sweet creature x jemily

By theprxntisstrials

59.5K 1.1K 3K

Emily is granted the opportunity to adopt Carrie after her entire family was murdered. Emily is adjusting to... More


bonus chapter: twenty-one

2.4K 46 85
By theprxntisstrials

HELLO HELLO i bet you thought you've seen the last of this book😉

i couldn't help myself by doing on final chapter for all of those who were begging for this book not to be over. please read the note at the end of this chapter for more context😭

that's enough of me rambling and enjoy the final chapter of this book✨

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: mentions of alcohol consumption, slight swearing, mentions of death
word count: 3690

Trevor: "Who, being loved, is poor?" Oscar Wilde.

Four years later

"God, I'm going to pass out," Emily said and held a hand to her forehead. Carrie looked over her shoulder at the dramatic woman as JJ fanned her down.

"Mom was the one who wanted to come to the game. Blame her," Carrie said and gestured to JJ. The blonde woman gave her a look to shut up before Emily turned her dagger eyes to JJ. Carrie held her hands up in surrender as Trevor finally made his way up to them. His task was to park the car and meet the family at the seats.

"Come on! This is one of the only times we can see Yale vs Georgetown. It'll be great!" JJ said and wrapped an arm around Emily. The blonde woman happily kissed Emily's cheek in excitement. "I'll buy you lunch and maybe some alone—"

"Alright, that was your one innuendo pass," Carrie said and made a look of disgust. The two mother smiled at each other before locking hands and making their way to the stadium.

"Georgetown for the win!" Trevor shouted as he and JJ happily wore their Georgetown gear. It was endearing for Carrie to see. Trevor made it a point to visit JJ and Emily as often as he could while in school. It gave Carrie some peace of mind since she was officially moved out of the house and five hours away at Yale.

"I better not hear a word claiming foul play when your team loses," Carrie said and pointed her finger at JJ and Trevor. Emily and her chuckled before high fiving.

"Yeah whatever," JJ said as she bumped her hip against Carrie's. The four of them made their way down to their section before finding their seats. Luckily for JJ and Trevor, they were playing at Georgetown. They were surrounded by fellow proud alumni and current students that were shouting for their team.

"We need a drinks and there's no way I'm being hounded by Georgetown reps," Carrie said and grabbed onto JJ's hand. "Trevor, take care of my mom please and make sure she doesn't murder anyone."

"Yes ma'am," Trevor said as he leaned down and kissed Carrie sweetly. Both JJ and Emily smiled as they broke away from each other.

"Come on, Carrie," JJ said and shooed Carrie with her hand. The two women made their way up the stairs before disappearing into the crowd.

"So, Miss Prentiss," Trevor said ran his hands down his pants. Emily squinted her eyes at Trevor's nervousness.

"Trevor, we've talked about this," Emily said and looked over at the man. He smiled nervously as he swallowed hard. "Miss Prentiss is my mom and unless you want to lose an eye, just call me Emily."

"Alright," Trevor said and laughed. "Emily. I uh, I need to ask you something."

"Oh?" Emily asked and looked at him with curiosity. Trevor was trying to figure out the right words as he bounced his foot up and down. Emily slid over to sit right next to him and crossed her legs. "Come on, Trevor. Spit it out. Don't make me profile you for it."

"How about I show you?" Trevor asked and grabbed his backpack that he had. Emily's eyes widened as she saw the ring box in his hands.

"Oh my God," Emily said in shock as her hands went to her mouth. Trevor leaned closer and shushed the woman as he looked around.

"I want to ask Carrie to marry me," Trevor said and sighed in relief as he finally said it. Emily's eyes were wide as her jaw was still hung open.

"You guys are so young. Are you sure?" Emily asked and clutched her heart. Trevor chuckled as he put the ring box away.

"Miss Pre—"

Emily raised her eyebrows as Trevor caught himself.

"Emily. I thought I lost Carrie four years ago. Honestly, I couldn't sleep those days she was in the hospital. I needed to make sure she was alright, even when she was asleep. I love your daughter with everything in me. She's the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Yeah, we're young, but I know what I want," Trevor said and smiled shyly at Emily. The raven-haired woman patted his back. "Carrie loves you and JJ more than anything. She values your opinion sometimes more than her own. And I mean, at this point, I'd hope you like me."

Emily bursted into laughter as she covered her mouth. "Yes, Trevor. JJ and I love you. You're everything we could have asked for Carrie."

"So, do I have your blessing to marry Carrie?" Trevor asked with hopeful eyes. Emily put her hand out for Trevor. The man grabbed it and shook Emily's hand. Emily's hand tightened around his wrist making him flinch.

