The Truth Behind The Lies {Na...

Oleh MidnightGalxXx

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My name is Rima Hatake, so I guess you can tell who my father is, the copy cat nin Kakashi. As for my mother... Lebih Banyak

The Truth Behind The Lies {Naruto Fan-Fiction}
The New Team & A Mission
Leaving Again.
You climb, I sleep
Great, another with identity issues
Going Home
My New Mission
Man, You're Observant.
Mini Gai challenges Uchiha, oh the joy.
The other rookies and Kabuto
Written Test, Excuse me while I Sleep.
A Letter From Home
Let the Second Exam Begin!
I'm twelve, I'll worry about boys when I'm sixteen
The End of the Second Exam
The Break
The not-a-date date.
I Didn't Mean It.
In the Jungle
I'll Miss You
Lord Hokage, I promise.
A mission for all
The New Allies
The Journey and Her Song
Not a chapter but important, please read!
Controlling Me
The First Attack
Sticky Situations
Memories *Filler*
Who Are You?
Give me a Reason
Sprinkle some truth on me
Beach Time
The Road Home
Team 7... anymore?
It All Becomes A Memory
Just something to say


12.9K 353 274
Oleh MidnightGalxXx

Damn, I'm so late at uploading this that the format for upload has changed so much... I'm sorry but it's finally here!

Just something I need to clear up before you read the Ending. A lot and I mean ALOT of people commented about Kakahi's age saying he's like 12 when he had her and whatnot....guys, it's a fanfic for a reason. Kakashi is older, more so he is 30 years old in this arc. That means he was 18 when she was born and still Anbu.

The video above was created through many amazing image bases I found on deviantart since I'm not that good an artist unless I have a base to work from. But my deviantart is if you all want to check out the images on their own and I'll be posting more there :)

The song, some of you may remember is from a past chapter, the lullaby Rima's mother used to sing to her. It's by Vienna Teng's and called Lullaby for a Stormy Night.

Since Rima's tale has come to an end here, I may a promise a few chapters ago, that I'd turn my Attack on Titan oneshot into a story and I have, so that will be uploaded soon :D

So, I guess all that's left to say is thanks for enjoying this story and sticking with me, even though I'm crappy at uploading, til the end and I'm really happy so many of you liked Rima's tale :)

Enjoy the ending, 





Rima's p.o.v

Morning came slowly and with it, I spotted Sakura racing towards the Hokage office. I was perched on the ledge of the Hokage building. My back rested against the wall that separated two of Tsunade's windows and narrowed my eyes down at the pink girl. Tears were trailing down her cheeks as she charged into the building below me.

Tilting my head back, I looked to the brightening sky and gnawed on my lower lip. So it hadn't been a nightmare. It had truly happened. He walked out. Gone. To Orochimaru.

Pulling my knee to my chest, I checked to make sure my chakra was concealed as the door inside bust open. Sakura's hysterical voice floated out to me as she blubbered to Tsunade what happened. There was a ruckus inside as the elder woman no doubt jumped to her feet and began shouting for Shikamaru to be brought forward.

Narrowing my eyes slightly, I frowned when she did not ask for me like I'd expected. Sniffling, Sakura left the building, guided by Shizune. I leant back against the wall, closing my eyes slightly and tilting my head to the sky.

There was a squawk above me and I peered up to see an eagle circling overhead. Frowning slightly I held out my arm and he shot down to perch there, his talons digging into my skin. There was a small scroll attached to his leg. When I pulled it free he flapped his wings and took off again, not waiting for a reply.

In confusion I undid the tie and slowly pulled the scroll open.

Dearest Rima,

You do not have to reply to this letter, but I have something to tell you...

The letter was signed by the Raikage and I rolled it up tightly after scanning it once, my lips twitching into a frown as I stuffed it into my pouch. My fingers brushed against the material of the Akatsuki cloak there and I shuddered.

Steps sounded beneath me and I glanced down seeing a tired Shikamaru in his new chunin outfit strolling to the building. His steps slowed as he spotted me on the ledge. He frowned as I reclined back and blinked slowly but did not comment as he stepped into the building.

Again, I listened from outside as Tsunade gave him instructions on to go after Sasuke. I scowled as she told him to pick the team, already knowing that pressure would be placed on Naruto to save Sasuke.

"And what of Rima?"

Shikamaru's question had me tensing, my head swivelling to the side, listening. Silence answered him for a few moments before there was a shuffle of noise and an intake of breath.

"I believe it would be better if Rima remained here," Tsunade said softly and I scowled, standing. Walking over I peered through the window to see Shikamaru nod and leave the office. His eyes flickered over to me as I pulled open the window and hopped inside.

Tsunade sighed as she looked over to me, picking up the note from the Akatsuki that she'd confiscated and putting it back in her drawer. "Was that necessary?" I questioned leaning against the wall.

"You tell me," She answered reclining back in her seat as I stepped forward, pulling the scroll from my pouch.

"Naruto cannot stop Sasuke alone," I drawled, twirling the scroll between my fingers and biting my lip. "He will only hurt more."

"And can you? Or should I ask, would you?" She questioned her eyes dropping to the scroll.

"Sasuke chose to leave. He was not kidnapped, he walked out by himself. If he was to return it would be by his own desire."

"So you do not see a point?" Tsunade narrowed her eyes slightly.

"It's not that. It's just that he left, he wasn't taken. So, why bother try to bring him back when he doesn't want to?"

My words were cold, distant and foreign to myself. I found, I couldn't force any emotion into my words as I spoke about him. He left. Therefore he was gone. Tsunade blinked and gazed at me for a few silent moments, her eyes clouding over with pity before she sighed and ran a hand over her eyes.

"Why are you here then, Rima?"

"I don't know," I whispered shaking my head when the words rang more truthful that I had anticipated them being. What was I doing? I didn't plan on getting Sasuke back, he'd left, so why was I lingering around here?

"What's that scroll?" She pressed softly and I jerked in shock, glancing down at the letter from Uncle Ai.

"," I muttered tossing it to her as I turned from the desk and looked out the window. Down below me I spotted Shikamaru walking with Choji to another's house. Why him?

"I see," The Hokage drawled in a stiff tone and I cocked my head to the side, indicating that I was listening even though I didn't turn around. "And what is your opinion on this, Rima?"

"What is there to say?" my hand flittered to my throat and I heaved a sigh. "It's...his word against yours."

"Against? I do not think this is a bad idea, Rima." Twisting around, I frowned at Tsunade who's forehead was scrunched in thought. "It's difficult to say what's best for you. You are a unique child with the power you possess and your...linage, but what do you want?"

