Ducktales Movie 5 - Wedding B...

By LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Movie 5 - Wedding Bells in Duckburg More

Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 1
Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 3
Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 4
Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 5
Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 6
Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 7
Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 8
Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 9
Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 10
Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 11

Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 2

412 3 0
By LandofEvil42

Ducktales Intro Remix

In Duckburg's church, the Duck-McDuck family were together getting things ready for the wedding with help from Violet, Lena, Panchito, Jose, Gladstone and Fethry while Donald and Daisy were in their separate waiting rooms with Mabel and Julia getting their tuxedos and wedding dress ready.

Music was playing via the speakers in the background as Huey kept track of everything while holding his clipboard and pen.

Huey: Ok, let's move it people. We have less than 10 hours to set everything up for the wedding.

April, May, and Violet were tending to the flowers. April and Violet attached white flowers around the edges of the pews while May put up red and pink flowers around the arch at the top of the stage.

Fethry was placing notecards on the seats.

Jose and Panchito were walking over with a grand piano.

Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, June and Launchpad were in the massive dining room which doubled as a dancing room, setting up decorations and getting things ready. There was a big dance floor in between the table and the stage for a band.

Huey: Huey was walking around checking everyone's progress. Ok, let's check everyone's progress. Ladies, how are we on the flowers.

May: The girls happily present their work. They're looking just as pretty as ever!

Huey: Huey checked that of the list. Great. How are we doing with the assigned seating in the front row of the pews?

Fethry: Me, Gladstone, Uncle Scrooge, Aunt Matilda, Uncle Ludwig, and the grandparents will be sitting on the left while, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Mrs B and Launchpad sit on the right

Huey: Perfect!

Panchito and Jose came up with the piano, setting it down for a bit to rest their aching fingers.

Panchito: Ay caramba! This piano weighs a tone! If only those workers that helped us load it up into the truck could've helped us unload it.

Jose: Jose places a hand on his friend. Remember Panchito, my friends. It's for Donald and Daisy's big wedding. Don't you want to make our brother-in-arms and his amore happy?

Panchito: But, of course!

Huey: Huey came over. Oh, good! Is that the new piano the church ordered?

Jose: Yes it is. It was nice of Scrooge to pay for it. He never usually pays anything for anyone.

Panchito: Well, why wouldn't he? It's his nephew's big day, finally tying the knot with Seniorita Daisy.

Jose: That's an occasion I'm looking forward to!

Huey: Well, we got less than 10 hours until then.

Beakely: Beakely walked up. Here, I'll help you bring that in.

Panchito: Gracias Mrs Beakely.

Beakely effortlessly lifts up the piano and walks in the church with Panchito and Jose by his side. At that moment Della came in with a van.

Della: I got the food!

Huey: Great Mom! What about the wedding cake?

Della: Della comes out. Oh, Gladstone's bringing that in.

Violet: Violet pops her head out. Are you sure it was a good idea to have Gladstone bring the wedding cake?

Della: Della dismissively waves her hand before opening the back of the van. Meh, don't worry. With his luck, the cake will be perfectly fine when he arrives. Until then, help me unload all this stuff.

Violet, April, May, Fethry, Beakely, Jose and Panchito came out and helped Della unload the food for the feast.

Huey lead them to the dining room where Dewey's group was. Launchpad organised all the instruments on the stage, Lena uses her magic to telepathically place flower decorations on the walls higher up, Webby and June were pushing carts and Dewey and Louie were setting the tablecloths.

Huey: Ok you guys set the food down on the tables and I'll make sure we're all god in here.

Della: You got it, honey.

Panchito: Hey, Huey really knows how to take charge.

April: He's smarter than the smarties after all when it comes to important stuff, like me and Violet.

Violet: That and he's an expert at making lists.

Violet gives a kiss on the cheek and Huey blushes with a smile.

Huey: How are we with the tables.

Dewey: Almost done. Dewey and Louie place the last cloth on the last table. Aaaaaaand…there! That oughta do it!

Louie: Yep. All of the tables are now covered and ready to be messed up with crumbs and grease from the food we'll be serving.

Lena: I doubt it'll be that bad Green.

