
By JellyFishy2309

675K 17.8K 7.9K

Leonessa has been through some things, but who hasn't? She has enough independence to not have to rely on any... More

Hi, I'm Leonessa
Well shit
Say wut
Could you repeat that
What a coincidence
You're really tall
Like chill bro
Get over it
Watcha doin'
They're dead
That gun
You don't get it
A birthday gone wrong
Where is she
The desert
Chicken or Beef
Is that a....bird
That makes more sense
A Perfectionist
Tarzan war cry
The Fashion Show
Duck nuggets
Full course meals
Shitting ice cubes
How you doin'?
❇️🔸 Nightmares 🔸❇️
💥✨Sion's POV✨💥
⚜️The Phoenix Has Risen⚜️


10.3K 427 195
By JellyFishy2309

🔸Bonus Scene🔸

9 years later

🌺 Leonessa 🌺

"It's been 9 fucking years and you still couldn't get the damn product to me on time! Do everyone a favour and quit that forsaken company you dipshit!" I yelled into the phone before hanging up as a sense of Deja vu hit me.

These people still have the IQ of a hot dog.

I couldn't even complain about my pitiful life before my phone rang for the 56th time today and yes I kept count.

I looked at the caller ID and a grin instantly took over my face, bigger than I'd care to admit. They immediately started talking, not giving me a chance to even say something.

"My Leo-senses were tingling that something was off so I took the liberty of gracing you with my beautiful voice." A certain beautiful eyed weirdo stated.

"Oh how noble of you kind sir. I definitely needed your annoying voice in my time of need." I said mockingly before laughing slightly when I heard an offended gasp.

"Well damn, here I thought I was being the best boyfriend anyone could ask for but of course, I'll never be able to reach your high standarts my I'vitsa." He said with fake hurt before chuckling at his own joke making me roll my eyes with a grin still on my face.

"Nah, it's just a lot of dumb people doing a lot of dumb things and I'm one minute away from running to Haweii." I stated with a tired sigh.

"Well instead of running away alone, why don't you join your absolutely amazing and fantastic, charming boyfriend to watch a thriller tonight at the movies. I'll buy you all the M&M's your beautiful heart desires." A man after my own stomach.

"Sion, my irritating weirdo, as much as I enjoy that idea, you and I both know you can't handle horror nor thriller movies, much less those that are based on true events, so why would you wanna watch something you can't handle?" I ask knowingly as I spin around in my rolling chair, which I find quite fun.

"Leo, my lovely I'vitsa, I'm the king of the Russian Mafia Empire, I think I can handle myse-OW! Shitticles!" He yelped out before a loud thud was heard.

"Did you just fall off your chair, again?" I asked as I sighed at his clumsiness. King of the Russian Mafia Empire my ass.

"That didn't prove anything." He groaned out after a short silence of debating if he wanted to admit defeat, but you shouldn't underestimate Sion Aslanov's pride.

"Whatever you say weirdo, but you convinced me so pick me up at 6pm and I'll see you then." I said as I rearranged some documents and research information.

"That you will my beautiful I'vitsa, and then I'll be able to kiss and hug you with everything I have." He said with a flirty tone as I felt my lips curl into a grimace.

( I jus-I just can't anymore🤢😨)

"Aaand you're being overly cringy which is my cue to hang up, I also am expecting someone quite important so buh-bye."

"No wait I'm sorr-" He didn't even get to finish his sentence before I cut the call. It was rude, I know, but I'm a rich bitch who can do whatever the hell she wants.

Suddenly my office door was opened by none other than my amazing new assistant.

"There's someone here for you Miss Serrendo. They claim that you already know why they're here. Should I let them come up or get security to beat their ass?" He asked as he looked down at his tablet with a frown of displeasure.

"It's indeed true that I know who they are and why they're here, so it's fine to let them up. Thank you Larry." I said smiling at the man who now has a head full of ginger hair unlike 9 years ago. He also lost a bit of weight since he wanted to be a 'handsome husband his wife could brag about', his words not mine

He somehow got my contact details and reached out to me after struggling to stay financially stable. He was in need of a job without them needing his full identification information and getting suspicious of his past. Of course I hired him because everyone needs a Larry.

Him being my assistant is only temporary since he wants to earn enough money to one day open his own flower cafe where you can basically drink coffee or tea surrounded by plants of every kind.

And when he achieves that goal, I'll be his first customer.

"How's the wife? Is everything still ok?" I asked as I stood up and walked around my desk.

"Yup everything's great. We went for a check-up yesterday and they said the baby's perfectly healthy. We'll be able to find out the gender at our next appointment." He stated with clear excitement on his face and in his voice.

"Well I better receive an invite to the baby shower and tell your wife to take it easy." I ordered playfully with narrowed eyes to which he just laughed before bowing slightly in greeting. He turned around and vanished down the hallway.


The door opened slowly causing me to look up from my computer screen.

A young man, probably 18, appeared in a black button up shirt, the first two buttons being undone. Rings decorated his fingers as his one hand gripped the other hand's wrist in a professional way.

His lips were set in a straight line in a serious way which I only found amusing.

I leaned back in my chair as I crossed my leg over the other with my hands folded in my lap.

"It's an honor to meet you Miss Serrendo and I appreciate that you gave me a chance to talk to you." He greeted as he held my gaze.

"Yes, it's a pleasure to have you here. Now I guess you were already informed that the people and papparazzi are becoming more aggresive and more cunning to know my identity. I feel quite unsafe nowadays and as I look through this folder you seem to be of perfect qualification to become my personal bodyguard." I say as I look through a folder filled with his achievements and personal information.

Hmm, he has earned a black bealt in many kinds of martial arts including Aikido, Karate, Judo, Tae Kwon Do and even Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Impressive.

"Alright let's see, 'Can handle any tipe of weaponary, from a simple dagger to an assualt rifle STG44. Is excelled in hand-to-hand combat with use of lethal and non-lethal weapons and no weapons at all'. I must say that I'm liking what I'm seeing and I think I'd be a fool if I didn't hire you." I stated as I closed the folder and placed it on my desk. I stood up from my chair and went to stand in front of him with a gentle smile on my face.

"So what do you say...Mason?"

"I'll protect and serve you to the best of my abilities Leonessa." He said with a big smile that made him look even more dashing, hmm maybe I can use him as a model too.

"Wonderful! Now onto what's actually important...
Look at you! You've grown so big and tall, why is everyone so tall these days? Look at this face, it's not squishable anymore like when you were younger. And you can actually pronounce my name now, oh it was adorable when you couldn't." I said fastly as I pressed my hands against his cheeks.

I legit had to look all the way up to meet his eyes which will probably give me a cramp in my neck.


He blushed slightly and laughed at my statements before suddenly turning serious again. He reached into his pocket and I saw something I didn't think I'd ever see again.

My blue, marbled dagger.

"I kept it safe all these years in hopes that I'd get to meet you again someday. And now that I have, I'd like to return it to it's original owner." He said as he held out the dagger towards me.

It was the same dagger I used to kill that rude ass Black Mamba (it's wife must've left it or something). Memories upon memories flooded my head as I traced the dagger with a sense of nostalgia.

It was rather fun being Bear Grylls 2.0.

I looked up at him as I gently pushed his hand with the dagger in it back towards him.

"I think the current owner deserves it much more." I said softly before turning around. I sat on my desk and put my head on my hand with my elbow perched on my leg.

"Now tell me, what's your crackhead of a father doing these days?"


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