Dear Inspector, It Was The Gh...

By ProximaCentauri101

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Dultones high school is known for being haunted. Strange noises in the staffroom, reports from the cleaners o... More

Part one, Chapter 2 -Empty
Part one, Chapter 3 -Lost
Part one, Chapter 4 -Broken
Part two, Chapter 5 -Ghosts?

Part one, Chapter 1 -Trapped

11 1 5
By ProximaCentauri101

Robyn hadn't gotten anywhere. She'd been working with Kathy and Joey for ages, but they hadn't taken the task seriously enough. Partway through the lesson, Grace came up and sat with them. 'Joey, come on,' she whined, pouting. 'Look, I can swap you for Xia. Please. You, KJ and me. We work well together, don't we.'

'Work isn't the word for it.' Joseph reluctantly got up and said a quick hello to Xia as they swapped places. She sat down and looked at both of us. 

'I have a few ideas of how to solve this.' 

'You're joking. It's all a bit of fun,' Kathy didn't sound certain. Yet there was hope in her wavering voice. 'Jamie's death will stay unsolved, right? I mean, it's been 4 years.'

'You know the charity event tonight?' Xia had a hint of wild excitement, her emerald eyes shining mysteriously. 'There was one four years ago. Jamie was there. She died only hours after it ended.' 

Kathy looked intrigued. 'Go on, what happened?'

'I think that she was one of the people who stayed behind to help clear up after the event. When she was walking home that night, the killer struck and she died. I have no idea who the killer is or could be, but the height and spacing of the wounds suggest that the killer was tall and of a masculine build. I'm not ruling anything out here. But it is a good explanation, sort of.'

'What next?'

'I- I don't really know from there.' Xia smiled evasively. Robyn could tell she knew more than she was saying, maybe even hiding the key to solving a 4 year old murder. 'Anyway, remember afternoon school's cancelled so we can set up for the event. It starts at 3. Maybe we can figure some more stuff out then?'

They agreed to talk at the charity event later that night. The bell rang for lunchtime and Kathy walked with Robyn to her best friend's classroom. Lilly March had been Kathy's best friend since forever, but they weren't in any classes because they were in separate top sets. Lilly had always gone by her surname after her mother left, not wanting to use the first name she'd been given. 

March was really pretty, even Grace envied her. The popular group had tried to get her to join them with no success. She always stayed by Kathy's side. Kathy and March was a well-known friendship throughout the school. They'd been close since nursery and yet had perfectly contrasting hobbies. 

Robyn thought about Sam, feeling lonely. They would be back in time for the afternoon, hopefully. The three of them ate lunch together, Kathy and March discussing Jamie and the event excitedly. The chatter of both of them got louder and more excited as KJ walked past. Both girls had liked him for years, yet Robyn noticed that Kathy didn't seem as enthusiastic anymore. 

'Hey, March!' KJ called from across the hall, coming to sit next to them. 'You know the event tonight, yeah. You wanna hang out together afterwards?' 

March grinned. 'Sure.' They talked cheerfully for all of lunchtime. The break started at 12 and was meant to finish at one, but it dragged on for another hour due to teachers having to prep for the event. The mayor of Dultones, John Rodriguez, was attending the event so it was an extremely big deal for the small high school. 

Groups of students in the highest set maths, English and the sciences of the top 3 year groups were put into pairs or threes to work at a separate stall. Kathy and Xia had agreed to go together, KJ and March would be flirting all night. Robyn prayed Sam would be back on time. 

Robyn got up and headed to the bathroom, leaving the trio talking. She headed down the hallways, taking the longest route to avoid seeing the caretaker. She went into the bathroom, then heard raised voices. She opened the door and peered out stealthily. 

Joey was arguing with Grace again. Her heart leapt. 'Joey, you don't love me at all! If you love her so much, why did you ever lead me on? You're so annoying. I hate you!'

'I don't-' Joey looked lost and uncertain. 'That's not what I meant.'

Grace took a drink from a small flask, probably with coffee in it to make her look better or something like that. 'I can't believe you! Can't you see that she's a freak!' she screeched like a bird. 