Webby came in pushing a cart with small vases of blue flowers.

Webby: Oh, lighten up Louie. This is for your cool uncle after all. You should be happy that you're doing this for his special day.

June walked past with an empty cart.

June: Normally I don't like hardwork but I'm happy to be doing this for my cool Aunt.

Louie: Louie smiles a little. Yeah, you're right.

Huey: Huey smiles at Webby. Are those the centrepieces for the tables?

Webby: Yep! Granny ordered the way you had suggested them.

Huey: Perfect!

Then, June came out with another cart. This one was loaded with baskets of bread, crackers, and butter.

June: And here are the appetizers for our guests who have to because the line is way too long.

Huey: Nice job, June!

Fethry: Fethry held up his phone. Good news! Gladstone texted me, he's here with the cake!

Della: Della and Fethry exit. Let's hope his luck manages to get the cake into the room in one piece.

Huey went over to the kitchen where Beakely and Launchpad were making the food. Surprisingly Launchpad was doing a good job working on pigs-in-a-blanket and Beakely worked on the banana bread.

Beakely: I never knew you could cook Launchpad.

Launchpad: Oh yeah, I've learned a lot about cooking over the years when I wasn't being a pilot, driver, sidekick to a superhero-

Beakely: Who taught you?

Launchpad: Drake, my ex-girlfriends who I still get along with, my sister Loopy, sometimes I watch you cook.

Beakely: Beakely places the banana bread in the oven. Interesting.

Launchpad: Launchpad brings out the Inteli-ray and aims at himself. You know if you want Mrs B I could always zap myself with the Inteli-ray and make myself super smart again, then this could be done a whole lot better.

Beakely: Beakely calmly sets the ray down. I think it's best that you only use the ray when it's absolutely necessary.

Launchpad: Meh. You're the boss.

Beakely: By the way, Launchpad, you have a sister?

Launchpad: Oh yeah, totally. You'd like her.

Huey: Huey smiles. Home-cooked food for the wedding is going good.

June: The Duck Girls walk up. Remind me again how we're using the church's kitchen to make the food that we didn't need to buy?

Huey: Uncle Scrooge's generous offer to renovate the parking lot after the Moonvasion. In return, we got to use their kitchen… actually, as well as the entire church for the wedding in general.

May: Wow, they've must've been really generous people.

April: Well, we're gonna go get the red carpet ready.

Huey: Hey, Lena, how are the lights?

Lena: Couldn't be better Red.

She uses her magic to screw some light bulbs into place high in the ceiling lights.

Lena: These bulbs are fresh out of the box and they'll last all day.

Hey: Perfect! For once everything's going according to plan!

Lena: Lena smirks at the red-loving triplet. You're really liking this aren't ya red?

Huey: I'm just glad everything's going according to plan for the wedding. I just want to make sure this will be the best wedding ever for Uncle Donald and Aunt Daisy.

Lena: Hey, we all do Hu.

Dewey: She's right. Dewey, Louie, Webby and Violet come up, the former 2 wraps an arm around their brother. There's no need to worry, this wedding is gonna turn out perfect for them.

Louie: Especially, since we're all working together to make it happen for them.

Dewey: I've even agreed not to add my own things to this wedding just to make it perfect for Uncle D. No improvisation unless it's necessary.

Huey: Thanks guys.

Violet: Either way, this will be a wedding to remember.

Webby: And I can't wait!

Huey: By the way, where are Mabel and Julia?

Webby: Oh, Julia's helping out Donald in his dressing room and Mabel with Daisy. I just hope they don't overdo it.

Julia is in Donald's room helping out the Mage of Thunder. Donald looks at himself in the mirror, holding two sets of tux blue and black. He looks to Julia.

Donald: So, which tux would you recommend: the blue or the black?

Julia: I heard a black tux is more suitable for a wedding. I'd go with that.

Julia was holding hundreds of items she believes Donald would need to get ready for the wedding ranging from face cream, moisturisers, hair comb and other stuff. Donald looks on with worry.

Donald: Julia, you don't have to hold all that by yourself. I can help you.

