Carl explained how the crossbow worked.

"If you don't say so yourself." Van Helsing said.

"No, I did say so myself. I'm a remarkable cornucopia of talent." Carl remarked. Van Helsing saw a gadget that held a glass ball filled with a glowing green liquid and picked it up.

"Did you invent this?" Van Helsing asked.

"I've been working on that for for 12 years. It's compressed magma from Mt. Vesuvius...with pure alkaline from the Gobi desert. It's one of a kind." Carl stated as he tried to get it from Van Helsing's hand which he successfully did.

"What's it for?" Van Helsing asked.

"I don't know, but I'm sure it'll come in handy." Carl said.

"Twelve years and you don't know what it does?" Van Helsing asked, amused.

"I didn't say that. I said I didn't know what it's for. What it does it to create a light source...equal to the intensity of the sun." Carl corrected him.

"This will come in handy how?" Van Helsing questioned in a bored tone.

"I don't know. You can blind your enemies. Charbroil a heard of charging wildebeest. Use your imagination." Carl told him as he was filling up another bag with weapons and etc, then he gave the bag to Van Helsing.

"No, I'm gonna use yours. That's why you're coming with me." Van Helsing informed him, he put the glass ball in the bag and headed towards the exit.

"Holy hell be dammed I am!" Carl exclaimed.

"You cursed. Not very well but you're a monk. You shouldn't curse at all." Van Helsing chastised Carl.

"Actually, I'm still just a friar. I can curse all I want...damn it!" Carl corrected him.

"The Cardinal has ordered you to keep me alive." Van Helsing told him.
"For as long as possible." He added, passing the second bag to Carl's chest as he walked away. Carl held the bag to his chest, watching Van Helsing walk away.

"But I'm not a field man." Carl told him. Van Helsing just ignored him as he started to walk upstairs that lead to the outside of the church.

"But Van Helsing..." Carl called out.
"I don't want to go to Transylvania!" He cried out, following Van Helsing.

Transylvania, Pennsylvania

A week later

Dean and I waited for our cue along with a bunch of other hunters. One of the men pulled the lever of the trap. It was working till it wasn't.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"It's stuck! It's stuck!" The man shouted, trying to pull the lever with three other men, it still wouldn't budge. I unsheathed my katana, ready to help but I was stopped by a villager.

"No, Daniella, it will kill you!" The man exclaimed.

"That's my friend out there!" I told him as I ripped my arm from his grasp. Running towards the scene, My heart quickened with fear and adrenaline, I raised my katana, ready to kill the werewolf, it turned around and saw me, the werewolf went to lunge at me but it fell into the trap we made. I walked over and looked inside unbeknownst to me the trap was brought up causing it to hit my foot and shoot me up in the air.

"Elle!" Dean called out, worriedly. I soared through the air and miraculously landed gracefully on my two feet. I watched as Cameron shot at the werewolf but the trap's doors closed and slammed into him causing his gun to fly out of his hands.

"Cameron!" I shouted, worried for his safety. He clung onto the trip but stood up and jumped on the tree to his left. He was clinging onto the tree. The werewolf was restlessly moving around in the trap, the hunters shot at it but were obviously not silver bullets and were missing, one hunter fortunately shot the werewolf and it oozed green blood which was weird.

"Find my gun! My gun! Find my gun!" Cameron screamed. Snapping me back into reality.

"Find Cameron's gun. It has to be the silver bullets." I said, pushing men out of my way to find it. Two ropes snapped, the trap fell to one side.

"Daniella! Dean! Hurry! Hurry!" Cameron exclaimed in a frantic tone. I located it.

"Move!" I exclaimed, pushing two other men out of my way and ran for the gun.

"Daniella, look out!" Dean and Cameron shouted. The trap fell in front of me causing me to stop, the werewolf popped up. The amount of fear running through my veins right now as I swiftly turned around and started running.

"Run!" I yelled, running for my life, I quickly glanced behind me to see the werewolf chasing me which made me look away and run faster. I reached the edge of a cliff and there was nothing but water. I turned around and gasped as I saw the werewolf leap and lunge towards me but before it can harm me I abruptly was pushed down. I landed on my side and quickly turned around to see Cameron shoot the werewolf in the heart, he screamed as the werewolf and him fell off the cliff towards the water.

I stood up and looked down towards the water to see neither of them but a ripple.

"Cameron." I sorrowfully whispered. I heard twigs snapping and leaves crunching which made me turn to see Dean. He had a subdued look to his face indicating he knew what happened, he embraced me knowing that I needed it.