Joey's sweet eyes darkened. 'Don't you dare call her a freak.' Robyn gasped as Joey slapped Grace, leaving a red mark. Robyn expected Grace to run off crying like she usually did after the pair fought, but she didn't. She took the lid off her flask and poured the boiling hot contents over Joey's head. 'Oops,' she whispered and dropped the flask, storming off. 

Grace walked straight past Robyn, thankfully not seeing her. She wanted to leave her hiding spot and help him, but as she left the bathroom, Joey had already gone into the men's toilet. Robyn came back to the lunch hall and sat down with her friends. Her heart was beating uncontrollably and she sat down, balling her hands into fists to stop them from shaking. Grace wandered into the hall innocently. 

She sat down next to KJ, across from Robyn, who tried to act like she'd seen nothing. Grace smiled her infectious smile. 'Hey, Kathy!' She grinned. 'I think Xia likes you. Just saying. KJ, call me after?' 

Robyn began to understand. Grace was bored with Joey, discarding him like an old toy. She'd move on to the next person available, which was KJ, the mayor's son. Grace was a gold digger that'd never love anyone. 

She prayed that Joey would be okay, and would come back into the lunch hall looking his happy, normal self that Robyn adored. She was waiting for him to walk through the door, but when the bell rang she still hadn't seen him. 

Forty-five minutes later, when all the students had finished preparation, Joey still hadn't returned. Robyn waited until the Miss James had her back turned and escaped the crowded hall. She wandered down the corridors and stopped, almost bumping into someone. Not someone. Him.

Her ex. Last year, Robyn had dated Benji Castle, one of the dumbest guys in the year group. They'd been happy together, he'd even told her he loved her, when they stopped talking and he broke up with her, breaking her heart. She'd never been the same since. She hadn't been able to nonchalantly flirt with people like she used to, only feeling feelings when it came to Joey. 

Weeks ago, in a religious studies class, a question asked what was important to you. Robyn had been conflicted, facing the question like she faced life. What and who in the world would you give your life for without regret. Benji and Joey were the only things that came to mind, and neither of them cared about her as much as she cared about them. 

'Hey, duck.' Benji smiled that infectious smile that always made the world, however dark, light up. Robyn tried to dodge past him, but her mind would always go back to when they were sitting on the park bench together, sharing a drink and a bar of chocolate. Or the time he said he loved her when she was getting a lift home after their first date. Every time she thought she was done, she'd go home and write songs about him, finger hovering over the block this caller button, never pressing it. 

She'd sit in her bed for hours, crying, thinking of the past, knowing that all her friends didn't understand. They all said it'd get better, but Robyn knew it wouldn't. It hadn't with Joey. 'Hi, penguin,' she smiled shyly, noting that she'd naturally used their old nicknames. When penguins mate, they mate for life. When Benji dated, he'd date for a few months then leave chaos and heartbreak. 

Benji talked to her, but she barely heard him. 'I have a way to sneak into the stalls, d'you want to work with me tonight if Sam isn't back?' Benji knew that Sam was the most important, always coming above him, throughout the entire relationship. 'Look, I'm sorry if I hurt you. It hurt me too. You just seemed much happier before we were together. It was better for both of us. Please, give me this tonight.'

'If Sam isn't back,' Robyn tried to keep the pained excitement out of her voice. They said their brief goodbyes and she hurried to the bathroom, hoping Joey was still in there. She stopped at the water fountain outside the men's bathroom and heard muffled sobbing. 'Joey?' she called, waiting outside. 

He came out of the bathroom shirtless, his hair messy and wet. Robyn's breath caught, he somehow managed to look so good after having boiling hot coffee poured over his head. He smiled at her and she forgot to breathe, wiping his face with his discarded shirt. 'Hey, can you do me a favour?' Joey looked lost.

'Anything,' butterflies whizzed around her stomach. Joey grinned. 

