His Darling Witch |18+ (His D...

By Luna_Moon135

701K 21.5K 3K

Rosette, who only intended to help the handsome stranger, was bewildered when he refused to part ways from he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24


24.3K 795 168
By Luna_Moon135

"Nn!" Reagan trembled.

"You look very pretty right now, Reagan." Rosette smiled at him.

"-ette... haa..." He heaved a breath.

"Where did you get this from..?" Reagan asked.

"Ah, this?" Rosette gently gave a small push.

"Hennesse gifted it.."

"Hngh!" His legs subtly shook, as he felt the cold object entering his entrance.

"Does it hurt?"


"Then, I'll stay still for a bit."

"-sette...." Reagan lets out a small whimper.

"Does it hurt that bad, Reagan? I'll stop here if you want." Rosette tucked Reagan's hair away from his face, looking down at him with concern.

"J-just... a bit." Reagan avoided Rosette's gaze, hiding his face from embarrassment. Reagan's face was red, burning hotly.

"Then, should I stop?" Rosette turned Reagan's face to hers, starting at him tenderly.

"Ah- that..." Reagan bit his bottom lips. He thought hard about it. Reagan was always weak when it comes to Rosette. He loved to do whatever she told him, and he loved to do anything she asked of him.

"No, please continue..." Reagan covered his mouth to prevent himself from making a sound.


Rosette pushed the toy deeper. She leaned down and gently removed Reagan's hands from his mouth.

"I'll stay still for a bit."

"-ette..." Reagan called her name softly as he heaved breaths.

"-sette, please kiss me..." He looked at her with desperate eyes.

Rosette smiled before pressing her lips on Reagan. Her bare breasts firmly pressed against Reagan's hard chest. Reagan kissed her back passionately, pulling Rosette closer to deepen their kiss.


Amidst of their kiss, Rosette began to move her hips slowly. "Hangh!" Reagan clung to Rosette.

The cold object went deeper to Reagan's tunnel, making him shiver as it brushed against a soft spot in his insides. Rosette continued on to kiss Reagan, placing soft kisses on his face. Slowly, Rosette began to speed her pace.


"Anh... It feels strange.. Haa... Rosette..."

"Does it?" Rosette gently brushed her fingers on Reagan's face. She began to go faster.

"...Yes- Nn!"

Rosette began to go faster. The rod-like object rubbed against each of Reagan's corners. The sensation from their movement began to change, from stinging turning into a subtle pleasure.

"Haa... Nnn..." Reagan's lewd voice came out, as Rosette continued to thrust between his already spread legs. Reagan felt the rod-like object go in and out of him.

"-ettee... Anghn!" His back gently arched.

"-sette, it feels so weird..." Reagan murmured on Rosette's lips. He softly blinked as Rosette placed a gentle kiss below his eyes.

"You're very adorable." Rosette smiled, staring at Reagan's flustered expression. Reagan stared back at Rosette with clouded eyes. His flushed cheeks were getting hot.

Though, ten years had passed since they married, Reagan remained head over heels for Rosette only. It was only Rosette, who could make him crazy. It was only her, that he obeys and listens to. Rosette was the only one he longed and yearned for every day. His love for her remained strong, and even now, he would still do anything she would ask for.

Reagan was more than happy that Rosette chose to stay with him. It was all he could ask for. To wake up beside Rosette everyday, and to be with her every second was his dream come true.

By this time, Rosette didn't hold back. She made continuous fast thrusts with her hips, sparring Reagan no time to heave as she moved nonstop.

"Hng!" He clung to her.

"-ettee.. Ahh!"

"-sette it feels so strange.. It feels good..." He murmured on Rosette's neck.

"Hnng..!" Reagan trembled.

"A-ah! -ette!"


Lewd moans left Reagan's lips as he let Rosette violate him. Gently moving away, Rosette looked at Reagan. Her heart thumped upon seeing the lewd face that he was making.


"Reagan, you're making such a pretty face right now. Should we move you in front of a mirror?"