What I want? Such a simple question left me confused and lost for an answer. What did I want? I wanted my mother alive, my father happy, my brother safe and not hunted for the Kyuubi in him. I also wanted to be back in the Land of Lightening with my uncles and friends. I was safer there, he was right. But...but there was also something else I wanted, something that the others wouldn't agree with. I wanted Itachi-sama to be back to normal.

"What I want?" I asked slowly wringing my hands for lack of something to hold. "I..."

My voice faded to nothing as my body shivered. Though it wasn't from cold. My breath was shaky as I inhaled deeply and tipped my head back, my eyes suddenly burning.

"Rima? Are you alright?"

Her sudden hand on my shoulder had me jolting back away from her like a frightened animal. Shuddering, I whirled around her and snatched the letter before heading to the window once more.


"I'm fine," I muttered crawling out the window only for her next sentence stopped me.

"You're lying."

Looking back at her, I was confused momentarily at the worried expression that was evident on the Hokages faces before it was replaced with a guarded look. Chuckling humourlessly, I answered, "Everybody lies, Tsunade. It's the only truth sometime."


Sometime later, I stood on a tree and watched on as a group of boys gathered in front of the gates. My eyes roamed over each of them and I couldn't help the doubt that welled up within me. They couldn't do it. They'd try, yes, there was no denying that each of those boys would try but they would fail. I could taste the bitterness of my realisation beneath my tongue and I shook my head.

Kiba stood and rubbed his eyes, Akamaru yawning from his perch on his head. Next to him, Neji stood silent and looked on as Choji munched on some food. Shikamaru stuffed his hands in his pockets and his eyes flickered around before resting on me. Naruto stood with them, grim determination on his whiskered face.

Reclining back against the tree, I listened intently to his plan and found his quick deducing and thinking skills to be more impressive than I'd thought of before. His ability to thoroughly plan their movements and line out so quickly proved that Tsunade wasn't wrong in giving him the title of Chuunin.

I tuned out as it appeared Shika was about to delve into some emotional and inspirational speech to get the boys riled up before heading off and instead, pulled my headband from my forehead. Coiling my fingers around the black band, I levelled the metal Konoha engraved symbol with my eyes and sighed heavily.

Being a Konoha shinobi means fighting to protect those in the village. To put your life on the line for them, to risk never seeing your family, losing your loved ones, your friends for people who don't seem to care about it. Many in the village look down on shinobi, dub us killers yet when they are in danger we are the ones to look to for help. Being a shinobi here is not like being one back with Uncle Ai. There it's different, the people are different...

My thoughts prattled on and on about the differences between both villages that I hold some shred of loyalty to. I was lost to everything but myself until a shrill voice cried out, "Wait!"

My teeth were already denting my lower lip with the urge to jump down and drag her away from him even as Sakura came to a halt, her eyes still filled with tears, her cheeks littered with water marks.

Don't pinky, don't you dare make this worse for him, I thought scowling to myself as I eased back, refusing to let him see me. Having one of us before him was bad enough. There was no need for Naruto to think that I was here to do the same thing as her.

Blinking slowly, I watched as each of the boys turned back and looked at her. "Sakura-chan?" Naruto's hesitant answer caused my fists to clench. Don't do it Sakura, please..

"I already heard about it from Hokage-sama," Shikamaru drawled out, "Sorry, but I can't take you with me. Not even you were able to convince Sasuke, right?"

Shikamaru's somewhat taunting words hit Naruto hard and I scowled at the pineapple headed idiot as Naruto gasped and gawked at Sakura. Why would you say that?

He continued, unperturbed, "So, there is no choice but for us to use force to persuade him to come back with us. Sakura, your job is done."

Smack her in the face why don't you.

Bowing her head either in shame or embarrassment, Sakura was silent as Naruto blurted out, "That means...Sakura-chan, did you talk to Sasuke?"

Her lip trembled and she squeezed her eyes shut as tears tracked their way down her cheeks. Faced with five unmoving or even caring boys and Rock-Lee who appeared without my knowing, Sakura began to tremble, her shoulders shaking as she pressed her hands to her chest.

"Naruto.." she began, her voice trembling like her body and I tensed.

Please, for the love of Kami, don't Sakura! Don't do this to him! Even though my thoughts and instincts screamed for me to lunge forward and stop her from saying what I knew she was about to, I couldn't move. This was cruel. Why? Why do this?

She only cares for herself, Takaya mused from the confines of my mind where he looked on amused.

"This is the only favour that I will ask of you," she continued and I dropped from my branch, hiding beneath the tree-line. "Bring...bring Sasuke-kun back.."

Naruto was still, his face oddly expressionless and I found that blank mask more heartbreaking and unnerving than a pain filled one or any other expression he could make. This was terrible. Sakura, stop being selfish and see what you are doing!

Yet still she continued, "I couldn't convince him. I couldn't stop him. I'm sure the only person who can stop him, the only person who can save him! Only you!"

The silence that encased us was painful as Naruto shut his eyes, the emptiness in his face slowly being masked behind a smile. One that was not as bright as his usual one and made my fists tremble, trying to suppress the urge to run to him or punch her in the face.

How dare she? How dare she load her own feelings and stupid pathetic desires on him?! How can she not see that this is hurting him!? He cares for her and she practically spits in his face by begging him to save Sasuke?! Selfish! Pathetic! She didn't even actually try anything! Just begged and cried and did fuck all! She could have forced him to stay, fought him if she wants him here so badly! Instead she was so quick to plead with him to take her! She cares nothing for Naruto and goes and does this?!

Who the hell does she think she is to demand this of him?! Couldn't her pea brain realise that he would already want Sasuke back without her having to shove this on him?! I swear to Kami I am done with that stupid girl! I will-

"You really love him, huh?" Naruto spoke, false enthusiasm lacing his voice and I jerked, my head rising to peer at him. Coiling my arms around my waist, my teeth bit into my lip harder than I intended. It stung as, while fuelling my rage with dark thoughts, some of Takaya's influences caused my canine teeth to sharpen. Wetness dripped down my chin and swiped at it, irritated.

You're control is weak, brat. His voice floated through my mind tauntingly but I pushed it aside, fixating on the duo before me.

"I can understand very well the pain you are going through," Naruto continued and I swallowed thickly.

"Naruto," She sobbed looking down as she cried more. "Thank you."

He grinned more and stuck his thumb up at her, swearing, "I swear I will bring Sasuke back. This is the promise of a lifetime!"