"I realized I never had the hard ass talk with you, Trevor. So, I'm going to make everything clear. You break my daughter's heart, I break you," Emily said causing Trevor to nod his head fast. Needless to say, he'd always been intimidated by Emily. She was very protective of Carrie even though he knew she was fond of him. Emily let go of her hold and smiled softly at him. "But you have my blessing. I'll help you plan the proposal too."

"That'd be great, Emily. Thank you," Trevor said and smiled warmly as he shook the feeling back into his wrist. Emily held open her hands.

"Come on, Trevor. Bring it in," Emily said and gestured her hands towards her. Trevor chuckled as he hugged Emily tightly. The raven-haired woman patted her hand against his back. "Thank you for being there for her."

"Of course," Trevor said as they pulled away. That's when he saw Carrie and JJ walk through the crowd. Carrie had her eyebrows raised as she saw the two of them pull away from a hug.

"What's going on here?" Carrie asked as she handed Trevor a large soda. The man wrapped his arm around Carrie and kissed her head.

"Well, Trevor suggested an amazing restaurant. He suggested we go there after the game to settle the tensions after Georgetown loses," Emily said and shrugged her shoulders. Trevor squinted his eyes.

"Okay, I didn't say that. Your mom is putting words in my mouth," Trevor said and shook his head down at Carrie.

"No, that was verbatim," Emily said and tilted her head. JJ shook her head as she handed Emily her alcoholic beverage.

"What did she really say? I saw you guys hugging something out," Carrie said and squinted her eyes at Trevor. "I swear if you are lying to me, Trevor Jonathan Davis."

"Relax, Carrie Ortiz-Prentiss," Trevor said and pulled Carrie in by wrapping an arm around her shoulder. He kissed her forehead sweetly before looking down at her. "I love you."

"I love you too, even when you're hiding something from me," Carrie said and played with the man's hand draped over her shoulder.

"She's so grown," JJ whispered over to Emily. "You're telling me what you and Trevor talked about later."

"Of course," Emily said and kissed the side of JJ's head. "Now, shush and watch your team get their asses beat."

"Yeah, whatever," JJ said and bumped her shoulder with Emily's.

After an hour of yelling, shouting, and praying, Georgetown and Yale were tied with only a few minutes left in the game. JJ and Trevor were shouting for Georgetown while Emily and Carrie were yelling for Yale.

"Come on! Just throw it!" JJ shouted as the football player got tackled. The blonde woman placed her hands on her temples due to stress.

"Let's go! Do it again!" Emily shouted as her and Carrie reached over JJ and held hands.

"Come on!" Trevor yelled as there was no only a minute left in the game. The entire stadium abrupted into loud cheers and shouting.

Everyone held their breath as the quarterback threw the football to one open player, resulting in a touchdown for Georgetown. JJ and Trevor jumped up and down in celebration as they scored. The two turned towards each other before jumping, chest bumping each other in the process.

"Let's go! Georgetown for the win, baby!" JJ shouted at the top of her lungs. Her and Trevor continued their celebration as they officially called the game.

"What was that about complaining of foul play?" Trevor asked and placed his hand to his ear. Carrie shook her head as she looked at her boyfriend.

"You owe me a big kiss and a whole lot of something else since we won," JJ said with a smug look on her face. She was about to kiss Emily when she was met with a finger.

"Yeah, right," Emily said and smiled at JJ. The blonde woman puckered her lips as she tried to lean in and kiss Emily once again. When she was met with a finger again, JJ grabbed Emily's hand and pulled her in for a big kiss. Emily was nothing but smiles after that kiss.

"Come on, let's go eat. Losers buy," JJ said and smiled proudly over at Carrie. The young woman rolled her eyes as she grabbed onto Trevor's hand.

"We should have put a rule about gloating too," Carrie said and pulled Trevor along with her.

Two weeks later:

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Carrie furrowed her eyebrows as she got up and headed to her door. She was back at Yale, she shouldn't have had any visitors. The young woman opened her door and saw an envelope on the floor. She looked left and right into the hallway and didn't see anyone there.

Carrie bent down and grabbed the envelope before shutting her door. Carrie was tempted to call Emily or JJ to immediately send someone over here, but she didn't feel in danger like last time. The young woman opened the envelope and smiled when there was a note that was obviously written by Trevor.

Your flight leaves tomorrow night. I took care of everything. Pack light.

Carrie looked inside the envelope and saw there was a plane ticket inside. Specifically, it was to Denver, Colorado. Carrie furrowed her eyebrows. What could possibly be going on in Denver that needed to be so secretive?