Two months later

I woke up, my eyes adjusting to the light. I carefully slipped out of dean's arms so he wouldn't wake up. Walking out of our double door room, I went to the kitchen and put a small pot of water on the stove. As I wait for the water to boil, I grabbed a mug, a teabag, and a jar of honey. Preparing my cup; I placed the teabag in it. When the water started boiling, I turned the stove off then poured the water into the mug and dumped the rest in the sink, placing the pot into the sink as well.

I put two spoonfuls of honey into the tea before stirring it. Putting the honey back, I sat down on the stool and sipped my tea.

"Hey." I heard Sam say as he went to sit down besides me.

"Hi." I said, staring at the table while taking a sip of tea.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked, genuinely curious.

"I'm fine" I lied, glancing at him.

"Come on, the truth." Sam said, giving me a look. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh as I put my mug down. I opened my eyes and faced him.

"No, I'm not fine. But I'm getting there. I'm still mad at myself and Cameron." I told him, pursing my lips.

"Why's that?" Sam asked, gently with concern in his eyes.

"I'm mad at myself for not carrying a gun and shooting the damn werewolf. I'm mad at Cameron for pushing me out of the way." I explained.

"Oh Dani." Sam sighed.
"You shouldn't get angry at yourself and Cameron for things you both couldn't control." Sam told me.

"You're one too talk." I retorted. I saw sadness flash Sam's face causing me to wince from guilt.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." I said.

"No, you're right." Sam stated. He let out a sigh before embracing me with one arm.
"Advice for both of us, we need to stop getting angry at ourselves for things we have no control of." He said.

A knock echoing made us break off our hug and go to the door. I opened the door to see Top Hat.

"What is it?" I asked. After Cameron's death, I became the town's protector; the villagers chose me since I was the only one to kill a bride.

"We have two newcomers." Top Hat informed me. Sam and I exchanged looks before looking back Top Hat.

"Ok, I'll be right out. Thanks for the information." I told Top Hat, closing the door. I looked at Sam and sighed heavily then I walked away to my room so I can get dressed.

"I wonder who they are?" I muttered to myself, quietly, opening my door, I peaked inside to see Dean still sleeping so I tiptoed and gathered my clothes for the day. A gray sauce dress that had black straps, black jeans, and black boots. Too top it off, I wore an indigo jean jacket. As I was putting my boots on, I could hear Dean groaning.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice husky from waking up.

"There's newcomers. Gotta do my job." I told him.

"Oh, hold on. Let me get dress and I'll come with you." Dean said, sitting up. I stood up, putting my hand on his chest and pushing him down.

"No stay, I can do this one myself." I insisted, walking out.

Main Town

I quietly walked up onto the well and stood behind the newcomers.

"You, turn around." I demanded, the two turned around. The shorter one was wearing a brown robe with his hood covering his face while the tall one was wearing all black with his hat covering his face.
"Let me see your faces." I also demanded.

"Why?" The tall one asked.

"We don't trust strangers." I informed him.

"Strangers don't last very long here." Top Hat said, measuring the short one.
"5'7." He muttered.

"Gentlemen, you will now be disarmed." I announced. The townspeople started to move forward.

"You can try." The tall one threatened them as he grasped the gun in his holster which made the people stop.

"You refuse to obey our laws?" I asked, putting my hands to my hips.

"The laws of men mean little to me." The tall one stated.

"Fine." I said.
"Kill them." I ordered, the short one made a noise of protest.

"I'm here to help you." The tall one told me, taking a step closer.

"I don't need any help." I said to him.

"Oh, really?" The tall one asked before he swiftly grabbed his crossbow aiming towards my direction causing me to instinctively duck. I heard hisses; dread filled me. I watched as this mysterious man shoot at the brides, successfully wounding them.

"Everybody inside!" I shouted, standing up. It was chaos; villagers trying to go to their houses, the brides flying around us, and the tall newcomer continued to shoot at them.

One bride knocked me over causing me to unintentionally knock the stranger over and land on top of him. We made eye contact and for some odd reason, I felt a connection with this man and staring into his eyes; I knew he felt it too.

Suddenly, I was lifted into the air, I grunted loudly as it was a rough flight. I saw the stranger chasing after us, he jumped and grabbed onto my legs which made me release another grunt. The vampire bride continue to fly with us but immediately dropped us.

We fell to the ground with me on top of him, my crotch close to his face while his hands were on my thighs. He scrunched his brows before flipping us over with him on top of me now.