His arm shook a little as Kiba came fort and teased him about his promise. I ignored their banter in favour of glowering at a certain Kunoichi, if she could be seen as one. She neither protected nor fought for others. She was always the one protected. She was nothing but a civilian in that sense.

Blinking down, my lips parted in shock at the sight of a kunai in my grasp. When..?

He whispered in my mind, his words curling around my limps and rising my arm, the kunai flipping in my fingers until I was ready to toss it forward. It would be easy, just aim and throw. No one would suspect or be quick enough to stop it..just throw.

My eyes flittered from her quivering form to the kunai and I felt my bicep and shoulder muscles tensing in preparation. That is, until a hand appeared in my view and pushed my own down. Lips rising in a snarl, I twisted my head and glowered into a pair of dark eyes.

"Enough Rima, snap out of it."

There was a command in his voice that I loathed and I jerked back, my arm curving out of his grasp sailing towards his cheek. Takaya snarled loudly in my mind as I recognised the face before me and my hand froze, the kunai kissing his cheek.

Shikamaru sighed and relaxed his tense form. My gaze lowered to take in his stance and saw that he'd a kunai pointed toward my stomach. Good. If I'd gone too far, it was good to know at least one of them would be able to fight back and not be too stunned to let it happen.

Slumping back against a tree, I didn't protest as he silently pulled the kunai from my grasp. He tucked it into his pouch and watched me warily as I ran a hand over my eyes.

"You lied to us."

"I know."

"You said you have it under control."

"I never said that. I said I could keep Takaya under control."

"Still a lie," he pointed out and I scowled up at him.

"It's not a bloody lie! I am pissed right now at that stupid brat out there! How could you stand by and let her say that to him?!"

"It was not my place to interfere."

Shikamaru jerked back, eyes widening as I lurched forward and slammed my fist against the trunk of a tree his back pressed against. "As his friend, it is your duty to protect him from being hurt whether it is an emotional pain or physical! Yet you all stood by and watch?!"

"As did you," he whispered, eyes hardening as he pushed me back and walked back towards the road. "I have a mission to do."

"You'll fail," I called after him watching through hooded eyes as he stilled and whirled around to stare at me. "You don't know your opponents and more than that, your 'victim' doesn't want to be saved. You're playing into their ploy and they'll use this chance to steal Naruto also, or else the Akatsuki will appear and nab him in the confusion of a confrontation."

Shikamaru strode back towards me, anger flaring across his usually passive face as he stood before me and snapped, "And yet you do nothing. Isn't Sasuke your friend? Your teammate?!"

"I told him if he walked out that gate he was nothing to me," I drawled back, my voice once again losing all emotion as I spoke of the Uchiha. "I also said that if he becomes a threat in the future, I'll be the one to eliminate him. Not you, Not Tsunade, not Naruto. Me."

Our eyes connected and held for a few tense moments and when he opened his mouth to speak we heard Naruto call out, "Where did Shikamaru go?! We need to leave!"

I sighed and brushed passed the chuunin, muttering, "Let's get this over with already."

He trailed after me out onto the road and everyone blinked at my appearance. I may still have had blood on my chin. I dismissed each of them in favour of walking away from the gates.

They would fail. That was obvious. None of them had worked together as a team and some had egos that put them in danger. Therefore they all needed someone to watch their backs and drag them back here to get their booboos kissed better. And since little miss-do-fuck-all was out of question, it was up to me.

"'re coming with us, Rima?" Naruto shouted at my back.

"By orders of Hokage-sama, Rima you are not to accompany us on this mission," Shikamaru answered and I stalled. The others collectively caught their breaths and I could feel their eyes flickering from Shika to me.

"Too bad, I'm coming," I spat without turning around. "You need me, you know it."

"I need members willing to save Sasuke," He retorted and I bowed my head.

"What you need Shikamaru is members who know how to fight and can easily adapt to their team's skill. What you need is chunin and jonin members, not genin," I snapped and spun around glaring at him. "What you need is me and that's what you get so take it!"

"You are not coming with us and I suggest you return to the village this instant," He replied calmly but his fingers twitched as his laced his hands together. No doubt in preparation to use his shadow justu on me.

"Is that a threat?" I whispered letting my lips curve up slightly as I coaxed the shadows from around Shikamaru to seep towards me. Rarely did I bother to use this technique but I felt a sudden urge to prove my power to him.

Dominance, we are more powerful than that shadow wannabe brat, Takaya snarled, his power, his shadows swirling around me.

The others shifted uneasily, their eyes widening at the ground around me and I glanced down seeing that the darkness that pooled about me, shifted into the form of a large wolf.

"Rima, this is my mission. Hokage-sama put me in charge of this, stand aside and return to the village. Now. You know why you can't come."

And there it was. Why I couldn't come. The notes. The Akatsuki. My nose scrunched up at the tone he used when saying the last sentence. An edge to his tone, like he didn't trust me. He was already thinking I'd do it.

Schooling my features into a devoid mask, I fought internally to release whatever hold I had on the shadows and suppressed a groan as pain entered my head. Squaring my shoulders, I strode towards Shikamaru, pausing by him our shoulders touching as both of us faced straight on.

"You have no right to command me or have you forgotten that I have been a chunin longer than you," I hissed, slanting a look to the others. "What Tsunade told you about in the office, it's nothing to do with you."

"If you do as they want, then it is."

"If I do, don't come after me and for Kami sake don't bring Naruto," I whispered harshly but my voice caught. That could never happen, never ever. Even if I did leave, no one could come after me. Not there. "Please."

Shikamaru paused, tilting his head and peering at my profile. I didn't look at him, I couldn't. "You..." He trailed off as I shook my head, a sudden movement and strode away from him. Back towards the Gates.

"Rima," He called and I huffed loudly turning around to snap that he should go only for a headband to be tossed at me. I caught it, the black material sliding through my fingers until I clenched the metal. Frowning at it I glanced up at him.

Shikamaru smirked, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Never forget who you are. You belong here."

"What are you two yapping about?" Kiba questioned rolling his eyes as I clenched my teeth and nodded once to Shikamaru.

"Nothing that concerns you," He responded and turned his back to us. "Let's move out, we're running out of time."

"Don't worry Rima!" Naruto chirped pausing next to me and touching my shoulder. "I'll bring Sasuke back, I swear!"

"Naruto.." Peeking into his blue eyes made all my previous emotions crumble and made me feel petty. Parting my lips, I sighed and grasped his hand squeezing his fingers, "Please, please be safe. And if it seems bad..just...just chose you,ok? Make sure you come back."

