Write For Me

By dramonie_fics

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Seventh year Pre-War AU. None of 6th year happened. Draco mistakenly picks up a dirty story that Hermione has... More



7.1K 146 84
By dramonie_fics

   Hermione sat at her table, twirling her quill through her fingers absentmindedly. 

   What did he want? 

   The last one she had written for him hadn't exactly overwhelmed him, and that was just your basicporn without a plot .... so, what else was he after? What was he harbouring inside that brain of his?What made him tick? Was her an arse man or a boob man? Was there a particular position hepreferred a girl to be in? Did he like dirty talk when he was going at it? 

   All questions she was hesitant to ask... but if she was going to do this, then she had to do it right ...she had one chance to write something so good that he would never bother her again.

   Or bother her some more ... the mind boggles. 

   She thought back to yesterday evening and the way he was stood there against the table, hands inhis pockets and looking all kinds of ... well ... he just oozed sex really, didn't he? He didn't need tosay much, his demeanour did it for him. All dark and moody and mysterious and brooding... like atrue Alpha. 

   Bugger of Hermione, stop objectifying the enemy ... you're making yourself weak at the bloodyknees... 

   And she was. Silly thoughts lead to silly fantasies and she didn't have time to explore this new sideof Draco Malfoy. She wasn't ready to see him as anything other than a snarling troublemaker. 

   But just the thought of how close his face got to hers seemed to set her heart racing somethingawful. She really wanted to bring herself out of the stupor. It wasn't the closeness; it was the lookin his eyes. He really pulled a number on her and he knew that she would do as he asked. 

   "Your mind, Granger ..." 

   Goosebumps broke out upon her skin at the thought. 

   Nothing to do with looks, crossing enemy lines or getting one over on each other. He just wantedher mind to work some magic for him and write him a little story that would tend to his .... well, tohis what, exactly? What did he do when he read her stories? Who did he imagine when thecharacters jumped to life within the text? Did he possibly touch himself during or after? 

   Don't go there, no good can come from thinking like that .... 

   Besides, he was only using her mind for a good story, wasn't he? He had only complimented her toget something from her and she let him. There was still that small threat of him telling everyonethough ... the shame prickled the back of her neck. She didn't need anyone knowing. This was herguilty pleasure... and Draco Malfoy's too, apparently. 

   She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. 


   Concentrate on the story. Give him something good enough to read that he won't hold it over youand he'll hopefully leave you alone and all of this business will be over soon. You won't have tothink about him again or consider him in any other way other than the obnoxious prick that youknow and hate. 

   Ah, practicality ... there you are. Good of you to finally show up! 

   Okay .... set the scene .... capture his attention straight off the bat and send his mind reeling ...make him consume the page and want more and more until he's begging for the end ... 

   A small smile played on her lips, her quill finally finding the parchment.


   "I've been going crazy all day, remembering the way you looked naked in my bed naked, eventhough I couldn't touch you ..." 

   He lifted her from her chair and her body immediately moulded to his. Soft and pliable. Hisfingertips brushed stray strands of hair back from her face. 

   "I can't stop thinking about how your body felt wrapped around mine while you slept. You wereperfection," he growled, bringing his mouth to her neck. 

   Forget a warm shiver—his words cracked through her like a lightning strike, nearly splitting her intwo. She's never felt so sexy or desired. It was only her blonde headed companion that made herfeel that way. The feeling had become addictive already. 

   "Oh..." she groaned, lifting her lips to his. They kissed, passionately, like there was a fire chasingthem. Pressing her hips closer, she could feel every hard inch of his arousal. 

   Her knickers were already soaked. "Should we go to your bedroom?" she panted, breaking hermouth from his after several hot minutes. 

   "Whatever you want," he murmured, nibbling her collarbone. Whether he was giving her anopening to leave, or just implying that they could have their adventure somewhere other than thebed, she was not sure. She definitely wanted to do this. But she was not sure if she was bold enoughyet to move onto sex that wasn't in a bed. 

