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16.7K 615 193

Into the ashen night, of a billion stars, the serendipity of duality that is our shared existence, is both fu... More

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1.2K 46 12

On this night the natural black hugs the stars as a mother to her newborn. Y/n was staring straight ahead. She could clearly make out Gi-hun's nervous pacing in the darkness.

"You would think serial killers would be punctual," said Y/n, glancing at her wristwatch. It was eight o'clock, yet Gi-hun had not been picked up.

"Patience, Y/n" reminded Jun-ho in a smooth voice. He did not glance at Y/n. His eyes remained trained on the road.

Y/n huffed before slumping down in the leather seat. The duo had been waiting in Jun-ho's car since quarter to 8 and Y/n was starting to lose her mind.

"I mean I'm sure they are busy but they've really got to work on their timeliness" said Y/n shaking her head.

"You're one to talk" muttered Jun-ho sparing a quick glance at the woman.

Y/n turned to face Jun-ho. A slight smile painted his face. The bright moonlight reflected off his face that created an angelic aura around him.

"I have no idea what you mean" said Y/n defiantly.

Jun-ho's grin widened. "Oh, so you weren't the one who ran in half an hour late on one of my birthdays and launched yourself onto me?"

"That was one time!"

"I'm guessing you also weren't the one who strolled in an hour late for the one school assembly? Or the one who spent too much time picking out a dress to your own brother's celebration dinner? Or–"

"Alright fine! My god you're an insufferable–"

But before Y/n could complete her insult a very visible long black car approached Gi-hun. Y/n could see the man settle himself in the car and she thought she saw a release of gas before the car was moving in the other direction.

Jun-ho was quick to follow. His face was void of his previous grin and now resembled a chiseled stone.


It was by no means a short journey. The road seemed endless. It stretched onward, hugging the land, taking each turn in easy stride.

Y/n didn't have much to do. Her eyes were starting to droop and Y/n was not about to fall asleep. Instead she turned her entire body to face Jun-ho and curled her legs into herself.

Jun-ho's dark eyes gazed over her figure before turning back to the road.

"How come you're not in a relationship?" asked Y/n softly to break the silence.

The man seemed slightly startled but he relaxed soon enough. "There's many reasons. It's not like my job offers many opportunities for dating. Besides I don't think women particularly like when a man is more focused on their work more than her wishes."

"But I mean being a police officer does seem like an attractive profession. It's got a lot of respect to it. I'm sure you've had your fair share of romantic offers. You just won't tell me"

"No, I'm serious. I've been so focused on solving cases, gaining the chief's trust, and building my own reputation that I've given no time for a romantic life"

"Well, you've got to at least have a type, Jun" said Y/n raising her eyebrows.

Jun-ho did not reply right away. He focused on the road until he gave Y/n another glance. Y/n tried to decipher what this glance meant but to no avail.

"If I say all the stuff I feel like I'm going to sound picky."

"If you're going to spend your life with this person then they better meet your expectations," said Y/n, trying to nudge Jun-ho to reveal his thoughts.

"Well, I'd like her to be understanding. My work is very important to me and I will prioritize her first but she would need to understand that I may not be home as much as she'd like. Kind, loyal, smart and honest. Whatever happens I'd want the entire truth from my partner. I also wouldn't want her to be one of those really clingy types though."

"Clingy types?" asked Y/n chuckling.

"You know those girls they show in movies? With high voices and they cling onto their boyfriend's arms like leeches or something. Like yes I would like sweet romantics but that's a little too much"

"leeches?" cried Y/n laughing. "You've got a way of thinking about women."

"Okay enough about me. What about you? Why don't you have a special someone?" asked Jun-ho raised his eyebrows and smirked slightly. "What about your type?"

"I haven't found anyone and tall, dark, and handsome" deadpanned Y/n hardly managing to keep a straight face.

"That was fail now tell me the real story. I'm sure someone caught your eye in America."

"I was so focused on making my dad proud and achieving what I wanted that I never really stopped to consider exactly what I was doing. I wasn't a complete workaholic but I don't think I experienced America as much as I should've."

"You know that your dad was always proud of you? Even when you merely smiled or did something basic he'd be so happy. You could see it in his eyes."