Julia: No, no, Dad! I'm fine, really. Everything's fine-

One of the items drops and Julia suddenly screams when she slips on it. She falls on her back and all the items fly up. Julia yelps and she shields her face as some fell on her and others quickly release liquid, water and cream everywhere around the room. Donald quacks and hides behind the mirror. When it stops he pops his head out to see the entire room covered in foam-like liquid, bubbles and small objects. Julia sits up gasping in fear and horror.

Julia: Ohmygosh! I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz!

Donald walks over to Julia and she reels back in fear, thinking back to small mistakes she made with FOWL.

Julia: Please, don't strangle me! Please, don't strangle me! Please, don't strangle me! To her surprise Donald just bends down, helping her up with a smile. Huh? Y-you're not gonna strangle me?

Donald: What!? Why would I strangle you? I'd never do that to anyone.

Julia: Whenever we made a mistake Black Heron would strangle us with her robot arm and Bradford would order me to do 1000 push-ups as punishment.

Donald: Donald gives a kind smile. Julia, we're not FOWL, remember? We're family. Heron and Bradford might be cruel enough to do those sorts of things to you but not us. I think the only time you should lay a hand on a child is when you're doing this.

Donald reaches out and Julia reels back in fear but becomes surprised when Donald rubs her face. She suddenly feels at ease and content. She was just comforted, no one at FOWL did something gentle for her like this.

Julia: Oh. That…actually felt good. One more time, please.

Donald gently rubs her face again and she feels even better.

Julia: That…felt really nice.

Donald: I'm guessing no one really did that for you in FOWL.

Donald and Julia take a seat on a couch, as Julia sadly recalls her days with FOWL.

Julia: No…not really. No one was really that nice to us when we were working for FOWL, except for Pepper. Bradford would always keep saying that us clones were nothing but a waste of time and money. He and Heron would often punish and abuse us for every little mistake that we make.

Donald: That's awful.

Julia: Yeah…Mabel and I did everything we were told, we did every task that was given to us as best as we could even though we didn't really like it… Julia begins to cry a little. But it was never good enough. Bradford and Heron were never satisfied…and our creator would just tell us what we did wrong instead of appreciating the things we do for him.

Donald: Donald wraps an arm around Julia. That's because Bradford is too dumb to understand just how important family is. He doesn't know how to appreciate the things you, his brothers and his agents did for him. If he did he wouldn't have done what he to his brothers and Heron.

Julia: Yeah, the truth is I never really imagined meeting people like you, Dad. We always imagined meeting Webby, but…we never thought what it'd be like to be part of a family. A real family, one that sacrifices everything to love and protect you no matter what.

Donald: That's what family's all about, Julia. We do everything we can to support each, fight for one another, sometimes we have petty arguments with each other but in the end we put aside those petty differences to become closer than ever. Family is the greatest adventure of all.

Julia: I've seen that before…and me and Mabel want to do our best to be part of the family, that's why we're working so hard to be Webby's sisters and help with the wedding. We don't come off as…time-wasting again like with Bradford.

Donald: Donald places his hands on her face. Julia, you and Mabel aren't time wasting at all. You don't need to work so hard to be part of the family because you're already part of it. You're more part of the family than you realize, otherwise I wouldn't have taken you as my daughters. Lena had a similar problem; she was forced to terrible things for Magica De Spell but in the end she rebelled against that witch and became a true part of our family, especially to Louie and Webby, she even traded her life to save them. And you and Mabel took a hit to save me once.

Julia: Julia takes in Donald's words with a smile. Well…you once did the same for us. And…after the way we helped torture Della and Mom, it was the least we could do.

Donald: That wasn't your fault. I'm not gonna hold a grudge against your for that Julia. I promise I'll be the best father I can be and help you feel that you're part of our family in every sense of the word. As long as you promise not to work so hard just to impress me.

As Donald rubs Julia's face, her eyes well up with tears. She's touched by her father's words before jumping into Donald for a hug. The Mage of Thunder happily returns the hug and embraces his new daughter.

Mabel was in Daisy's dressing room, the lady-in-waiting was holding her dress in front of the mirror, ensuring it matches her size. Mabel was holding up a large flower vase to put away.