   "Yes," is all she can say, but he interpreted it perfectly. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legsaround his waist as he carried her down the hallway toward his bedroom. When her feet touchedthe floor, he immediately went to work on the button of her dress pants. 

   "Get naked," he whispered. 

   His naughty voice commanding her in the darkness sent hot arousal zipping through her veins. Shegave her hips a wiggle as he pushed her skirt and knickers down over her arse. 

   "Sexy little thing," He whispered, treating her to a quick kiss on the lips. 

   She never knew sex would be fun. It might sound weird, but she always assumed there would be alot to concentrate on, with inserting spring A into slot B and all that other business. She wasrelieved to see it was nothing like that. It was easy and natural. 

   She opened her blouse, fumbling over the buttons as he brought the back of his hand between herthighs and gently rubbed his knuckles over her bare pussy. She pressed her thighs together astingles shot up her spine. When she was finally free of the shirt, he unclasped her bra for her andhis mouth lowered, taking one pert nipple into his mouth. The sensation made her flinch it felt sogood. 

   "Prettiest pair of tits I've ever seen," he murmured, moving to her other breast while he held theweight of them in his hands. "I should fuck these before we're done. Would you like that?" 

   A sobbing gasp gets stuck in her throat. 


   The word echoed in her head. She can't let herself think about the end of her time with him, orshe'll start crying. Tears are already threatening to appear, even as good as his mouth and handsfeel on her. 

   "On the bed," he panted, breaking away from her nipple with a groan that sends Goosebumpsracing along her skin. She sat down on the edge of the bed and scooted up toward the pillows.Then she watched, barely breathing, as he treated her to an erotic strip show. He pulled his T-shirtof over his head that way lads do before dropping it to the floor, all of the hard muscles in hisstomach and chest flexing as he moved. His deft fingers moved to the button on his jeans, and thenthey were sliding down his powerful thighs along with his boxers. 

   He was beautiful like that He was all hard edges and muscle, but that was him opening himself upto her, taking a risk, and making a huge jump with her of an unknown clif . She reached outtoward him and he joined her on the bed, his mouth moving to her breasts again while her righthand ventured down until she found the weight of his cock. 

   She pushed her hand up and down just like he showed her the first time, loving the heat of him andthe little grunts he was making. 

   "Shit. where did you learn to play with a cock like that?" He smirks at me.

   "I've always wanted to do this to you." She grinned right back at him. 

   Chuckling darkly, he moved down on the bed until he was eye-level with her navel. She inhaledsharply when he kissed her belly. Then he moved lower and she forgot how to breathe. 

   "I'm going to fuck this tight pussy until you beg me to stop," he panted, his teeth grazing her innerthigh. 

   His mouth closed over her clit and she cried out. His large hands held her thighs open nice andwide and she took every bit of pleasure he doled out to her. His tongue moved in an expert patterndesigned to bring even more pleasure than she could have dreamed possible. Then he suddenlypushed two fingers inside her and she groaned, flinching as her back arched of the bed...


   Holy ...fucking ...shit. 

   Draco put his head in his hands and breathed deeply, trying to remove flashes of images that cameto his mind while he was reading. His hands were trembling and his heart was hammering ... she'dmanaged to turn him on fully. That girl could create a fucking good sex scene, he'd give her that.He actually commended her for the thrall she put over him while he was reading. 

   And yet ... the whole time, he kept imagining he was the male in the story and ... 

   No... stop.

   It was because she'd written it, that was all. The voice he could hear was hers and therefore byprocess of elimination that was the reason he kept picturing her. Her eyes and her hair and the partsof her body that he could only imagine belonged to her petit frame; Which was a surprise, to saythe least. 

   He fought it at first, his mind clambering to find anyone else he could to replace her. Some littleSlytherin or at best, a Ravenclaw .... but no. 