"He's done so much for me and Ha-kun that I feel like achieving something would make me worth all his affection. But that's not how it works. If someone loves you they are going to love no matter what you do."

There was a moment of quiet before Jun-ho started speaking again. "I told you my type, Y/n! Tell me yours"

"I wasn't lying about the tall. I'd want honesty and understanding too. I just feel like its hard trust someone so much and when that breaks I feel like I would just shatter. I don't think I could recover from something like that. He shouldn't be too sore on the eyes. Kind, caring, responsible, and my dad has to like him"

"Only your dad?"

"I don't care what Ha-kun thinks. He wouldn't like me settling down with anyone."

"You ever think about the fact that, whoever this person is, they are going to know absolutely everything about you. It's kind of a terrifying thing in a way" asked Jun-ho keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

"That's one way to think about it. I would appreciate the complete freedom though. In my job I feel suffocated sometimes. I love it no doubt, but there's always expectations to meet. You have to be strong all the time and I think having that break with someone I love would be calming or stabilizing in a way."

Jun-ho nodded in understanding. "It's like exploring another side of you. I feel like at the station and on missions I'm always this cold hearted officer but when I'm with you or family it just feels so freeing."

"It's because we see the true you, Jun. Not some prodigy officer who's solved hundreds of cases. Not some composed detective. I see the young boy who laid on the grass with me. The young boy who was kind, thoughtful and caring."

Jun-ho could not make eye contact with the woman sitting beside him. He appreciated her so much that his eyes were becoming misty. What would he have done without her?

Y/n was not staring at Jun-ho. She was laughing to herself about something.

"What is it?" asked the man once he had composed himself again.

"Imagine how much we would fail at being romantic. I would probably laugh in the middle of a confession."

"Speak for yourself. I think I'd be a real charmer. Make women swoon with these dark eyes" said Jun-ho widening his eyes to emphasize his point.

"In your dreams", said Y/n, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

Jun-ho shook his head in clear disapproval before turning his attention back to the gravely path.

They dissolved into silence again as the van in front of them turned onto a particularly dark street.

Y/n leaned in front to stare at the bright stars through the windshield. She gazed at the stars embedded into the black night which brought beauty to one another, as only complementary opposites ever can.


"Is that a boat?" asked Y/n incredulously as the van they were following blended into the hundred of black vans on the ship.

"It sure looks like one" answered Jun-ho his mind already whirring away at a plan.

"Jun, they are inspecting the people. We can't just get on this ship. And we can't become the players because the scanners won't recognize us," said Y/n, noticing the scanners in the guards' hands.

"I have a plan. You turn the car around and go back. I'm going to get on this ship" said Jun-ho already unbuckling his seat belt.

"Horrible plan. I'm rejecting it" replied Y/n staring at the officer.

"Y/n don't be ridiculous. We don't have time–"

"Clearly, our only option is to become one of those guards. We cannot shoot because that will attract attention. So we have to knock them out and change. Which means disposal of the body. Okay, I've got it" interrupted Y/n pausing to glance at Jun-ho. "I'll take that van right there and you can take the one right in front. I can handle everything else just help me throw the body over the edge" said Y/n nodding at her partner.

Jun-ho stared at her. He wanted to object but he could see the fierce look in her eyes. There was no way she was backing down. Sighing, he got out of the car right after the woman and the two of them crept towards the closest black vans.

Y/n snuck into her van and pretended to be asleep with all the other participants. She knew it was a matter of minutes before the guard came to check her identification.

As predicted, the pink guard was hovering over Y/n, his scanner pointed right at her face.

Y/n could hear the scanner reject her face.

"I would've remembered such a pretty face" whispered the guard.

Y/n took her chance. She opened her eyes and lunged at the guard before he had time to react. She slammed his head into the seat and wrapped both her arms around his neck and choked him. The man was struggling with all his effort and Y/n could feel him reaching for his gun. Y/n kicked his hand away and yanked off his mask.

The man was surprisingly young. He was in his mid-twenties early thirties at most. A flash of guilt spread through Y/n's eyes but she knew what she had to do. 

She struck him with a well placed punch right in the neck so that he fell unconscious. Y/n took off the guard's suit, incredibly relieved to find that he was wearing thin clothes underneath. She pulled on the suit and secured the mask on her face.

