Attack On Titan in my house?

By DragonLover366

465 11 2

Y/n is a 19-year-old college student that lives alone with two dogs and four cats. One day she comes home fro... More

Authors Note
Other Characters
Unusual things
Furlan and Isabel?!
Phone Cases
Hange! What are you doing?
Summer Break and Karaoke! P1
Karaoke pt 2

Information about Character Personalities

71 0 0
By DragonLover366


Hange Zoe:

To most people, Hange appeared to be an energetic, freethinking researcher with a very unique way of conducting themselves and their work through their rather observant and objective character. Hange explains that when they first joined the Survey Corps, their heart was filled with hatred; until they kicked the head of a 3 meter Titan and were shocked at how abnormally light it was. This drove Hange to forget most of the resentment and insecurity they held onto, and take on a new approach to Titan research. Hange also showed great compassion for the Titan test subjects, even crying when they were forced to put Bean in severe pain for an experiment, and having a complete meltdown when the Titans were killed.  

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Erwin was a complex character, portrayed as serious, calculating, and always planning far in the future. While he trusted his men, he was the first to realize that there was a spy interfering with the Survey Corps, and was able to come up with reasonable criteria to determine which of his soldiers to trust with vital information, and which to keep in the dark. An eloquent speaker, Erwin was able to sway many people, such as the military tribunal held to judge Eren and the trainees into choosing which recruitment branches to join. Erwin was often seen as a very grim individual. He accepted all news, good or bad, mockery or praise, with the same stoic attitude

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Due to her harsh upbringing, Annie has become an isolated, exclusionary person; friendships do not come to her easily. She is rarely seen smiling and often has an emotionless expression. She is apathetic and somnolent, with little desire to put in any effort into meaningless disciplines or activities, and instead claims to focus exclusively on making it into the to obtain an easy life. While Annie tends to have a realistic outlook on life, she holds a fascination and even feelings of respect towards people who have a deep sense of duty and righteousness—people who devote their lives to and even die for causes they believe in. Annie's sense of humor tends to be mocking, sarcastic, deadpan, and surprising. It also sometimes expresses a partial truth, and it happens mostly in intense situations. 

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As a result of his early childhood years, Levi is described as a "clean freak" by those who know him personally as he prefers his environment and himself to be spotlessly clean. He is averse to having either himself or his equipment soiled, and has been known to wipe down his blood-smeared blades while still on the battlefield. However, he will not hesitate to touch filth if he deems it necessary. Despite his preoccupation with cleanliness, Levi is not very approachable. He rarely shows emotion, giving a cold impression to others. His manner of speaking tends to be very blunt, even insulting, and his comments are often coarse or inappropriate. He is not above provoking or belittling those who oppose or irritate him. His sense of humor tends toward the vulgar, insulting, and dark. All of this makes him unsettling to a great number of people.

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Armin continued to have low self-esteem during his training years and for a short while after graduation. During this time, Armin considered himself to be useless due to his lack of physical strength and skill. However, soon after graduation, he came to learn that his mind is an equally valuable asset to the military and that he can use his brain to help people. Armin is exceptionally loyal and selfless. He constantly worries about the safety of his friends. He is always prepared to throw himself into dangerous situations to save them, even offering to sacrifice himself for Mikasa. Armin is a very analytical person. He likes to think deeply about situations and solve problems using his mind. These personality traits, in conjunction with his intelligence, good judgment, level-headedness, ability to plan ahead, come up with creative ideas, and to think outside the box, are what make him a great tactician. He is not an extrovert or a loud person. Armin has shown great investment in humanity's future and is always striving for and thinking about how he can change things for the betterment of mankind. Armin is also good at thinking on the fly and improvising. Armin's hard and cruel life has caused him to have certain beliefs about how the world works. Armin believes that in the cruel world, in which they live in order to surpass monsters, accomplish goals or make a difference, one must be willing to sacrifice anything, including their humanity. Even though Armin makes calculated decisions, he is also a very emotionally sensitive and empathetic person. Due to Armin's kind heart, he faces conflict in his mind with his belief that he has to force himself to throw away his humanity. Despite this, Armin strongly believes that morality is relative and that there are no universal laws of good and evil. Therefore, he has a distaste for the terms 'good person' and 'bad person,' since no one could be either good or bad to everyone. This makes him willing to concoct underhanded, morally questionable plans that shock some of his comrades. 

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He showed great devotion to both of his fellow warriors, Reiner Braun and Annie Leonhart, and was easily driven to action or anger when he felt either was threatened. His actions have caused considerable suffering, he was not a cruel person and was capable of showing genuine kindness towards others. Bertholdt underwent a serious change in character shortly before and during the Battle of Shiganshina. He became detached, indifferent, and cold, allowing him to fulfill his savage duty more efficiently. Bertholdt remained calm and composed and did not feel sorry or bad when he told his former friends that he will kill them and all humans inside the Walls because he had decided to do so. Bertholdt does not show complete disregard for the human race and his 104th former friends. He showed panic and slight tears when he, Reiner, and Annie left Marco Bodt to die. This leaves the impression that Bertholdt's reasons for wanting them to die are not personal, and are due to unknown factors outside of their current comprehension or knowledge. Bertholdt once more shows sympathy for his former friends by expressing his disappointment in the waste of Armin's intelligence as he dies. Despite his calmness and utter fearlessness in the face of death and destruction, he was absolutely terrified of the Pure Titans, and of dying painfully at their hands.