   No use. 

   Every time his mind imagined the girl in the story, he instantly saw brunette curls and large,cinnamon eyes. And the erection was also a problem. 

   Not because it was there, it would have been stranger for him not to have a hard on while readingGranger's little extract. It was a problem because of why it was there. 

   While reading, his arousal had obviously been gaining momentum from the start .... but when heread the words; ... 

   "Yes," is all she can say, but he interpreted it perfectly. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legsaround his waist... 

   ...all that popped into his mind was her. He pictured picking her up and wrapping her legs aroundhis waist. He pictured opening her legs to set himself between them and bring their hips so close toeach other's that she would feel his erection against her heat... 

   For fuck sake. This wasn't supposed to be part of thrill. He was already waiting eagerly for hernext part, though ...


   Hermione could smell him before she saw him. Felt that all too familiar presence behind her as sheworked away in the library. 

   And oh god, his scent ... if she could give an equivalent, it would be the smell of Hugo Boss ... herfavourite Muggle men's aftershave. It literally caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand upand she closed her eyes momentarily to will down the urge to take in a deep breath through hernose and drink him in. 

   "Why did you avoid using names in this little tale, Granger? Do you never give your charactersnames?" his voice was like silk. 

   Why was she suddenly putting so many sexual adjectives in with his personality and movements?She was giving him the run of her mind here and he didn't even know it. All day she had sat theretrying to force him out of her mind, but then as soon as she came to thinking of a new part of thestory, he was all she could think about. His stance, in particular. 

   He was all shoulders. She had never realised it before. He was broad but lean, and his shouldersand forearms looked powerful. Shoulders and a good back on a man had always been Hermione'sweakness... the first thing she would take in when she looked at a man. Draco Malfoy was now noexception.

   It was slightly intoxicating, especially now that she had actually stopped to look at him properly.He was a fine-looking young man. It was just a pity that his mind was ugly. 

   "I ..." She shook herself from her thoughts and looked up as he sat down opposite her, theparchment for the story in his hands. "... I just wasn't sure how personal you wanted me to go, orwhether you had any preferences." She tried to sound professional and neutral. She had sort ofdescribed the blonde hair a little, but didn't know just how detailed he wanted this from her. 

   She felt self-conscious. He was smirking at her, and it gave her a mixture of feelings that she reallydidn't want to think about. 

   "If I want a story, then it stands to reason that I would want the main male lead to resemble myself,wouldn't it?" he asked her in a low voice, studying her face as he sat back casually in his chair."Otherwise what's the point?". 

   Hermione shrugged, looking away. His eyes were too intense for her.. something else she hadn'tnoticed before. 

   "So, you want your name added?" she asked casually, writing a few pointers onto a piece ofparchment. 

   He nodded. 

   "And a bit more of a cat and mouse chase..." he answered, his fingers drumming along the armrests of his chair. "A much as I love a bit of porn without plot, there's got to be ... more there in thefirst place, do you understand me?". 

   Hermione frowned and looked at him again. Holding her breath at the gaze that he held on hisface. Why did it feel like he was continually looking right through her? Like he could seeeverything going on in her mind? 

   "More? ... what type of more?" she asked him, meeting his eyes and swallowing hard. 

   "I'll let you come up with that..." he replied, his thumb reaching up to his lip to rub it slightly. Hereyes darted there and heaven have mercy on her ... she couldn't look away. "... but I have to say,I've always found the old 'enemies to fuck buddies' thing a little bit intriguing, haven't you?". 

   Her eyes widened and oh dear god she was sure if he reached over the table now and took her thenshe would let him. What he said and the way he said it stirred up something inside of her and sheknew he was probably mocking her, but the look in his eyes told her differently. 

   Dangerous territory .... very dangerous territory. And of course, she knew it was all in her head. Ithad to be. Mind playing tricks on her because she was writing all manner of smutty things for him. 

