Loving the Enemy

By mydumbas

255K 4.2K 919

Book 1 of 2 When two of the biggest Mafia's are threatened, they are forced to work together to defeat the en... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 13

6.7K 110 38
By mydumbas


Anna still hasn't returned and it almost has been an hour. Nobody has uttered a word expect for a few 'fuck's and 'it was your fault' from her two idiot friends.

I am sitting in the living room, across from me Lorenzo who is sleeping there. When we came here we tied Suzuki to a chair facing me.

I lean my head back in exhaustion and let out a quiet sigh.

I'm fucking tired.

I close my eyes and just a few seconds later I hear a groan from in front of me. I wasn't in the mood to torture someone right now so I stand up and give him a hard punch in the face, causing him to pass out again.


I fall back on the couch closing my eyes again.

Just as I am ready to greet sleep I hear the door to the apartment open. I groan and look up to see Anna walking in with a slightly red face probably from the cold and her fucking soaked in water.

I had noticed it started raining but I don't fucking know where she was to be this wet.

Although I wish it wasn't from the rain.

She still has my jacket on and let me tell you it looks huge on her. Her hair is open and slightly waved.

"What?" She snaps. I lift my eyes to hers when I notice I have been checking her out.

God, what is wrong with me?

I mutter a quick nothing, simultaneously she looks at the guy in front of me with the new bruise coming up on his face.

"Has he woken up yet?"

"Yes. He has." I give her a slight grin wen she rolls her eyes, understanding what I meant by that.

"I'm going to sleep" she mumbles before leaving the room.


I open my eyes and look outside the floor to ceiling window to notice the sun slowly rising. Lorenzo is still sleeping on the opposite couch.

I stand up and walk in the direction of the kitchen. When I walk past Annas' room I hear someone talk. Curiosity gets the best of me so I walk up to the door and put my ear to the cold wooden door.

I can hear small sobs and when the voice talks again I furrow my brows. "He's dead. He's dead. You killed him Anna. You killed him." More sobs are heard and my frown deepens. I hadn't even notice someone approach when I feel a small but pretty hard punch being thrown at my stomach. I clutch my stomach immediately in pain and step back to see Vanessa with a death glare send my way. "Get. The. Fuck. Away. This is none of your fucking business."

She gives me one last push before quickly disappearing into the room. I hear someone scream and then a muffled voice saying. "Shhh. It's me." After that I walk in the kitchen, the thought of a vulnerable Anna in my mind.

I take my phone out of my pocket and lock at the time, seeing it's 7.18 am. I look around some cabinets for food, only to find nothing appealing. I look into the fridge and don't see anything special either but a latte. I don't really like latte I rather prefer black coffee but that will do it.

I walk back in the living room and see Lorenzo laying on his back, phone in hand and the blond guy opposite him on the laptop typing something. I sit down beside him. He looks at me and then the latte in my hand as I take a sip from it. He lets out a low chuckle.

"What are you laughing at blondie?"

"Oh nothing." He says as he tries to hold in a laugh. What is so funny with me drinking a latte? I shake my head choosing to ignore him. I take out my phone to check some emails.

Vanessa walks into the room. She walks to Lorenzo and kicks his legs off the couch, taking a place there. Lorenzo glares at her, sitting up. She looks at me with a bitter expression that quickly changes into amusement when she sees the latte in my hand.

"Oh this is going to be funny." She says a sly smile appearing on her face as she shares a look with Sebastian.

Lorenzo furrows his eyebrows at their weird behavior. As I was about to speak a voice appears to my left.

"Is that my latte?" She questions bitterly. I look at the cup in my hand before looking at her again.

She fakes a smile, not trying to hide it. She mumbles a quiet 'Of fucking course' before saying "You know what? It's okay, I'll make a new one." She storms into the kitchen. Her friends look after her dumbfounded before looking back at me with a slight glare. I grin lifting the cup to my lips, ready to take sip when suddenly a knife flies past my face, taking the cup with it. My eyes widen as I look to my left and see Anna at a pretty far distance with a mischievous grin on her face.

She narrows her eyes at me before saying, "If I can't have my latte, no one can."

"What the fuck? You could have hit my fucking head!" I hiss at her.

"Well lucky you I didn't!" she mocks, "And if I did it wouldn't really harm anyone."

I clench my jaw. Oh how I want to strangle her.

By the time I stand up to say something I notice Fuji suddenly being wide awake, his eyes wide as he looks around the room.

I roll my eyes at him and look at Anna one more time, warning her "We will talk later about this, love."

She rolls her eyes at me as I let out a low growl.

"Wakey Wakey Sunshine." She slaps him lightly a few times on the same cheek. She smiles sweetly at him when he locks eyes with her. He tries to move only to realize his hands and feet are bound to the chair. I let myself fall back into my previous place, watching Annas next move.

"Get the things." She says in a sweet tone referring to Sebastian who stands up with a smirk and walks into the direction of his room.

