The Summer Reunion (unedited...

By wordsandescapism

14.7K 457 59

Andie Turner returns home for the summer when she's guaranteed a job as a camp counsellor with her old privat... More

1| Machete Man
2| Whack his Golf balls
3| Ammunition
4| Counsellor Cup
5| If looks could kill I'd be dead
6| Moldy Breakfast Pudding
7| Grimy Little Goblins
9| Running On Empty
10| Stranded
11| Flare for the dramatics
12| Fried Circuit
13| Reverse Cupid
14| Candid
15| Thank you Ma'am
16| Truth or Dare
17| Karma
18| Rainy Day
19| Past times
20| Order Up
21| Getting Somewhere
22| The Golden Ticket
23| Excuse Me
24| Country Club Chaos
25| Control Yourself
26| Invitations
27| High Ropes
28| Can't Get Down, Can't Go Back
29| Bold Of You To Admit That
30| Blame The Mosquito
31| Bedrooms and Brothels
32| Until Then
33| Get Off My Lawn You Stinkin' Kids
34| Trust (water)Falls
35| The Under(water)world
36| Three Teens And A Creepy Unknown Being Makes Four
37| Butterflies Or Bears?
38| Caught
39| Let's Have An Adventure
40| Into The Deep End
41| Lake Nights
42| Midnight Memories
43| The Bathtub Chronicles
44| Fly Me To The Moon (on a paper crane)
45| Paint Me Like A French Girl
46| The Parties Just Begun
47| The Midsummer Ball
48| Out Of Sight Out Of Hand
49| Sink Or Swim
50| Do or Die
51| Team Effort
52| And The Winner Goes To...
53| The Blame Game
54| Two Roads Diverge
55| Moving On
56| Going Home
What's Next?
58| new and improved!

8| Tortellini Cowboy Hats

287 7 1
By wordsandescapism

After the kids finished their lunch in the dining hall we took them swimming in the lake for the rest of the afternoon. The sweltering heat made my eyes flutter closed in exhaustion, which wasn't good when you're playing lifeguard to over a dozen kids. It was also super boring because Grayson spent the whole time ignoring me. I sat on the dock watching them hang around in the water and have fun for over an hour with no one to fight with or complain about. I didn't notice before how much time flies when you're bickering with someone, but it really speeds up the clock.

Grayson hadn't said a word to me for the rest of the afternoon, even after we had gotten back to the cabin. I was laying on the couch with one arm hanging off while Tosh sat at the other end. The two of us had spent the last five minutes staring up at the ceiling in silence. Needless to say, we are very bored. Izzie and Drew went to hangout with a few of the other counsellors a little while ago, and I have no idea where Grayson is, since he disappeared as soon as we finished work for the day.

Tosh turned herself to face me, she had seemed really deep in thought. "Have you ever realized tortellini looks like a miniature cowboy hat?"

I pondered her weird realization, "No. But now that you point it out, I can't unsee it."

"We should pick some up at the store and have a miniature western food night."

I'm not sure if the heat got to my brain or if this idea really was as genius as I thought it was.

"Oh my god we totally should! We could have spaghetti and make them into lassos and sculpt the meatballs into horses."

"It's a shame people don't recognize the amount of sheer genius you and I have together." Tosh sighed as if the idea actually disappointed her.

"It really is." I nodded in agreement. 

Whenever Tosh and I were together our minds tended to go off the rails. I liked that about her though, she always kept me entertained. I wasn't always good at keeping myself happy, but she was great at it. 

I heard the door close somewhere behind me and turned to see Izzie and Drew walking in with a guy I didn't recognize. I was still laying down however, so they were upside down in my vision. Although even from this angle I could see the guy was attractive. 

I sat up straight on the couch as they walked over to us, and Tosh continued to lay down.  She seemed unbothered by their sudden arrival. 

 The two of them looked like a married couple in their forties. Izzie was wearing tight black yoga pants and a white crop top, while Drew was wearing a red polo t-shirt and khaki shorts. Izzie was already the epitome of a soccer mom and Drew..... Well, he already used every moment of his existence trying to be just like his dad anyways, who was a rich old white man that plays golf everyday but justifies them as 'work meetings'.  

Drew and his friend sat down on the chairs in front of the fireplace and Izzie took a seat beside me on the large couch. 

She pulled something out of her tote bag and handed it to me. 

I looked down at the cold metal in my hands, "You bought me a can of iced tea?" I asked surprised. 

"Yeah," she smiled at me, "I know you guys were outside this afternoon and I figured you'd need a cold drink. We would've been back earlier to give it to you but we had to stop and get Travis." she gestured over to Drews friend. 

He raised his hand in welcome and smiled at Tosh and I, "Hey, how you girls doing today?" 

Hmm, he seemed nicer than Drews usual friends. 

Tosh shot me a glance as if to say, 'cute AND manners?!' 

I smiled back at him, "Not too bad, you?" 

"Eh, alright. I'm stuck watching the fourteen year old's and I swear at least four different girls asked me for my snap. It was really weird." He chuckled a little.

"Ugh, I know how you feel! We're in charge of the thirteen year old's and this one kid ran away from us today." I said, smiling back at him. 

He nodded his head at what I was saying, and flashed his white teeth in a perfect smile. 

I find it odd to believe a guy like him is hanging out with Drew, usually his friends are so..... 

Grayson walked abruptly through the door and past us, barely even registering we were here. He seemed breathless and a little sweaty as he walked over to his room, I'm guessing he went for a run or something. He never used to go for runs, I wonder when he started doing that. Does he go everyday? That seems like a lot of running for someone who wasn't into exercise for most of their life. 