Mabel: Where do you want me to put this vase Future Mom?

Daisy: Just place it right in the corner next to the drawer, Mabel.

Mabel: Okay.

Mabel moves to the corner and places the vase next to the drawer but the vase accidentally bumps, causing the iron that was on the drawer to fall off and smash into Mabel's foot. She screams in pain, hopping and holding her foot.

Daisy: Huh?

Daisy watches Mabel slip on an object and bashes her head against the wall.

Mabel: OW!

Mabel shouts, landing on her tail feathers and holding the back of her head in pain.

Daisy: Ohmygosh! Mabel! Daisy frantically runs over and bends down to Mabel's level. Are you alright!?

Mabel: I'm fine! I'm fine…I just-

When she gets up her foot burns with pain and she drops back down holding it and her head. Daisy firmly clasps her hands.

Daisy: You most certainly are not! Let me take a look at you.

She lifts Mabel's hand to see part of her feet red. Daisy gets out and opens a first aid kid.

Mabel: What's that?

Daisy: A first aid kit, it's something you use to treat someone when they're hurt and injured. Now hold still, this may sting a bit.

Daisy squeezes out a drop of liquid that causes Mabel to cringe from the stinging pain. She braces herself but then widens her eyes in surprise when she sees Daisy bandaging up her foot with a fond smile.

Daisy: You know when they were younger my nieces would often get themselves hurt like this and I'd always do my best to bandage them up. This sure takes me back.

Mabel is astonished by this display of kindness and even further when Daisy wraps bandages around her head. Daisy stood up holding Mabel's hand with a smile.

Daisy: There! That should do it. How do you feel Mabel? Can you stand?

Mabel manage to stand up with little problem.

Mabel: Um… I feel better, actually. Um…thank you.

Daisy: Don't mention it sweetie. I'm just glad you're okay.

Mabel: Um…but why did you do this for me?

Daisy: Daisy is taken aback by such a question. What? Well…because you were hurt and in pain…and I wanted to help you.

Mabel: Wow…this is all so new you me. No one in FOWL was this nice to me. In fact…no one was nice to me and Julia period, except maybe, Pepper.

Daisy: Daisy bends down rubs her face. Do you want to talk about it?

Daisy and Mabel sat together on some chairs as Mabel looked down in sadness.

Mabel: When Julia and I were training for FOWL we'd sometimes end up making clumsy mistakes that ended up getting us hurt. Black Heron and Bradford would never try to make us feel better. Instead, they punished us and forced us to 1000 squats, sit-ups and push-ups. Mabel hugs her knees on the brink of tears. They made everything for us as painful as possible and they didn't do anything to help us like you just did. Bradford would just say we were a waste of time and money and Heron would just expect discipline.

Daisy: That's horrible…

Mabel: In the past, Julia and me would always do our best to meet whatever was expected of us. We only did those things because the two of us wanted to be loved by our creators…but nothing we did was ever good enough for them.

Daisy: That's because Bradford and Heron could never appreciate family unlike us. There's no need to work so hard to make a good impression in our eyes Mabel.

Mabel: Ever since we were born Julia and me have been struggling to find out who we were and how we fit in to the world. We wanted a purpose in our lives…but then…when we realized Bradford created us to get some dumb piece of parchment we lost sight of who we were. We didn't know where we belonged anymore.

Seeing Mabel cry Daisy comforts her by placing a hand around her.

Daisy: You don't have to feel that way anymore Mabel. You belong right here with us, with our family. We know you and Julia have gone through the start of your lives without love and that's something we want to change. Plus, you don't need a purpose to live. The real joy in life is when you enjoy it to your heart's content. You live because you want to live, not for some purpose you were created for. Clone or not, you two are part of our family now and you'll always be loved in it. You don't have to prove anything to us.

Mabel smiles, touched by Daisy's words before jumping into her arms for a hug which Daisy happily returns.

Mabel: Thank you, Mrs Daisy.

Daisy: Oh come on, there's no need to be so formal. You can call me Daisy or Mom, whatever makes you happy.