"Stay here." He commanded which made me roll him over so I was on top again.

"You stay here. Their trying to kill me." I told him before standing up and running away from him. I ran towards a cabin but stopped when I saw Aleera coming my way.

"Run!" I yelled, turning around and running the other way, passing the tall newcomer. Circling back, I ran pass him again but this time he was firing at Verona and Marishka whom were chasing me from the air. I tossed myself over hay and stayed down till I didn't hear the brides and it was real quiet.

I stood and looked around to see everyone has stopped running and the sun was out. The tall newcomer looked at me, confused.

"It's the sun." I stated, he looked around, still in fighting mode. I snapped my head towards the well when a noise emitted from it. I picked up a kukri from the ground as I was walking towards the well, climbing a step of the well, I looked to the stranger as he looked at me. He gave me a nod and we both looked down to see nothing but darkness, we glanced at each other before looking down again.

"Uh-um, Van Helsing..." I heard his companion say. It got dark and in a flash; something came barreling towards us making both the stranger and I fly back making me drop my kukri. A bride gripped my wrist and was flying us. I looked up to see it was Aleera who's grasp I was in.

"Do you like to fly?" Aleera rhetorically asked, letting out victorious cry. As she continued to fly us, I grabbed my silver knife and flicked it open before slicing her foot. She let out a painful screech as she let me go. I yelled as I was falling but another bride caught me by my ankle causing me to grumble.

I was hovering over a house before I was dropped. I let out an oomph as I landed on my front, I turned on my back as I was sliding, I tried grabbing onto something but had no luck. Before I could fall to my death, I quickly gripped the edge of the roof; I was dangling off the side of a house. 

I looked behind me to see there was a tree so I stupidly brung my feet on the house's surface. Pressing my feet, i sprung myself and roughly slammed into the tree.

"Ugh." I groaned in pain, slipping off the tree, I quickly grabbed onto a branch. Hanging from the branch, I didn't notice my grip loosened so I fell, my butt violently hit a tree branch and I for some miracle landed on my knees. Smoothly, may I add.

I ran into someone's house, rushing upstairs, I locked the door, walking backwards I turned around and jumped back as I saw Aleera's face in front of me.

"Hello Daniella." Aleera said, releasing out a hiss-like sound, letting go of the wooden beam she was holding onto, and transformed back to her human form.

"Nice to see you too, Aleera." I sarcastically said, breathing heavily.

"Did I do something to you in the past life?" I asked, stepping backwards.

"Don't play coy with me, princess." Aleera told me, her Transylvanian accent thick. I turned around, sprinting, and opened the door only for her to be on other side, I let out a gasp, not expecting that.

"I know what lerks in your lusting heart." Aleera said, stepping closer to me.

"I hope you a heart, Aleera...because someday I'm gonna drive a stake through it." I snapped, looking into her purple eyes. She backhanded me so hard that I was soaring out of the window, and landed on my front. I abruptly got up and started running again.

Running into someone else's house, I spun around and saw Aleera sitting at a table, a poor man's body in front of her while she held a glass of his blood.

"Thirty years old. Perfectly aged." Aleera stated. I heard a whoosh coming from my right, I turned and saw Verona in her human form at the doorway.

"Hello, Daniella, my dear." Verona greeted. I turned to see Aleera in front of me, drink from the glass. I walked backwards, eyeing each of them as they stalked forward.

"The last of the Valerious." Verona stated. I don't know what that is but I'm just glad these broads don't know about my mom and Jo's existence. I quickly glanced behind me but saw no weapons making me look back at them. I went to hit Verona but she caught my wrist with a hiss.

"I can smell the fresh blood rushing through her veins." Verona said.

"Ahh!" I moaned in pain as she was gripping my wrist so tightly. Aleera swiftly threw her glass behind her.

"I want first bite." Aleera said. Verona flashed her vampire face as she hissed at Aleera causing her to hiss right back at her, also showing her vampire face.

I shut my eyes as Verona now gripping my hair, yanked my head backwards, exposing my neck. I can hear her coming closer, ready to accept my fate but something happened.

Aleera and Verona cried out in devastation, letting me go making me stand up straight. I watched as they backed away from me. They turned into their vampire forms and let out a roar before flying up and away from me.

"Marishka!" I heard Verona cry out as her and Aleera flew away. I let out a sigh in relief.

Pain is what radiated throughout my body as I walked.

"So what name, my good sir, do I carve on your gravestone?" I heard Top Hat asked as I was passing through the villagers.