'Go to the lost property and spare school uniform box and get me a full outfit. Make it look as normal as possible. I'm one hundred and-'

'I know how tall you are,' Robyn sprinted down the corridor as fast as she could go. She arrived at the lost property box, and grabbed a shirt and tie. She also found an over-sized school blazer, with a pair of socks in one of the pockets for some reason. Now trousers and shoes. There was a pair of shoes that looked like they'd been there for years in the P.E. changing room. Lastly, she found a pair of trousers that'd be undoubtedly too small for him. 

She took her bundle and sneaked back to where Joey was waiting. 'Can you, like, is there a shower in the boy's changing room?' she asked him.

'No, is there one in the girls?' 

'No. There's one in the staff room, I've heard.'

'Okay. I'll be quiet and quick,' Joey grinned. 

'I'll keep watch,' Joey laughed at her. 'To check if any teachers are coming, of course. They'll hopefully all be downstairs, setting up the event. Just, please, be quick. I don't want you to get in trouble.'

He nodded and they headed upstairs to the staff room on the 2nd floor. 'Joey stop. Camera above your head. Stop. Go round, slowly. Good, good, they shouldn't be able to see you. You're back into the blind spot now, run, I'll wait just out here.'

Joey disappeared round the corner, leaving Robyn alone. She sat down, making sure to keep her feet in the blind spot. She took advantage of schools failing security and wandered into the staff room. Every subject had specifically assigned offices, but this room was where it all met. She went past the shower room and looked around, given that she'd probably never get the chance again. 

It was boring until she reached Mrs Forest's desk. She opened the drawer, expecting more paperwork, but instead found a single, framed photograph. It was ripped in places, with blurry, faded colour. She recognised Mrs Forest, Mr Forest, and the face of the dead girl, but there was another. 

He looked only a year or 2 younger than Jamie, with the same auburn hair and pale skin, the same inquisitive brown eyes, even a similar smile. He was wearing a school shirt, but not of one she knew, probably a first school where the he used to go. She glanced at the date the picture was taken. One day before Jamie had died. Four years and a day ago. 

She put the picture back into the drawer, noticing that the shower was no longer running. She stepped outside the staff room and saw the head teacher, Mr Hunter, walking towards them. Joey emerged from the shower room dressed in the mismatched uniform. But Robyn didn't have time to just stand and stare at him, she dragged him out of the room and they sprinted upstairs to the library on the top floor then stopped outside.

'Robyn, I need to-' Joey started to speak, but Robyn put her hand over his mouth and nodded towards the library. There were about 30 builders working on a knew fire escape. The students weren't even allowed up there. She removed her hand and they walked downstairs together. 'I need to go now.'

'Go where?' Robyn snapped, wanting to hear what he was going to say outside the library. 'Bag to your controlling pig of a girlfriend?'

'Yes, but the event starts in 10 minutes. Do you happen to be working with anyone or could you go with me?'

Robyn sighed. 'I'm going with Sam. But he's not here yet and I agreed to work with Benji until he got here.'

'Benji?' The venom in Joey's voice was poisonous.

'It's not like that. I need, I- Please try to understand.'

'Okay.' Joey walked off, leaving her alone. 

She took the shortcut past the cooking room into the main hall to find Benji waiting eagerly next to the cake stall. 'Hey, duck, where were you!'

'It doesn't matter. How'd you even get in here. I thought you weren't allowed because you're not.' Robyn stopped.

'Because I'm dumb. I know, but I'm friends with KJ so I kind of have special allowances.'

Robyn scoffed. 'Allowances aren't the only special thing about you.' 

'Hey! I'm not that stupid. Don't underestimate me. This is going to be a long few hours.'

'You're the one that asked to work with me. Stupid.'

'You think there's even a chance we're getting back together? That's not why I'm here. Get over it. I'm just here because I was told I had to be with the top of the year to be allowed in, which just had to be you, didn't it.'

'I thought Aron was top of the year?' Aron was Robyn's rival, the pair always getting the exact same test results. 

'He can't come so I was put with you. Unfortunately.'

