Never again

By swiftgirlil

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Andy and Robert already knew each other when he came back to Seattle to be the captain of station 19, but whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N - super important quiestion!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Epilogue

Chapter 17

945 36 9
By swiftgirlil

He thinks back to that missing week. When it hits The anger starts to built up in him. He can't believe this.

Now he knows why it felt so weird and what felt so wrong about it from the start.

He's driving home. Doesn't know exactly how he feels, it was all just a big mess of mixed up feelings. It was bad.

He is happy, he is driving home on his way to fix everything with Andy after a long painful month of unofficial separation.

He's angry, because Julie lied, she knew she was lying and she did any way just to try and get him back she almost ruined the one good thing he had in his life, his family.

He is also sad, the past month he prepared himself to a new baby, to being a father for two. He let him self get happy and excited about it and in one moment it all went away. He is kind of happy there's no baby in the end, it means Andy wouldn't be mad and scared anymore and come back to him.

He'd come home, tell her everything and it's all gonna be okay. It's all gonna go back to what it was. But he pulls over at their driveway and Andy's car is gone.

The worst case scenario is popping up in his mind 'what is she took Maddie and left?' No. It's her house and if she wanted to do that she'd ask him to leave.

He goes in and look around to first floor, empty. "Andy" he calls for her but there's no answer. She's supposed to be home. He doesn't know where she is and she's not answering her phone after Robert tried to call three times.

He checks again around the house for a note or something and all he sees is clothes all over the floor in what used to be his and Andy's room.


(Earlier that morning)

Robert looks up at Julie and sees her happiness and the wide grin as she's looking down at the photos.

Did she not think he'd find out?

This bitch lied to him. She faked a baby with him just to do what? Get him back?

He can't decide what to do. Should he call her out in front of the doctor or wait and do it once they leave?

"Look how cute your baby is! I'm sore Andy didn't even show you Maddie's ultrasound pictures..." Julie says and rolls her eyes.

He snaps "would you shut up about her already? Cut the lies it's not even my baby" he says louder and with more anger in his voice that he first intended to.

The doctor looks so embarrassed that Robert almost feels bad for putting the poor woman in that position.

"What are you talking about?" Julie acts surprised "what I'm talking about is that apparently you're 18 weeks pregnant," he stops for a moment and Julie looking at him with a hint of fear in her eyes "and we were broken up that week. It can't be my baby."

She swallows the lump in her throat "look Robert... I can explain"

"Go for it. I'm listening." He replies back.

"I didn't want to lose you. And I went to that bar and that guy looked nice and we talked and I was drunk and that happened... I don't even know what his name is and I thought..."

"You thought what?"

"I thought you'd come back to me! I love you and I hate the thought of you with that ugly woman. I thought I'd we had a kid together you'd stay..."

"Julie... Maddie is not the reason we broke up. The reason for our break up is that I wasn't in love with you anymore. Our lives went separate ways and you have to except that." He says softly to her.

"No. I can't. She took you from me and she's the only reason now I'm stuck with a baby and alone." She starts crying and with that the doctor excuses herself and leaves the room.

"You can't do this. You can't blame your mistakes on her, she did nothing wrong and if you wanna blame someone blame me. Do you even understand what you did?"

She whips the tears that fell on her cheeks away "what?"

Robert takes a deep breathe, not wanting to snap at her again "you almost broke my family apart. With your lies... what did you even think? That I won't find out? Did you want me to live in a lie and rase a baby that isn't mine while I think he is? Your baby deserve a father so go find him. I know you well enough to know that you do know his name, he probably even gave you his number"

He was pissed with her so much. How could she do this? This woman is not the one he fell in love with two years ago.

The woman he used to love would never lie to him like that, she'd never try to ruin his life. Something changed about her and he didn't see in until they moved to Seattle.

"So how exactly do you know that Maddie is really your daughter? I guess you never asked Andy for a paternity test"

She did not just say that... he couldn't believe how dumb she sounds.

"Julie have you seen the girl? She looks so much like me. Our connection was instant, I just know she is, I felt it from the first moment I saw her. The first time I've talked to her I was sure of it. She's my daughter and don't try and turn it on her and Andy."

The room is silent for a couple moments until Robert opens his mouth again "I'm gonna leave now. I don't want to see it talk to you again. What he had between us is over just move on. Goodbye Julie."

She's still crying. And she doesn't respond. Robert just leave the room without saying another word.

(End of flashback)


"So you understand? Now my boyfriend and the father of my child is going to leave me for his ex that hit me in front of the whole team" Andy says to Vic as she seats with her on the bar stools at joe's.

"So you and Sullivan are together?" Vic questions.

"For now..." Andy had drank more than enough and started rumbling and telling Vic all about her fight with Robert and how she was mad and hurt.

And maybe it was just the alcohol but she felt bad for not speaking to him for that long. She loves him, more she loved anyone before. And the thought of him breaking up with her again just terrified her.

She was so scared she decided to hurt herself by doing this and possibly leaving him before he leaves her. But deep deep down there was a tiny little voice in her that knew she was doing a mistake.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Andy frowned at her friend.

"I don't know what to say" Vic admitted shrugging her shoulders "I think you need to stop drinking" she pulled the beer away from her.

