Undefined (CoTE x Male Reader)

By Crandeline

42.9K 1.2K 345

Did this on a whim, it's also helpful as I can improve my writing skills while writing this. More

Chapter 1 - An Undefined Student.
Chapter 2 - All Kinds of People.
Chapter 3 - Class Scouting.
Chapter 4 - Countermeasures.
Chapter 6 - Afternoon For A Friend.
Chapter 6.1 (SS) - Monologue.
Chapter 6.2 - P.E Escapades.
Chapter 7 - An Incompetent Leader.
Chapter 7.1 (SS) - A Rundown.
Chapter 7.2 - Another Friend.
Chapter 8 - Fruited Labors.
Chapter 8.1 - Ichinose's Trial.
Chapter 8.2 (SS) - Overcoming.
Chapter 9 - All According To Plan.
Chapter 9.1 (SS) - A Genius.
Chapter 9.2 - Friends.
Chapter 10 - Reflection.
Chapter 10.1 (SS) - Hypocrite.
Chapter 10.2 - Midterms.
Chapter 11 - (SS) Ichinose's Improvements
Chapter 11.1 - End of Midterms
Chapter 11.2 - Head First
(Present) Student Profiles: 1st Years
Chapter 12 - Ayanokōji Kiyotaka
Chapter 12.1 - Karuizawa Kei is a good friend

Chapter 5 - Abilities of the Undefined.

1.8K 57 13
By Crandeline

5:47 AM
Counselor's Office

This excitement that I failed to cover was seen clearly by the teacher in front of me. Realizing this,
I completely unveiled my whole personality.  

The wall clock ticked repeatedly.
My usual smile was replaced with something much, much more. It wasn't really deranged or an ugly one.

I simply smiled confidently at Sensei, my eyes narrowing at the wanted files she sent me. Written in my face was complete confidence. One could confuse it for conceit.

"Don't worry Sensei, I'll show results much earlier than you think." I confirmed the desired files of mine to be true, questions and answers were both there. To back this up, we'll be having diagnostic tests later the day to further evaluate the student's capabilities.

Just to be safe, I read some equations that I could solve mentally.

"Don't disappoint sensei, okay?" Sensei tapped both my shoulders at the same time. Having a happy demeanor outside.

I let out an understanding mutter, as I confirmed the papers to be the real deal.

"Thanks for the deal sensei, I'll be going off now." Waving my hand in the air, Hoshinomiya-sensei opened the door for me. Waving her hands in a similar manner, she was clearly pleased by this too.

"Take care and don't run in the hallways!" She bobbed up, almost yelling at my walking figure.

I put the phone back in my pocket. Taking a turn then running down the stairs.

I wanted to go straight to my classroom, but suddenly recalled that I have yet to get some breakfast.

Jumping almost half a floor down, I finally got to the ground floor.

A short girl with purple hair looked at me weirdly. She looked to be familiar...

Ah. She's the secretary of the student council. "Good day." I bid her a good morning before bolting out the building.

"Y-yeah..." I heard her confused voice just before I reached the tiled decors.


As I reached the cafeteria with hurried steps, there was a huge sign right by the kitchen saying most dishes aren't ready yet. I'm not that picky about what I eat, honestly. Anything should be fine here as long as it's not too expensive.

I wandered in, peeking through the currently available meals. Unsurprisingly, the simplest ones are the only ones there.

"One Omurice and I can pay for it, but can you add miso soup?" Seeing the vending machine still closed, I discerned that they took order manually in the mornings. Not many go into the cafeteria at this time anyway, they should be good up until 7:00 am.

"Miso soup is free, do you have any other specific order?" The middle-aged woman with wrinkles on her face asked me in a soothing tone. Their species as a kind grandma were quite rare to see nowadays. 

I fixed my posture in reaction.

"I'd like the miso soup to be just a tiny bit salty, that's all, thanks!" I told her in a polite manner.

