The Beautiful Trapped Ghost (...

By KassandraVivu

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Liam left everything that he knew behind, his house, the neighborhood he lived in, and the city that he knew... More

CH. 1 The Move
CH. 2 This can't be real
CH: 3 This can't be
CH: 4 Please understand
CH: 5 Tell me about your best friend
CH: 6 I can't say it
CH: 7 What do you think?
CH: 8 "Well, good night"
CH: 9 The Morning
CH: 10 Let's figure it out
CH: 11 Things that need to be done
CH: 12 That's Risky
CH: 13 Let's get through the list
CH: 14 This is taking long
CH: 15 Tell me more (Still Liam POV)
CH: 16 At it again
CH: 17 He's Back
CH: 18 What happened to me?
CH: 19 I am bold
CH: 20 The Flower Crown
CH: 21 This is good
CH: 23 She's panicking
CH: 24 We'll find her.
CH: 25 What is it that I'm seeing
CH: 26 Just Breathe
CH: 27 He isn't going to let me go
CH: 28 Where is she?
CH: 29 Don't show him fear
CH: 30 My life back plus more
CH: 30 Part 2 Love Making
CH: 31 Happy Halloween

CH: 22 If you want to

986 99 50
By KassandraVivu

CH: 22 If you want to

(Faith POV)

He wants me to sleep here?

With him?

On the same bed?

Gosh, he's fucking cute.

"If it's too weird for you, you don't have to; I was just suggesting it," Liam said.

"No, it's not that; I was just thinking how bold of you to ask me that," I said, giving him a chuckle as well.

His eyes widened, and I noticed that his face was starting to turn pink.

"Well, I decided to be bold about things now, especially knowing that you like me," Liam said.

"Hmm, okay, we'll just to let you know, I won't be one hundred percent sleeping; I can't sleep in this state as you can sleep. So, as long as you're okay with that, then we are good." I said to him.

"Oh, no, I'm fine with that." He said.

"Hmm, okay," I said nervously.

I walked towards the bed, on the empty side, and laid down.

I turned to face him, to find him staring at me already.

I didn't even notice when he moved to lay on the bed either.

He was staring at me so intensely.

"You know what I am excited about?" He asked me.

"What?" I asked him.

"I am the first guy that you probably shared a bed with," Liam said with a smirk on his face.

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"You're the first. I can't remember if I ever slept with my parents, so I think you're the first for sure that I've ever shared a bed with for sure." I said to him, his eyes widened with excitement.

Something like this made him this happy?

"What were you like when you were younger? I imagine you were pretty popular." I asked Liam.

"You're actually correct; I was popular, but I did pick my friends wisely growing up and still do; the friends that I was friends with in school are still my friends till this day," Liam said.

"What were you like in school?" Liam asked me.

"I was quiet; I didn't care about making a lot of friends and only was friends with Pam; of course, a lot of people wanted to be my friends, but some of them were fake, and I didn't have time to deal with fake people," I said, letting out a sigh.

I hated high school, and I never met anyone that honestly liked high school.

"I bet you had a lot of people that didn't like you for no reason, huh?" Liam asked me.

"Oh, yeah. You have no idea, I had people that would spread rumors about me, with things that were not even close to being true, and then I had people trying so hard just to be my friend that I could sense the immediate fakeness from them. I also had genuine people who wanted to be my friends as well." I said truthfully.

"Do you think you had trust issues?" Liam asked me.

Trust issues.

"I think I did, I wasn't trying to have any trust issues, but it sort of came; I grew up not trusting anyone in the system, I've seen and heard some mess up things, so I was very cautious with my surroundings," I told him.

"I think it was when I became an adult that I decided to be a little more laid back about being cautious, and now I'm dead," I said, letting out a humorless laugh.

"I'm sorry, but we are close to finding out the answers that you've been waiting for," Liam said, looking at me with a soft facial expression.

I smiled at him.

"I know, now get's some sleep. You were just dozing off a while ago." I said to him; he let out a laugh.

"Okay, good night, beautiful." He said.

"Good night," I said softly, watching him close his eyes.

Five minutes went by, and Liam was in a deep sleep.

I turned to lay on my back and stared at the ceiling.

I'll need to get some rest.

I closed my eyes, a few minutes went by, and my body jolted.

I opened my eyes, but I wasn't in the bedroom. I was in the store.