"No no no no I need to drink. Drinking is good!" She rumbled.

"Yeah... drinking water is good. What you're doing is super unhealthy. Let's get you home"

Andy was completely and utterly drunk. Vic only drank a beer or two so she was good to drive. "You know I just want to kiss him every time I see him walk around the house. Shirtless sometimes. Oh oh and one time like a week ago, I went to do laundry and he was there, in a towel. I almost jumped on him right then and there."

"Your man is very hot I agree." Vic laughed at her friend. Andy was laying her head in her hands that rested in the bar and sighed.

"I know right?"

Vic was still processing everything Andy had told her in the last couple of hours. She knew Robert was Maddie's father but she couldn't imagine Andy with him. She still can't. To her he was the captain. He was tough but maybe he's different with Andy.

Andy raised her hand to call the bartender but Vic quickly took it down "I'm taking you home".

Andy tried to protest but was too drunk to do that.

She followed Vic to the car and they drove to Andy's house. Marry was still at school so there wasn't a risk of her seeing Andy.

Andy never gets that drank. She almost never drink now, not since she had Maddie. So this was really not like her but with everything that was going on in her life recently she needed a little escape.

Andy struggled to find her keys so Vic just knocked on the door, knowing Sullivan was there duo to the car parked outside.

Less than a minute after he opened the door and couldn't not to be surprised at who was there "Hughes?"

"She's drunk. I guess I didn't want her to be by herself"

"Right... I'll take her in" Robert tried to take Andy's hand in his but she pulled it away before he could touch her "I can go in by myself" she stated.

Andy went in and laid down on the couch. Leaving Robert and Vic.

"Why did she drink so much?" He was looking at Andy inside as he spoke.

"She thinks you're gonna leave her for the crazy woman who hit her at the station" Vic decided honestly is the best in this situation.

"She told you about-"

"Yes she did. I tried to tell her I don't think you will but she's too stubborn to listen." She didn't let him finish his sentence.

"It's not my baby" he blurred out without thinking too much about it.


"I found out this morning. She lied. It's not my baby"

"Oh" was the only thing Vic could say. Not knowing how to respond to that. A couple gore ago Sullivan was just her captain. Now he was opening up and talking to her almost like a friend.

"I was going to tell Andy once I came home but she wasn't here" he sighed.

"Well I think you should go get her to sleep or something and tell her when she's sober" Vic suggested.

"Yeah. Thank you... for bringing her. And being there for her, she's been going a rough month since we found out about the baby that apparently isn't mine"

"I know, I could see it on her... and of course. She's my friend I've got her back"
She gave him a small smile before turning away and back to her car.

Robert closed the door and walked towards the living room.

Andy was scrolling through her photos. Starring at a photo of the two of them.

The photo she was looking at was taken just a few days before everything fell apart. He walked up behind her and kissed her chick making her giggle at the small gesture and the surprise. She somehow managed to catch the moment in a cute selfie.

He smiled to himself, seeing how she looked at the picture with a smile and love in her eyes. That was the moment he knew they're gonna be okay.

They're gonna get through it. He hoped for it before but now he was sure of it.

"Andy do you want to go to bed?" He finally said.

Andy looked up to him and squeezed her eyes, trying to get a better look of him from the upside down view she had of him.

"Are you coming with me?"

He was surprised she asked that but then reminded himself it was probably the alcohol speaking from her throat.

"I can if you want me to..."

"I think I do"

They were at their bedroom and Andy sat on the edge of the bed and took her boots off. Struggling with the second she threw herself back on the bed.

Robert came and helped her take the boot off.
"Here you go"

"Thank you" she said with a cute smile. "Can you give me the blue shirt in the first drawer?" She mumbled drunkly.

Robert nodded and went to open the drawer only to see his t shirt in there. Again he smiled to himself and went back to give her the shirt.

She quickly changed into it and laid down and moved over to give Robert some space next to her.

He wasn't sure if he should take the offer or no. She was drunk and he didn't want to take advantage.

Andy caught his hesitation quickly "c'mon. I'm gonna go back to hating you later don't worry" she said, earning a light chuckle from him.

He got into bed and pulled her close to him. Her head resting on his chest and his hands wrapping around her.

"Don't let Maddie- "she let a big yawn out which had her stop talking "don't let Maddie see me like that" she finished her sentence.

"I won't. I promise" he gently kissed the top of her head.

They stayed lite that for a while. Andy had already drifted off to sleep but Robert couldn't. Not just because it was the middle if the day. It was mostly because he missed the addicting feeling of the woman he loved sleeping in his arms and he didn't want to let that go. To let her go.


Hey bestiessssss

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! There are gonna be two more chapters and an epilogue so we're getting close to an end with this story.

To the ones who didn't read it yet the first chapter of my other story came out so you can go take a look at that.

About last night's episode... I'm so sad that Robert spoke first and Andy didn't get the chance to say what she wanted before she was about to say that she want to work on their marriage or something.
Personally, I think she won't turn in the divorce papers and hopefully she'll finally talk to him in the next episode and tell him she's gonna come home and fight for them. But we have to wait three weeks to see what's gonna happen 😩

Don't forget to vote and comment!!


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