Carrie reached into her back pocket and grabbed her phone. Once she got the phone ringing, it went immediately to voicemail. Trevor usually answers Carrie on the first few rings. The young woman made her way back to her bed and sighed softly.

Carrie: So, why are we going to Denver?

Trevor: I thought you could use a weekend away. Don't worry, I let your bosses know too so they don't do a man hunt for you

Carrie chuckled as he referred to JJ and Emily.

Carrie: How many days?

Trevor: Just two. I did say to pack lightly! Bring something formally!

"Dork," Carrie whispered to herself before tossing her phone to the side. In a matter of two hours, Carrie finally managed to get her suitcase packed. A million thoughts were swarming through her head at the moment of what Trevor could be doing.

Meanwhile, Trevor was already in Denver with one last important thing to do. He shut his car door before making his way through the patches of dirt and grass. He finally made his way to the three headstones as he was shaking with nerves.

"Uh, hi. I'm Trevor Davis, I'm Carrie's boyfriend. I know I only met you twice while I was at school with Carrie before everything happened, but this just felt appropriate," Trevor said and grabbed the ring box from his pocket. "It would be the greatest honor to marry your daughter. I love her more than words could explain. I love Carrie."

Trevor cleared his throat as his eyes started to water. He quickly gathered himself before shaking off the nerves.

"I already asked Emily and JJ, her adopted parents, but I wanted to ask you too," Trevor said and smiled softly. "I know I probably didn't leave the greatest impression when I was fifteen, but I hope I am now. Please, give me a sign or something that proves I have your permission to ask her to marry me."

Trevor wasn't the most religious person on the planet, but his heart started racing as the large cloud that was covering the sun had moved. He could have sworn the heart that was covering the sun had looked eerily similar to a heart. The young man started to laugh.

"Thank you," Trevor said as he slipped the ring box into his pocket. "I'll take great care of her. I promise."

Carrie had landed in Denver and was impressed when she was greeted by a driver. Carrie was on edge the entire drive until they stopped in front of a hotel. Once the door was opened, a hand was out for hers.

"Ortiz-Prentiss?" Trevor asked as he ducked his head down. Carrie smiled widely as she took his hand and got out of the car with his help. "You look beautiful as ever."

"You look even handsomer than ever," Carrie said as she placed her hands on his chest. Trevor smiled widely as he leaned down and kissed his, hopefully, soon-to-be-fiancé. "So, why Denver?"

"A getaway trip," Trevor said and smiled widely. "Now, let's go get dressed up. We have reservations at Ocean Prime."

"Ocean Prime? Trevor, are you crazy? That place is expensive," Carrie said as her eyes widened. The young man held onto Carrie's hands and smiled shyly.

"Only the best for you. Plus, I saved a lot for this mini trip. Don't worry about anything," Trevor said and leaned forward, planting a kiss on Carrie's forehead. "Come on."

After an hour of getting ready, Carrie finally stepped out in a slim red dress with her makeup and hair done. Trevor, who was on the phone, was quickly distracted as Carrie walked out.

"Yeah, I've got to go," Trevor said before hanging up the phone. He walked up to Carrie and placed his hands on her waist. "You are so gorgeous."

Carrie's eyes raked up the young man's all black suit. It was a rare sight to see him in a suit. Carrie was enjoying this moment of fancy dressing a little too much. For some reason, this suit made him feel taller than his already six foot statue.

"How did I get so lucky to have you?" Carrie asked and smiled softly at Trevor.

"I'm the lucky one," Trevor said and kissed Carrie sweetly. "Come on, we have to go before we're late."

After two hours of eating the most delicious seafood and sides, Carrie was full to the point where she felt like she'd explode. Trevor was feeling the same way but probably worse. Both of them wanted to enjoy themselves on this mini trip.

"We have one more stop," Trevor said and opened the car door for Carrie. The young woman furrowed her eyebrows. "Are you up for dessert?"

"Are you trying to kill me?" Carrie asked and pulled Trevor down by his tie. The man smiled against her lips before kissing Carrie.

"Maybe with love and food," Trevor mumbled before pulling away from his girlfriend. He carefully shut the door before making his way around the car. He smiled to himself as he started the car.

Let's hope she says yes.

It didn't take long for the two to pull up to the shop where they met again for the first time. Carrie furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at where they were. "You want gelato? I'd like for you to scope mine for me."

"Anything for you. They remodeled when you left back to D.C., but everything else is still hopefully the same," Trevor said and unbuckled his seatbelt. He made his way around the car, subconsciously feeling around in his pocket for the ring box. The young man gladly opened the door for Carrie before they hooked arms and made their way inside the gelato place.