Hearing this, the lady pulled out a card reader similar to what the convenience store had. Neat, I guess.

I put my phone right in front and scanned it. Thankfully the meal was very cheap and was just at the low price sitting in a few hundred yen/points.

Seeing no one inside the cafeteria, except for the workers in the kitchen, I patiently waited on where I stood.

I intently looked at the clock plastered on the wall. The pointer going up and down was the only thing keeping me from waiting. I doubt I'd have anything to do in my phone either.

Maybe I could check the group chat we created? Yeah I'll go do that.

Taking out my phone and opening it's data connection...

It was flooded with messages from the group. There was also a message request from a group named Class-B. I clicked on it for a second to verify myself before switching over to our group.

"They added Hiyori too, huh?" Not that much of a surprise, she can be considered in the group, adding her was a natural.

I scrolled through the messages, nothing really shocking, simple talks and gossips. Kanzaki was chatting from time to time, linking some articles on academic related things.

Ichinose was clearly the one that chatted the most, Followed by Amikura... And surprisingly Hiyori.

"Hmm... Hmm?!" I was surprised at my sudden realization.

If I can somehow confirm that Shiranami has grown to have romantic feelings towards Ichinose, then there would be conflict between her and Hiyori, due to some misunderstanding. I'm not the only one to realize this, right?

I don't want to interfere on girly matters, but things could take a dark turn if I don't... I mean. They could commit Yuri all they want, they only need to make sure no fights or anything.

When girls have issues with each other, it lasts longer than my old grandpa's lifespan. Compared to boys who rather slug out their displeasure against each other and then make up, becoming brothers after the fight, girl conflict usually lasts very long.

"Here's your order young man." The old lady hands me the plate carefully, I took it with greater care on my left hand, making sure it doesn't flip over.

"Thanks!" I turned my confusion and worry to positivity towards that old lady. It didn't seem to do the trick, I'm still very much worried at how this might develop.

I took the closest table in my current position and started eating, scrolling through our messages more. I looked at each profile of every person in the group and clicked on the icon.


It showed me these three options along with the person's biography and profile picture. None of us had bios, on the contrary, everyone had their respective profile pictures.

Kanzaki with the Euler portrait as his profile. Ichinose had a panda picture she likely got from the net. Amikura's profile were the one clicking with me. Her profile was, in a way, perfect.

If you're wondering what profile she had, she picked a :thonking: emote with the empty background.

Shiranami had a chibi girl wearing a hoodie as hers. Hiyori's was... Well... So Hiyori-like.

Her profile was basically her books in a pile, I recognized one of them.

I should get a photo with someone and make it my profile picture.

Taking another spoonful of my Omurice, I saved the numbers they provided to the group in my contact lists. I had to do it with one hand, so I had to take my time.

I easily memorized all of their contacts, each containing 13 digits. It wasn't that difficult to memorize understanding that I only really had to take into account their few remaining numbers. Likely due to the school wanting to keep their students in check, they opted for the same number of every sim card, only making it different in the last few.

Just when I finished typing their numbers and creating their contact profiles.... My meal was already finished. I drank and ate the contents of my miso soup, finishing my meal in a haste.

I grabbed my plate and the little bowl then walked towards where it was supposed to go for dishes.

After I finished with that, I wiped my face with the provided tissue.

I thanked the person that made the delicious meal inside my head. Now walking out of the place with my bag on tow, there were now other students going in the school, as well as others going for different places. 

Exploring, I guess. I'd love to explore the whole school after most my plans go off in the air. I might get the chance to go over the whole school too when class finishes.

Catching sight of the entrance, I saw yet another familiar figure walking just a few metres away from me.

"Is that purple? She's quite early." I said in a low voice. I saw that she tied her hair into a pony-tail now.

Our first and second meeting, all she did was tie a portion of her long hair to the side, it's a good thing she's showing more of her appeal for all to see.

