The Forbidden Daffodil ✅ (Pap...

By IreneDavison

604 46 0

"Is she his mistress?" "No, She is his wife." He regretted passing the information when the facial expression... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 11

28 3 0
By IreneDavison

"Roses are red, the sky is blue;

Let me tell you, what a shit are you?"

"How are you, man? Hope you are enjoying your time seamlessly."

I cut the call immediately after finishing off my words. I know he must be sleeping or f**king some new whores. But what I wanted was something else. Never in my dreams, did I think David would be the mole inside my team. We both started together under Marcos Rodriguez. We both made the best out of ourselves. Drugs, weapons, legal or illegal business, piracy nothing was left to be touched by us. We made the gold out of everything but what I missed was his intention. Marcos chose me as the head of the command when he retired and thus David's vision changed. He couldn't accept his decision of Marcos. I won't deny that he was a tough competitor but what Marcos saw in me I didn't know. The entire gang bowed in front of us accepting the decision. My behavior towards him never changed since then. They were perfectly maintained as it was.

"David, David, David...... What have you done brother." 

Yes, I used to treat him as my brother for a long time. What sort of brother dares to kill the other one? David proved me wrong. He was messing with my mind. I had my first doubt when I saw him gulping down hard in the strip club owned by me. David had chalked out everything perfectly. He was shocked beyond expectations when I accidentally grabbed the waitress and made her drink spiked whiskey. How would I ignore his abrupt move to kill the bartender? He knew if anyone from his well-planned murder story would end up in my hands, he would have been exposed immediately. His movement didn't buzz me straight until I noticed the change in his posture when the bartender was grabbed by my men. That was the first time he shot someone without even torturing an ounce. Come on David, you can't always be so reckless. 

I arranged my men and instructed them about their job. It was a simple shoot-at-sight order from my end. I knew he would be prepared too. The gesture is enough for someone intelligent like David.

Almost ten cars fully packed with heavy-loaded guns and ammunition arrived at his mansion gate. I was sitting inside the car rolling dice in my hand. It is my favorite dice I throw every time before starting a rampage to know the luck. I know my luck is a super cool bitch and so it was. I rolled out the dice and found a perfect six on the upper surface. A perfect smile appeared on my face when I opened the car door to step out. 

"Let's meet brother," I whispered to myself before pushing the door open to enter. One of his guards let us enter after talking through an intercom. I laughed inwardly seeing the guard in an alert position. 

"Sooner or later you all will be doomed." My mind screamed as my shoes made their noise clear to let the mansion hear. Straightway I moved towards the meeting room to discuss where Anthony was seated with a worried face.

He looked panic-stricken as my arrival wasn't planned early. Me, barging into David's mansion at such a late hour with a pack of armed men was not something natural even though we belong to the Mafia. 

I wasn't sure if Anthony's involvement in his game plan of David but that never meant I would be lenient to any of his men. For me, betrayal is something that can lead to ruthless torture and the screaming of someone's soul. 

"Where is your great leader?" His mocking tone didn't seem funny but more threatening in such an ambiance.

"He will be joining soon," Anthony spoke sitting on the opposite side expecting his leader to arrive in no time.

"I don't think your leader would come out of his hole. I am sure he has left you all to rot in hell." His clenched jaw and rage-filled eyes sent uniform shivers through everyone's body who was present in that situation.

"But sir, he said that he would......." Before Anthony could finish the man replied again, cutting him in between his words. 

"He just said, Anthony. There is a big difference between saying and doing." As he finished his words a loud gunshot was heard immediately. 

A body fell on the ground while he remained calmly seated in his position. But the man named Anthony who was notified about his leader's arrival gasped immediately after hearing the sound.

"Don't worry Anthony, we have just started. Hope we will finish soon." Saying so he pushed the chair to stand up and walked away from the room. 

"Boss, we don't know anything. Believe us." Anthony stated a fact.

"I know. He kept a lot of people in the dark but not everyone. Now you have two choices. Either you blurt out everything or keep counting the dead bodies." He smirked after placing his gun on the table. Pushing it to the other end he raised his brow to give his final verdict.

"Seize this mansion now. Bring out every single traitor he raised to go against me. He might have forgotten that there was always one King and there will always be one. The administration was always ruled by me and will be ruled by me." 