She glanced at the van right in front noticing that another guard was dragging a body to the side of the ship. Y/n pulled the unconscious man as far as she could. Jun-ho was quick to react. He came over and pushed the guard Y/n had knocked out over the edge of the ship. He took the time to throw his ID over the edge too. Y/n was about to pull hers out but she heard footsteps.

Y/n only had a second to glance at the dark waves lapping over the two bodies until a guard with a triangle mask walked over.

"Hey, you!" came his deep voice.

Y/n could hear Jun-ho breathing heavily and she realized the extend to which she had to perfect her act. Y/n noticed the traingle masked guard glance at her figure and Y/n caved in slightly so that her curves were less visible.

It struck Y/n that she was pretending to be a man. And men had certain characteristics that she lacked and she had certain characteristics that they lacked.

"Sorry. I just got seasick" replied Jun-ho in a hurry.

The deck supervisor turned around to stare at Jun-ho. "Did you forget the rules? You do not speak unless your superior allows you to. Go standby in the cabin."

Jun-ho walked out sparing a discreet glance at Y/n.

"What were you doing number 030?" asked the supervisor. Y/n had to glance down at her chest slightly to see the clear number 30 on her chest.

Y/n did not speak until the supervisor allowed her. Keeping her heart calm and her voice deep but steady, she replied, "Just needed a breath."

"Keep your task in mind number 030. Wandering will result in death. Go stand in the cabin" Y/n gave a slight nod before following Jun-ho's path.


"Attention. The work schedule is done for today.

All active staff, please take this time to return to your rooms.Let me repeat the instruction. The work schedule is done for today. All active staff, please take this time to return to your rooms" announced the woman over the P.A system.

Y/n dug the key out of her pocket and unlocked the door labeled number 030. She glanced at number 029 remembering that out of all the other guards only the one right beside her was a friend.

Y/n noticed slight clanging as a tray of food was shoved into her room. Y/n also had to remember that she had night duty in a few hours.

Y/n glanced at the camera in the room. She turned herself so that her back was facing the camera and slightly unzipped her suit. In her pant pocket she found a hair tie. Quickly zipping up her suit again she slightly pulled off her pink hood. She angled herself so that her long hair was hardly visible and she tied a quick pony tail before pulling off her hood entirely.

Y/n knew it wouldn't count as much. Her facial features would clearly tell her gender but she ate her food facing the wall trying to hide her face.

Considering that no one was pointing a gun to her head, Y/n called her actions successful. In a few minutes all the lights were out and Y/n quickly threw off her clothes and buried herself under the two blankets. She yanked out her phone and found Jun-ho's texts.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine" replied Y/n. 

Y/n knew she needed a solution to her many problems. The suit however loose it was in certain parts was definitely tighter in places it shouldn't be. Y/n had an idea but she would have to be extremely quick about it. She only had an hour till her night duty started.

Y/n took one of the blankets and ripped a large and thick strip with her teeth. She just had to hope it would be strong enough.

Underneath the covers, she pulled off her shirt and tied the cloth as tightly over her chest as she could, but it wasn't making a difference. As hard as she pulled the cloth would eventually loosen and the curve of her chest would still be visible.

In the next room, Jun-ho could clearly hear grunts of frustration and pain. He glanced at his phone and messaged Y/n.

"Are you in pain or something?" he asked.

"I'm just trying to fix something" replied Y/n.

"About what?"

"My figure"

"What? Y/n you're going to get killed if you make any more noise. What are you even doing?"

"There are anatomical differences between a man and a female and I'm trying to fix them."

"What do you mean?"

"Idiot. What do I have that you don't?"

Jun-ho became flustered. He definitely did not want to answer that question. 

"I don't know what you mean"


Jun-ho was glad no one could see him under the covers, because he was suddenly feeling incredibly hot.

"Can't you just cave your front in?" 

"They'll tell me to straighten myself eventually. The guy I knocked out was a guy so I basically have to be a guy. I also doubt any of these guards are women."

"Why don't you go to the bathroom then? I doubt there are cameras there"

"I can't leave until I'm called for night duty."

"They can't stop us from going to the bathroom."

"Us?" asked Y/n.

"They can deny one person they can't deny two people."

And just like that Y/n and Jun-ho were knocking on their door waiting for a supervisor. 


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