He comes back with a silver metal case and puts it on the coffee table. He opens it revealing knifes, guns, torchers, drills and what other things.

"You want something to drink?" He gulps. "Yeah? Great. Vanessa go get our little guest some water." He gulps again scared of what's to come.

The sun has by now risen, the sky beautifully orange and red. Just like she loved it.

Vanessa walks away with a smirk. Whatever they have planned, I know it's going to be devilish.

I let Anna take the lead for now. I want to see why people are so scared of her. How she works.

"So," She starts, "do you know why you're here?" He shakes his head rapidly, causing Anna to tsk while shaking her head.

"I'm only gonna tell you: you're here for two reasons." Wait. Two?

I look over to Lorenzo who has a small frown on his face, just as confused as me. His frown deepens at Annas' next words that have no relation to what we're here for.

"Do you know Fen and Daishi Youlan?" He instantly tenses at the mention of these names but nevertheless shakes his head, only confirming Annas accusation.

"Liar." She throws a hard punch to his stomach. "You killed them. I fucking know because I was there. I saw you. And even if I didn't see, you left your fucking sign there you stupid fuck." She throws another punch to his stomach when realization hit him. "And you definitely know about the Japanese Mafia because you fucking work for them, pezzo di merda inutile." She smiles bitterly throwing another punch. "And you're going to tell me everything you know, or you won't only pay for their deaths, I will make you regret ever being alive. Now open your mouth darling, I bet your thirsty, si?"
[useless piece of shit]

Vanessa already stands there with two full buckets of water and a cloth, setting one on the floor and lifting the other one, ready to choke him with that water. He shakes his head trying to hold his mouth closed. Sebastian lets out a quiet sigh before standing up, stepping behind Fuji and holding his head and jaw, opening it. Wide. Wide. Open. As Anna puts the cloth over his mouth. 

Only now I notice that she is wearing only a black oversized hoodie, exposing her beautiful, long and tanned legs. She still has a few bruises from yesterday, that are already healing but it still looks hot as fuck. 


My jaw clenches as I look back at the guy choking on the water. The floor is all wet now yet nobody seems to give a shit.

They stop when the bucket is half empty. He looks like a mess and only now a scared expression takes over his features.

Anna bends down so she is face to face with Fuji. "So? You have something to tell us?" Her hoodie has slide up, exposing her ass and her black lace underwear.

I lick my lips when I take a deep breath. I look away from her realizing I have been checking her out and look at Lorenzo, who is already narrowing his eyes at me. I look back at Suzuki, trying to not look at her.

Not gonna lie, she is hot. If it wasn't for her to be my enemy I would definitely fuck her. She has the looks of her mama.

Yes, I know her mama. I saw a few pictures of her with my mum together. They were friends, I guess. When they each got married our fathers didn't really get along good but for the sakes of their wives they didn't start anything. Everything escalated when Annas mum got murdered. Her papa went ballistic and killed everyone that came his way. When my father accused him of her mom's death he killed my father.

I didn't mind it. 

I never liked my parents. They were both assholes to me. But if I had to choose someone, I would choose my papa. He cared at least a bit about me but I bet it was only because I was going to take over his Mafia.

I had a little sister. They didn't even care about her. I had to take care of her. I cared about her a lot. She and Lorenzo were the only people at that time that cared about me even though she was so young. I loved her with my whole heart. Until she was killed by some drunk guy. 

"I'm not telling you shit" he answers in a shaky breath, obviously scared of what's to come.

I chuckle darkly at his balls because even I know it's going to be a bloodbath here.

When Anna walks past me to the table with the weapons, her sweet scent fills my nose. It's fucking addicting. I restrain myself from looking at her, keeping my eyes on the scared man in the middle of the room. She picks out a kitchen knife, examining it. A devilish smile appears on her face when she walks up to him. In a blink his dress shirt is off, ripped in half by the knife. There is a light trace of the knife left across his chest, but not deep enough to form a scar. Sebastian who still stands behind him rips the shirt from his body causing Fuji to flinch. Anna traces the knife along the line where she just cut him, until the knife is by his dick and the knife stops right there. He shakes his head again, mouthing 'no's. Anna smirks as she lifts the knife into the air. She stabs him in his left thigh, so close to his dick, making him let out a small shout of pain.

"Ops, I missed. Let's try again shall we?"

Oh what a little winx.

She lifts the knife again ready to stab him again. He begs her not to but she obviously won't listen. I know how much she loves when people beg. Beg for her mercy. I love it, too. When my victims beg for me to not kill them.

She stabs him again. But this time in the right thigh. And this time, he screams.

She sighs when he still won't say anything and starts cutting his nails out. Slowly and painfully as his screams and shouts of beg get louder and louder.


After 45 minutes and at least 17 cut of body parts as well as more than 36 new scars, he still hasn't talked. Not gonna lie, although he's already passed out, he's bold and strong for making it this far.