   Shit ... she really didn't know this Malfoy in front of her. This Malfoy was all sex, swagger and ohJesus, the confidence. The Malfoy she knew was a bit of an egotistical twat. 

   He was feeding directly into her writing fantasies. Because, was there really anything better thanthe sexual tension between two people who hated each other and then suddenly couldn't keep theirhands off each other? That was the type of tension that created the best types of love stories.People went in search for that type of tension all of their lives. 

   "I'll ... I'll think of something when I have the time". She told him, looking away with a blush onher cheeks. Anything to not keep looking at him and for him to keep looking at her like that. "Ihave homework-" 

   "By Sunday, Granger". He demanded, his voice a little louder and forceful. "You have untilSunday or I'll come looking for you ... I know where your rooms are". 

   She glared at his back as he walked away from her, yet again. How dare he just assume that shewas going to give up her weekend to write a kinky story involving him and his devilish ways ... 

   Oh, she knew she would, too.


   Well, that little performance had earned him a fucking cold shower. 

   Talk about heat. 

   He was burning from it. 

   The whole time he was talking to her he could feel a strange pull. There was something euphoricand sensual about knowing that he was constantly in her mind as she went through the thoughtprocess of writing. 

   That the essence of her story was centred around him giving and receiving pleasure. He knew itshould repulse him, but it was actually quite the opposite. He found himself thinking about her ashe went about his daily business ... thinking about her eyes, in particular. Her facial expressions. 

   The look on her face when he had asked her to write more of a plotline and include an all toofamiliar background for her characters was almost too much. He could see her mind ticking overand landing on the one experience she could relate to. 


   As the blush set on her cheeks, he couldn't help but imagine some of the ideas she could have beenconjuring up in her head in that moment. Using all of the delicious tension they had built up overthe years that could almost be seen as ... sexual? Maybe not in their younger years, but he coulddefinitely attest to not find her as repulsive from around Fourth year. 

   That Yule ball and that funny coloured dress that complimented her hair as it flowed in wavesdown her back and shoulders. He remembered Pansy's gasp alerting him to her presence first.When he turned his head to see her entering the Great Hall, he had no insult to throw at her as shewalked by him. That was the first time Draco bad ever seen Hermione Granger as slightly sexual. 

   Because that's what it was all leading to in the end, wasn't it? All the insults and strong feelings ofloathing over the years were suddenly all gravitating towards these new feelings of sexual tensionand the thought of what might happen next. 

   And now suddenly they found themselves dancing to a different tune. 

   Because that's all they'd ever really done, wasn't it? 


   Draco shook the thoughts from his head and got into the shower. He tried to keep the thought ofGranger sat there at the table, looking at him wide eyed and ... curious? Out of his head. If hedidn't, then that shower was going to take a lot longer than he initially planned.


   She looked over at him, catching him looking at her. A look in his eyes she couldn't quite place.This was new, and she wasn't sure how to react to it. 

   She watched him as he stayed back as the class departed, putting something into his bag. She heldher breath as she went to walk by him, something in her mind giving her a warning sign. 

   "I want a word." His voice was hard and passive and she stopped still, not looking at him as thehairs stood up on her arms. 

   "I didn't think there would be anything to say." She answered in a small voice, her face looking upto look at him now. 

   His features were chiselled, his jawline strong and masculine. His piercing blue eyes were lookingdeep into hers, searching for something. His blonde hair was slightly ruf led and his lips were setin a straight line. He meant business. 

   "There's plenty to say." He told her finally, stepping a little closer to her. "You think it's easy forme to look at you when you're with them? Do you know how hard it is for me to want you when Iknow I shouldn't? It's driving me out of my fucking mind..." 

   She didn't know what to say. 

   She got it. She knew where he was coming from, she felt the same. Neither of them should havewanted this, but for some reason thy both did.

