By thevampsarecalling

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"Are you done?" He asked, his face pressed against my ear and his lips brushing my cheeks as he talked. My bo... More



94 11 5
By thevampsarecalling

Unlike with William, the contact of Caelan's skin on mine didn't provoke a wave of tingles, or my body temperature to rise. If my heart started to pound in my chest it wasn't because of his body pressed against mine. It was because something caught his attention, something scary enough to make a vampire stand still.

Dee was growling next to us, her eyes also pointed at the door and I was starting to long for the group of vampires that was here less than an hour ago. My hands reached for his on my lips, and he slowly let go.

"What's going on?" I whispered although it probably didn't sound like it to a vampire's ear.

"Someone's here," he answered, his attention still focused on the door.

"Someone— or something?"

"How confident are you that Dee can protect you if you're left on your own?"

The fact that he asked that question was scary enough to make goosebumps break across my skin. What was downstairs?

"I can protect myself," I answered, although I wasn't so sure anymore.

He growled.

"Will's gonna kill me," he said as he pulled something from the waistband of his jeans— my blade. My eyes widened as I looked at the weapon my dad gave me when I was a little girl. Did he have it this whole time? "I believe this is yours," he added while he handed me the blade. It was clear from the look on his face that he wasn't supposed to do that. "You kill anything that comes through the door, understood?"

I wanted to clap back at his patronizing tone. I wasn't a child, I knew how to defend myself— and probably better than most. But I knew now was not the time, so I nodded obediently.

"Don't let me down, White Fang," he then told Dee, who was listening to him carefully. "If she dies, Will'll kill me, and I'll make sure to kill you before that happens."

"Don't threaten her—" I began to shout back but he cut me off.

"Don't leave this room unless I tell you to," he ordered, wrapping his hands around mine so that I held my blade tighter.

He was gone before I could answer. My heart was racing as I made my way to the door. I couldn't possibly stay put in here while something was downstairs, and let Caelan fight it by himself. While the vampire looked like he could defend himself, I had no idea what was downstairs or how many of them were there. The moment my hand made contact with the door handle, loud sounds echoed from downstairs— sounds of fighting. I didn't hesitate and left the room, rushing downstairs with Dee ahead of me. As soon as I reached the main floor, I saw them. Creatures like the one from the tunnels. Only it wasn't just one, there were three of them, and they looked deadlier and scarier than ever. Their raw and slimy skin was covered in blood and gross black goo, and when I saw Caelan, I realized where the blood was coming from. Their long claws had pierced his skin at more than one spot. There was a deep wound in his shoulder, and his shirt was stained red underneath his ribcage. I gasped at the view, and all four of them turned their heads to me. Caelan's eyes widened with surprise for a second before turning angry. He took advantage of the distraction I was for the creature and ripped off the head of the one closest to him with his bare hands. I drew in a sharp breath again, horrified yet impressed by Caelan's strength. The two creatures dropped all interest in the vampire and lunged at me, still standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Upstairs! NOW!" Caelan screamed at me while he jumped on one of the creatures. But it anticipated his move and knocked him over with a jerk of his arm. Caelan flew against the wall.

