
By CommanderErwinSmith

760 49 32

Of all the people someone of his calibre could fall in love with, Hanji Zoe is the least likely. Yet Erwin S... More

The Ministry's System
Owl Post
Black Lake, Red Ink
Confronting the Faceful
Repellius Intruda


214 7 2
By CommanderErwinSmith

When something is 'verboten', it is forbidden. What is verboten here occurs multiple times during this story; hidden among first impressions and seemingly harmless little actions. Those minute happenings elevate into a dangerous situation, fueled by the fire of hate and prejudiced, yet incited even further by tabooed activity coming from both representatives of the same two different parties: Ravenclaw and Slytherin, Pureblood and Muggle-born, powerful and weak...

Who is the weak one, you ask? Well, that is a question to be answered by none other than you, being behind the screen. 

The beginning takes place in the Golden Trio's fifth year (book: the Order of the Phoenix) and continues then on from there. 

  English is not my first language, so I'm dreadfully sorry if I misspell or punctuate any part of this draft. If you find any mistakes, do not hesitate to say so in the comments! 

So sit back; relax. Cozy yourself between your seemingly inanimate surroundings while our tale is being spun to you...

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