   She went to say something, but the words escaped her. She decided to keep walking, get out ofthere and deal with her demons privately before they escaped and she wouldn't be able to holdthem back. 

   His hand stopped her. 

   He was suddenly in front of her, grabbing her by her arms and forcing her against the desk. It hither just above her thighs and she made a small groaning sound at the impact. His face was inchesfrom hers, studying her expression, looking for signs that she was accepting the new position. 

   Her chest was heaving up and down with anticipation, just wanting him to do something... makesome sort of move, regardless what that move would be. 

   "You didn't answer me, love..." his voice came again, his nose so close to hers she could feel hisbreath on her lips. "Do you know how hard it is ..." his right hand left her arm, travelled up herside slowly, making her skin tingle at the contact. It came all the way up to rest, cupping her chinand tracing her lips with the pad of his thumb. "...to want someone, you shouldn't?" 

   She closed her eyes, her head tipping back as she let the words and sensations surround her,succumbing to the truth of their situation. She knew exactly what he was saying. 


   His mouth crashed into hers roughly and she opened her mouth to it automatically, letting theirtongues entwine in some sort of climax. Like they had been waiting for this. 

   She felt his left hand leave her other arm and travel down to grip her thigh and lift her leg over hiship, bringing the lower half of their bodies together. She felt him hiss against her mouth at thefeeling, and she whimpered against him, unable to stop the arousal spreading through her body.His mouth broke away from hers, before trailing little wet kisses over her neck and that sweet spotjust below her ear. 

   "I need this." He whispered against it. Then he was reaching down to lift her other leg, hiking herup onto the desk, him now standing between her parted legs. His thumbs were making small circleson her outer thighs, driving her mental. 

   She grabbed the front of his shirt, bringing his forehead to hers and their breathing was ragged. "Ineed to feel you, Malfoy ..." Biting her lip, she slowly let her hand wander down his front, enjoyingthe feel of his hard chest and stomach, before reaching further and brushing her hand against his-


   Draco's mouth was dry. 

   He was glad he was sitting down with his legs under the desk, because reading that was ... was... 

   "Well?" he heard her voice somewhere, effectively trying to drag him out of his erotic haze."Considering you just snatched it away from me mid-way through writing it, it's your own fault ifit's not up to your high bloody standards..."

   She sounded annoyed. Not that he was paying much attention to the Granger in front of him. It wasthe one with her legs spread in his mind that he was preoccupied with. The one with her flushedcheeks, puckered lips from all the rough kissing and making those little mewling noises ... that wasthe Granger he wanted to look at right now. 

   It was going to be hard to tamper down his erection at this rate. This aroused state would do him nogood at all. 

   She was tapping her foot now, arms folded and looking at him with that usual annoyed look on herface. She was probably thinking he would sit there and take the piss about what she had written.But there really was no need, as what she had written so far really was .... 

   Well, real

   He could believe it. He could believe the heat and the tension and the passion. The only thing thatdidn't sit well with him though, was – 

   "Why does she call me-him...er, us? Malfoy?" He asked her finally with a quirk of his eyebrow,finally looking at her. "I can categorically say that no girl I have ever shagged has called me bysecond name in the bedroom." He finishes critically, seeing her grit her teeth and roll her eyes. 

   "Have you ever shagged anyone that absolutely loathed you before?" she replied defensively."Because I can categorically say that if I – er, that is to say any woman – had gone from hating aman to then finding him sexually attractive, she would still be slow to call them by their firstname!" she finished curtly, trying to grab the parchment off him. "It's just ... strange...". 

   He held the parchment back from her and shook his head. "Oh no, I'm keeping this one. You canwrite the rest separately" he smirked up at her, his eyebrow still raised. "I'm curious to see whereyou go with this one, Granger ... you're good, I'll give you that." 

   A self-satisfied little smile ghosted her lips. She enjoyed being told she was a good girl ... 

   Wonder what she'd do if you called her one? 

