BanG Dream: The Feeling Of Lo...

By FantasyWriter241

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"Is this... what being in love feels like? It feels nice." (Y/N) (L/N)'s life became sad as his little brothe... More

Prologue - Starting Point
Chapter 1 - Hello, Happy World!
Chapter 2 - Rest In Peace
Chapter 3 - Exposing Sadness
Chapter 4 - Smile Emergency
Chapter 5 - I Want To See You Smile
Chapter 6 - Writing Dream
Chapter 7 - Working At A Live House?!
Chapter 8 - Hidden Feelings
Chapter 9 - The Spook Is Coming
Chapter 11 - Happy Happy Island
Chapter 12 - My First Date
Chapter 13 - A Stormy Visit
Chapter 14 - The Wonderful Surprise
Chapter 15 - The Second Date
Chapter 16 - Our Special Home
Chapter 17 - Our Paths To The Future
Chapter 18 - Our New Lives
Chapter 19 - The Special Moment
Chapter 20 - Aquarium Theme Wedding
Epilogue - Watching Over Us

Chapter 10 - πŸŽƒπŸ‘»Hello, Happy Halloween World!πŸŽƒπŸ‘»

273 8 8
By FantasyWriter241


Location - (L/N) Residence 

Your POV

Halloween was here, and I am glad it came. All that waiting has paid off. My parents and I would often decorate the house every year and help set the mood for telling ghost stories. But with my brother in the afterlife this time, it was going to be a little bit different, especially since he likes Halloween as much as I do.

This year for Halloween, however, I am going to be spending it with the Hello, Happy World! girls. We're gonna get together and have a little Halloween party at Kokoro's place. As for what I am going as, I am going to be dressed up as a pirate, and I was beginning to put the finishing touches on my costume.

"Now this is perfect." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I tried to speak in a pirate voice, but after several attempts, I felt like I couldn't nail it. Oh well, I don't think the others are going to care that I sound like a pirate. But after putting on my costume, I walked outside of room and went to the living room where my parents are.

"I take it you're on your way to your friends' place?" My mom asked.

"I am. I'll do my best to keep you guys posted." I said, because after all, there's no telling how long this party will go on if Kokoro is in charge of it.

"Well, either way, we hope you have a good time." My father said.

"I hope so, too. See you later." I said as I hugged my parents, put on my shoes and walked out the door. Next stop, Kokoro's place for some Halloween fun.

Location - Tsurumaki Residence, front gate

I arrived at Kokoro's mansion as quickly as I could, and I was impressed by how well her family did a good job at decorating the front yard. As I arrived, I spotted Kanon wearing a fairy costume. I stood there from the distance, blushing by how cute she looked. She then noticed me and smiled.

"Hey (Y/N)-kun, I really love your costume." Kanon said with a smile.

"Oh, thanks Kanon. I think that fairy costume makes you look cute." I said as Kanon blushed a little.

"You... think I look cute as a fairy?" She asked.

"Yes, I do. In fact, I bet you would look cute in any costume, if I am being honest here." I said as Kanon started to blush with embarrassment even more. 

"M-Maybe we should go inside now... the others are probably here waiting for us." Kanon said, stuttering a little.

"Yeah, good idea."

As I rang the doorbell, the front gate was opened and the two of us were greeted by the black suit people. Kanon and I held hands as the suits guided into the mansion and into a room where Kokoro and the others are waiting for us.

Location - Tsurumaki Residence, Drawing Room

The suits guided the two of us to the drawing room, the room where Hello, Happy World! does most of their meetings. The others were already inside. Kokoro was a witch, Kaoru was... some thief with a black mask, Hagumi was a monkey and Misaki was a pumpkin for some reason.

"Hi everyone, sorry to keep you all waiting." I said.

"Wow! (Y/N) and Kanon came in with good costumes as well!" Kokoro said.

"You're right! Kano-chan-senpai, you look cute as a fairy!" Hagumi said.

"Hehehe, thanks, Hagumi-chan." Kanon replied.

"And your monkey costume is adorable." She said.

"Hehe, you think so? Thank you." Hagumi said and smiled brightly.

"Now that everyone is here, we can get this party started." Kokoro declared.

And that is what we did from this point on. The six of us were enjoying ourselves just chatting and played some Halloween games. But after a while, though, Kokoro began to say something.

