Anna's family

By Otar3000

1.6K 100 15

A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone 🌀
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets Königin
Tarzel Gespräch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark

Hell, Raid Aftermath

22 2 0
By Otar3000

Confused , Elsa didn't know if she heard Kristoff correctly

Elsa : I have...a brother? Are you sure about what you're saying?

Elsa didn't know how to respond, a bit taken aback

Elsa talked to her mother many times at Ahothallan and never once had she mentioned having a son...She even wonders if he really is their brother or just straight lied to get the throne like Hans and many others

Kristoff could noticed confusion on her fface even without words

Kritstoff : Sorry you had to know it this way. Anna and I wanted to tell you that on the day of the council but...well you know what happened. After that me, Olaf and Jane got through a lot of trouble on the way here but luckily we then met some help

Elsa 'But if it's true then... why didn't she tell me?'

She has to see that man for herself but before that, she has to protect the forest first and foremost

Elsa turns to Kristoff and Ryder "Kristoff, Ryder I have to go now

Ryder : Elsa where are you off to?

Elsa : To Ahtohallan. It's the only place to know thow to bring back peace. I will come back soon, take care of everyone until I come back and try not to get close to where the spirits are.

Ryder calls his reindeer to them second later "Take my reindeer, that'll be faster"

Elsa lifts her hand in rejection "You do know there is no need right?"

Ryder seemed confused before confessing "He he right sorry your highness"

Rolling her eyes funnily Elsa then formed an ice horse out of thin air, similar to Nokk

Kristoff : Be careful and listen...before you go, I have to tell you...Yesterday we were attacked by the giants and Tarzan went and baited them away. He didn't appear after that so I hope you find him.

Elsa looks at him in curiosity "Is that so? That eases things for me, I too want to share some words with him"

Before setting off, Elsa uses her ice powers to look into the memories of any nearby lake and water and look into the past.

Which was quite easy with the current winter... these manifestations are able to walk and talk like the people they represent at the magical glacier, Ahtohallan, but the memories are like statues of people frozen in time in the enchanted forest.

Elsa had a long time to maximise this incredibly powerful ability, as it essentially means that Elsa can review any event in time to see what actually took place. She can uncover any foul plot and see through any lie by using water to reveal the truth...

This ability, along with her future vision, often got her into stressing places, atrocious places of crime and violence... Sometimes too mcuh for her to take. She prefers not to use them too muhc for her own mentality.

Still that doesn't mean they aren't useful and right now she will see just where did the giants and that man go...

'I have to make sure if he is who he is'

She won't let herself to be fooled again

Elsa then clumbs up on a horse who starts to head towards the forest

And so she rides off into the distance, only for Ryder to remind Kristoff of something

Ryder : Ah! I think you forgot to tell her about Sora

Kristoff :...We'll tell her once she's be back... with Tarzan along hopefully. There's too much going on through her mind now as it is

Kristoff's memories flash back to him


After they fell from waterfall, Kristoff Jane and Olaf woke up on a rock that was flowing with the river which was going to sink as it headed to another waterfall adn were sent downwards wtih Olaf even singing "into the unknown!"

They managed to avoid crashing on the rocks, they needed to get to the froest which took a while, luckily they were all suited up not to get cold quickly.

Kristoff then managed to get them to Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna, a trading outpost located deep within the forest outside of Arendelle.

Jane definitely loved the place stocked with shelves of various products including bread, tools, plants, and books. Oaken also sells items for various kinds of weather conditions, such as swimsuits and sun balm for summer and snow shoes and boots for winter which was just what we needed.

Oaken and his family were old friends and were happy to help what they could.

With all the supplies, they were ready to go north wtih the wagon.

Kristoff explained that once him and Anna got seperated after hiking, they agreed on making it to the supposed destination instead of endlessly searching each other in circles... And so they had to get to the forest, they should cross paths on the way... hoepfully avoiding Hans' men

They did managed their way to Elsa's old ice palace on the North Mountain

The magically created ice was smooth and very reflective, which meant it often lacked the roughness necessary for the reindeer's hooves to find purchase.

The staircase was usually also, apparently, guarded by Marshmallow, the large snow and ice creature who is apparently not present at the moment

Which was weird, Marshmallow was quite grumpy to most people which from Elsa's perspective, made him an effective guard. And he won't get tired...

Olaf guesses that he should be inside, watching over their little snowgies

They planned to hide there for a while before advancing for a time, though they'll have the hundreds of Snowgies playng arond with them... Elsa tried hard not to sneeze much after that fever incident or they'll have far more snowgies than currently resided here




Except something else was awaiting them there...

He started to suspect something when the palace was shifting...

Several larger than life snowflake designs in transparent ice floated above the hall, twirling slowly and throwing prisms of light onto the walls. Every available surface had been coated in a fine crystalline dust that shimmered in the light provided, refracting the light further and coloring the walls and floors in ever-shifting ways.