Mabel pulls her head back, her hearts melting from those worlds.

Back in the dining room, Della, Gladstone, and Fethry came in with the wedding cake on a cart. It was coated in white frosting decorated in blue icing lining with pink roses and two small figurines of Donald and Daisy in their wedding tux and gown on top.

Gladstone: Hey fam! I brought the cake! My luck kept it intact!

Dewey: That is some good cake!

Gladstone: It sure is! Now let's get this little beauty over to the table.

The Duck Cousins moved the cake cart but then a small creaking sound was heard.

Violet: What's that noise?

Della looked up and gasped when she saw the disco ball begin to loosen from its support in the ceiling.

Della: Look out!

She pushed past her cousins, making them knock into the cart. Della jumped and shoved the six kids out of the way just as the disco ball crashed onto the floor. Della panted as she stood and helped the kids up.

Della: Phew! That was close!

Louie: Thanks for the save Mom.

Della: Anytime kiddo.

Fethry: Oh no! The Cake!

Everyone gasped when they saw the cart carrying the cake crash into one of the tables. The cake sprung into the air upon the impact. They were all practically screaming as the cake flew through the air…only to be caught by Gladstone who slid on his belly. Everyone was screaming in joy.

Louie: Uncle Gladstone, you saved it!

Della: Way to go cuz!

Gladstone: It's a good thing I started running to catch this savoury treat before Della jumped to save the kids.

Webby: Wow! Your lucked really helped us this time instead of just yourself.

Gladstone: Guess so. Gladstone, Della and Fethry moved the cake to the main table. Either way, I should take a break from the whole luck thing every now and then.

At that moment, April, May, June, Beakely, and Launchpad ran into the room.

Beakely: What in the blazes!?

June: We heard something shatter!

April: Is everyone okay!?

Huey: We're alright.

Dewey: So is the cake.

Louie: The disco ball is a different story.

Violet: Violet examines the ball. I think I've found the problem. The connector for the disco ball to the ceiling is old and worn.

June: Must've been there since disco started.

Beakely: Fear not, I'll clean this up.

Della: Beakely grabs a broom and begins sweeping. We need a new one. But where can we find a disco ball on such short notice.

Dewey: There's a 70's store downtown. Louie and I can pick one up from there.

Della: They actually have that? Really?

Louie: It's a shop in the mall. Huey and Violet go there to look for rare nerd stuff whenever they date.

Dewey: We'll be right back!

Dewey and Louie ran out to get a new disco ball and Scrooge came in.

Gladstone: Hey there Scroogie-McBillions.

May: Where have you been?

Scrooge: Duckworth and I have been making phone calls to all our guests. Unfortunately, we're unable to get a hold of a band. Every band in town has already booked.

Huey: No! We need a band to play once we arrive at the dance floor! Uncle Donald and Aunt Daisy's perfect wedding is already getting ruined before it's even started!

Violet: Huey pants and Violet comforts him. Calm down, Hubert; I'm sure we can find a band before the wedding starts!

Jose and Panchito comically burst through the room and get in Scrooge's faces, causing him to reel back in surprise.

Jose: Did someone say band!?

Panchito: Because we would be more than happy to be your band Scrooge!

Both of them brandished their guitar and trombone-umbrella. Scrooge is a little concerned.

Scrooge: I'm not so sure about this.

Panchito: You'll save a fortune by hiring us for free. You won't have to pay extra.

Scrooge: You're hired! You can be our band!

Gladstone: Panchito and Jose celebrate with joy. Well, then, problem solved.

Huey: That's a relief.

Launchpad: So…what now?

Della: Once Dewey and Louie get back and reinstall the disco ball, we all go home and get ready! Does everyone remember their roles?

Duck Family: Yeah!

Della: Alright! Let's make this the best wedding ever!

