Jaune Arc from betrayed to de...

By Antrell128palm

54.9K 464 223

After Teams RWBY, and JNPR returned to Beacon with their lives, they had told professor Ozpin the identity of... More

Just a Heads Up before i get started
Chapter 1. Reaction
Adding OC Teams
Chapter 2. Regret
Chapter 3. Confessions and Reactions
Vote Closed
Chapter 4 .Double Fox Trouble
Chapter 5. Are you Crazy
Quick Questions
Chapter 7. The Devil Is Here
Give your Opinion

Chapter 6. I must Have Him

2.6K 28 11
By Antrell128palm

<meanwhile at The Grimmlands >

Deep at the grimmlands, a massive castle that looked as if it was made from both crystal and stone, as it loomed over the pools of darkness. From high in her castle a woman stared out into the valley as she watched the birth of Grimm.

The woman was a deathly pale, covered with deep red and purple veins that run up her arms and face. The sclera of her eyes was jet black and her irises glowed with an eerie red. She has a black diamond-shaped marking in the centre of her forehead. She wore a very long black robe with red designs resembling eyes as well as a ring resembling an insect on her right index finger. Her white hair formed into a bun with six offshoots from which ornaments are suspended.

This woman was Salem, an ancient enemy and the Queen of The Grimm.

To those who knew her she was a calm and intelligent woman, who was as patience as she was insidious.

* in her head
"I sense something... Something...more powerful, and dark". "Im not sure what it is but i must find out soon". But first back to the matter at hand.

"Status," she said to the men behind her as three men sat at a dark crystalline table.

The man had short black and grey hair. He also had a moustache and green eyes, while wearing a grey overcoat with yellow linings, a yellow dress shirt and a black necktie. His pants were the same colour as his overcoat with a yellow-buttoned undercoat and fingerless gloves matching his cordovan shoes, under which he wears yellow socks.

"This man was Doctor Arthur Watts, Salem's head scientist and negotiator.

"Cinder has obtained half of the Fall
maiden's power , but apparently she was interrupted by a Huntsman, and was unable to get all of it. He said with a straight face.

"I shouldn't be surprised".

The man who spoke was simply known as Hazel Rainart.

Hazel is a large, muscular man with short brown hair, a beard and hazel eyes. He wore a two-tone olive green coat over a black 3/4 sleeve shirt and a large belt. His pants were black and his boots are brown with white
fronts. His hairy arms appear to have some scars near the edges of his sleeves. Not much was known about him, but from his calm demeanour and towering height, one would not know what he would do, if you were cornered by him.

And what of The Relic? Salem asked.

"We're almost close to getting it" which is what Cinder told us". Arthur said.

"Almost isn't good enough"! I'll let the whole Maiden Power incident slide, but as for the Relic she had better not fail me this time"! Salem said

Also my lady, we also heard that there was a new kingdom that appeared out of nowhere. Arthur said as he revealed a map to of remnant showing the dragon shaped continent.

"A New Kingdom"? So that explains

Hmmmm it seems
Someone is trying to come out on top
Said the man grinning like a total psychopath.

(He has his coat on)

This man was pale with gold eyes and a brown ponytail braided to resemble a scorpion's tail. He wore a white sleeveless jacket with leather belts strapped to it, along with white pants. His jacket is left open, exposing his bare chest, which is crisscrossed with prominent scars. His arms are covered with purple bandages and leather vambraces. He also wears leather boots covering his entire shin with knee guards. On each earlobe is a silver, ring-shaped earring, and near the top of his left ear is another matching earring.

This man was Tyrian Callows, and he was as sadistic as he appeared. 


"MY GOODNESS WOULD YOU PLEASE"!? IM RIGHT BESIDE YOU"! Arthur said rubbing his ear.

Anyway as I was saying there's a new Kingdom we have no idea what it is or where it came from. But from the looks of it it seems very dark Arthur said.

"Obviously Dumbass"! That's why it's called a "Dark Kingdom". Tyrian said Mocking Arthur.

How about you shut the hell up or I'll fill your mouth with bug spray"!? Arthur said angrily.

"Try me bitch". "I'll inject your brain with Venom so fast you won't even have time to think you will be what is it they call it? oh yeah "Brain Dead" Tyrian said all insane like".

"Ohhh Do you want to see Oum"!?
Arthur asked Drawing his revolvers.

( pretend he has two of them)

"YOU FIRST BITCH"! Tyrian Shouted
drawing his blades.

Hazel  couldn't take it anymore. He stood up from his chair walked over to both Arthur, and Tyrian, and knocked them both out.

I'm so sorry about this my queen. I'm pretty sure they were annoying you as much as they were with me. I will get back to looking for the other Relics, right after I take these two idiots someplace else Hazel said while carrying the two unconscious men over his shoulder.

"Very well carry on" Salem said heading back to her bedroom. Finally some peace and quiet. Now if what Watts said was true and there's a new Dark Kingdom lets see what its all about

Using the Seer's power, Salem gazes into it, and she caught sight of what she was sensing earlier. The image of a man who seems to be giving off pulses of immense energy. This man Was Lucifer Strife.

( pretend they're black devil wings and he has horns)

"Oh my Oum he's so handsome". So this is who I've been sensing". "That chiseled, chest and those rock-hard
abs not to mention that dark power". it seems like he must be the ruler of this Dark Kingdom".

"Wait perhaps this could work". "If I can somehow convince this man to join my Inner Circle, then with his Dark powers, and my Grimm powers we'd be an Unstoppable Force"."And who knows maybe we can rule Remnant side by side as the King, and Queen of Darkness. And perhaps have a little offspring" Salem said thinking in her mind, and Licking her lips.

"I MUST HAVE HIM"! Salem said while changing into her nightgown preparing to go to bed.

* meanwhile on the outskirts of the city of Vale

A dark portal open up and out came Lord Lucifer Strife, and his two wives Yasaka, and Jilvia.

"So this is the world of remnant, and my guess is this is one of the Kingdoms? Yasaka asked. I believe it is, but what is this Kingdom called was it Valley? Jilvia asked.

"Its actually pronounced Vale my dear, now let us go because Beacon Academy is next. It's bout time we save our children and the Huntsman have an audience with their King, and Queens. Lucifer said walking with a smile on his face.

"HOLY SHIIIIIIT"! Lucifer is now in the Kingdom of Vale, and heading towards Beacon Academy. Kunou and Ginji will be happy to see that their Mothers, and Father, but something tells me the Huntsman will be in for a Big Scary Surprise.

Also Salem has officially become a SIMP
Somebody better get her some water because she sounded thirsty 😋💦💦💦

Will things go from bad to worse?

Will Arthur and Tyrian learn how to stop fighting like a married couple?

Find out in the next chapter.

sorry about the wait I've busy lately but here's the new chapter
Hope you enjoy it

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