Oh shit. That wasn't the type of creature I usually hunted. These were far too strong. Dee didn't wait for me to move and attacked the creature that was coming towards me, digging her teeth in his long and slimy leg. The creature hissed, displaying all four rows of sharp teeth in his mouth, and kicked Dee away. My heart jumped in my chest, and this time I didn't hesitate. I lunged and drove my blade straight into its eyeball. It screamed, throwing its arms at me, but I dodged the hit. My blade was still in his eye pocket— I had to get it back. I reached for it while Dee was busy tearing its leg apart, leaving the bones on display, but this time it didn't seem to care, too busy trying to kill me. Its large claws swooped in my direction and I barely avoided the hit by crouching over. I missed a step in the process and fell on my arse, the creature reaching for my arm before I could do anything about it. Its claws pierced through the skin and muscle of my bicep, stealing my breath away. It took all of me not to scream at the agonizing pain. Before I could jump to my feet, the creature had its claws around my hurt arm and lifted me up. My heart skipped a beat. It wasn't trying to kill me— it was trying to take me. It threw me in the air and onto its slimy and wet shoulder. I squirmed and took the opportunity to snatch my blade from its eye and stabbed it in the back again and again until it finally dropped me. The sounds that came out of its mouth made me wish I was dead. It was so high pitched, and inhuman that I wouldn't have been surprised if it damaged my eardrums. I heard Caelan growl somewhere in the living room, but didn't have time to look. The creature was already back on its feet and about to lunge at me again. I held onto my blade and sprinted for the staircase. It followed me faster than I expected, and grabbed my ankle while I was rushing up the stairs. Its claws dug deep into my flesh again, and this time I couldn't help the scream that escaped my lips as I fell on my chest on the stairs. I didn't need to see my ankle to know all the bones had been shattered. I breathed through the pain and quickly turned around, ready to attack, but just as the creature was about to reach for me, an arm snaked around its throat and pulled it away from me— Caelan.

"Bedroom!" he managed to say as he dodged the creature's hits. "Lock yourself in!"

I desperately wanted to help him, but I knew I couldn't— not with my weak human strength. Those creatures were not what I was used to, and I had no idea how to kill them. Apparently their heart wasn't in their chest, and judging by what Caelan did earlier, the most direct way might have been by beheading them. How was I supposed to do that?

"Now!" Caelan shouted again, and I didn't wait any longer. I ran up the stairs, limping on my already healing ankle. Dee didn't follow me. Instead, she stayed by Caelan's side, biting and tearing the creature's limb appart. I locked myself inside the bedroom and stood in front of the door, holding my blade tightly in my hand. My heart was racing, making my chest heave abnormally fast. A loud scream echoed downstairs, and I jumped, my heart beating even faster at the thought that Dee or Caelan might be hurt. Noises echoed in the staircase, and I stopped breathing. No, this wasn't how it ended. I wouldn't let this be my ending. I lunged at the door before it even crashed open, and when it did, my blade met a large body, and sank inside its owner's chest. My eyes were stuck on the handle of my blade that stuck out of a white shirt, a red stain expanding around my blade. My heart stopped beating.

"You stabbed me."

My eyes widened with shock as I met Caelan's gaze. He didn't look angry, or in pain— he looked almost as shocked as I was, and impressed.

"I think I underestimated your dislike for me," he said as he grabbed the handle of my blade and pulled it out of his chest. Judging by the wince on his face, it was painful.

"Where's Dee?" I asked frantically when I noticed she wasn't with him. I moved to walk around him but he blocked the way.

"She's fine—"

Just as the words came out of his mouth Dee came running inside the room and I kneeled on the floor to welcome her in my arms. She was covered in black goo but it didn't matter. What did was that she was safe, and unharmed. I quickly examined her to make sure she really wasn't hurt and closed my arms around her again.

"You stabbed me," Caelan repeated. "I'll survive, thank you for caring."

I rolled my eyes. His ability to joke in such a moment was astonishing. But I was relieved he was okay.

"You told me to kill everything that came through the door," I answered as I got to my feet. My ankle was still sore but the bones felt like they were back in one piece at least. "Consider yourself lucky I didn't kill you."

Although my words didn't make it sound like it, I was sorry I stabbed him. I walked closer to him to check if he was badly hurt or not. His white shirt had turned a dark shade of red on his shoulder, chest and below his right rib cage. The wound on his shoulder was still there, three deep cuts from one of the creatures' claws. My eyes dropped to the wound below his ribcage, and I winced at the sight. I could see hints of his rib bone— that was how deep the wound was. It looked a lot more painful than what he wanted me to believe. It was only when I lifted my eyes up that I noticed how unusually fast his chest was rising up and down. It might have looked like a normal breathing pace for a human, it wasn't for a vampire. He was in pain, I was certain of it.