He blinked at me in confusion, shaking his head before running off to catch up to the others. I watched him go, feeling my stomach flip uneasily and I gnawed on my lip once again.

"R-Rima-," Sakura hiccupped as I moved past. She froze when I turned my head and just looked at her. My eyes ached slightly and I knew another colour reflected from them.

"Don't you dare speak to me right now," I warned softly, breaking away from where she'd tried to touch me and strode off into the village to break something before I broke someone.


I ended up pacing around the village. I stormed around everywhere, a bitter scowl on my features as I felt multiple presences around me. She'd put some of her ANBU on me. In my clenched fist, was the letter from the Raikage. I'd read it over and over, the words now flashed over my eyes as I moved.

They'd been gone for a long time. Too long. And she hadn't sent anyone after them. It was bad. Too bad. Wrong. Everything felt wrong.

Whirling about, I screamed out my fingers clutching at my head as I crumbled to the ground and pressed my head to my knees. I should have gone. I should have told Shikamaru to go scratch his ass and gone with them. I shouldn't have given in. I wasn't the one in danger. I didn't have the Kyuubi within me. I wasn't Naruto.

He was out there though and I was trapped here. Scowling, I fisted my hands in my short hair, the strands growing out choppy and uneven since that woman had cut them back on the island. Dimly, I noted that I should get my hair cut properly.


The hesitant voice had my body tensing and I turned slightly, my hands still clasping my hair as I glanced up at the stranger. He stood somewhat unsteadily, balancing on a crutch and his chest heaved despite the lack of sweat on his brow.

"Rock-Lee? What are you doing?"

"I've been looking for you," He muttered, the usual cheerfulness and youth-speeches not following his ones. If anything, I'd say that Lee was acting rather strange and unlike himself. Since that day before the first chunin exam, we never got a chance to spend more time together and start this rivalry of ours. And now, as my eyes took in the way he struggled to sit, I wondered if we ever would.

"Well, you found me," I mumbled moving my hands from my hair and folding the piece of paper, tucking it away from his curious eyes.

"Why are you not allowed go? I thought you would have been the first ask," He asked watching me closely.

"Ask Tsunade," I shrugged, rolling my eyes.

"I just thought, with you being so close to Naruto-kun, you'd want to be there with him to get Sasuke-kun. You seemed like the kind of person not to take no for an answer so easily. I didn't think you'd backdown to Shikamaru-kun."

"You don't..."

Don't what? He doesn't understand? Or I don't? I gave up so easily, just let them off to their fate. I was more than this wasn't I? Didn't I promise the Third Hokage that I'd protect him, protect them all and yet I sit here like a kicked puppy. A coward even.

"Gai-sensei always talks about how great you are and how he's so proud of you. You're full of youth he says, but frankly Rima, I don't see this youth in you now. You're sitting here when you should be there. I should be too, if it wasn't for this.." He trailed off looking at his crutch.

Gritting my teeth, I stood up and scowled at my feet. What was I doing? I shouldn't be waiting here for them! I should be out there! Sasuke be damned! I had to be there for Naruto.

"Rima?" Rock-Lee asked looking up at me with confusion.

"You're right, Lee. I'm not one to back down so easily. I need to go help Naruto," I declared grinning at him. "Thank you! I'll go help them I swear!"

Right before I was about to dash off, Lee's hand latched onto my foot. "Wait!" He called getting to his feet. "I'm coming with you!"


"No! I can't let this hold me back anymore," He yelled tossing the crutch away. "My teammate is out there and needs me like Naruto needs you! I have to come with you Rima!"

"But...I can't afford to watch your back Rock-Lee," I said gently, glancing away. "When I move I need to go at top speed to reach Naruto."

"DOn't worry, I can keep up with you," He grinned giving me a thumbs up.

"How can you fight though? You're too injured.."

"Don't worry my raven haired flower," Rock-Lee laughed pulling a bottle from somewhere and showing it to me in a flashy move.

I read the label on it and resisted the need to facepalmed. "Sake? Seriously? You're like the pups."

"Let us be off with the speed of youth!" Lee cheered, taking one swig of the drink before he raced away from me with rush rising from his feet.

"I feel like I've been played," I muttered before shaking my head and jumping to chase after Rock-Lee.

Try as I might however, I couldn't catch up to the boy and I found myself scowling with distaste at how much faster than me he was. Growling to myself, I jumped from branch to branch, pressing forward with as much speed as I could.

Branches scratched at my cheeks and arms as I raced on, dropping from the branches and charging on foot as the trees thinned out into an open field. Up ahead I spotted a blob of green jumping about and stumbled slightly in shock.

Lee? Fighting? What the hell?

There was another person there, and quickly I took in their appearance. The strange attire with a large bow, white hair, weird markings on their faces and what appeared to be bones protruding from their body.

As I paused to watch, Lee missed with a kick and landed on his backside as the stranger appeared above him, preparing to deliver the final strike.


Springing forward, I closed the gap between us in seconds as the stranger looked up in surprised and twisted my body, arching my leg out for a kick as I jumped up. He danced back easily as I landed on my feet in the middle of the both of them and frowned at him.

"Orochimaru's bitch I assume?" I questioned tilting my head as I studied him more.

His mouth turned down into a displeased frown at my words and he scowled at me. Behind me Lee grabbed my hand and tugged on it. I turned slightly to glare down at him.

"What the hell was that?! Don't race off like that when you're hurt!" I snapped, not realising how worried I'd been until I saw him.

"Rima-chan, I need to take my medicine now," He replied stuffing his hand into his pouch. "You go after Naruto-kun. He went after Sasuke-kun, that way."

I glanced in the direction he pointed which just so happened to be behind our opponent and I sighed as he pointedly stepped in my way. Crossing my arms, I quirked a brow down at Rock-Lee, "What will your medicine do exactly?"

"Don't worry about that, just go," He encouraged pushing me slightly. I edged away from him but didn't leave just yet, I was curious as to what he was on about. "I've never really been fond of medicine, but this medicine," He droned out as if having a pleasant conversation with his enemy.

As we both watched Lee opened the bottle and consumed all of his contents in a matter of moments and then hiccupped. I blinked. Swaying and making weird moaning noises he stood shakily, rocking from side to side as if he'd lost all control of his feet.

Don't tell me...

"W-What are you staring at you stupid jerk?!" He suddenly shouted and I jumped, backing up a little more before groaning softly.

He's drunk!

As Lee wobbled his eyes flickered over me before he snapped, "W..what are you still here for, huh? I sa-said leave, scram!"

