The Vanguardians

By SilauZaitro

6 1 0

In a world that had changed in form but not in spirit. A young man is trying to find out how to help his fami... More


6 1 0
By SilauZaitro

AN: Sorry for the delay. HOpe you enjoy the story.

"Text" Normal speech

"Text" Telephatych speech, or radio and tv speech

"Text" Elementals speech

'Text' thoughts,(normally)

August 21 2019 11:30

"So the boss lets us go earlier home? Now that is new." Said a young man, 21 years. He weared a normal black shirt, blue jeans, brown boots. The tipical fot this type of works in turnery.

He looked at his father, who was wearing the same clothes as him. He had to borrow a shirt from his father because the washing machine had been broken for 2 days, and today the technicians would repair it.

"Maybe he had a guilty conscience for the last time we had to do overtime." Smirking at his sone.

"JUAS JUAS JUAS" He responded, rolling his eyes at that.

He heard a groan on behind him. He looked behind him and saw that his father leaned on end of the machines they worked on.

"Hey you ok?"

I don't know. " His father reached for his forehead."My head hurts."

Juan brought the back of his hand to the forehead of his father. It was like his head was on fire.

"Dad. Its better that we bring you home. I will tell mister Guillermo."


His father cluched his stomach in pain.


He saw his shirt lit up to flame and fire. While the fire also kissed his limps completely covering them.

He saw the fire completely engulf him completely, before the flames toke a more dark red color. And his eyes began to burn clear white.

He looked in shock and fear.

The eyes looked like the there were bright like it was a light-house shining through.

Then the eyes turned a burning scarlet red. Narrowing in a burning hate. Before his father launched himself at him.

Everything did turn dark.

He gasped awake. His eyes shot open. His vision was obscure.

He only saw darkness for a time. Until his eyes adjusted slightly and he saw.

He then focused on his sense of feeling.

HE could feel a soft surface on his right side. and felt the could side.

He extended his left hand forward feling the cold-warm surface of a wall.

He was in his room, woke up by a nightmare fear.

'Right on Friday mornig. It looks like the Devil had found it fit to torture me with those evil ideas. '

Then the wall he was facing lighted up thinking



A female and a male voice respectlvie.

He looked to the entrance of his room. He did see a flame to big for a candel but to weak for a flare. And the peoples faces that are iluminated by it.

"Ah its you two." Relaxing at knowing who it was.

His parents.

"Im fine I will try to go to sleep. If I cant I will get up."

"You sure?" He heard the voice of his father echoed in his mind.

"Yeah dont worry. Sorry for waking you up."

"No problem." They both nodded and walked out.

When the event happened his parents where both at work. The Good think was that their boss thought it was good to let all their employes go home sooner and have a bit more rest lunch. Because they had worked over time for two days in a row. The client had requested a big number of supports that would be used to help maintain a few of his machines. So no one was in a dangerous place or position at the moment, so that could have hurt them. During the transformation, or at the end of it.

When he saw his father transform he did not know the type of pokemon at the time. He was in shock and when his father saw that he had transformed. He did see himself in the mirror before colapsing.

He did not fall incouncious but he did go on his knees. He almost did it too, if it were not for the fact that he had remembered to breath.

He had many times problem to calm himself so he had excersiced them so long that he trained it to the point that he could do it as if it were second nature. It revolved his stomach to see his father change so much so fast. Obviously his cloths did not go in flames. That was a strange by product of his mind.

His mother also transfromed. In a zoroark. At first Juan did not recognize it, but his father showed him the ring finger, he then knew who it was. A other worker had transformed in a machoke.

When the boss came out to adresse everyone, he was shocked. Obviously. He did everyone the rest of the week of to know what is going on. His son was affected by it. He did go depressed on it.

Thinking back. Juan could not imagen that the world would change so much, and at the same time so little. The discrimination and judging thoughts that the people had remained or even was revealed in some cases.

He got up from his pillow and then took his phone to see the hour to see if to stay up or going to sleep again.

August. 19 2020 5:30 hours (24 hrs format my readers)

'It is almost morning' He put down his phone on the night stand and fell down on the bed. He tried to fall asleep for a short while. But the fact that he was already awake after sleeping 7 hours, because of how soon he did go to sleep after yesterday work.

'I will just get up' He took off the blanked. And searched for his cloths for the day. Simple black Jeans, grey shirt, with the writing of "Hardly Working". Everyone of his clients that saw it, wanted to make joke about it.