"You should lay down—" I began to say but his eyes turned dark and his lips curled against his teeth, quieting me instantly.

"You were hurt," he said, his gaze hovering over my bloody sleeve and leggings. His eyes turned a shade of blue so dark they almost looked black, contrasting with his blond hair. His jaw was clenched and he stood as still as a statue. Even his chest stopped moving.

"I'm fine now," I answered, although I knew that was probably the least of his worry. There was blood on my clothes— my 'nearly impossible to resist' blood as he said himself. My heart skipped a beat. I didn't survive the creatures' attack to be eaten by a vampire.

Dee was suddenly standing between us, snarling at him, a dangerous and threatening growl coming from her throat.

"Shit," he said, looking like he was about to get murdered. "Don't move."

I frowned in confusion at the order. Was he about to lunge at me? Before I could react, William was standing at the door, his eyes wide and even darker than Caelan's. How was that even possible—

"She's okay—" Caelan started to say but was quickly reduced to silence by a deep growl coming from William's throat.

William looked like he was in physical pain. It was clear that standing here so close to the source of what he craved so badly was torture, and I couldn't help but wonder if he'd have enough control. If either of them would.

"Get out of your clothes," William ordered before even greeting us or asking what happened. His eyes focused on me as he stood as still as Caelan. My brows flexed and furrowed quickly. "Your blood is everywhere— get out of your clothes, now."

The command in his voice left no space for hesitation, and I knew from the stiffness of their bodies and darkness in their eyes that I needed to do exactly what they told me to if I wanted to stay alive. I followed his order and slowly got out of my dirty clothes, careful not to do any sudden movement that would upset them. While I undressed, I tried to ignore the fact that I would soon be standing in my unmatched and worn out underwear in front of them, but still felt my cheeks heat up at the thought.

"Charlotte—" William growled, his eyes closed as he focused on his control.

"I'm sorry—" I apologized, trying to bring the heat down and slow my heartbeat. Easier said than done.

"Cal, burn them," he told his friend once I was standing in only my underwear in front of them.

Caelan nodded, and grabbed my clothes, the muscles in his jaw tensing when his hands made contact with the bloody fabric. Was he going to be able to do that? He looked like he was about to lose it. When he left the room, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. William's eyes were still focused on me, his lips sealed so tight they disappeared into a thin line.

"You need to shower," he said, and despite the urge to punch him for telling me to shower for the tenth time since we met, I stayed quiet. Obviously now was not the best time to fight him. I slowly made my way to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. It was more by reflex than safety— let's face it, a locked door wouldn't hold a vampire back.

I stayed in the shower for longer than needed. Mostly because I wanted to make sure there was not one drop of blood left on my body, but also because I got lost in my thoughts. I replayed what happened in my mind, and couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if Caelan hadn't been there, if I had been alone when the creatures came. They would have got me, there was no way I could have fought them. My head was buzzing with hundreds of questions– what were they planning to do with me? They didn't seem like they were capable of thinking, they looked primitive. How did they manage to plan this? And why did William come back? Did he know what was happening here? But no matter what questions I had, all my thoughts always circled back to one. The creatures could feel me, they were drawn to me. I would never outrun them. No matter where I'd go, they would follow, and apparently the longer I stayed in Bath the worse it would get. That thought made me scared and angry. I wanted to shout at my parents and at Rick for not telling me who I was. I wasn't prepared for this, no matter the training they gave me. If I couldn't face this, it was their fault. They should have told me, should have prepared me for what I was apparently destined to face.
I was yet again defenceless and powerless, with no idea how to even stay alive at this point. William and Caelan couldn't protect me forever. They couldn't be around me every second of the day. And why would they even want to? All they needed was for me to fix the Gates. Once that was done, I would be on my own. Silent tears mixed with the water coming out of the shower head. Weeping was very unlike me, but after the events of the last few days, I simply couldn't help it.

