Falling in Chocolate

By ShauniNicole

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London bookshop owner and foodie Aziraphale is heartbroken when his boyfriend leaves him before their planned... More

Aziraphale Forgets Other Angels Do Not Share His Enthusiasm
An Angel on a Romantic Chocolate Tour Alone - What Could go Wrong?
Aziraphale Steps on Some Toes. But He's Very Polite About It.
Aziraphale Gets His Royal Invitation, and Crowley Gets an Angel on His Shoulder
Aziraphale is Treated to More Chocolate, and Crowley Treats Him to a Tasting
Aziraphale Makes Some Progress and Crowley Makes an Ass Out of U and Me
Crowley and Aziraphale Get Closer in More Ways than One
Crowley is Unhelpful, So Aziraphale Decides to Put Him in His Place
There's Something in the Way They Look Tonight
Crowley Rolls Out the Welcome Wagon, and Aziraphale Gets into a Tiff
Crowley Gives Some More Insight, and Aziraphale Gives Esther a Gentle Nudge
Crowley Presents His Winning Chocolate, and Aziraphale Goes on a Shopping Trip
The Ineffables Finally Present Their Entry, and Make Some Sobering Discoveries
Hastur Gives Crowley Good News, and Crowley Gives Aziraphale the Cold Shoulder
Whaddaya Say We Finally Bring the Yin and Yang Together, Where They Belong?

Does Aziraphale Have Some Sort of Demon Attracting Pheromone?

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By ShauniNicole

Next morning, Aziraphale is once again sitting in the lounge area of the hotel, reading Wilhelmina’s letters when Esther walks up to her.

“Postcards?” she asks.

“No, not at all.” Aziraphale replies, as he flips through them. “These were...written by one of my ancestors. He had a lifelong friendship with Queen Wilhelmina all the way up to her death.”

Esther gasps, “Wow. And I’m lucky if I can even make time for friends while I’m running this hotel.”

That surprises the angel, “Not even…?”

“No no.” Esther replies. “He keeps both this hotel and the palace stocked with his champagne. His family’s been running the Bubbles and Wine bar since 2005.”

“Oh!” That is definitely some interesting news. “Well, I thought he was excited to see you the other night.”

Esther tries to blow it off again, but there’s a blush on her face, “He’s just a very friendly man.”, then she waves. “Enjoy!”, and walks away.

Later, Aziraphale sees a bunch of people standing in line in front of a chocolate shop that he would’ve sworn wasn’t there before, and tentatively moves to join the line.

“So apparently you found what you’re looking for after all.” cones a voice from behind him, making him jump before he turns to look.

It’s the pale faced demon from yesterday, only he doesn’t look as annoyed or indifferent as he did last night.

Aziraphale laughs nervously, “I suppose I did. Hello.”, then holds out his hand to shake.

The demon takes it, but Aziraphale can’t help but be repulsed by the sweaty feel of his hands as they shake, then the demon introduces himself, “Hastur.”

Aziraphale offers back, “Aziraphale.”

“So...” Hastur, as he called himself, says, nodding towards the shop.

“So...” Aziraphale echoes. “Looks like I’ll get there before the day ends. So, that’s something.”

The demon tilts his head, “Been waiting long?”

Aziraphale shrugs, “Only about 15 minutes. But if it’s this popular, it’s got to be worth the wait, does it not? And really, what is that to a being who has all the time in the world anyway?”

But the demon apparently has another idea, as he gestures, “Come with me.”, and starts walking towards the front.

Aziraphale is aghast, “What, no! I’m not cutting in line! I don’t care if human rules don’t apply, I still have standards for human decency.”

Hastur appears amused by this for some reason, but just gestures again, “Just come with me. I promise it’ll be good.”, and walks further ahead.