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Jean has a blunt personality. He holds no restraint when it comes to speaking his mind, even when he knows it would not be wise to do so or when it could spark conflict. Jean is also pragmatic: he has a strong aversion to exposing himself to dangerous situations, and has openly admitted his desire to join the Military Police is due to wanting an easy and safe life. Despite his shortcomings, Marco describes Jean as a natural leader, being able to understand others and assess situations well because of his flaws. His awareness and leadership capabilities were further displayed during the Battle of Shiganshina when he took command of Armin's squad, and Liberio when he led many of the 104th graduates to attack the Marleyan military. He is also appreciated by Connie who deems him capable of becoming a future leader of the Survey Corps. Although he presents himself as self-centered, Jean places high value on the lives of others, and is ashamed and horrified when he must leave helpless allies behind to save himself and the remaining soldiers with him. He is also willing to risk his life to slow down the Female Titan, as refusing to do so would have resulted in additional deaths. Jean later criticizes Erwin withholding information from his subordinates out of fear that there was a spy among them, feeling that the plan was not acceptable, because of the lives that were lost because of it. In addition, Jean is greatly averse to taking human lives. Jean's moral principles initially prevented him from killing enemy soldiers, but he reluctantly set aside his conscience for the sake of his friends and allies. He refuses to kill child combatants though, refusing Floch Forster's suggestion that they throw Gabi Braun and Falco Grice out of the airship.

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Furlan, in contrast to Isabel, was very focused and able to make the distinction between when to have fun and when to be serious. Like Levi, Furlan was usually depicted as level-headed and calm, but he disliked when things got out of control. He had a clear understanding of when he was defeated, and stopped resisting if he knew that he had lost; this was shown during his capture by the Scout Regiment. Furlan placed a great deal of trust in Levi and followed his decisions and leadership without question.

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Isabel was shown to be an energetic, outspoken young woman rarely afraid to speak her mind. She was confident in her abilities, and the most cheerful of her companions. She was quite headstrong, shown when she continued to struggle and insult the Scout Regiment after she was initially captured. Isabel was also quite prideful, as she once stubbornly refused to tell Levi and Furlan the reasons she came back home beaten with one of her pigtails chopped off. She valued Levi as a brother figure and became emotional if he berated her. She takes his opinions very seriously, as shown when she cried when he said she was an idiot for not knowing how to do math and continued to cry until he ruffled her hair. Isabel proved to be a good horseback rider and was able to switch from using her omni-directional mobility gear to riding a horse with ease.

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Mikasa has a strong sense of right and wrong, doing everything she can to make her most impulsive friends follow what she thinks is the right track. In spite of this, she is well aware that she cannot always sway them in decisions and makes it a point to follow them wherever they go, just so that she can be around to help out when trouble arises. Her personality as a teenager was very much influenced by Eren, who told her she stood no chance of survival if she did not fight for it. His words continued to stay with her, and she automatically recalled them to spur her on when she was close to death.

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Sasha was a friendly, fun-loving girl. Initially, Sasha was somewhat timid and prone to make mistakes when under stressful situations. She was rather simple-minded and eccentric, but, surprisingly, her intuition was very sharp, surprisingly courageous, and she had been considered a wise judge of circumstances and danger. Sasha was known to have an incredible appetite; eating provided her with considerable gratification and relief, especially during times of great stress, and food was often the only thing on her mind when at ease.

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Connie can be best described as outgoing and impetuous. He has an easy time expressing his opinions, and enjoys flaunting his skills, especially during his days as a trainee. Despite being in the military, Connie starts off as rather unfocused, and enjoys goofing around and messing with his friends, but can also be a bit dense at times. Later, Connie's naive enthusiasm falls away after multiple close encounters with the Titans. He never becomes more serious, though to his frustration, he still has some difficulty comprehending new developments as they appear. Connie also comes to terms with his own limits, disliking his lack of power, but eager to prove his worth. For a long time, Connie remained optimistic, consistently caring for the well-being of his friends, family and village, and being willing to help in any way he can. However, this soft spot and the tragedies he goes through takes a toll on him. Initially reacting to those situations with denial, alarm, and search for negotiation with those he was betrayed by, he becomes with each new grief more prompt to anger, irritation, and hatred, losing his optimism and gaining in readiness to act against his opponents in order to protect the few selected friends he considers to be family.

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Petra was kind and caring, as shown when she looked after and guided Eren when he was first admitted to the squad. She seemed to have acted as some sort of attachment figure for Eren among Levi's Squad as she was the one shown to worry about him. Although all of Levi's squad wished (and demanded, to an extent) Eren's unconditional trust, it was ultimately Petra who convinced him to do so. Despite her kind nature, Petra was a conditioned soldier with a quick reaction time against perceived danger. She displayed extreme loyalty to her leaders, superiors and was ready to react in any given moment, such as the time when Eren accidentally transformed into a half Titan. She also showed the most remorse over her reaction to Eren's accidental transformation. Along with her comrades, she had bitten her hand just like Eren, signifying that they had established a close bond.



Eld was a responsible and firm leader with a strong sense of duty. He did not talk much, but when he did, he spoke bluntly and in a straightforward manner. He also seemed to have been a veteran of sorts as he teased Petra Rall and Oruo Bozad about having wet their pants on their first expedition, and sarcastically referred to them as "fine fearless soldiers." He also seemed to hold some sort of belief of what makes a true soldier, as he lectured Oruo that a kill record alone does not make a great soldier. When Eren accidentally transformed, he seemed to have been more concerned about the reasoning as to why and demanded an answer from Eren. His reaction was interesting in comparison to his comrades; Oruo threatened to kill Eren, Petra feared for Levi's life, and Gunther demanded evidence from Eren about his transformation and intentions.

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Assuming energetic based on AOT junior high.  (Adding distant for story)

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Beane is a more docile Titan compared to its kind but can be seen showing energetic movements and actions from time to time.

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