Jane deduced that former queen Elsa must've had vast knowledge of geometry to create her ice castle with such detail...

Though Jane sure admires the crystalised decorations way more when they don't cause any serious fatal damage. If they get in their way, they may get many holes throguh them... all except Olaf who simply reassembled his body parts

But he assured her that this wasn't Elsa's doing, it couldn't be... then he noticed that snowgies weren't present... and he knew JUST HOW MANY they were.

Time was also running out as Olaf kept dusting away from existence... That was bad news, wherever Elsa was, they suspected her powers were losing effect...

But then who is doing this? Or who is calling this winter?

"My my it seems I have guests?"

There was a staircase at the end of the hall... and at the top of it, there was a figure standing with their top half shrouded in darkness.

Kristoff could swear that voice WAS similar to Elsa but something was definitely wrong with it...

"Oh Elsa! Is it you? Could've told us that you been here! We were a bit worried!"

There was no answer... only a chilling silence had followed

Jane whispers to Kristoff "I have a bad feeling about this"

"Elsa?" Kristoff asked a bit wary

'ELSA'?...oh how rude of you...

Dumbfounded and confused, the trio didn't move an inch.

They could see her hair was dark, black ice colored and her eyes flicker blue... and not just her eyes

They could hear footsteps from behind her, big footsteps... and a smile creeped on her face

While Olaf was confused, Jane had a feeling they had to leave now and Kristoff seemed to agree

Multiple snow creatures as big as Marshmallow emerged from the door looking very aggravated and menacing

You should call me THE SNOW QUEEN!

She held her arms up as she started blasting at them as the giants were advancing on them...

Naturally the trio did the most logical thing in this situation...RUN FOR IT!

They were definitely no match for Elsa if this is even Elsa

They manged to reach the entrace and narrowly closed the door as they ran down the stairs with Olaf accidentaly slipping and crashing into the two and sliding them down to the ground...

'Elsa' appeared to be making ramps and slides of solid ice, that she can travel on at great speed

The situation was getting worse as the storm was clouding their escape...

They'd be goners if it wasn't for Sora's unexpected arrival...

He certainly didn't look happy as he noticed when Sora got in between them and 'the snow queen'

Donald and Goofy were there too with them fighting off the giant snowmen...

The battle was cut short, Sora and his friends were in a strange hurry so they had them move into their ship which Kristoff still didn't find comfortable... he couldn't say it wasn't interesting though exciting even which is something him Jane and Olaf all agree on...

While on it, they rejoiced seeing their odl friends... Olaf was the first to say hi and gave hgs to Sora, Jane was also happy to reunite with the trio although the circumstances could've been better...

Of course they also discussed what was happening... what was that right now... why was there another Elsa?

The trio then explained that someone is causing a ruckus all around the world... it wasn't just in Arendelle or even Norway. Multiple occurences are happening around the world... they and their fellow keyblade wielders try their best to contain all of them, as well as keeping distance from the not-so-trusting authorities that keep an eye out and they also try to locate the very source of this chaos... for now unsuccessfully

They felt relieved when they learned that Anna, Tarzan, Maren and Sven are all safe in the woods...

Sora mentioend that Anna is really worried...

Kristoff understood, feeling bad fro making her worry of him again... though he coldn't help but notice that Sora's vocie souned ...sadder than he usually was...

Kristoff decided against asking him though. He understood that right now they both have their hands full with other more important matters...

They were eventually dropped in the enchanted forest where Kristoff was greeted with very tight hug from his wife, she really was worried...

The same goes for Tarzan when he embraced Jane...

Olaf felt really heartwarming seeing all this so he just hugged honeymaren when she appeared, he did love warm hugs after all...

Sora, Donald and Goofy were on their way but said that they'll come back in a few days to help with Hans and theother Elsa, we were left to explain the incident with the latter...


And so here we are...

Kristoff : True, but her powers are not blocked she will be alright. I'll explain the rest when they both come back...

Ryder : You think it was that other Elsa that blocked it though? ... Also it's one attack after the next . Everyone at Arendelle is trapped and I doubt they'll be released anytime soon

Kristoff : Pabbie and the trolls will protect them. As for the most of Arendelle's guards, at best either under a locking key or at worst maybe killed...I hope Mattias and the others are alive at least

Ryder : By the way, we are lucky it was you who fell off from there.

Kristoff frowned at that "Very funny"

Ryder : Uhm don't think I'm not glad you're okay but it's just that...Anna at the moment is very vulnerable...

Kristoff couldn't agree more on that, not in this kind of situation he wanted his baby to be born

He not agasint staying here for a time, but they can't leave everyone and they can't let Hans to get away with this...

Hopefully Sora will hurry up...

So many hopes... at times he wonders how did he get used to this... but after remembering so many misadventures and some scars, the answer is family.