This is a dream?

What's going on? This doesn't feel like a dream.

My phone rang; it was coming from the app line. Which means it was a customer. I never give customers my personal line, but a number that came with an app I downloaded.

I answered my phone.

"Hello, this is Faith," I said on the phone.

"Hi, Faith, I was bringing this big antique to your store, but I ended up getting stuck with it; I called in the towing company, but I don't think they'll be able to tow it, do you think it'll be able to fit in your car?" He asked me.

I recognized the voice to be the man that always would bring antiques and buy ones as well.

I never caught his name; I did give him my number, though, because I wanted him to reach out to me if he ever found any antique that he thought I would be interested in.

"Oh, wow. I'm sorry to hear that; how big is it? I don't know if I'll be able to pick it up." I said to him, Pam left a couple of hours ago from the store, and I don't know anyone else that could help me with it.

I could ask Pam's husband; he has a truck.

"Well, it can fit in an SUV or pickup truck, and I also can help you put it in." The man said.

"Oh, I have an SUV; what is it?" I asked him.

It's an Ellenton 390 piano.

My eyes widened.

"Oh wow," I said.

"Yeah, the tow truck should be here soon, so do you think you can make it out? I can text you the address." He said.

"Oh, yeah, sure, go ahead and text it to me," I said.

I hung up the call, taking out a sticky note to leave for Pam.

I wrote on the note where I was going and who I was meeting with; when I went to text her, the phone ding, letting me know I had a message.

I clicked on the message and clicked on the location.

"He's 30 minutes away. Okay, I can do that." I said, walking out of the store and closing it up.

I walked towards my car and got in.

I started driving off towards the location.

"Hey, Siri, send a text message to Pam," I said.

"What would you like to say?" Siri asked me.

My phone dinged, letting me know that I had got another message from him.

"Are you on your way?" I read the message out loud.

I sent him a text quickly and almost rammed into someone's car.

"Ugh, for fuck sake. Thank goodness I slam on my break; asshole is just stopped in the middle of the road? What the fuck? There's no one in front of him.

The car started to drive, causing me to shake my head.

"Honestly, this is why I don't text and drive. This person was probably texting." I said, putting my phone on top of my passenger seat.

"what, the hell," I said when the car stopped again further ahead.

"Are they having car troubles?" I asked myself.

I was about to drive around them until I saw them reverse their car into full speed, slamming the back of their car into mine.

My head hit the stirring wheel—the airbags on my stirring wheel pop out.

I let out screams as they ram into my car again.

"What the hell, what is going on?" I said out loud; I need to get out.

I grabbed my phone, took my phone, and unbuckled my seat belt. I opened the door to run out of my car but felt myself being caught.

"Don't touch me! Get off of me!" I yelled.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled again.

He slammed me against the car.

My eyes widened as a breath left my body.

My eyes focused on the in front of me.

It was him.

The man from the store.

"Faith, don't fight me. We are a family." He said making my skin crawl.

"Your hair has gotten longer. I can't wait to do your hair again." He said.

"What... it's you." I said.

"I miss you so much." He said, touching my face.

"But, it's time for you to go to sleep now." He said, holding a rag to my face.

My head was pounding, and I was swinging my head to get free.

"My sweet Faith, so sweet. I'll have to clear up everything to ensure no one finds us; you probably left a note in the store, but don't worry. I'll get rid of that too." He said; my eyes were getting blurry, and all I saw after that was darkness.

I woke up gasping, looking at my surroundings.

Where am I?

I was in the bedroom.

Liam was sleeping soundly against me.

That wasn't a dream.

That wasn't a dream.

I remember I remember the day.

What happens next? I need to know what happens next.

Tears fell down my eyes.

I heard birds chirping outside, and noticed that there was a tint of light.

How long was I dreaming? It's already morning.

I looked at the clock on the bed stand.

"Faith," Liam said, opening his eyes.

"Hey, Darling, what's wrong." He said, sitting up.

"Come here, tell me what's wrong?" When Liam went to pull me into his arms.

His hand went through me.

His eyes widened as he repeated the action, and the same thing happened.

"Faith...." Liam said, his face filled with alarm.

"Liam, I can't feel you," I said in a frightened tone.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Oh shit...... Well, damn. What do you, Dolls, think is happening?

And damn Siri, you failed our girl.

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!


-Kassandra Vivu

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