Should I greet her? I was contemplating. Coming from my experience... girls early in the morning can snap easily. Not generalizing, just from the female friends I had in school last year.

Eh, I guess I wouldn't be sure until I try. Anyhow, resolving myself to find the answer, I increased  my walking pace up until I saw her on my right.

"Good morning?" I greeted. Rather than looking on her face, my eyes were focused on her hair.

Having a ponytail fetish isn't all that weird, am I right?

"Good morning to you too..." Kamuro greeted back. Noticing that my eyes were intently looking at her hair. Shaking every step we took.

She naturally narrowed her eyes suspiciously, was she flustered? of course not. Kamuro was more unnerved if anything.

"Do you have a ponytail fetish or something?" Bemused by me, Kamuro grabbed her hair and spun it around. I giggled at her endearing actions. Now I was interested in seeing her twintails.

"Of course." I stopped my chuckle for a moment before continuing. "It's a simple hairstyle, despite its simplicity, ponytail is one of the most popular and perhaps the most charming hairstyles out there." I finalized with my straightforward clarification about my fetish. She must be viewing me as a somewhat peculiar, and weird person. I could say this because she's just staring at me in an oddly funny way.

"....Thanks." Kamuro let that out in a subtle bashful tone.


I was complimenting her at the same time, yes... but there seems to be a misunderstanding at play...

"Oh.. No need for thanks, It fits you perfectly." I complimented, giving her a huge thumbs-up. 

To prevent any more misinterpretation, I took one bullet to my heart and another one to my dignity. That was embarrassing, even for me. I sure hope that's the end of that.

"I didn't think it would go that well..." She whispered something under her breath. We weren't that far away from each other... So I picked up bits of what Kamuro said. 'That well'?

I guess girls put a lot of effort into things like impressions, can't say boys aren't the same though. Its a possibility she was doing this for a boy in her class, but it's still more likely to be a change of character for herself, specifically. I don't know Kamuro that well to make assumptions nor judgements.

'When someone you know wants to achieve something, then let them try.' One of my personal mottos.

There is naturally a border between you and your friends that can't be crossed so easily, while you haven't crossed that bridge yet, then your only option is respecting them. 

Our walk was all and silent, it was silent but nothing close to awkward. The progress in our friendship was slow. Regardless of that, I'm glad to see any sort of improvements.

I expect her to be more social in the future.

"I'll be going on ahead then." Stopping in front of the door of my Class, I tried bidding my farewell. I would've went in, but it looks like Kamuro still has some business. As she was beckoning me to come closer.

"Adding mine should be normal right?" Kamuro showed me the screen of her phone, in which reflected her contact number. 

Ah... There's no hope for this girl if I don't give her a push. I obviously kept that to myself.

"Yeah, I guess?" After saving her phone number, I sent her a one letter message so that she could save my contact in just one click.

Kamuro smiled as we reached the conclusion of our exchange. She bid farewell with her phone on hand. I smiled back before going in our classroom.

She's a gentle girl deep down, I just hope she gets good friends in her class. In the case she doesn't then I might just add her to Ichinose's group. Even if faced with the disparity of each class, I'm sure they all would get along well. Ignoring the fact that Class-A might suffer the most in my  onslaught.


Stepping foot inside my class, most of them turned their heads and greeted me. I greeted back with a slight smile. 

Good thing none of them hold anything against me for yesterday.

"You look awfully happy today, Sadi-kun. Did something good happen?" As I took my seat, Amikura greeted me, cheerful as ever.

"Haha, I'm just excited for the tests we're going to take." I put my bag down and made my chair face Amikura's seat. 

"Eh?! I forgot we had that!" Amikura did the same to her seat, complaining about the test exams we were about to take.

"Sensei notified us in the class group chat, how could you forget?" I sighed at her. Showing her the contents of Sensei's message. 

In reality I didn't know of it too, I just remembered due to a math subject in one of the files sent to me containing a diagnostic exam with the date written on it.