Softly shaking his head, Reagan spoke in an unsteady voice. "N-no... Anghh... I want to keep looking at your... Hnghh.. face..." His cheeks were glowing red, flustered as he spoke his words.

Leaning down, Rosette placed a soft kiss on Reagan's lips. Reagan felt her pace go faster. The rubbing sensation made him feel wonders. It was a foreign feeling, yet it somewhat felt like pleasure to him.

The sound of their skin clapping against each other filled the room. Reagan squirmed and trembled under Rosette. He felt strange, yet he felt good at the same time.

"Aah..! -ette! It feels.. Nn! -good..."

Feeling his climax nearing, Reagan buried his blushing face on Rosette's shoulder. "-ette..!"

"A-ahn!" His legs trembled as his warm liquids spurted out of his tip. Reagan's semen sprayed on Rosette's breasts and stomach. His seeds kept on spurting out. Reagan came a few more times before it stopped. Though, his entrance had yet to stop clenching around the rod-like object that was buried inside him.

"Rosette- Anghh!!"

Rosette continued to thrust inside him, making Reagan feel the strange sensation again. Pleasure erupted in him as the toy rubbed his insides. Yet again, Reagan clung to Rosette.

"-ette it really feels wei- Nnn..." He moaned and whimpered under her. Reagan's length was hard and erect. While his tunnel continued to clench around the object that Rosette was violating him with.

"Ah..!" Reagan flinched in surprise, feeling the tip of the object hitting a sweet spot. His member became harder.



Rosette halted and looked at the door. Reagan being clingy, turned her face back to him. "-sette don't take your eyes off me..." He mumbled softly.

"Mother, are you in there?" The young boy asked in a gentle voice.




"Mother, I know you're in there." The voice spoke outside their room.

"Mother, you've been spending more time with father lately, and you haven't been spending more time with me. Did the two of you forgot about me?"

'Ah... the door is locked. I'll get to Rogan later.' Thought Rosette.

Rosette glanced at Reagan. "It's Rogan." She whispered to Reagan.

Biting his bottom lips, Reagan lightly moved his hips, thrusting against Rosette.

"How naughty."

Rosette just couldn't help herself from Reagan's action. She began thrusting on Reagan in a fast pace. Reagan quickly covered his mouth to prevent himself from making any lewd noises. The fast and sudden movement made him feel the overwhelming pleasure.

"Nn..." His muffled moan got out.

The dim red light spread around the large room. The red light covered the grand walls, windows, and door. It prevented any sound from being heard outside.

"Go on Reagan, let it out. They won't hear your moans from outside." Rosette softly brushed her fingers on Reagan's hands that was covering his lips.

"Darling..." Reagan mumbled.

"Please call me Darling."

Rosette smiled, kissing Reagan's lips. "Alright, my darling." Rosette pressed her lips on his burning cheeks.


"Darling." She repeated.

"Again, -ette."

"My darling." Rosette spoke tenderly.

Reagan hid his face on Rosette's neck. "I love you, Rosette." He mumbled softy, in a loving voice.

"Mother, what took you so long?" The young boy looked at Rosette sullenly.

"Oh, I was talking with your father about the time he asked me to marry him." Rosette smiled, making an excuse in front of her son.

"I can't forget the time he told me he was appointed as the new lord of my home land. And knowing he asked the emperor for it, makes it more romantic." Rosette clasped her hands as she smiled widely.

Cough. Reagan faked a cough, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. Even now, Rosette never failed to make him shy and flustered. With a flushed face, Reagan looked at Rosette, holding a gaze that looked at her lovingly.

"Father is the best." Rosette locked her arms on Reagan's arm, leaning her head on his broad shoulders. Reagan's face turned into a deeper shade of red as he felt Rosette's breasts pressed against his arm.

"-ette..." He whispered in her ear, feeling his member erect. He was beginning to throb hard.

"Well, I'm going to be better than father." The young boy said firmly.