I let out a sigh as the woman responsible for his injury's, groans in frustration. I haven't even touched the man. It was all Anna and her psychotic friends.

She mumbles something along the lines, "What a great morning" before walking to the table and putting the knife back in. She looks at every weapon laying before her when blondie suggests for her to take the torcher on what she nods. 

She turns it on and stares at the flame in awe with an evil smile. She walks to Suzuki and holds the fire to one of his cuts. He instantly wakes up at the pain and let's out a small shout. "I love fire. You want to know why?" He shakes his head but she still continues. "It makes me warm. It's my light. The one I need when all the electricity is out. Just like my family. My family is my fire. You probably have a fire, too, no?" his eyes widen in fear and he shakes his head again as if saying 'no'. Kind of seems like shaking his head is his favorite thing now.

She leans down to his ear and whispers loud enough for all of us to hear, "It would be shame to kill them."

"You- you're blu- bluffing." His voice is hoarse from all the screaming.

"Oh look who can talk. Now it would be great if you use it for more useful stuff. Wouldn't want Ichika to suffer because of you, now would we?"

Damn. She's good.

It goes silent for a moment, everyone waiting for his answer.

When he doesn't utter a word, Anna calmly starts threatening him. "I guess I will have to pay her a visit at her school. Which one was it again? Oh yeah. Azabu Junior it was, right?"

"No, no, please. I will tell you everything you need. But please don't hurt my family."

"Deal. Then start. Who is your leader?"

"I- I don't know anything about him. I only know his name. Eikichi Daisen Iwasaki. But only his best people know his whereabouts and other information. He is very discreet."

Sebastian takes out a laptop and types something in. Anna looks at him waiting patiently. Sebastian looks at her and shakes his head, causing her to let out a small sigh as she turns back around to face Suzuki. "Are there any new shipments you know about? Any new deals that someone makes that can help us more?"

This time he nods, gulping loudly. "There will meet two gangs in Las Vegas in one of Iwasaki's' casino. They want to make a shipment deal. They want to buy some weapons to be well equipped for the war. Against you."

Anna raises a brow when he stops talking, a sign for him to continue. "Their names?"

"Hidekazu Ono and Akitsugu Watanabe."

Sebastian types away again as a small smile of appreciation appears on Anna's face. "That wasn't that hard now, was it? But are you really sure you don't know anything about Eikichi, Fiji?"

"That's not my name." he whispers as Anna huffs "I don't care. I asked you a question. Yes or no?"

"I don't know anything."

She narrows her eyes, "Do you swear on your daughters' life?"

He rapidly nods, "I-I swear on my daughters' life."

She nods her head, biting her inner cheek when Vanessa hands her a gun. She lifts it to his head, finger on the trigger. "Thank you for cooperating. I'll make sure to tell your family you were loyal to them" Then she pulls the trigger. The bullet fly's straight through between his eyes. His blood splatters across the couches. It even reaches Lorenzo a tiny bit.

She sighs before sitting on the arm rest next to Sebastian.

"Anything on the two men?"

"Si. Hidekazu Ono, 37 years. No family. He worked in the millitary for a few years before getting offered a job in a small gang that belongs to Iwasaki. Akitsugu Watanabe, 46 years. Has a son, Choki Watanabe, 11 years. His wive was murderd. The rest is not really nececary but they both participate in human trafficking. Mostly fixated on young women but there are a few young men, too."

Vanessa and Anna fake gag at the same time at that. I mentally do, too. I loathe every Mafia that participates in human trafficking. It is disgusting. Mostly the people there get raped multiple times and- or are used as slaves. 

"As he already mentioned the deal will take place in Las Vegas in one of their casinos. It's called Bellagio. Hm. I thought it belonged to someone else."

Vanessa sighs. "Guess we will have to take a trip to Vegas. Yeahi." She celebrates with fake enthusiasm.

"We should leave today. I have a house there. Alexander will come with the rest." Anna suggests.

Realization hit me. "Fuck." I mutter under my breath. We had a house in Vegas, too but it was blown up the night of the ball when everything started.

Lorenzo seems to remember, too as he let's out a breath and gives me a look.

"What?" Vanessa questions Lorenzo and me with a look of suspicion.

He let's out a deep breath again. Oh this is going to hurt our ego.

"Can we... can we like..." he clears his throat before rambling, "Canwestaywithyouourhousetheregotdestroyed."

"What? Can you repeat that but a bit slower this time please." Vanessa requests.

I roll my eyes as an annoyed and a bit angry expression takes over Enzo's features.

"Can we stay with you? Our house got destroyed the day of the ball."

Anna raises a brow, looking at me, but I don't dare to look at her and keep my gaze fixated on my lap.

She sighs before answering, "I guess."


Hey besties! Sorry for the long wait I was and still am a bit sick, but at least this chapter is a bit longer (3178 words :))

Hope you  had a good day! See you hopefully soon:) Good night/ day!

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