I didn't even know there was a group chat up until I opened my phone in the cafeteria, though same as me in the last years of middle school,
I decided to ignore it.

"W-well... I was arranging my room you know...?" Amikura stammered as she explained. That's actually an understandable reason for her to miss it.

Had it been true, I would've understood.

"Sounds fishy. What did you do yesterday, hmm?" I made a shape of a binocular with my hands, looking like a police officer interrogating her.

I don't know her that well, but considering she's a girl, then shopping for things is not all that unlikely.

"Just a little bit of shopping..." Little bit? It sounds like she went to the mall until sunset.

"Oh well. It's not like you're alone in the dark. Just look around and see..." My eyes landed on the back of the class.

Some of my classmates don't seem to know there would be tests today, most especially girls. Considering the date of our tests, which is today, then the school might've purposely made it so that a lot of students wouldn't be prepared.

Students are at fault if they fall for it, I guess? Nothing to worry about though, the tests are our year level at best. It contains topics and questions which is what exactly what we did back before graduating middle school.

It's likely for the class to average at least 80%. In the worst possible scenario someone fails these tests due to not focusing. Unbefitting of a Class-B student, therefore I say it's likely for it to happen in both Class-C and Class-D.

"There are quite a few who didn't know of it huh...." Amikura seems surprised on finding some of her allies. 

"It shouldn't matter too much, I bet all of them would pass at least." I spoke in behalf of the class.

It contrary to the 'passing' ones, I'm more interested to see the people that could ace these exams. We should get a few of those inside our class. Speaking more specifically, Kanzaki who claimed to like studying and Ichinose as of the moment.

I should ace one or two maybe even few subjects if it's all of that calibre.

The only time these files come in hand is when midterm or other more difficult quizzes/tests alike come along.

"Maybe I could've aced it if I had prepared? Such a waste!" Amikura complained. To no one in particular.

I presume most, if not all would want to get high scores too. I'm content with 90% in things like these, but I guess I could try and get high scores by myself this time. Shouldn't be that hard for now.

"Okay Okay! who's excited to take tests?" Sensei spoke loudly as she busted the door open.

I heard some grunts but it was covered with the students that were excited about it.

"It won't affect your grades, but it's still an evaluation, so do your best, okay?" Sensei cheered. Putting down the test papers on the podium.

Doesn't it look too thin for the subjects? Maybe it's just her subject?

As I was wondering about these papers, I noticed that Sensei had her eyes on me.

"Do you need help, Sensei?" I blurted that out. I was supposed to ask if there were any issues but mixed up my lines.

"I knew you'd help, Sadi-kun! I just so-happen to need some hands in fetching all the remaining papers." Sensei immediately reeled me in after I talked to her. Is this her way of wanting to talk in private?

"I got you Sensei, since you're so clumsy I'd help you." Hearing my joke, lots of them laughed. Some looked to be scared on what sensei will do to me.

I was a little bit nervous too, but I still walked over in front.

"You seem awfully carefree, will Sadi-kun here ace the tests, I wonder?" Hoshinomiya-sensei kept to her smile as she got back to my joke.

"Don't be too mean Sensei, you know I can't do that!" Not if I don't get something good out of it.

I started this, So I'll end this little comedy skit of us. It was well received by the whole class thankfully. The skit lightened up the mood even more.

"Then let's go fetch those papers shall we?" Knowing that I wanted to end it there, Sensei wrapped it up for me.


Walking towards the faculty room, Hoshinomiya-sensei seemed to be more energetic than usual.

"I'm sure it won't be too hard for you to ace all these subjects, right? After all, the lessons are a year below you." Sensei started a conversation about this. I'm sure she realizes that I needed to keep a certain barrier between helping and leading the class as a whole.

"That's not the issue. The issue is that I would need to keep up those grades in my stay here, even the most academically gifted might forget about a question or two. Without looking at the tests in the moment, I can promise my scores won't fall below 85%" I repeated it to her in case she hasn't realized it yet.