And of course, Aziraphale can’t just let him go by himself, “Wait, what are you doing???”, and as he walks past the others in line, he holds up his hand and keeps repeating, “Sorry, sorry.”, and after one last, “I’m sorry.”, the demon holds the door open for him, so unlike what Aziraphale knows of demons, he finds himself walking through without thinking, then walking alongside the pale faced demon.

Upon seeing the crowd inside, Aziraphale notes, “Oh dear, just look at this. No one will even notice we’re here!”

“Oh I wouldn't say that.” Hastur says, moving ahead, then turning to look at the angel. “Considering you already know the owner, I think you’ll be alright.”

The confusion on the angel’s face makes one want to laugh as he stutters, “What? No! N-no, I don’t.”

“Yes.” Hastur says matter of factly, patting his chest. “You do.”
Aziraphale’s mouth drops open. “This is yours?”

The demon nods, “Indeed.”

Aziraphale nods, “I should’ve guessed. I KNEW this shop wasn’t here before.”, then turns to look at some of the chocolates on display, “Wait, does that say ‘lunar eclipse’?”

Aziraphale is impressed, “My stars, the details on these chocolates are incredible. You know, I once helped put a chocolate shop on the map. They had the same technique.”

Hastur appears to be interested in this, “So you’re a food critic?”

Aziraphale shakes his head, “Oh, no. I just go to a lot of shops in my free time.”

Hastur waves that off, “All that tells me is you definitely know your way around chocolate.”, and lifts the dome off a different chocolate, “Here. Give it a taste.”

Never one to turn down free chocolate, Aziraphale takes one, and nibbles a bite, “Oh, my word. That’s sweeter than I’d expect.”

“It’s yogurt, actually.” Hastur’s all too eager to tell him.

“Really? How delightful.” The angel says enthusiastically.

“Well, to me, if you’re going to make chocolate, it has to be the best.” Hastur offers, and Aziraphale can’t help but notice the word choice.

“Hm. Reminds me of someone else I know…”

Somehow, they end up at a window, where down below, workers are making the chocolate.

“Now I know you’ve seen so much already, but how’d you like a tour?” Hastur asks, not at all surprised when the angel says quickly, “I’d love one!”

Every moment, from the tempering, to the moldings, to the fillings, to the boxings, is a moment Aziraphale can’t bring himself to look away from, until finally, he finds himself following the demon back out.

“Now then.” Hastur starts, to get his attention. “Are you just visiting Amsterdam?”

After everything the demon has shown him, Aziraphale feels comfortable enough admitting, “I was, actually. But I’ve somehow found myself a job anyway.”, then pointing behind him somewhere, “Do you know Chocolatier Anthony and J?”

Hastur lifts both nonexistent eyebrows in surprise, “I do. I know it very well, as a matter of fact. We worked together in Hell.”

Aziraphale nods, “How ironic, I come to Amsterdam, and there’s two demons that happen to know each other. And they’re both competing for royal chocolatier.”

Hastur snorts, “Except I’m not too worried about the competition.”

That manages to put Aziraphale off some, “No? Well, then I’ll worry for you. Because we’re coming up with something...” then shakes his head, knowing better than to lie, “Something no one else would ever think of.”

“Oh are you now?” Hastur asks, but it’s clear from his tone he’s only humoring the angel.

“Yes. We are.” Aziraphale says with finality. 

“So, if you’re helping Crowley in the competition...” Hastur changes the subject. “That mean you won’t be leaving anytime soon?”

Aziraphale treads lightly, “Well, actually, I’ll have to head back to my bookshop right after All Hallow’s Eve.”

The pale faced demon gives a smile that’s reminiscent of a sneer, “Then we’ll be seeing more of each other, won’t we?”, as he hands the angel a box of chocolates.

It’s only out of politeness that Aziraphale replies, “I suppose we will.”, then takes the box. “Thank you.”

Hastur walks away, calling back, “I’ll see you around, angel.”

Aziraphale shudders at the name, and just walks away, not bothering with a reply.

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