Stumbling away, I hesitated a few moments more before sighing heavily and edging away from them both. "You stay alive until I get back, you hear?"

He didn't acknowledge me as he fixated whatever kind of attention he has on the stranger. Sighing once more, I turned and quickly darted away from them both, lunging back into the forest and racing on.

I didn't know where I was going and that costed me heavily. I wasted time racing around randomly not knowing the correct direction to follow the boys. I was lost and growing more frustrated as time was wasted.

Landing to my feet, I crouched and mumbled, "I"m sorry guys," Before quickly making hand seals and biting down on my thumb to slam my hand to the ground.

There were two puffs of smoke before a loud yawn sounded and suddenly I was attacked by two furballs. Landing on my back, I patted the two grinning pups only for them to sense the tension and somber up.

"What's up?" Dawn chirped, "You took your damn time in calling us!"

"Sasuke left and Naruto's after him we need to find Naruto," I answered stiffly standing and looking to Shadow. "Remember his scent?"

He shuddered dramatically, "How could I forget?" His back tensed for a moment as he inhaled before turning around a hundred and eighty degrees. "This way."

Great, I'd been going in the complete opposite direction, I huffed and ran after him as he let his nose lead the way.

It seemed like forever by time Shadow began to slow. We broke through the trees and judged alongside a river as the grass eventually faded away to rocks and up ahead I could dimly make out to statues facing each others.

"Holy shit, what happened here?" Dawn breathed as she trotted next to me and the two hesitated taking in the damage that surround us.

"Brother.." I whispered, my fists trembling slightly as my mind conjured up images of his body bloody and torn lying somewhere here alone.

"There!" Shadow yelled jerking my attention to the feet of the two statues as a shout reached my ears.

All I could make out from so far away was an orange blur charging towards a blue one. No. This couldn't happen..please..

"Naruto! Sasuke!"

The scream ripped from my throat as I lurched forward, racing towards the figures as they jumped into the air and sailed towards each other. I needed to be faster, I wouldn't make it in time. No, I needed to stop them.

Tensing, I pushed myself faster, calling to the shadows around me to solidify and shot ahead of me, taking flight and heading for the boys, aiming to morph into a solid wall between them.



My attempts failed as their shouts echoed around the area and they collided. The orange and blue of their chakra moulding together to form a bright purple that pulsed once before enclosing around them in a bright sphere.


The shadows melted into a sphere with the intent of penetrating the sphere and releasing the growing tension of power. It bounced off it harmless, the chakra energy coiling around my shadows and cracking them, sending them falling to the ground. Still I raced forward, even as my head pounded from the pain and within his cage Takaya howled at me to flee.

The sphere wavered as it grew, turning darker until it was black and it just hovered there for a moment. Growing closer, I tensed before jumping up, feeling my eyes burned as for the first time ever I willingly let my mothers Kekkai Genkei take over, hoping it could do something.

But I couldn't, I didn't know how to use it and it was then I began to hate myself to rejecting a part of who I am. As I soared towards them, I felt my body begin to ache from the force to the chakra emitting from the sphere. It continued to grow, crashing into the wall and breaking the rocks as it spun uncontrollably.

So close now, I could almost touch it.

Forcing chakra to my hand, spitting fire shot from my fingers and coiled up my arm and around my body of it's own accord. Water danced off the sphere and hissed as it kissed my flames. The sky darkened above us and thunder boomed as I reached out and touched the ball, forcing my fire into a sharp blade to pierce it.

Suddenly it pulsed purple once before slowly the black began to fall away, instantly a blinding white and I cried out shielding my eyes with my other hand. I could see pretty rainbow like colours coming from inside the sphere.


Takaya's roar caused blood to seep from my ears as he forced his way into control. As his influence the fire increased around me, hissing as it collided with the sphere's light and turning black. The charka's crashed against each other, their power overwhelming and attacking me as their combined strength slowly ate at mine.

Through the flames and the light, I could make out two still figures, seemingly trapped in time. I reached out further, only my fingers obeying my wish to get to them.

"N-Naru-?" I croaked, blood spilling from my nose as I strained to get to him. To save him. And then, next to him appearing so innocent and and unlike his true form, floated a four year old version of Sasuke, before it faded away and twisted back into present Sasuke, cursed seal and all. "S..Sassy...Please."

With and unearthly boom, the sphere exploded and I was sent flying backwards, the protective fire around me peeling away from my body, engulfed by the Sphere's light.

Black dots danced around my vision as I numbly felt my body slam into a boulder. Something cracked and in the back of my mind I felt pain but at the front, I was overcome with a flaming warmth.

My body slipped from the rock and I flopped to the ground on my stomach, my cheek smacking against it painfully. The world was blurry around me as I forced my lungs to work, made them inhale oxygen constantly.

Rain pattered gently to the ground then as I opened my eyes more and spotted to forms. One standing, one not. Unseen, I watched as Sasuke's headband slipped free and fell to the ground by Naruto's head. Sasuke followed after, grasping his shoulder as he collapsed to his knees.

Trembling, I tried to move my arms only to gasp in pain, whatever warmth I felt before having vanished. I needed to get up. To help them. Naruto. Sasuke. Both. I had to help them.

You're spine's damaged brat, you're not moving.

No..please, I have to, please Takaya, I begged seeing Sasuke struggle to catch his breath was just as bad as noting that Naruto hadn't moved at all.

It'll hurt, a lot.

Do it, I ordered my eyes squeezing shut as I was instantly assaulted with pain in my back. My body curled up, my back hunching up as I bit down on my lower lip so as not to voice what I felt. My body heated up, my eyes burning as the agony increased. I could feel the bones that haven been broken, twist and drag back into place, wetness pooling on my back, seeping through my clothes and the ripped skin as it worked slowly.

Groaning softly, I squinted over at the too seeing Sasuke stand up and turn away. He never looked back as he walked to the edge of the river and walked across it. It was when he finished crossing the river that the pain faded and I shakily forced myself to my hands and knees.

"Rima!" Dawn and Shadow chorused as they charged towards me.Their fur matted and slightly bloodstained. Had they been caught in the blast too?

Ignoring them, I crawled slowly towards Naruto, my breath unsteady as twice my arms gave way beneath me and I crumbled back to the ground. Still, I pressed out, murmuring out, "Naruto? Brother?" as I moved.

As I reached Naruto, I collapsed once more, heaving for breath and pressing my head to his chest. I was silent for a moment as I checked for a pulse and for breathing only to sigh in relief and raise my head.

