LoveSick Ghostface x Reader D...

By HolyGhostface

173K 3.3K 5.4K

Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, The 1996 killers. They have killed several innocent teenagers and adults, hiding th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Irl characters
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 3

10.7K 220 296
By HolyGhostface

// sorry if my book is slow right now. Hopefully it'll get spicy next chapter. Just wanted to bring this one out already. Have the some more characters right here! I haven't dont them all just yet. //

I walked outside my house seeing Aaron waiting there in his jeep. I enter the jeep and slightly smiled at him. " Thanks again for driving me to school." He shrugged and drove away from my house. " I gotta pick up Tommy and he lives pretty far. So it might take a while." I nod going on my phone.

As he was driving I spoke. " It happened again yesterday." He looked over at me confused but quickly look back at the road. I continued talking. " The call... Uh, he called me again. Stranger Guy." I see him stiff up. " Did anything weird happen?" I shrugged. " I-I don't know. It felt like a normal conversation at first. Until he said my name." " He said your name?! Like your full name or-" " No just my first name. He said the line from Nightmare on Elm Street. ' I'm your boyfriend now-' and then he said my name. He didn't know it was my name. He thought it was (Y/n) and not Nancy. It was a mistake and a coincidence....I think." He laughed and stopped at a house. Tommy's house of course. He honked and looked over at me. " You still have the dude's number? Maybe we should call him." I shook my head. " You're crazy. I'm not doing that." He laughs again. " He's most likely not going to call, just try." " What if he does? What then?" He shrugged. I sighed pulling up my contact history. I tap on it and it started to ring. The ringing felt loud in my ears as it was the only sound at the moment. We both got closer to the phone as it kept ringing. There was a knock on my side of the window making me scream and Aaron jump. I look over to see Tommy smiling, hand on the window. He started to laugh seeing our terrified faces. " The door is locked." We both look over at my phone seeing the mysterious man didn't answer. I sighed as Aaron unlocked the car door.

Tommy climbs inside the car. " Seems like you two are getting along. Who were you just calling now (Y/n)?" " It was the stra-" " She was calling her mom. No big deal." Aaron lied and drove off to get to school. Why would he lie? " So (Y/n), you think you can help me with geometry? Yesterday you showed off good moves." I laughed and nodded. " Sure just give me your number." He smiles as we both exchanges numbers.

We made it to school and walked over to our group of friends. Tommy waves at them. " Hey, guys. Anything new?" Daisy sighs. " If you call my dad taking away my phone new then yes." Tommy shakes his head. " Doesn't sound new to me." I sit next to Evan and Lily. He was on his phone while she was resting her head on his shoulder. Everyone was having a nice conversation with each other. " Why did your dad take away your phone Daisy?" Everyone groaned. " Don't get her started with that. It's always the same thing." Tommy says nudging me. Daisy rolled her eyes. " Dad found out I was talking to Derick. This is terrible. " I looked over to Tommy. He leans in and whispers in my ear. " Derick is a dropout in the school. Now he's a crazy druggy." I nod. Wow. There's a lot of crazy stuff in Woodsboro. Soon the bells ring telling us to head to class.

My first class seemed to go by really fast. Next thing I knew I was in second period. Our teacher was absent today so it was noisy in class. I was just talking to Evan and Tommy. " So (Y/n), anything new with your secret admirer?" Tommy said doing a worksheet we had got. " So he's my secret admirer now?" I laughed a little. " Yeah, he called yesterday. We can talk about it at lunch-" I was cut off when Emma went in front of me. Blocking my sight from Tommy. " Hey, Tommy." She smiles at him. A sweet innocent smile. He frowns at her. " What do you want Emma. I was busy talking to (Y/n)." He points behind her. All she did was roll her eyes. " She can wait." Evan scoffed. " Would it kill you to be a little nice?" She ignored him. " I was wondering if you can help me with history. I'm failing really bad. Maybe you can give me some private lessons? Heard you're really good." He sighs shaking his head. " Sorry, Emma. I don't know where you got that from but I'm not the guy to come to. " She groaned and left us. Evan laughed. " Tommy, you just rejected the hottest girl in school." Tommy rolled his eyes. " I got my eyes on someone else." He glanced over at me and smiled. " Plus I lied to her. I don't want to be in all her crazy drama shit." I smiled at him. " So you don't mind helping me in History? It's my least favorite subject." Tommy nods. " Sure. You help me in geometry I help you in history. Win-win." We both laugh together. I looked over at Emma and she was glaring at me. I looked away from her evil glare and asked to use the restroom.

Going to the restroom I feel a buzz go off in my pocket. I pull my phone out and see it was the mysterious guy calling me. Huh? Why right now? I answer. " Hello?" I enter the restroom. " Hello (Y/n)." I cringe. That's right, I gave him my name by his mistake. I'm a complete idiot. I awkwardly laugh. " Yeah, about yesterday. Sorry for accusing you of being a creep. I thought you knew my name." He laughs. " All good." " Why are you calling me? I'm kinda busy. I'm at school." " You called me first." I almost forgot. Aaron told me to call him to see if he answered. " Oh yeah. Sorry about that. It was just a misclick-" Out of nowhere, the restroom door was slammed open. I look over to see Emma glaring at me. I pull my phone away from me. " Uh. Hi Emma." She walked over to me and pushed me slightly. " Don't hey Emma me you bitch." I looked at her scared and confused. " What did I do?" She rolled her eyes. " Don't act stupid with me. You made me look like an idiot in front of Tommy." I slightly laugh. " I did? How?" She didn't answer me. " You don't have a reason do you." She got closer to me and slapped me. Really hard. " Ow.." I hold my cheek. " Listen to me good (Y/n). I know you were two were laughing at me. I'm not an idiot. If you ever get in my way. You're dead." She turns around and walks out. What the fuck?

I pull my phone back to my ear. " Hello? You still there?" All I heard was laughing from him. " Wow, she sounds like a real bitch." He heard all of that. " Yeah sorry about that. I don't know what just happened." I sighed looking at the mirror. Nothing noticeable on my face. Just a sting feeling my face where she slapped me. " Who was that?" I hear the guy say. " Oh nobody. Just the most popular girl in school. " " Yikes. Good luck. Hope she doesn't put you in her book." He slightly laughs. " Book?" " You ever seen Mean Girls?" I rolled my eyes laughing. " I got to go, mysterious guy. Bye." " Bye (Y/n)." I hung up and left the restroom.

I walk back into the class going back to my seat. " Everything okay (Y/n)?" Tommy asked me. " Yeah, Emma went to the restroom after you. She didn't do anything did she?" Evan asked concerned. I slightly looked over at Emma. She was looking at me with a glare but went back to talking to her friends as Tommy looked behind him. " Nah she didn't go the restroom." They both looked at me but just nod.

What am I getting into?

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