"His name is Van Helsing." I said, walking up to him and his friend.
"Your reputation proceeds you." I told him. The left side of my cheek was throbbing which made it hurt to talk.

Van Helsing stood up from the stairs of the church with his crossbow in his hands, and he walked up to me.

"Next time, stay close. You're no good to me dead." Van Helsing told me with authority. I chuckled, holding in a wince.

"Well, I'll say this, you've got a lot of courage." I said to him, "He's the second one to kill a vampire in over a 100 years." I proclaimed.

"Who's the first?" Van Helsing asked.

"Me." I replied, Van Helsing and his friend exchanged a look.
"I'd say I owe you a drink." I said, changing the subject.

"Can I at least help you?" Van Helsing offered as we walked up the stairs of the castle.

"Nope." I declined his offer. I opened the door and beckoned them inside. When we entered the great hall, I saw Sam and Dean.

"Elle, what happened?" Dean asked, analyzing me as he walked over to me. He obviously did not notice the two guests behind me.

"Work." I joked, wincing as his hands went to my face.

"Elle, be serious. You look like you came from fight club." Dean told me which made me sigh.

"She was attacked by vampires." Van Helsing stated from behind me. I could feel dean tense, he backed up to stand with Sam; they both were studying Van Helsing and Carl.

"Sam. Dean. This is Van Helsing and Carl. These are the newcomers." I introduced them to each other.

"Wait-Van Helsing? As in the literal legend-" I cut Sam off before he could fangirl.
"Yeah." I said, nodding my head.

"Okayyy. What are they doing here?" Dean asked. Sam slapped his shoulder, giving him a reprimanding look.
"What? It's an honest question." He defended himself.

"I figured since Van Helsing saved my life, the least I could do was let him and Carl stay here." I told him.

"Where are you guys from?" Sam asked, curious.

"Rome." Van Helsing replied. I blinked and looked at Sam and Dean before looking back at them.

"You're a long way from home. How did you get here?" I asked, confused.

"We came by sea." Carl told me.

"Oh, really? The sea?" I asked, not sure I heard right.

"Well yes." Carl confirmed.

"The Atlantic Ocean?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Carl said.

"How do I find Dracula?" Van Helsing asked, cutting Carl and I's conversation.

"Uh-yes." Carl said, agreeing with Van Helsing's question.

"According to Cameron, he used to live in this very house, four centuries ago. No one knows where he lives now. Sometimes, Cameron would stare at that painting for hours looking for Dracula's lair." I informed them, walking towards the weapons that are out in the open.

"So, that's why you've come." I state.

"I can help you." Van Helsing said.

"You can't help me." I told him, shaking my head.

"I can try." Van Helsing countered.

"Yeah, Well, I don't want you too." I said to him, collecting weapons and putting them in my belt.

"Elle." Sam and Dean simultaneously called out my name.

"No. The last time someone helped-he died. And I don't need more deaths on my conscious. I've got enough guilt as it is." I told them, picking up my katana.

"So I noticed." Van Helsing stated making me turn around and swiftly walk up to him.

"The vampires attacked in daylight. They haven't done that since me and my family arrived in this town. I was unprepared. I don't know why but it won't happen again." I said, lightly poking my katana at his chest before sheathing it.

"And why did they attack in daylight?" Van Helsing asked.

"Clearly, they wanted to catch me off guard. They're so desperate to finish me off." I say in tiredness.

"Why is that? Why now?" Van Helsing asked.

"Because Elle killed one of the brides when we first came to this town. She's had a target on her back ever since." Dean explained to him.

"You know, you ask a lot of questions." I pointed out to Van Helsing, going back to examining weapons.

"Huh, usually I only ask two. What are we dealing with and how do we kill it?" Van Helsing remarked.

"Ever since Cameron came to this town and found out about his ancestors and Dracula; he's spent years looking for answers. Tearing through the tower, tearing through his family archives." I told him.

"Carl, the tower. Start there." Van Helsing briefed him.

"Oh, right." Carl said.

"Only way to save your family is to stay alive until Dracula's killed." Van Helsing said.

"See, Elle over here has been suicidal and homicidal and no matter what I say or what Sam says: she just doesn't listen." Dean informed him. I quickly turned around and scowled at Dean.

"Dean." I scolded.
"It's not my family. It's Cameron's family." I corrected Van Helsing.

"You don't know." Van Helsing stated.

"Don't know what?" I asked, confused.