Anthony looked at the gun. Passing the gun in this way meant nothing much except two things. Either he had to shoot himself or let himself surrender in their hands to die being tortured if found guilty. Nobody in the world of the Mafia allows a traitor to breathe. His leader had betrayed the organization and now the Boss had arrived to acquire all such things. None could be saved rather everyone would be tortured to death.

"I know nothing about the betrayal but I can assure you my loyalty till my last breath." Anthony stood up with the gun and surrendered himself. Two of the guards grabbed him by his collar and dragged him outside the room. The whole mansion was seized by his men. Anthony looked for his leader who was none other than David, but he couldn't reach him by any means. 

Looking like a lost person he understood why David panicked when Carlos, their boss, informed him to pay a visit. He knew David would be exposed soon. What he didn't know was David's plan. 

Anthony saw a few of their men lying in the pool of blood. They were brutally murdered. Following this, two female bodies were stripped down naked beside them. 

"Seems like his whores have more information than his actual staff," Carlos spoke while smoking cigars being seated on the large couch keeping his one leg on another as a real King. This man knows how to skin the traitors alive and he won't stop till he gets enough blood. 

Carlos's men kept on storming into every corner to bring out documents, hidden money, drugs, and much more other stuff. One by another things were getting stacked on the main hall while the rest of the guards decided to surrender as going against the administration was never a feasible solution.

"Did you know David tried to join hands with Irish to take me down?" The question was a direct hit for Anthony. Though he found some of David's movements suspicious, he never thought to hear some sort of news like that.

Joining hands with the Irish Mafia? That was the least expected behavior from David's side. Why would David dare to take such drastic steps when everyone knows the head of the Irish Mafia was none other than Sylvester? Even if Sylvester is the one person left in the world, then also it would be a fool's idea to trust that man. He was the father of traitors. He who killed his brother for position and power can never be trusted.

"We were not fully aware."

"Hope your answer saves your pretty little life." 

Carlos kept on looking around and ordering his men to do the rampage. No one was thinking to stop killing even for a second. Few of the men were taken as hostages but again killed in a fraction of a second. He was ready to take a bath in the pool of blood. 

"We are done, Boss." Carlos's men informed.

"Set the mansion on fire," Carlos instructed and stood up from the couch to fix the suit button before leaving. His men transported all those important things to their respective cars. He came all prepared for this attack. After all, he came to kill his long-term partner and right hand. 

Anthony looked around to see how many of their men had died including males and females. Rest were either brutally injured or held captive to bring out information. Anthony knew he was termed as the most loyal person and he was kept in the dark regarding this matter. So either he would survive or he would die. Carlos looked at him before calling out his name.

"Would you like to be burnt down here or like to join hands to track down the traitor?"

"I was always a part of the administration and loyal to high command. I did what I was told. I would follow the same." Anthony knew the entire group was betrayed and a lot of his men tasted death due to this. 

Once they were ready to ignite the fire before exiting one of Carlos's men dragged something in front of them. It looked more like a white rag when he threw the object on the ground and everyone heard a fumble shriek. 

"I found this piece in one of the rooms. There were some important files too and one small locker inside the closet." The man handed those files and a locker when Anthony and others' eyes landed on the rag-type object. It was not at all an object but a living human being.

"Oh..." One word left Anthony's mouth as he almost forgot about that person. He thought David had left with her but here she was left alone. 

She was lying on the ground without a single expression of pain or fear. She was looking at the man standing before her. A kick landed on her stomach the man who dragged her down. She coughed badly and clutched her stomach but couldn't let out another whimper to reach others' ears. She kept on looking at those men who had surrounded her.

"It's his whore." The man who kicked her spoke.

"No. His wife." Anthony cut him in between but immediately regretted his words when Carlos's gaze changed into something else which was not full of pity. A sinister smile appeared on his face seeing the girl lying helplessly. As Anthony was standing in front of him blocking his sight he couldn't get a proper glance. Pushing Anthony away he looked at the pale face and chuckled. 

She met his dark gaze with a void on her face and emptiness in her eyes. He was so full of anger, rage, and questions but she held a calm sea of numbness all over her face. 

"Enjoy the meal boys and then don't forget to cut down every part before throwing them into the burning mansion." 

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