I froze as, across the water Sasuke stared back at me. No longer under the influence of the curse mark, he seemed so innocent as he looked over. His eyes were wide and lips parted in shock and I stared back. I knew what he was seeing, knew that my cheeks were stained silver and my real eyes looked back at him.

Would this be it? The reason he comes back? Or kills me? I wondered to myself as we started at each other for another few tense moments before, while clenching his jaw he turned and walked off, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

Inhaling deeply, I glowered at his retreating back and looked down at the unconscious Naruto. Unwanted tears spilled from my eyes and landed on his clothes as the rain grew heavier around us.

"He's gone," Shadow whispered in disbelief, tilting his head to look up at me. "I thought...I thought if he saw that he'd stay."

"I did too," I mumbled curling over Naruto and just resting my head on his chest as more tears streamed from me eyes. I'd failed. Once again, I'd failed them all. Another bond broken, another group destroyed, another family torn apart. Was this my destiny?

A notion behind me, had both my pups snarling in warning even as I turned slowly, my back popping as I did. I winced and bit my lip as I looked up at the figure of my father. He paused when he landed on the ground and looked around quickly before fixating on us.

"Rima?" He gasped, surging forward and kneeling next to me his hand instantly going to my cheek, as he stared into my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I tried, I tried to stop it but I was t-too late. I'm sorry, Dad, r-really I-," I blubbered, my voice catching as I began to sob and he hugged me closer.

He didn't speak as he held me and I knew that he was looking down at Naruto and wondering many things. I pressed closer, hugging my Dad tighter as Pakkun sniffed Sasuke's headband and spoke to my father.

Sniffling, I pulled back and looked up at him, "We..We need to get Naruto home to be healed and the others-."

"DOn't worry about them, let's get you both home," Dad instructed standing and pulling me gently to my feet with him. "Can you run?"

Nodding, I swiped away the blood from my ears and nose, watching on as my Dad hoisted Naruto on his back and inclined his head for me to go first. Together we raced back to the village and when I stumbled or faltered my Dad heisted and caught me with one hand, all the while watching my eyes warily.


My prediction had been right. The boys had been failing, they were no match for their opponents, not as skilled as they needed to be. They would have died, like I said, had it not been for some unexpected allies.

Sakura informed me of everything while I'd been confined in a hospital bed. My eyes once again silver by time we arrived in Konoha. I wasn't overly surprised who the allies were, more so I was surprised that Tsunade had called for them.

I hadn't heard anything on Naruto's condition the days I'd been in the hospital and no one would let me see him. Even though I was healed of my major injury, my spine, there was still muscle damage and some bleeding from my ears that Tsunade was concerned about.

Other than Sakura and my father, I only had one other visitor and he came on the day that I was being released.

"Standing there is not so welcoming," I murmured from were I perched on the edge of the bed, putting on my sandals.

"How are you?" He asked, some what awkwardly and I glanced up. He walked closer, his eyes dim as he looked me over.

"I've been better," I muttered sitting back and blinking. Gaara sat next to me, his gourd on his back as he looked at the wall. "Thank you..for saving Lee."

He inclined his head in a nod once before turning his gaze to me. What do I say? Why was this so weird between us?


I had started to speak only to be silenced by his hand on mine. My mouth clamped shut and I glanced down to see his fingers lace with mine and he squeezed my hand gently. Peeking up, I saw that his eyes were fixated on our joined hands in what could be confusion.

"I was...worried," He revealed softly, glancing away. "I should have chosen you instead of him."

"No. I am happy you picked Lee, I would have been upset if you didn't. He needed help more than me, I only got in the way," sighing, I squeezed his fingers once before mumbling, "I couldn't even save Naruto but you saved Lee and your siblings saved the others and for that, I will forever be grateful."

Before I could chicken out, I leant over and pressed my lips to his cheeks noting the way his cheeks turned slightly pink as I lingered there. We'd kissed before yes but this situation felt different. It felt almost like goodbye.

"Rima," He whispered, his free hand rising to rest against my cheek as my eyes stung with unshed tears. I wouldn't cry. No. Not now.

"Please forgive me," I begged quickly rising to my feet and darting out of the room as my words fully registered with him. A copy of the words he'd told me before the Konoha event.

I fled from the hospital then and stayed hidden, locked away in my room for days. I didn't speak to anyone not even my father and even when I was warned that Gaara would be leaving I didn't say goodbye. I couldn't.

Isolated I was able to think. And that's what I did. I ran through many thoughts on my own. I looked over the Raikages letter and weighed it against the Akatsuki's own, spinning the Kunai their given as I did.

Though I couldn't stay hidden forever, there was a time I had to leave and that was when I spotted a certain blonde headed boy walk up to the gate and hesitate. From my room I could see the mixture of emotions on his face as he lingered before he shook his head and turned to leave.

Pain hit my chest and I sighed heavily, standing and sliding out of my open window. Landing softly, I vaulted over the gate and paused, "Naruto?"

Said boy froze on his way down the road and spun around. Shyly, I waved a hand at him, smiling slightly only to lower my hand when he looked at me with watering eyes.

"I'm sorry, Rima. I'll get Sasuke back, I swear!" He called out, not coming any closer as he fidgeted and looked away ashamed.

Oh you poor sweet fool, I thought shaking my head and breaking the distance between us to pull him into a hug. Naruto froze for a moment before sagging against me and gripping my shirt, hugging me close.

"Don't worry about that," I whispered stroking his hair. "All I care about is that you're safe. That's all that matters to me brother."


"How about we go for some Ramen, yeah?" I asked quickly cutting him off before he could swear to save Sasuke again. I didn't want to speak of him. I didn't want to see Naruto's world dim to a mission of 'save Sasuke' all because of a girls want.

Nodding, Naruto pulled me with him towards his favourite Ramen shop and I smiled watching him fall back into the normal Naruto I knew. Though I could see it, there in the back of his eyes, he was constantly thinking about his failure. That he couldn't get Sasuke back and he was suffering so much because of it.

As we had some ramen, he told me about Jariya-sama who was going to train him from now on. Naruto had been with him before and if I recalled correctly, that ended with a visit from the Akatsuki. I wondered if it was wise to send Naruto out of the village, even with one of the Sanin.

I rarely spoke, only answering his questions briefly or to encourage him to talk more. My mind wandered aimlessly between the letters and what the Hokage had said to me. What did I want? With Sasuke gone, it changed so many things. His mission was to kill Itachi. Naruto and Sakura's mission no doubt now became 'get Sasuke back' even though Sasuke doesn't want to. Where did that leave me?