In Merlock's lair a bunch of villains were gathered together around a mystical stone table chattering amongst themselves. The villains were Merlock, Lunaris, Flintheart Glomgold, Magica De Spell, Ma Beagle, the Beagle Boys, Black Arts Beagle, Baron Von Shellgoose, Lord Felldrake, Leopold the Horrible, Mark Beaks, Steelbeak, Falcon Graves, Toad Lu Hai, Maleficent, Pete, Negaduck (who survived) and even Don Karnage (who survived his plane crash). Via Merlock's magic they're watching the wedding preparations through a magical screen and most of them tried their best not to throw up.

Pete: What a load of bunk!

Magica: Gross.

Maleficent: How revolting.

Felldrake: Moron, cover my eyes. Shellgoose does just that.

Beaks: Boring.

Glomgold: I hate weddings.

Lu Hai: It would seem Mr Gander has forsaken his luck for family. What a terrible waste?

Ma Beagle: Ugh…Why do we have to watch this mush?

Merlock: Friends, acquaintances, I'm sure you're all wondering why I called you here to watch these revolting scenes.

Falcon: I would surmise you called us here because you're suggesting we all form an alliance to destroy the Ducks.

Merlock: Was I that obvious?

Glomgold: If you called us here for a plot to kill Scrooge and his family then you can count me in! Just one question? Why's the Moon Man here?

Glomgold points right at Lunaris and they all eye him suspiciously.

Merlock: I've brought Lunaris because I needed a level-headed ally with cunning and a burning hatred towards that runt Donald like myself.

Magica: How do we know he won't turn on us? A few of us were snapped out of existence when he used the Infinity Stones.

Lu Hai: Luckily for me, my good fortune saved me from such a terrible fate.

Lunaris: Lunaris chuckles. Fear not Magica De Spell. This time my goal isn't to destroy Earth, I have merely come back to seek my revenge on Donald Duck and destroy this wretched family who made me suffer a fate worse than death. Besides, the Infinity Stones have been scattered, I couldn't use them even if I wanted to.

Glomgold: But why would you be okay with working with me Martian. You do realize I helped stop your invasion to save Earth.

Lunaris: Believe me Flintheart I remember that very well and if it were up to me I'd kill you myself right now. But…now that I am free it is a new day and I'm willing to look past that for the greater a good. Rest assured, I bear no ill will to any of you since we have a common goal.

Maleficent: Indeed. And that goal is the destruction of the Duck Family.

Big Time: That's easier said than done horned-witch lady, we've all tried killing them in the past but that never worked out.

Glomgold: It never worked out because we cannae defeat Scrooge's family individually.

Magica: The Fake Scotsman makes a good point. We've all individually fought Scrooge's family and they always end up defeating us because they…love each other.

Shellgoose: I fail to understand how love is supposed to help anyone.

Felldrake: You fool, as far as they're concerned that love nonsense helps them and does nothing for us!

Bouncer: But we fought together as a "family" once before and we still lost and to one lousy kid of all things.

Steelbeak: Not to mention McDuck's nephew has regained all his magic now. None of us here stand a chance against that kind of power.

Black Arts: The guy with the Steelbeak is right. Donald's magical powers are far beyond even mine and I, Black Arts Beagle am one of the most powerful mystics of all time!

Ma Beagle and Magica De Spell deadpan at Black Arts, considering he wouldn't even have magical powers were it not for Merlock.

Magica: Yeah…

Ma Beagle: Sure, whatever makes you feel better, Black Arts.

Lu Hai: Indeed, Donald Duck will pose a problem for us. He's the Mage of Thunder after all and with his temper he's bigger threat than ever before even with his bad luck which was what ironically depleted me of my powers.

Negaduck: I don't really care about that temperamental moron anyway? I only want that hack actor Drake Mallard and that annoying little rat that's supposed to be his partner. If they think I'm dead than they're all dumber than I thought.

Karnage: And I have a score to settle with Dewey Duck! He may have caught me off-guard in our aerial showdown but I will not make that same mistake again! He drew out his sword. He will fall by the sword of DON KARNAGE!

Shellgoose: I've only joined to seek help in destroying those annoying Caballeros.

Lu Hai: I merely seek to claim back Mr Gander as my good luck charm so I may fully restore my powers.

Steelbeak: I've got me a score to settle with that pilot guy, Launchpad aka Dummy-O-Duck! No one makes me look stupid and get away with it!