Before he and Sven met Anna their lives were... simple, not dangerous... though maybe that wasn't much eventful. But if he were to choose between that old life and his new one with his Anna ... he'd rather live in the present one even if it means being her shield. His wife, his friends and his people needed him...he can't let them down...

That line of thinking did put him at ease a little as he went back to Anna, she didn't wake up yet...

He caress her cheek as he whispers "Elsker deg honning"


"Are you warmed up?"

Northuldran asked Jane as she was given a a cover sheet

Jane : I am now... thank you

She then looks at Anna

Jane : How are you holding?

Anna rubbed her belly instead as she mumbles

Anna : That's my question too...

Jane : Actually I am worried... for you, Tarzan, dad...

Anna : Pabbie and the other trolls are with them. They should be able to protect them with the magic of the earth...

Jane stretch out her hands at the fire to warm up as she rubs her head

Anna : Does it still hurt?

Jane : A little. Don't worry, after all that we went through this isn't the worst of our problems. I'm still unable to believe all of this...magical trolls, living snowman, heartless and that all in one week. I feel rather overwhelmed

Anna couldn't say anything since she pretty much feels the same...

"It just all happened so suddenly"

The words came from Maren who seems to be awake now,

Maren : When faced with such reality numerous times, you should already get used to this... but as you grow up you find yourself still fascinated...

Anna then moves her hand on an hexagonal button on her right shoulder

Jane : By the way what is with those hexagonals?

Jane noticed Anna's queen dress has 4 hexagonal buttons (right waist, left chest, and both shoulders) with the Arendelle crocus inside it.

Jane : I believe no Arendellian crocus design has ever incorporated a hexagon before, usually the crocus is inside a circle or on its own

Jane noticed the same on the Northuldrans who wear hexagons at their neck and waist.

Anna : As the new Queen and as half-Northuldran, I commissioned a new motif for my dress buttons which is a marriage of the hexagon and crocus motifs, a tangible symbol of our lands and people now connected.

Jane : So it represents peace and harmony

Anna : Indeed, however other countries of the world won't be as understanding, that's partially why we don't make maps on where it is and go by ourselves

Maren : Not that any map could lead you to the nomadic Northuldra. Only the good willed people should come here, if the wrong people get here it will be the same thing as 48 years ago

Anna : That's why Hans hasn't come here yet but it's only a matter of time before he comes

Jane said nothing more on that as she knows Anna is right

Anna : Maren...I'm sorry for Yelena

Maren : You don't need to...Every tale comes to an end and so does life.

Jane : And don't you feel saddened?

Maren : It is sad to say goodbye but as natural as life itself. Yelena and Elsa taught me that we should cherish the time we had together instead of crying for what we lost

Jane understood "I see what you mean, I can't agree more with that"

Anna : Me too...

Anna stroke the head of a small stuffed puffin she now had in her hands, it had a blue cape and a button eye. Gerda mentioned her grandmother made him for her father Agnarr when he was a baby. She called him Sir JörgenBjörgen, Anna had it with her when the raid happened ...after her home got destroyed.

'Tarzan...Elsa...please be okay'


The group of Horsemen are searching the mountain, holding up thier lanterns looking through the blizzard

Andor :Well what do you think?

Abraham : Well I doubt we will find former queen in this weather

Andor : That too but do you think admiral Westegard is worth it?

Abraham : Such thoughts may get us executed. For sire, it equals to revolt

Their debates were interruptd by the sudden current of wind that catches them and takes them off their horses that ran away and high above the ground...

They are then approached by the one in control of this cold wind

Evening gentlemen. Why are you on my mountain?

A chill went down their spines, beliveing that perhaps this was Elsa and part of them wished they hadn't found out

Abraham : We were sent to look for you Queen Elsa!

That name again?... Hmm and by whom exactly?

Andor : By admiral Wetergard!"

Ahahoh of coruse well why didn't admiral westergard come himself since he wants her so?

Abraham : He... he..."

He is busy raising an army?

They are hesitant to confirm or deny the answer

She then formed ice around their middle body freezing them in pain


Ohou what a coincidence

A sound of growl is heard behind her as they look in shock, at the army of snow knight monsters backing her

Never underestimate the power of snow... and ice!

I wondered how Elsa would react to Tarzan, unlike Anna she wasn't in that tree house to see that picture or to interact with them so expect her to be not as easily convinced.

About Sora...what can I say this is a connected universe story. A massive multiplayer crossover. He'll appear eventually don't worry.

Frozenverse creators also confirmed that the spirit or at least a part of Iduna resided in Ahtohallan after her death and that she was the vocie calling for Elsa so this'll be interesting.

Evil Elsa - pin/7318418120023249/ & watch?v=_ah3zQOVims

Small fact : Ryder and Honeyamren are siblings too so her alst name is Nattura as well.

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