Robyn's heart dropped to the bottom of her feet, crashing through the floor. Sometimes she forgot how much he hurt her and wished they could've made it work. She always felt guilty about her and Benji's failed relationship. After all, when he'd said he loved her, she'd never ever said it back, no matter how true it was. 

They had to stop talking then and fake smiles as the guests flooded in. She saw Joey take his phone out of his pocket and put it back seconds later, leaving the hall. Robyn heard her phone ping. 'Benji, I'll be back in one minute. Promise.'

She ran out to the bathrooms to find Joey waiting next to the drinking fountain. He looked exhausted yet super sweet with a stained shirt, a wonky tie, a huge blazer and trousers that stopped inches before his ankles. The socks were mismatched and the shoes evidently too small. 

Yet when he smiled it looked like he could've been a model or a superhero from a film. Robyn's heart melted, all the hate and conflict of the last few minutes easing away. She almost forgot the recent conversation with the guy she thought still cared, but in reality, couldn't care less. Almost.

'Hey Robbie!' he was smiling widely. 'Grace is driving me insane, completely ignoring me.' Joey was no longer wearing the blazer, instead a huge P.E. hoodie which nearly covered his face. 'Do you want to head outside for a bit now people have stopped arriving?'

There were 6 main playgrounds, or "yards", as the students had nicknamed them. One for each year group plus a sports one. The year 11 yard was simply nicknamed hell yard, the year 8 being quiet yard. The year nine area was the cold yard, year ten was safe yard. But year seven's yard nickname was the worst of all. Death yard, the place where Jamie was supposedly killed. 

'Yeah, sure!' Robyn took Joey's hand and they walked outside together. 

They sat on one of the benches in death yard and talked for a long time. It was only after the first people began leaving that they realised how long they'd spent outside. They watched the sunset too, all the time Joey not letting go of her hand. When Joey stood up, he groaned and fell back down. 

'Joey?' Robyn came up to him and watched in horror as the hood fell off his face. Even though it was 6 o'clock and already dark outside, Robyn could make out the shape of scratch marks. She thought back to Grace on the bus with her sharp nails. But it wasn't just the scratches on his face. 

One of his eyes was red and swollen from the burn. The side of his face that hadn't been cut was red too. Robyn thought that was bad until she lifted up the bloodied shirt. The flask must've been good quality, keeping the boiling water at about 100 degrees. Where the water had hit his side, his ribs were visible underneath the critical looking burn.

He moved to pull his shirt back down and stood up. 'It's nothing, honestly, I'm fine,' he lied. He got up and limped away, a car cutting off her view. By the time the car had gone, so had Joey. 

She tried to follow him but had no idea where he'd gone. She sighed, the thought of Benji running a store on his own, with the mayor in the room. All hell could've broken loose in the few hours she'd been gone. 

Yet when she came back into the room, nothing had changed. Apart from 1 thing. Mrs Forest had disappeared from standing outside the door. 

Robyn joined Benji sitting behind the stall. She looked through the place where they'd been told to put their money. It was almost empty, yet the amount we'd sold would've made several hundred. 'Benji, where's the money?' Robyn looked into his eyes. 'Don't lie.' He looked at her and passed her some notes from his pocket. 'Go home, now. I got this.'

Benji rolled his eyes and walked off, with his phone in his hand. As Robyn was just putting all the money away, the mayor's wife cam up to her. 'Excuse me, that boy dropped this, is it his?' She handed me a £10 note. Robyn took it, thanked the woman and ran after Benji. He was outside, walking slowly. When he saw her, he began to sprint.

Robyn was struck by the memory of the day before he'd asked her out. They were playing some kind of race game, and she'd gone against him, beating him easily. She sprinted after him, catching up within seconds. She couldn't stop him or catch him without pushing him down the stairs or grabbing him. She reached out and grabbed his shirt. 

It ripped, throwing him off balance. He tumbled down one, then 2 small staircases. Robyn took the money, then helped him up, dragging him back into school. 'Look, if you're going to steal, don't.' She pulled him through the door then dragged him back to the stall. She forced him to sit down on the chair and trapped him in there, angry. 