   His hard on sprung back to attention. This was all too much. Too much for the mind to play aroundwith. 

   "Add in a bit more kink and I think you're onto the start of something here..." he told her, trying tochange the subject in his mind. "...you do know what I mean by kink don't you, Granger?" hissmirk returned full force, trying to make her uncomfortable as he leaned back into his library chair,putting his arms behind his head lazily. 

   Granger's head fell to the side as she observed him, her arms still folded as she stood near himnow, leaning against the desk. "Of course, ... just depends on what kind of ... kink ... you're after."He saw her eyes light up as she said the word and he could have sworn he saw her facial expressionchange to something intense as her eyes raked over him. 

   He almost choked. Was he really sat here with Granger, casually talking about the kind of kinkyshit he was into? ... well, look at that ... hell had just frozen over. 

   "I'll take anything I can get, Granger." He answered her in a low voice as her eyes met his. "Youname it I've probably tried it...". He was bating her now. "I doubt you know what real kink isthough, Granger ..." 

   She gave him a small smile and rolled her eyes as she kept herself in place, keeping her armsfolded over her chest and resting back slightly against the desk. 

   Draco took her in as she stood there ... never fully appreciating the girl before, how she had filledout over the years and now had the body that most girls in the school would probably envy; petiteand compact. 

   Just keep your cool and don't let her fucking bate you ... don't let her turn the tables, she wantsyou rattled ... she'll never want to let you win, it's not in her nature .... 

   "what's your favourite sexual position, Malfoy?" she asked him curiously, biting her bottom lipand crossing one leg over the other now, ample amount of thigh showing from one side from underher skirt. Draco couldn't help but fixate on it. 

   "Reverse Cowgirl..." his mouth was dry ... of all the fucking questions to ask. Images of her in thatparticular position on his lap popped into his mind and drove him mad. He let out a small, shakybreath. 

   "Do you prefer it rough and hard or passionate and slow?" she enquired again, almost seeing himoff, his blood now pumping furiously to his cock due to her insanely intimate questioning ... seeinghow far she could push him. 

   "Depends on the moment..." he answered, licking his lip and watching her eyes dart to it. Oh.Granger ... you don't even know half of the things going on inside his head ... 

   "Do you like dirty talk, Malfoy?" her voice was quieter and he saw her swallow, her eyes stilllooking at his mouth. Fuck ... she was going to see him off. This was so fucking wrong on so manylevels, yet he couldn't seem to break away.

   "Yes..." he told her in what was practically a growl and then sucked in a breath. Dirty talk was thebest type of foreplay ... it got him off hard. If she could talk half as dirty as she could write, hewould be a lost cause, completely at her mercy. 

   "Does it get you off if a girl tells you how hard you're going to make her come? Do you like that?"she was practically whispering and her chest was rising and falling against her crossed arms. Herpupils were dilated and he took great pleasure in the fact that she was as affected by this as he was. 

   "I like it." He swallowed himself now, feeling his heart racing against his chest. "But I prefer to bethe one telling her how hard I'm going to come inside her... empty myself into her." Draco wasdominant like that. He liked to be the one inflicting the pleasure. Fuck, the pleasure he could inflicton her ... 

   She bit her lip again, taking in the information carefully as if writing it all down mentally andstoring it away for later. Then she smiled to herself again and kept on. Making him squirm and feelthe heat from the moment engulf him entirely. He had never been so turned on by talking aboutanything sexual before. Not like this ... this was something else. 

   She pushed herself away from the desk suddenly, slowly walking round to circle him as he satthere on the chair. Suddenly he felt a little exposed. Like she had some sort of upper hand over himor was interrogating him, but he couldn't do fuck all because of his hard on pressing against hispants. This Hermione Granger was one he didn't know ... she was far more confident than the onehe knew.