"Daniella, you're connected to all of this. You're a Valerious." Van Helsing said.

"What even is a Valerious? The brides won't stop mentioning it." I asked, confused.

"Your mother's maiden name is Valerious. She had a twin sister who died giving birth to a son. That son was Cameron which means he was your cousin. His ancestors are yours." Van Helsing explained.

"What?" I softly asked, confused and shocked.

"It's true. I thought you would've known by now." Van Helsing said. After three minutes, i got over the initial shock and looked into Van Helsing's eyes. This weird feeling came over me again and it was like no one was in the room but us.
"You feel it too, don't you?" He asked.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Um-feel what?" Dean asked, snapping me out of my trance. I can hear jealousy in his voice.

"The moment I first saw Daniella; I felt this fondness, this love. When that redheaded vampire started to fly away with Daniella, this urge to protect her came over me." Van Helsing explained to him.
"And not because I went sent to protect you; it was the kind of protectiveness that only family share. The only things I can remember is waking up at the steps of the Roman Cathedral and fighting the Romans at the Masada." He told me, he had so much sadness, confusion, and affection in his eyes.

"You know...Elle has this weird birthmark that only she has. It's in the shape of an axe." Dean stated, all jealousy gone.

"Dean, I don't see how that's important right now." I said.

"No. That is important. It actually helps because I have the same birthmark as well." Van Helsing said. He turned around, taking off his jacket and took off his shirt. I saw the birthmark on his right shoulder blade.

"Oh my god." I mumbled, holding the crate besides me as I staggered from the revelation. Dean came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder, I reached up, gripping it, I looked at him then back at Van Helsing whom put his turtleneck and leather jacket on before facing me.

"We're family." I breathily stated.

"It seems we are." Van Helsing told me, I can see relief in his eyes.

"This is crazy." I muttered.

"I know." Van Helsing murmured. After five minutes of pacing and silence I stopped and broke it.

"Now I'm overwhelmingly pissed. Who will kill Dracula if not me? Who will show courage if not me?" I asked him.

"If you go out there alone, you'll be outmanned and oppositioned and you can't see in the dark." Van Helsing told me, I turned my back towards him and assembled some more weapons.
"In the morning, we will hunt together." He added. Wrapping my hand around a mace, turning around, Van Helsing was standing close to me.

"But we'll do it together." He stated, gently wrapping his hand around my wrist, still holding eye contact with him, i took my hand out of his grasp.

"Some say you're a murderer Mr. Van Helsing. Others say you're a holy man. Which is it?" I asked, changing the subject.

"It's a bit of both, I think." He told me in a gentle tone.

"I promised you a drink." I said, reminding him.

"Yes, you did." Van Helsing said with a small smile.

"The bar is down the hall, go help yourself. As for me I-" I was cut-off by Violet and Eddie slamming into me.

"Mom, when did you come back?" Eddie asked as he and Violet let go of me.

"Oh, you're wounded-you're bruised everywhere. Let me-" Violet said.

"Wait." I interrupted her.
"Can I trust you?" I asked, looking at Van Helsing.

"Of course." Van Helsing said. I looked at Violet and nodded my head. I closed my eyes, i could feel her two fingers on my forehead then I felt all better. I opened my eyes to see Van Helsing looking at Violet with wonder.


Author's note: don't forget to vote and comment. 11,138 words. omfg.

I initially wanted to post this whole chapter and hoped it would've been finished on Halloween but I failed to do so. We're in November. Yay.

Hopefully I'll finish part 2 tomorrow.
Elle saving her man 😻

Elle's birthmark is like Hayley's in the originals but instead of a crescent moon it's an axe. If you don't know what I'm talking about here's the birthmark.

I chose an axe because from the source I read it from states that; an axe symbolizes Justice and the destruction of sin and evil. Which Elle and Van Helsing do.
I also wanted Elle to be related to Van Helsing; a famous legendary hunter and Anna Valerious who is a princess and a huntress if you haven't seen the Van Helsing movie. And because yk Sam and Dean are related to Cain and Abel ( I'm pretty sure)  and there's the men of letters.

We got sam and elle brotp moment 🥺

We got a lil jelly Dean (barely)

So I did my own imagination ancestory.com for this chapter hehe and it's like this:

Anna + Van Helsing= Twins: Gabriel and Victoria *they took her last name bc obvi Van Helsing reincarnated and forgot his memories*
Gabriel + Eve= Bob
Bob + Isabela= Robert
Robert + Rose= Ellen and Lily and yk the rest

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