Being an uber drive had been a blessing on it own. He was of the few that allowed music in his car. As long it wasnt to loud music and to aggressive. He had no problem for some metal songs. But there are songs and then there are songs.

'Okay. I hope there is one that wakes up at the same hour as I do now. SO that I can begin my job today.'

Even if his description said he was available on friday. He had written in it and said that if there was a familiar emergency, he would take it first and for most. Most users understood other no so much.

He walked into the kichen. He took out the milk and noticed that there was just two boxes of milk remaining.

'Will need to go buy more milk later.'

He made himself just some simple coffe with sugar. He knew it he had rested well and did not need the boost. But right now he did want it for the taste. His mother was already boiling some eggs, and had prepared already the sandwich for him that he would eat during his job.

It was a good thing they had only suffered problems with the events. The comunication throught voice, and fur shuddered at that. It was embarrasing for all except him. And in some cases they even selled the fur to make some wigs and fur jackets. It amazing what you can do nowadays. The fur of delphox has helped by one guy to use it as a lighter tool that could be used mostly for the kichen or even the grill.

The jokes that they did on my father were sometimes okay. Other times...not.

The Tv was showing just some simple news about a guy that had taken down some bike thiefs. IN a hiliarious way. No one day. Well, the ego of the thiefts yes but that was acceptable.

Until one news catched his attention. "Chile had closed off dealing with Australia. After what the concidered a voilation of human rights, by sizing up al elementas in a concentration cap calling it a nazi manuver that was also done in the WWII. The president of Paraguay second this. Making it another point against the relationship with the Continent of Oceania. Many Businesses are reconcidering their relation the country that became of focus point in the southern hemisphere of many critics. The australian preside-"

His thoughts were interrumpted when his mother brought him the sandwich and the eggs.

"I will be going. I will most likely be back at night, knowing it is friday. I will buy milk knowig we will need it. If you need anything send me a message through Whatsup."She could write with her hand just fine. It was just really uncomfortable for her to write like that. But she got used to it after 6 months.

She gave him a quick hug, wich he returned gladly.

"I Love you too."

He took his backpack and entered the garage. He did put his pack on the copilot seat while turning on the engine and opening the gate. He waited until it was completely open and did drive out slowly. Stopping briefly when he saw a orange blur pass fast through the street.

'No respect what so ever.' He grumbled at that. The people have not changed. Even when they don't look the same it was a mystery on its own he guested.

He focused on the now and began to drive to the main avenue of the area to begin his work day.

"And he is gone." Said Catrina, the zoroark.. Signing is melancoly.

"You know he is not a child anymore." Said Michael, the delphox

"I Know that. But..." She stops as if remembering something. "I forget sometimes that the instincts of this new body take overme." shaking her head.

"Me too." Sitting down on the table infront of her. Extending his hand towards her. Wich she took too.

"I mean he had been pushing himself so much to help us that it would look that he would collapse. And the one job that I had as a waitress in that restaurant, was a good way of getting the presure of him. But one of the clients was attacked by elementals, made all the drama acusing me of it wich nobody could point out, and now that place banned every one that." She had so much frustration and claws dug into the underside of the table.

"Could you see about what his dream was?" Looking up to her husband.

"I Have telephaty. I can speak to a mind. Not READ a mind. Besides not all movesets that appear on the site are trust worthy. You know?"

"Oh yeah." She chuckled at that. One time it had happened that they were watching a video of a guy trying to teleport. and it backfired and he just moved unwillingly a pitcher of water. over his head and spilled al over himself. Later it was informed that the site ha had read the information was not accurate. So it brought down the bravery t

"I just wich what his nightmare was. I cant bear it to see have them like that you know. He suffers for us because of what had happened." She said in resignation at the end of the sentence.

"This is the price he wants to pay. He is doing this out of love and responsibility. Because he knows that he cant depend on us for this. Something that will straighten him. Once he finds a girlfriend and get married." Michael smiled smugly at that.

Catrina chuckled at that She knew that Juan was trying to first get his life in order before he even started dating a woman. Not that they had a problem with it. Of course, he should organize all of it so that he could at least advance in life.

He even said he would go to church service with them again this weekend. They were good people. And he would need a change of scene. Instate of staying always at home.

"The church had no problem with us going right?"

"No. Atleast that is what Mathias told me. The son of the pastor."

"So the father so the son." She smiled at that.

"I just ask myself." looking slightly down.

"What can I do to help more people in our community and outside of it?"

(Constructive critics are accepted. Destructive critics... WIll be used too my roasted meat XD. See you later.)

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