"Hey, do you guys want to something interesting about my house?" Kokoro asked us. This spread confusing all across the room.

"What about it?" I asked.

"This mansion is... haunted." Kokoro said and somehow putting lightning in the background for dramatic effect.

"Haunted?!" Kaoru, Hagumi and Kanon said all together. But Misaki and I were having none of it.

"Your place? Haunted?" She asked.

"Is this another way of getting us involved in your outlandish schemes?" I asked.

"She is telling the truth. In fact, this place was haunted before the Tsurumaki family even bought it." One of the suits said.

"And on every Halloween, the ghost would show up out of nowhere and takes people away from their love ones." The other one said.

"Which is why when the party is over, you guys better get home as soon as possible." The last suit person said and all three of them left.

Everyone was starting to get nervous, wondering if the ghost would show up today. Kanon hugged my arm and asked me...

"Will the ghost take me away from you?"

I can tell that Kanon is not taking this so well, so I comforted her.

"Don't worry, Kanon, we're going to stick together no matter what happens." I said softly. At least, I hope.

But then, the lights suddenly went out, and we all began to scream, except for Kokoro that is.

"Oh! Now this is exciting!" She said. She would find this exciting... 😒

"You idiot! Now is not the time for you to have a dumb blond moment!" Misaki scolded.

"We need to get the lights back on now!" I said and put my hands on the wall, looking for the switch.

However, the lights came on by themselves, and we all let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness we have power again." I said and walked towards Kanon.

"You're okay, right Kanon?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah, I think so." She replied.

"And Kaoru-san, how are you holding up?" Misaki asked.

"N-No need t-to concern yourself, l-little kitten." Kaoru stuttered. She is clearly afraid of this.

While I was glad that the power came back on, I can't help but think that something was missing. After looking around, I noticed something...

"Guys... where's Hagumi?" I asked.

"She's gone..." Misaki said softly.

"Fuee! What if the ghost got her?!" Kanon asked.

"Poor Hagumi... what do we do?" Kaoru asked.

"Hagumi is lucky!" Kokoro said. "I want to be kidnapped by the ghost, too!"

And this mindset is the serious why I can't take her seriously...

"You idiot! We should get out of here and find-"

But before Misaki could finish that sentence, the lights went out again, and this time, we all screamed, even Kokoro, surprisingly.

"T-There's no mistaking it!" I said. "It has to be the ghost!"

"I think you're right, (Y/N)-san." Misaki said as she began to panic.

And like before, the lights came on, but the fact that is happening, was beginning to put on edge.

"We need to get out of here and fast!" Kaoru said. Her fears are showing.

"Why would we do that?" Kokoro asked, keeping her composure in check. "If you ask me, we should go find this ghost."

"I don't think that's a good idea, right Kanon-san?" Misaki asked.

But Kanon was nowhere to be seen. If she wasn't in the room, then that could only mean one thing...

"Oh no! The ghost kidnapped Kanon!" I said.

"Are you sure about that?" Misaki asked. "She probably just wondered off somewhere, and got lost."

"I guess, but I still think we should look for her and Hagumi. What do you guys say?" I asked.

"I agree with (Y/N), let's go find our friends!" Kokoro declared. Misaki and Kaoru were still scared, but they were in.

And so, the four of us exited the room and began to search for Kanon and Hagumi. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she got hurt, so I am praying for her safety.

15 minutes later...

Location - Tsurumaki Residence, Hallway

We were scared, and didn't think this was actually happening to us. But in order to find Kanon and Hagumi, we needed to brave and look for them. However, it was easier said than done. We searched everywhere trying to find them, from the attic, to the basement. We even asked Kokoro if she had any hidden rooms that we don't know about, but she said she didn't. Now we grew even more worried.

"We searched almost everywhere, and there is no sign of them." Misaki said as her face fell.

"But we can't give up now, our friends need us, right (Y/N)-kun?" Kaoru asked me, but I wasn't listening. I was upset, thinking that I might not see Kanon again. A teardrop fell.

"Kanon... please come back..."

"(Y/N)-san... are you going to be okay?" Misaki asked.

"Sorry, I just... miss Kanon right now." I said, then sighed.

"Don't lose hope just yet." Kokoro said. "We'll find her and Hagumi before the day ends."