Izzie nudged my side and I realized I had been staring at Grayson's door since he walked in. Her gaze shifted from me to Drews friend, hinting I should pay attention to our guest. 

oh right, I forgot he was even here. 

"You know Travis," Izzie tried pick the conversation back up, "Andie used to play volleyball. Weren't you captain of your schools team?" 

I pursed my lips to contain the laugh that was about to spill out of my mouth. I smiled and nodded my head as if I was interested in whatever he was saying, but I was just trying not to look amused over what Izzie said. 

In tenth grade Izzie forced me to try out for the girls junior volleyball team. During the first tryout I was walking back to the sidelines to get some water when someone spiked a ball in my direction. It hit me in the head so hard they thought I had a concussion and I didn't go to any of the other tryouts. I didn't make the team, but it probably had more to do with the fact I couldn't get the ball over the net rather than my injury. On the upside, the girl who hit me made the team. She had a mean spike, she just needed to work on her aim. 

Travis was still talking and I registered halfway through his story of how he won championships (I think that's what he was talking about), that I wasn't listening. I pretended to nod and fake pay attention so it seemed like I was interested. 

"And then he knocked over the referee." Travis finished his story and tilted his head to Drew, "See this is why I was saying they should only let the kids who actually pay for their tuition be on sports teams. I mean, why should they be allowed extra privilege's people like us pay for? Those types of people aren't talented anyways. They're all lazy, that's why they can't afford to be there in the first place." 

Wait. What? 

I think I missed a few chapters. 

I shot Tosh a look and saw she was already glancing my way with wide eyes. She mouthed to me from across the couch, 'What the fuck?'  

Well now it makes sense as to why he's Drews friend. This guys a rich snob, and lord knows what else. 

Grayson took this moment to enter the living room, wearing black shorts and a grey short sleeve workout top that accentuated the definition of his muscles. He stood beside the couch next to me, looking for a place to sit. The seats were all full because Travis was here, so he just stood off to the side as the guys talked about some game that was on last night. 

I was done with the weird direction the conversation had taken so I offered him my seat and went over to the kitchen to pour my iced tea into a glass. I'm surprised Izzie thought about me and bought me a drink, but it was really nice of her. Her and I have been having more conflicts than usual, and sometimes I forget about how nice of a friend she can be. I know I've been having a hard time getting back into the groove of things, I shouldn't be so hard on her when she's probably figuring out how to do the same. 

I poured the iced tea into a glass but forgot to put ice in it.  

I turned on my heels to go to the freezer but stopped when I almost bumped into someone close behind me. 

Travis was grabbing one of Drew's beers out of the fridge, and his hand settled on my side as I accidentally bumped into him. 

"Whoa there," he smiled down at me. His hand didn't leave my side even after a few seconds, so I took a step back out of his grasp. 

I smiled politely, "Sorry, I was just trying to grab some ice."

I reached past him and pulled open the freezer door, grabbing the tray. His hand moved to close the door the same time mine did, and he ended up putting his hand on top of mine.  

I pulled my arm back and retreated to the other side of the counter where my glass was. 

What is with this guy?  

He didn't go back into the living room, even after he grabbed his beer. 

"If you have trouble with that kid again, I can always give you my number in case you need any help." he said casually, taking a swig of his beer. 

I gave him a once over, taking in his appearance again. He was tall, not as tall as Grayson, but an inch or two shorter. Around Drew's height. I thought he was decently good looking when he first walked in with Drew, but his attraction has dimmed over the last few minutes. His personality is starting to blind me from whatever he looks like. All I see now is a douchebag in Ralph Lauren and expensive sunglasses. I might be quick to judge, but I always judge correctly. 

He saw my look of confusion and filled me in on what he was referring to, "You said you lost a kid today remember?" 

"Oh, yeah." I nodded, less enthused than I was before. 

"I just mean... if you need someone to help you next time, I'm your guy." He winked at me and took another sip of his drink. 

"She had my help, I don't think she needs yours too." Grayson said from behind Travis, his brows furrowing at the two of us alone in the kitchen. 

So he's not speaking to me, but he has no problem speaking for me? That makes sense. 

The kitchen seemed a little crowded now, what with all the space their egos were taking up. I wasn't interested in their testosterone battle and decided it would be best if I excused myself to enjoy my iced tea outside in the sun. Alone. Maybe I could even go for a swim before dinner. 

I think Grayson noticed the annoyed glances I was shooting at Travis because his mood basically did a one-eighty. 

"Actually Travis," an amused grin spread across Grayson's face, "That kid is a lot of work. We made need your help after all. I can send you Andie's number if you want. Just in case." 

I stood there fuming and in complete shock as Grayson passed Travis his phone. He's only doing this because he knows I'm completely uninterested in Travis.  

"Thanks man." Travis said, clapping him on the back. "You two should come by my cabin sometime, that's where all the other counsellors go to chill." 

He looked me in the eyes with a satisfied expression, "I'm sure Andie can find some time to swing by." 

They both looked at me standing there like an idiot as I babbled an incoherent yes and hurried out the back door to the lake. 

I heard the end of their conversation as the door shut behind me. 

"Is she single?"

"Most likely. Guys aren't really her area of expertise." I could hear the pure amusement in his voice. "I'm sure the two of you would get along nicely, you should ask her out some time." 

I should have let machete man take me when I had the chance. I would rather go out on a date with him to the butchers shop than fraternize with one of Drew's seedy gym buddies.  

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