I opened the door for her, my eyes saw the desk filled with test papers close to the door.

Upon further observation, my whole body stopped. As if it were in a video game. Unmoving from the shock.

"Don't tell me this is too much for you~?" Hoshinomiya-sensei whispered on my ear. If there wasn't malice behind that then I might have gotten aroused.

"This? For the short term it's easy enough. But for the long term it would be hellish to keep up." This, referring to the cheat papers covered by the test papers itself.

I had to lie to get the easier way out, I only need to put a lot of effort in History and Mathematics. I could keep up my current grades on other subjects which happen to be above average.

Still. More responsibility would fall onto my shoulders if I were to get a higher score in every subject.

"Where's the confidence you had earlier? I'm sure it won't be hard to bring out your past studious self." Upon hearing her words, I heard something snap in my head.

Of all the things I vowed to forget, It's the select few memories that still haunt me to this day. So that I don't get affected I took a more Stoic stance in most things.

It helped greatly, but there are naturally things that a study can't cover. In which you'd have to cover for it using your own abilities.

"My academic abilities hasn't fallen or anything. I chose to improve what I should've while still keeping in line with it. Multitasking both Academics and maintaining my other studies along with keeping in the best possible shape would take a hellish toll out of me." I said in a little bit of a shaking tone. The anger from my past
might have gotten stronger as the time passed.

I wasn't once like this by any scope of the imagination. My grades averaged beyond 90% in the cost of my physical prowess being nothing less than shit,
I couldn't even run 100 meters without needing to take breaks every few seconds.

Naturally, I had to put a balance to all of this, I heavily decreased my study time by hours. Doing more and more exercise each month, I got addicted to the results of my exercise. My grades dropped down a heavy percentage, but I could still get above average in most subjects due to the schedule I put up. I had to neglect two particular subjects, I'm not risking on failing but it could still pose a problem in the future.

"There, there." Sensei pets my back. "Just think of this as another test. We're still on the easy part, if you show good results on your very first test then that speaks for your worth."
I wasn't in the need of comfort, that's why Hoshinomiya-sensei cut to the chase and explained exactly why I had to do it.

A simple test by her. She says.

Acing these evaluation tests isn't all that big of a deal for the students, then would that mean it is for the teachers? I asked in my head if there was a deeper meaning in these evaluations that even Sensei couldn't pass up on.

"... I'll agree but you'll have to explain exactly why." I took a deep breath, taking a hold of myself.

We had limited time, so I went and grabbed all of the test papers and moved out. Walking back on our classroom.

No students nor any other people are around, if we lowered our voice we should be safe to talk.

"Hahaha, It's not exactly confidential from students, so why not?" Sensei chuckled. I was naturally unnerved by the way she worded her sentence.

Were we taking more risks?

"Go on..." My face was covered with test papers so I had difficulty speaking properly.

"Next month ID cards for the students status would be given. Like in video games, it shows what you're good and not good at in detail, sharing it isn't exactly forbidden." Sensei pointed her index finger up, closing her eyes as she finished with her explanation.

They needed more info about the academics of students, hence they used the diagnostic tests as an excuse for the ID cards.

"I understand now. I'm not that great of a student to hold back anyway." This was my way of saying that I'll do anything to achieve my goals. Even lying through my teeth repeatedly would become normal.

Our current goal in the moment is reaching Class-A, gaining even more influence and pull from my class would be needed if I wanted that.

"By the way, our class might hold the second ever highest stats of an individual in record after we pull through this." Hearing Hoshinomiya-sensei's statement, I tilted my head unconsciously.

"I'll ask just in case, who's the current student to hold the highest?" A cold sweat trickled down my cheek. This person would be the real deal.

"Technically there were two, Horikita Manabu the president held the highest, until the vice president Nagumo Miyabi beat him by a level in social contribution-" Sensei put an abrupt stop on her explanation and wore her usual smile.