When the tears finally stopped, I turned off the water that masked the sound of my sobs and left the shower. When I came out of the bathroom, Caelan was lying shirtless on the bed, his injuries already healed save for the blade wound on his chest. The skin around it had turned a dark red almost brown colour and a wet substance covered the center of it— a mix of blood and pus. My stomach turned at the sight and I quickly turned my eyes to William who was standing next to him and then to Dee who was guarding the bathroom door. She was also in desperate need of a bath. The two vampires seemed to be in the middle of an argument, and judging by the look on Caelan's face, it wasn't in his favour. Their heads turned towards me as soon as the bathroom door opened, and I instantly noticed how their eyes weren't as dark anymore. They didn't look more relaxed though. Heat creeped up my cheeks again when their eyes scanned me from head to toes— I was back in my underwear with only a towel to cover myself.

"Is it safe for me to move?" I asked, hesitant. I wanted to run to my suitcase and put something on, but I wasn't sure if that was a good idea.

"In this outfit? Not sure—" Caelan answered, his lips curling into a smirk.

My body relaxed at the sound of his words despite the urge to kick him in the balls. Surely I was no longer in danger if he was capable of making a joke. I walked to my suitcase, trying to ignore their heavy eyes on me and pulled out a light white dress. I was uncomfortable enough, if I could avoid having to squirm into pants, I would. The summer dress slithered easily over my hips. After tying the knot at my waist, I turned to Caelan on the bed. Was he still in pain? The vampires I hunted were able to heal quite quickly, could he not?

"Are you okay?" I asked, and he smiled.

Before he could answer, William was standing in front of me, holding the arm that was hurt earlier. He gently twisted it to check if there was any wound— there wasn't. It was long healed.

"You could have been killed—" he growled, his lips curling against his teeth in anger.

My eyebrows arched. Was he blaming me?

"How is that my fault?" I exclaimed. "I thought I was supposed to be safe here— you told me— no, you forced me to stay here, and I did! I stayed inside and yet they found me."

"You shouldn't have left this room!"

"And leave Caelan to face all those things alone? I'm not like that, I can't just sit and wait when people are in danger. You weren't here, you have no idea what happened—"

His body stiffened at my words, and the muscles of his jaw flexed. He stayed quiet for a moment, until his facial expression softened.

"I'm sorry," he unexpectedly apologized with a sigh. "I shouldn't have left... I underestimated the threat— I won't let that happen again."

His voice was full of pain and regret. He really was sorry that he hadn't been there, as if I was his responsibility. Why did he feel so responsible for fixing the Gates? There was so much I didn't know about him. For some reason, I wanted to learn all there was to know about him, every secret, every fear, everything. I felt pulled to him by an invisible force, and it was starting to scare me.

"I can't believe you stabbed me," Caelan suddenly said, making both William's and my head turn towards him on the bed. He was resting on his elbows, an amused smile on his lips.

I was grateful for the change in subject. It was starting to feel heavy in the room.

"So violent," William said in a low voice as he shook his head, a half-smile on his lips. Unlike Caelan earlier, he didn't seem surprised at all. Simply amused and amazed for some reason.

"See? I'm not defenseless. Besides, he specifically told me to."

"When I said kill everything that comes through the door, I obviously didn't mean myself included!" he exclaimed, faking being betrayed. I chuckled at his comment. To be honest, I only felt a little bad about stabbing him. He was clearly fine apart from the gore wound that remained, and he kind of deserved it for being a jerk earlier in the afternoon.

"I thought vampires were supposed to have fast reflexes?" I answered.

A soft laugh escaped Caelan's lips.

"I guess not fast enough," he answered as he sat up on the bed. Despite the wound, he looked a lot better now, as if he wasn't in pain anymore, and I felt relieved. I didn't know them, and yet I was growing attached to them. Was it because we were facing the end of the world? Or because they were the only people on my side while every creature in the county was after me? I didn't know, but what I was sure of was that I was grateful I met them, despite how crazy and surreal that felt. They were vampires, and yet they were risking their lives to protect mine. Surely, that deserved some trust.

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