"I guess you have a point." I said and gave a small smile, but then, the lights to the hallway went out.

"Oh son of a female dog!" Misaki and I said together. This ghost likes to screw with us, huh?

Then the lights came back on, and to our surprise, the ghost has kidnapped Kokoro. At least she got what she wanted.

"Oh no, the ghost has Kokoro!" Kaoru exclaimed.

"We better search for everyone, or else we'll be next!" Misaki added.

Soon, we began to search for everyone once again, and to make sure nothing else happens, we made sure to stick together. Being the only boy in the group, I had to make sure to protect everyone no matter what.

A few minutes later...

Location - Tsurumaki Residence, Living Room

After a while, we found ourselves in the living room, and we couldn't find Kokoro, Hagumi and Kanon anywhere. It was starting to become pointless, and Kaoru and Misaki was starting to give up. But I couldn't give up, my Kanon is probably scared somewhere and needs my help.

"(Y/N)-kun, I approve of your determined to keep looking for everyone, but..." Kaoru started.

"Can't you see that it is hopeless...?" Misaki finished.

I didn't know what else to say to them. I looked outside and saw how late it was getting. My parents are probably expecting me to come home by now, but I didn't want to. I'll continue to look for Kanon, even if it takes me until morning to do it.

"Well, you guys can give up if you want, but I am going to keep searching." I said.

"But we looked everywhere, though." Misaki complained.

Then we heard something... there was a tapping sound somewhere within the mansion. Kaoru let out a scream.

"I can't take it anymore!" She said and ran away.

"Wait, Kaoru-san!" I called out.

Misaki and I ran after her, and before we knew it, Kaoru was gone. She was nowhere to be seen. Misaki started to freak out now.

"Oh god, the ghost is real!" She said. "It took Kanon-san and the others, and we're next!"

Then the tapping sound came back, and Misaki was feeling scared, but not me...

"I think it is coming from somewhere within the hallway." I said, and started to follow the sound with Misaki following me.

A few minutes later...

We followed the tapping sound and stopped near a grandfather clock.

"Weird, I didn't know Kokoro had a grandfather clock." Misaki said.

Hearing that made it sound suspicious to me. I pushed it out of the way and noticed a secret room, and something that made my heart sank...

"Misaki, look..."

She did. Inside the room was Kokoro, Kaoru, Hagumi and Kanon. They were all chained up, covered in blood, and weren't moving.

"Kanon!" I yelled and raced over to her.

I did my best to wake her up, but she didn't move... was she dead? Thinking about it was making me cry.

"Oh Kanon, please don't be dead..." I said as tears came out of my eyes.

"I wanted the three idiots to be dead, but... not like this." Misaki said as some tears came out of her eyes too.

Misaki and I kept on crying, but after a while, we heard...


...a laugh?

Then more laughs were heard, and...


Turns out they weren't dead to begin with. I should be happy, but at the same time, I was confused. Misaki was confused, too.

"So wait, none of you... are dead?" I asked.

"Nope. All of this is nothing more than make-up." Kanon explained.

"And these chains aren't real to begin with." Hagumi chimed in.

"And... there was no ghost at all?" Misaki asked.

"No ghost either." Kokoro replied.

"The lights being turned off by themselves... us being taken away... the tapping sounds... All of that was caused by the people in the black suits." Kaoru added.

Misaki and I just stared at each other, realizing at this is nothing more than a silly Halloween trick. I can't believe they got us good.

"And whose idea was it to trick us?" Misaki asked.

"Me! All my idea!" Kokoro said. I knew it, it was an outlandish scheme!

"Sorry if we scared you two, are you mad at us?" Kanon asked.

I let out a sigh and hugged Kanon tight, knowing that she is okay.

"No, I am not mad. I'm just happy that I get to see you again."

We hugged each other for a while and shared a kiss, though she managed to get some make-up on me.

"Guys, it's ten minutes after midnight!" Hagumi said.

"Oh, you're right." I said, looking at the time.

I guess Halloween is over now. It is November 1st. Come to think of it, how long did it take for us to do all of this? No matter, though. I am just pleased that it is now over.

To be continued

A/N: This is over 2K words, believe it or not. I knew it was going to be long, but this went beyond my expectations, and I am pleased with how this came out. Let me know if you guys liked it, too, and I will see in the next chapter.

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