   "So, you're not against choking, then...?" he heard her muse from behind him and he closed hiseyes, unprepared for the images that appeared in front of his eyes at the thought of his hand aroundher throat while he was fucking – 


   Don't you dare close your eyes again you fucking tit. Now look what you've done... 

   He jolted slightly when he felt her fingers graze his shoulders as her hand ran along the chairbehind him. "No ... love a bit of that." He answered through gritted teeth, trying to control himself. 

   He felt her come to his other side now, still circling him. 

   "What about biting? Or nipping? ... how do you feel about that?" she asked him, and he looked upto see her biting her own lip and oh holy Jesus Christ he needed to not think about getting her onher knees and putting that mouth to better use around his cock. 

   Calm down, dickhead... 

   "Er... yeah, both are good." he strained out, feeling the need to sit on his hands to stop himselfreaching out to grab her. 

   She sat back down against the desk now, only this time she stood directly in front of him so hecould see her thighs and the way her shirt clung to her tits and – 

   "What about restraints? ... are those off limits?" her voice came out low and shallow. He looked upto her face and saw her cheeks flushed pink. Clearly, she was as affected as he was. 

   "Give me a pair of handcuffs and I'll show a girl whose fucking boss, Granger." Draco's voice wasalmost at a growl. Almost threatening. If she pushed him further, he didn't know what he might do. 

   She was still chewing on her lip and it was all he could look at. "It sounds like you like to be theone in control..." she looked away from him, but he knew she was just as ... curious? As he was. 

   "I like to take what's mine." 

   And he really wanted to. He really, really wanted to right then. His primal instinct was to kickhimself up from the chair, rip the knickers off her and fuck her so hard, her eyes rolled back intoher head. Fuck ... this was dangerous and dirty and wrong. And he wanted to drown in it. 

   Because right now, in this moment ... she was his. And he wanted to do fucking everything to her.She didn't know it; she was fucking oblivious to it. But in that moment, she had converted him. Hesaw her for what she really was; sexuality and heat, all wrapped up in pretty cinnamon eyes. Heneeded a piece... her mind wasn't nearly enough now. 

   Mate, she's talking about her little story, not you ... calm your tits... 

   "You must have really good self-control to not take what you want, then..." And oh, that suddenfire and curiosity in her eyes. She was fucking with him. "I bet it burns you to keep your hands toyourself at times when all you really want to do is reach out and take it ... take what you want, eventhough you shouldn't." 

   Fucking do it, Mate-

   - came his resolve from the back of his mind. She was playing with fucking fire now, whether shewas just playing around with pretty little words or not. She would learn not to mess with him,unless she planned on being burned. 

   This was more than a bloody story now ... you didn't get the type of heat that they had betweeneach other right now from paragraphs on a page. They were both burning for something ... trying tofigure out what would make the other break. It was delicious torture. 

   He would show her ... give her a physical fucking warning. Show her that she can't stoke fireswithout feeling a little heat. You didn't fuck around with Draco Malfoy and come out of itunscathed. You didn't provoke him like that without some sort of repercussion. 

   Before Draco knew what he was doing, he was standing in front of her, grabbing her thighs just likehe'd been imaging from her little story and hoisted her onto the desk. He was standing therebetween her legs, just like he had imagined and brought her hips flush against his so she could feeleverything. And fucking hell did it feel good ... too good. 

   Her eyes were wide but the desire in them was unmistakeable. And they widened even furtherwhen she felt him, hard for her and the words she had used against him. He wanted her to feel howhard she had made him, he wanted to show her that she couldn't fuck with him. 

   He bent down and his lips met her ear. "Don't provoke me, Granger..." he heard her breath hitch."You might not like the outcome." 

   Then with all of his self-control he pushed himself away and she dropped back onto the floor. Hecould hear her breathing heavily as he turned away from her. 

   "Have the next part to me by Wednesday, Granger." A triumphant smile rose to his face as hewalked. "You seem to know exactly what I want..." 


   He was fucked.

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