Once Naruto had emptied my purse, we left and began to walk back towards his home. I insisted that he get home before me, he may not act it but I knew that he was still hurting from his battle and I just worried for him. I'd heard from my father he'd been spending a lot of time wandering around aimlessly. As we moved, I felt the need to break the silence and finally let him know my opinion on the matter he fixated on.

"Maybe it's for the best Naruto," I mumbled softly, stuffing my hands into the pockets of pants. I knew from the sharp intake of breath that my words were unappreciated and sighed slightly.

"How can you say that Rima?! It's Sasuke, he's our teammate and friend we have to get him back!"

"Why?" I questioned halting my steps and turning to stare at the frozen Uzumaki boy. "Why should we chase after him when he left Naruto? It was his choice! He walked out! He doesn't want to be here so why should we chase him?"

"DON'T YOU CARE?!" He screamed at me, his blue eyes narrowing with anger as he clenched his fists. "How can you say these things to me?! It's Sasuke, Rima!"

"I know it's bloody Sasuke, Naruto! I know! I goddamn know! Don't you think I'm hurting that he left! Left the village, US?! Don't you think that I know what he's doing and why?! Don't you think I want to stop him?!" I screamed, feeling my cheeks burn either from rage or from hurt. Since that day I'd never let myself fully cry over what happened. Sasuke didn't deserve my tears. He left. He wasn't taken. There was a difference.

"Then why don't we?!" He yelled back at me.

"Because he made his choice! He chose to leave so why the heck should I waste my life tracking him down only for him to spit in my face and turn his back on me again?!" I snarled, swiping my hand through the air. "Why should I put myself through more hurt? Huh?! Answer me Naruto?! I've already been abandoned once in my life! Hell my life has been a lie! I couldn't be with more of my family because of who I am! So why should I ruin my future for a jerk who left?!"

"Because he's your friend!" He snapped and stomped closer to me. Naruto wound his fist in the material of my top and jerked me closer, our noses almost touching as he snarled at me. "You grew up with him. You were his friend for so long! If he knew you were that girl he could come back! You need to stop lying and tell him the truth!"

"I can't," I insisted pushing at his shoulders to get him to release me but he didn't. Naruto was overcome with anger and a part of me feared that the tailed beast could make an appearance.

"Why the hell not?! Why are you lying to him still when we know?!"

"BECAUSE HE THINKS I'M DEAD!!" my scream was louder than I intended it to be and it resulted in Naruto jerking away from me. His hand fell from my top as he stumbled back, eyes widening in a mixture of confusion and hurt.

"What? I..I don't..."

Sighing heavily I ran my fingers through my hair and bit down on my lower lip. "In order to protect him and my family, and more importantly in order to protect me, they faked my death. Ri-Ri-chan died when she was four years old on a trip with Itachi Uchiha after being surrounded by bandits. Itachi had to tell Sasuke that I died. That day, eight years ago, Ri-Ri died and Rima was born. So Sasuke's childhood friend is dead and try as I might he never figured it out that I'm here. I've tried Naruto, I tried to tell him, I hinted but he wouldn't believe me. How could he? For the last eight years he thought I was dead he would never believe me. Ever."

"But.." Naruto's voice trailed off as he frowned at me. I could see it in his eyes. He didn't understand. He couldn't get it that it was impossible for me to waltz up to Sasuke and be all like 'Hi, so for the last few months we've been together I forgot to mention I'm your long lost pal Ri-Ri. Surprise!' He'd probably kill me there and then.

Turning away from Naruto, I fisted my hand in my choppy hair and began to walk. I couldn't stand to be around him for another moment at that time. There were too many thoughts going through my mind and his assumptions were not making things easier for me.

"Why do you keep lying though?!" He pressed, following after me. This time when he grabbed me I spun and slapped his hand away. It was my fist that curled in his top, jerking him close now.

"Because I have to," I hissed at him, knowing that the sudden rage had made my eyes bleed silver and my true colour was evident to him. My mother's clans Kekkei Genkei. "Because of these I have to lie. Or else I will be hunted forever."

"But that could be the one thing to bring Sasuke back!" He insisted shoving me back after spittle landed on my cheek. "Don't you get it! He think's he has nothing here! No one! But he does! He has us and more importantly, He has you! He's not the last Uchiha in Kohona! Rima Uchiha!"

"Shh!" Gasping I jerked forward and covered his mouth with my hands as my eyes flickered wildly about. Quickly I deduced that there was no one around to overhear us before smacking Naruto across the back of the head "Idiot! I told you never to call me that!"

"But you are! Why are you hiding! You're an Uchiha! One of the last and if Sasuke knew he'd come back here to us!" Naruto persisted grabbing my hands in a harsh grip and keeping me in place as he continued. "Your mother was Yuri Uchiha, right? She was an Uchiha and so are you! It's time to stop lying and tell the truth! Tell Sasuke who you are and if he doesn't believe you, show him your eyes! Tell him why you left, tell him everything and that you'll help him kill his brother and you can both work on it here! I'll help to! Tell him! We can bring him back!"

"Naruto," I sighed feeling the fight in me being drained away as I stared into his hopeful eyes. It was wrong of him to suddenly assume that was the only thing keeping Sasuke away, he was fighting more demons than being alone. And if I did tell Sasuke the truth, what was to stop him from trying to kill me too? He could resent me for keeping things from him. But I had to. "That's not how this works. I'm not like Sasuke. I don't want revenge. Itachi didn't kill my mother."

"But your clan-!"

"They are Sasuke's clan," I snapped scowling at the blonde boy. "I knew him, was his friend, was close to him and Itachi and Shushi yes. But I was not raised in the Uchiha clan. I am not truly an Uchiha. I mother was rejected from the clan when she married my father and because of that I was not raised with them. I was an outsider who they tolerated both because of the gift I'd been given and because I was the Head Families son's friend."

"But your Sharingan..."

"Naruto, no other female Uchiha ever inherited the Sharingan. It is a secret among the clan but it had always been assumed that only men possessed it," I explained slowly glancing around. "Until I was born, only men got the Kekkei Genkei but then my mother had me. And instead of being born with the Uchiha black eyes like everyone else, my parents were greeted to the blood red Sharingan when they saw my eyes for the first time. My Sharingan is not like the others. It is eternal, permanent, never will it fade and never will I lose my sight. I was born with it, and not just the Sharingan but the Mangekyou Sharingan developed when I was only a year old."