Felldrake: Weren't you already as stupid as this moron holding me?

Shellgoose: Hey!

Steelbeak: Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Graves: I have some unfinished business with Daisy Duck and her nieces.

Lunaris: Your desire for vengeance and reasons for hating Donald, Scrooge, Della and they're family is why Merlock and I gathered you all here. With FOWL gone, the time is now right for us to all join together and strike.

Maleficent: Yes. Pete and I remained in the shadows, waiting for events to play out in this world, considering FOWL was determined to destroy the both of us too. With Bradford now a mindless buzzard… Magica holds up and presents her pet buzzard. …The time has come to make our next move.

Pete: You got that right sister.

Steelbeak: But why bring us old FOWL agents into this. In case you forgot wolf-man me and Nega here turned you and a few others here into mindless slaves.

Negaduck: Steel boy's right. Why would you want us on your team?

Karnage: For the record, I didn't know FOWL had captured any of you. I only joined it to take revenge on Dewey Duck.

Merlock: Oh, I haven't forgotten what you did to me Steelbeak and I'm sure neither has Magica, the Beagles and Mark Beaks. However, for the sake of vengeance I'm more than willing to put all that aside. This team is the combination of the Duck Family and all their allies' worst enemies. He brings a family photo of the Duck Family. We have scores to settle with each member, especially one in particular…

Lunaris: The screen zooms in on Donald. Donald Duck. Many of us have been wronged by this one being, the third most powerful mage in the world who's the main reason why I was imprisoned in the moon.

Merlock: He turned me into a child and left me to die in my own volcano.

Magica: He cost me my magic and humiliated me in the Shadow War.

Shellgoose: He cost me my presidency…

Felldrake: And my true form along with those other annoying Caballeros and Xandra.

Graves: He and Daisy humiliated me in that fiasco with Glamour.

Glomgold: He, Scrooge and the blue nephew took the jewel of Atlantis from me! It was mine!

Big Time: He's beaten us up more times than we can count!

Lu Hai: His bad luck caused me to lose all my powers and with his victory and uncle's trickery, caused me to lose the luckiest man on Earth.

Karnage: Any relative of Dewey will always be an enemy of mine!

Maleficent: He, the annoying dog and the wretched keybearer have been a nuisance to all my plans.

Pete: Jeez, almost every one of us have grudge against Quackers over there.

Mark Beaks: Not me, I'm just helping to up my visibility.

Negaduck: I just wanna kill that hack, Drake.

Lunaris: …Which is why we are here. Alone we cannot defeat Donald or Scrooge or their family.

Merlock: But together, with our combined might we can crush this annoying family. He telepathically presents the Missing Mysteries he took. And with the power of the Sword of Swanstantine, the Ring of Yin and the Stone of What-was, we can finally crush this family once and for all!

Everyone notices the Sword of Swanstantine is whole again, fully repaired.

Graves: How did you repair the Sword of Swanstantine? I thought Donald had cleaved it in two.

Magica: He did, but using my powers to bend reality it was easy to repair this blade.

Lunaris: And with the expertise of another FOWL Agent in regards to these Missing Mysteries we'll have everything we need to destroy the Ducks.

Karnage: Those who were with FOWL are intrigued. Another FOWL agent? Who could you possibly be talking about?

Steelbeak: Phantom Blot and Pepper have gone incognito and MIA and with no Frankenstein to protect him Rockerduck has gone on the run.

Negaduck: And as far as we're concerned Black Heron is dead.

Heron: Oh, am I.

Emerging from a shadowy corner was Black Heron wearing a sinister grin. She is alive and well, having escaped from the Null Realm. All the Non-mage villains (excluding Lunaris) gasps in shock.

Villains: Black Heron!

Heron: Greetings old friends!

Steelbeak: How are you still here!? Bradford threw you into the vortex and sent you into the Null Realm!

Beaks: Maybe he's some sort of ghost!

Heron: Don't be ridiculous, I'm not a ghost!

Black Arts: Then how are you alive!? The Solego Circuit Vortex should've vaporised you!