The mayor and his wife came over with KJ, looking at the available items. 'Can I have one of those, three of them and um, 6 of these.' He pointed at various items of food. 

'Excellent choice, Mr Rodriguez!' Robyn faked a smile and exchanged the money. They exchanged brief conversation, KJ chatting happily to Benji about him and March. 

Benji was smiling, pretending to be happy for them. 'We're even going on a date on Sunday!' KJ's face was lit up by his wide smile. Benji just looked bored. KJ chatted on and on, until he paused to notice Benji's face. KJ groaned. 'But you don't care, do you? You don't give one. Hell, you don't even understand love!' KJ glared at him. 'And then you try pick up the pieces of something you broke, or someone. Then you try to get back into their lives just to hurt them again because that's what you do. When will you let someone in?' 

'Bro, I can't talk to you about this right now.' Benji looked more than hurt. He looked broken.

'What was that I heard in your voice just then?' KJ sounded resentful. 'Wait. Was it? Was it emotion?' KJ pretended to be shocked. 'That rarely happens.' KJ took one more dirty look at Benji. 'Come on, mum, dad. Let's go.' The family walked off, managing to look important and rich with every step. 

Benji was crying. 'I can't let anyone in. He doesn't understand at all.'

Robyn ignored him completely as another customer wandered over. 'Hey Anna.' 

'Hi,' Anna was the music genius. Even now, Robyn could see the flute case over her shoulder. 'I was just playing my flute over there but Grace kicked me out saying I was annoying her and that my playing was terrible!'

Benji was no longer crying. He looked hopeful and happy. 'You're playing isn't terrible. It's beautiful. Just like you. You can come and play here if you want. It'll brighten up the atmosphere. You're a very talented musician. I play guitar. You know the Christmas concert? Maybe we could do something together for that?' 

Anna looked overjoyed. She was unaware of the danger headed in her direction. Robyn wanted to warn her, wishing she'd had someone to warn her. She didn't though. Maybe Benji actually loved her, unlike when he lied and smoothly wheedled his way into people's lives. 'Sure! I'll just set my flute up now. I need a chair, you got another one?'

Benji looked at Robyn and gave her that look. From their time together, she knew what it meant. 'No, but you can take mine. I was just about to go outside anyway. Enjoy, you two.' Robyn grinned falsely. Benji gave me a look that said thanks, but also promising not to steal anything. Except from Anna's heart. It was too late for that anyway. 

It hurt to see Benji with someone else. Would she say yes when he asked her? Would he say he loved her and then leave her heartbroken?

She headed outside then took her phone out of her pocket and called Joey. He answered immediately. 'Joey?' He hung up. 

Robyn put her phone in her pocket and headed back inside. She walked up the stairs towards the library, hoping it'd be empty and unlocked. Thankfully, it was and Robyn went inside to get lost in a book. After an hour she went back down to see Anna and Benji kissing in the cake stall.

There were no customers anymore. Most stalls were packed away now, only 7 students in the room excluding Robyn herself. The group of students were packing up their stalls and getting rid of the mess, packing spares in boxes. Once all the stalls were packed away, Robyn checked her phone. She had 2 missed calls from Sam. 

She called them back. 'Hey! How you doing?' 

'I'm in the school right now. Just getting my pencil case. I left it in the art room yesterday. I'll see you in the hall. Bye!' Sam hung up. 

The door to the hall swung open dramatically and Joey limped in. She ran towards him and asked him where he'd been but he ignored her. His face was once more covered by the hood. Sam came in through the other door and hugged Robyn tightly. 'I've missed you so much today!' they said happily. 

Then the caretaker entered. He looked slightly tired, with a shocked smile. 'Somebody's stolen my keys from me. All the doors are locked. We're trapped. Can't get out.'

We all followed him to every door in the school including the fire escapes. All of them wouldn't budge. As a final effort, they went to the office door that was meant to be open 24/7. It was closed and the office ladies were nowhere to be seen. 

Grace decided to speak up. 'They're all locked. We're trapped here.'

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