Naruto stared at me, his eyes wide and I somehow got the feeling he did not quite grasp how serious this all was. Sighing I ran a hand through my hair before looking back to him. "Do you understand this? I should not possess this, any of it. I am a girl, more than that I am a halfblood Uchiha. This power I have, is something many people would kill for. Something many nations would desire and if I'm not safe, something anyone could take. Look at my father, he possesses the Sharingan. It is so easy to take, Naruto. Take my eyes, and wield my power. That is the truth behind my lie. And until I am strong enough, old enough, to handle any threats that come to me, or those I care for, because of this, I will continue to live the lie."


"Forgot about Sasuke!" I snarled shoving him away from me. Naruto stumble and fell against the wall of his house while I glowered down at him. "DO you not get what I just told you?! Revealing my identity to anyone would put my life in danger! I will not tell some scum who I am just in the hopes of bringing him back to a village he doesn't want to be in! I will not risk my life for a prick who left me in the first place! Why should I bother with him when he was the one to walk away!? W-why?!"

My harsh words faded to a weak cry in the end as tears tumbled down my cheeks and my breath lodged in my throat. It burned as I struggled against the pain in my chest and a weird whining sound erupted from me as I crumbled to my knees. Why was this happening? Why was I crying for him? He left! Left! He chose to go! Why should I care?!

"Because you're his friend," Naruto whispered crawling over and slowly putting his arms around me. Sagging against him, I couldn't stop the tears that continued to flow from my Sharingan eyes nor could I suppress the sobs that shook my shoulders.

Naruto whispered soft words of comfort to me as he held me in his arms. I could feel wetness on my hair as he too cried and a pang of guilt hit me then. He was struggling to cope with this too and he had everyone laying their grief onto him. After all, it was Sakura who begged him to leave. Did she not know how much that hurt Naruto?

Struggling in his grasp, I turned so I could curl my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. We remained there for some time, crying over the loss of a friend. But as my tears continued to stream down, there was a new reason for them. I couldn't stay here anymore.

Naruto was uneasily quiet as I led him into his home and to bed. He didn't bother changing as he crashed onto the mattress and immediately passed out with exhaustion. Gently, I sat next to him and took his headband from his forehead. Unzipping his top slightly I made sure it didn't choke him in the middle of the night before gently brushing his hair from his face.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for this Naruto," I whispered not bothering to wipe the tears that spilled from my eyes. "My brother, please forgive me someday. Please. But I need to know the truth. I need to know why."

Pressing a kiss to his forehead, I stood and quickly left his home. It was fully dark by now. The streets emptied as everyone slept. Making my way down the street I stopped at another house. Slipping into the open window, I perched on the sill and gazed down at the sleeping girl.

"Sakura," I murmured too softly to wake her when I noticed the tear stains on the pillow. "I hope you can forgive me also. But please don't waste your life on Sasuke. He's gone. Focus on getting stronger, become the kick ass Kunoichi I know you can be. And when we meet in the future, I hope you can stand toe to toe with me. You have potential, don't waste it."

As she twisted onto her side, I fled from her room. My footsteps were light on the roof as I made my way along them towards the gate. It was too risky for me to go home. Father would surely hear me if I wandered around it. I couldn't whisper goodbye to him like I had with the others. Instead there was a note. My chest hurt as I thought about how similar it was to how mother left a note and I bit down hard on my lip.

At the gates, I dipped into the forest and pulled the bag I'd stuffed into a tree earlier out. Slinging it over my shoulders, I glanced back at the village one last time before sighing heavily and walking away from it. It would kill them inside, it would hurt them in the morning when they realised I was gone. But in the end, this pain would help them. They would grow stronger, fiercer and maybe just maybe they would begin to lose that naiveté of theirs. After all, everyone leaves you at some point.

Though there are times, when they return to you. There was a saying like that once 'if you love something set it free, it the love is true it will return to you'. I will come back, I thought smiling slightly despite my tears. I will return for my love for my father, my brother, my friends, it's true. But this is something I needed to do.

I had told Naruto about the truth that was overshadowed by the lies in my life. But there was one thing I didn't know. I needed to know the truth behind Itachi. I had to know why he killed them. It just wasn't right. I didn't want him to battle Sasuke or either of them to die because of a lie, or something that influenced his actions. I couldn't lose them like that.

"You're late," the voice came from nowhere and I shuddered glancing around before spotting red hair in the darkness. Jumping closer, I landed before the man, though he seemed more like a boy, with striking red hair.

"Relax, danna, she came that's all that matters, un," sounded another voice from behind me. Stiffening, I glanced back at the long blonde haired man and frowned at him. Both of them sported black cloaks with red clouds. The same cloaks I'd seen two other people wear. The cloaks that belonged to a certain wanted group.

"Shut up, brat," The red hair snapped back before swiftly turning on his heel and walking on ahead of us.

"Come on kid, un. Let's get going," The blonde one known as 'brat' said cheerfully. He patted my head as he walked past me, shooting me a toothy grin.

I hesitated to follow, my eyes flickering behind me once more, to the village I'd grown accustomed to and was now leaving. Hoisting the bag more onto my shoulder I frowned at the ground. I'd sent Shadow and Dawn back to their pack for another while. They were safer there while I grew used to my new life. I didn't want their lives in danger with this group.

"Oi! Kid, hurry up, un!" The blonde yelled back at me. Jerking my head up, I blinked to see the two waiting for me. Both of their hair glinted in the moonlight and their cloaks were boldly revealed. Shaking my head, I began to jog towards them, wondering if I was making a huge mistake for the first time.

"I don't like to be kept waiting, brat," the red head droned as I fell into line with them. I was placed securely between the two, both of them standing taller than me. We walked in silence then, only our light footsteps sounding around us. I didn't know what was on their minds, but a single thought ran through mine.

I was going to see Itachi-sama.

*The END*

* Author's Note: Apologises for any grammar mistakes as I just finished this and wanted to post it straight away. 

Also, yes I know I've changed the Uchiha line slightly, but it fits better that way. No, Rima is not a master at the Sharingan, if anything she's hindered by it, having to hide it all the time. So, yeah she needs to work on it. Anyone guess she was one of them though?

Anyway, that's it. The end of 'The Truth Behind The Lies' *sniff sniff* Rima's story has finished. I hope you all enjoyed it and liked her. Though there are some edits I want to make, when I look back on the older stuff, I will work on that in the future. 

Head on over to "Bleeding Out' where I will be continuing this story fully know and just to let you know, 'Bleeding Out' story links 'The Truth Behind The Lies' so expect to find Rima there! 

Bubbye guys! :)

See you later bishes :P - Rima

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