"Well of course you are." Rosette ruffled the boy's blonde hair as she smiled at him.

Where as Reagan looked down at his son. "You have a long way to go." Reagan spoke.

'Even if you're a child between me and Rosette... Rosette's attention belongs to me.'

'Get a wife whom you'll seek attention to, don't hog all my time with Rosette.'

Reagan wrapped his arms on Rosette's waist, pulling her closer. The father and son pair intently stared at each other, finding each other a competition for Rosette's attention.

The young boy tugged on Rosette's hand. "Mother, shall we take a walk in the garden? Father looks like he has a fever, so it's better to go without him."

Rosette refrained herself from laughing. "But Rogan, won't father feel lonely?"

"Well..." Rogan glanced at his father. "I guess he can go." He mumbled.

"Did you hear that, Reagan? Rogan invited you for a walk." Rosette joined her son and her husband's hands together, smiling at the both them.

"Father can just follow behind us." Rogan held his mother's hand, dragging her away from Reagan.

With funny eyes, Rosette glanced at Reagan. 'Pfft.'

Reagan hurriedly grabbed Rosette's free hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. Reagan raised Rosette's hand, pressing his lips on her delicate hand.

"-ette, let's go to the garden."

The three walked through the long hallway of the manor, walking down the stairs, and onto the fourth door. The sight was indeed breathtaking . Reagan had specifically made the garden for Rosette, knowing she loved flowers. He made it with special care for his darling wife. And he was quite overjoyed when Rosette told him she loved his gift.

Reagan was now the lord of the place where he met Rosette. It was the other favor he asked of the emperor, along with the banning of all witch hunt. The extent Reagan would do just for Rosette was unimaginable.

Rosette owned his heart completely, and he is delighted with it.

The large manor where they lived was like a castle. Though, they would visit Rosette's cottage in the forest occasionally. The manor was large and grand. Reagan had decorated it to Rosette's liking and ideal. He was truly a devoted husband that was head over heels for his wife, and it was known by everyone. Each of the manor's servant, and even the villagers knew how he was devoted wholeheartedly.

"Mother, the word you gave me last time worked. Melody finally let me pet her kittens." Rogan smiled at Rosette.

"We'll done, Rogan. You are indeed, commendable." Rosette squished her son's cheeks.

"And, teacher praised me for my swordsmanship skills."

"Very well!" Rosette smiled proudly, kissing her son's forehead. "You make me proud."

Rogan's cheeks burned lightly. "Mother also makes me proud."

"Us." Reagan correct.

"Yes... us." Rogan mumbled shyly.

Rosette noticed a familiar figure from afar. She smiled sheepish before walking to the bushes of flowers. Picking three flowers, Rosette gave them to Rogan.

Leaning down to his ear, Rosette whispered. "Isn't that the girl you like? Here, give these to her." Rosette handed him the flowers.

Rosette looked at the young girl from afar, who was walking with her mother. It was Ybel's niece who would visit their manor from time to time.

"Go on." Rosette urged him.

"B-but mother..." Rogan's face was flushed, burning red.

"Give it to her, Rogan. They seldom visit, so it's not everyday you get to see her, correct?"

"Yes... but..." Rogan softly mumbled as he stared at the ground.

"I'm sure she'll appreciate it, Rogan." She assures.

Rogan looked at Rosette hesitantly. His cheeks were tinted red. He was reluctant to give the flowers, as he was too shy to even talk to the young girl he liked.

"Go on." Rosette spoke softly.

Upon his mother's assurance, Rogan ran to the girl. Even from afar, Rosette still noticed her son's burning red ears. Letting out a short laugh, Rosette looked at Reagan.

"It seems like he inherited a lot from you."

Reagan embraced Rosette into a tender hug. "Like what?" He asked her, softly mumbling to her ear.

"His looks, his swordsmanship, and even the way his face and ears turn red."


"See?." Rosette gently held Reagan's face between her hands. "You're all red again." She smiled, pressing her lips on him.

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