Carrie's heart was beating out of her chest when she saw it was let with candles and rose petals. Trevor guided her to the middle of the room with a proud smile on his face.

"Trevor, what is—"

"Shush, just listen to me," Trevor said and took a step back from Carrie. "Carrie Ortiz-Prentiss, this is the place where I started to believe that everything happened for a reason. I've loved you since I was fifteen and that hasn't changed in the slightest now as a twenty two year old. I was scared that I had these feelings for you so quickly. At I paid the price for that by having to saying to say goodbye to you. But then we met again, and this time I couldn't ignore it."

Trevor swallowed hard and wiped his eyes. Carrie's heart started to melt as he tried so hard not to cry.

"I love you. I always will. I asked you to come to Denver not only for this shop, but to ask permission," Trevor said and cleared his throat. Carrie's eyes started to water as he reached into his pocket and grabbed a ring box. The young man slowly got down on one knee before opening the box.  "I asked both your sets of parents for permission. They both said yes. Carrie Ortiz-Prentiss, will you do me the utmost honor of marrying me?"

Carrie's hands shot up to mouth as she started to cry. Trevor smiled nervously as tears streamed down his face as well.

"Yes," Carrie said and smiled widely. "Yes! Yes!"

Trevor sighed in relief as he stood up and kissed Carrie passionately. The young man gently placed a ring onto Carrie's hand.

"She said yes!" Trevor yelled as he picked up Carrie and spun her around. Carrie heard the door to the kitchen open up before a loud pop was heard. Rossi had the pleasure of opening up the bottle of champagne and immediately started to serve everyone a glass.

Carrie's eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on Emily and JJ. Both of them had their hands over their hearts as they looked at Carrie. The young woman immediately ran to her mothers' arms and hugged them both tightly.

"Our sweet Carrie," Emily said and placed her hand on the back of Carrie's head. All three women started to break down and cry as they held onto each other.

It was official, Emily and JJ had completed their job. Carrie didn't need them anymore. The broken sixteen year old that they welcomed into their lives six years ago was now getting married and about to graduate college.

"We love you, Carrie," JJ said and shut her eyes tightly. Carrie smiled as she broke away from the two of them.

"I love you both too," Carrie said and grabbed onto both of their hands. There was a small pause before a punch was landed on either woman's shoulder.

"Ow!" JJ said and rubbed her shoulder.

"Hey! What was that for?" Emily asked and furrowed her eyebrows.

"You said no more secrets!" Carrie said and crossed her arms. "And you told me I was crazy when I started suspecting that Trevor was acting weird."

"Oh calm it, it was a good secret," Clara said and handed the three women their glass of champagne. "Bring it in, bride-to-be."

"Auntie," Carrie said as she wrapped her arms around Clara. The second they pulled away, Carrie was tackled in a hug by Derek, Spencer, Aaron, and Rossi. The young woman laughed as they all gave her small congratulations while still hanging onto her for dear life.

"Let us know if he treats you bad. We'll send Emily after him," Rossi said jokingly making Carrie burst out laughing.

"Come here," JJ said and opened her arms. Trevor chuckled as he walked up to JJ and embraced him into a tight hug. The two of them stood there for a second as JJ poured every ounce of gratitude into this hug.

"My turn," Emily said and clapped her hands together. JJ and Trevor both laughed as they pulled away from each other. Trevor didn't hesitate to embrace Emily in a rather tight hug. "Welcome to the family, officially, Trevor."

"The catering is going to be here any minute! Let's drink and celebrate!" Penelope shouted as she embraced Carrie and Trevor into a tight hug.

"We'll settle for cake. We had too much lobster," Trevor said and laughed. His hand wrapped around his fiancé's waist.

Carrie's eyes scanned over the crowd of the entire team, Tara, and Clara. In this moment, she was eternally grateful for the raven-haired woman who took her in with open arms. Emily noticed the tears in Carrie's eyes and tilted her head in confusion.

"Thank you," Carrie mouthed and held her hand over her heart. Emily, now with tears in her eyes, clasped her hands in front of her.

"No, thank you," Emily said and smiled over at her daughter.

JJ: "The thing about finishing a story is that finishing is really only the beginning." William Herring.

i know a lot of people were asking for a sequel but sadly i do not believe in sequels for fanfic books. so i figured another fluff chapter would be sufficient😘

i loved writing this book and i'm so sad it's over, but the show must go on🥰

follow me on tiktok (@theprxntisstrials) to be updated on when the newest book is set to release😌

thanks for reading! -salem🤍

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