Heron: Heron takes her seat between Steelbeak and Graves. That would've been the case…were it not for the mages sat here in this table.

Maleficent: Indeed. With our powers combined and Magica's extensive knowledge over reality it was rather easy to temporarily reopen the Solego vortex and then for me to enter the Null Realm, freeing you from your prison.

Heron: And I'm most grateful for that Maleficent. You can be assured that you all have my complete cooperation with no harmful intent aimed at any of you.

Merlock: A wise choice Heron.

Felldrake: What about Bradford's brothers. Did you rescue them too?

Lu Hai: We have no use for them so simply left them to their fate.

Magica: Fair enough. They're useless anyway.

Heron: Heron sends out her hand to caress Bradford. Such a shame to see you're now a mindless dumb bird Bradford. I was actually proud to see the villain I groomed you to become. Oh, well. All good things must come to an end.

Merlock: Do not worry, Heron. You'll find that this organization will be much more enjoyable than FOWL ever was.

Heron: How so?

Lunaris: For one you are free to laugh as evilly as you want and use as many powerful artefacts as you wish.

Heron: Heron grins. Then I'm in! As Lunaris just said, people, with my expertise over the Missing Mysteries that we have, we shall have the ultimate power.

Steelbeak: And with my newfound superior intelligence, courtesy of the Inteli-Ray I'm sure I can easily provide some advanced weaponry that is so gonna totally roast those Ducks once and for all.

Heron: So, you used the Intelli-ray on yourself, Steelbeaks?

Steelbeak: Not so stupid now, am I Heron.

Heron: I suppose not. I think I'll like this Steelbeak better than the old one.

Lu Hai: And with new found magic you've provided me, my powers have been restored. I just need to take back Gladstone Gander so I can travel between dimensions once again.

Pete: So then, now that all of us are together, we're finally all set.

Merlock: Yes we are Pete. With all the pieces in play Donald having has magic back will no longer be a concern. With the powers us mages will provide and the weaponry provided by the former FOWL agents Donald Duck and his family will be all but a fond memory.

Ma Beagle: The villains are all grinning. I'm starting to like our chances.

Lunaris: If you all provide myself and Merlock the things you desire the most.

With every offer Lunaris made each villain grinned.

Lunaris: Flintheart Glomgold, with my gold from the planet moon you shall be the Richest Duck in the World permanently. Ma Beagle, once we kill Scrooge the Deed to Duckburg shall be yours. Mark Beaks, we will ensure your company is number 1; Gizmoduck will be but a memory. Falcon Graves, Beaks memory of you shall be erased so he he'll never bother you again…

Beaks: Wait, what?

Lunaris: Magica De Spell, you shall finally take your revenge on your cursed niece. Steelbeak, Don Karnage and Negaduck, you shall each respectively have your revenge on Launchpad, Dewford and the new so-called Darkwing Duck.

Merlock: Shellgoose, once we're done with this family we will ensure your presidency is given back to you. Felldrake we will free you from the staff and restore your true form. Toad Lu Hai, by the end of the day Gladstone Gander will be yours once more to feed off his natural good luck. Maleficent and Pete, this world will be yours to plunge it in the darkness you so desire. Black Heron, you can rule this world under their guidance. So what do you all say, will you make the right decision and join our cause.

Heron:* The villains all voice their disagreements.* I have but one condition to ask: that we call our group the true Fiendish Organisation for World Larceny.

Lunaris: Lunaris and Merlock nod to each other. Very well then. We couldn't really care less about the name.

Heron: I'm officially in!

Merlock: Excellent! It's time…to come out of the shadow. We have a wedding to crash. It's time… for the True Final Battle.

Merlock, Lunaris, Flintheart Glomgold, Magica De Spell, Ma Beagle, the Beagle Boys, Black Arts Beagle, Don Karnage, Baron Von Shellgoose, Lord Felldrake, Leopold the Horrible, Toad Lu Hai, Mark Beaks, Steelbeak, Falcon Graves, Black Heron, Maleficent, Pete and Negaduck all sat together erupting with laughter of pure evil. They're final assault on the Duck-McDuck family was about to begin.

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