It's unfortunate. I guess we should hold a lengthy discussion once I put this fake show of abilities up in the running.

"Since these are all only for your reflection, I'll be the only teacher to observe you guys." I put down the papers that honestly looked more like a tower. Hoshinomiya-sensei explained more things in the background.

I went back to my seat with a rather serious face.

"You guys might not need it but good luck! Of course no cheating too!" Having said her last piece, Sensei handed out the papers to the front.

Just after grabbing mine, I saw Amikura gesture a good luck sign. I did the same to her. Now focusing on this...

There are no orders for the subject selection, meaning Sensei seriously gave mathematics first to see how I'd react.

I looked in front just to see a happy Hoshinomiya-sensei sitting with her eyes closed and face focused on the whole class.... This vixen.

"... I should aim for another top 2 then..." I say aim but this would surely be hard, despite the test being easy to pass, heck even ace with preparation... I hadn't memorized the questions that I had a hard time on.

There weren't that many, supposing 10 questions were like that... With flawless performance I'd pull off 90/100. Not all that impressive knowing this was basically middle school level tests as Sensei said. However if I can score similar numbers to all of the subjects, then me being the second highest status holder in the school would come true.

I sorted out my thoughts. I'll be careful not to screw this up then move on the next stepping stone.

Having said that, I finally started the math test.


My classmates that finished before an hour passed wore relieved faces, as well as sighing in exhaustion. I finished much earlier than I've thought too, with a little play in memory, I was sure I'd passed the 90 percent mark.

The ones who finished could take the next exam, which happens to be English.

I'm also taking it at the current moment and was just breezing through. I might be able to ace this one. I look over to my classmates to see a lot of them just resting. Amikura had her face down on the desk, while Ichinose was also taking the next test.

Less than half of the class was taking their time. I assume the majority had preparations last night, in which I was at a disadvantage if I wanted to have my score highlighted.

I put my ballpoint pen down as I finished the second test, walking towards Sensei to pass and get the 3rd one.

This cycle repeated up until lunch, after that there were only few left. In which everyone took their time with it.
Other than Ichinose, there was this guy with glasses that was keeping up with me. He must study a lot judging by his looks.

The cycle was broken after the last sheet of paper was passed towards Hoshinomiya-sensei, it was coincidentally Sō.

"Your scores would be up tomorrow, so take your time to rest for the day, everyone!" Sensei took her box that was filled with out papers out the door. Bidding the class goodbye.

All of my classmates were drained to even talk to each other. With few exceptions.

I stood up from my seat to clear my mind, recalling the whole time I took the test and making rough calculations about what score I got in each test.

"See you tomorrow." I gave my seatmate a peace sign. Amikura peeked through the gaps of her arms and gave me one as well.

"Yeah... See you tomorrow Tōdo-kun."
She had her arms around her face as she said so.

I should go to the rooftop to let out some steam.

Bidding the whole class my last piece, I went out of the classroom with a listless face.

The tests took less toll than I expected, probably because most questions were very easy if you had a good enough memory.

I'd say I did well enough to get the highest overall inside the class, maybe, maybe not. Considering my classmates had preparations and I did not.

I took my first steps, ascending the stairs towards the rooftop. Hopefully no one's there to bother.

My steps slowed down by instinct. Hearing a distant scream coming down from the top.

It's not my imagination, hearing the clear echoes of an apparent fit of rage that sounded like a girl's.

I couldn't care either way, the fresh air from the rooftop was too good to pass up on just because of some girl letting out some stress in here.

I intentionally slowed down on my steps taking care not to make any sounds. The yells from a strangely familiar voice was getting more and more audible.

"...?" I took a peek on the little gap between the door. Scratch fresh air, there might be a psycho who'd stab me here.

The short haired girl was kicking the railings repeatedly, cursing out a person's name which oddly enough... was the President's surname.

What a surprise. This creature is a living proof of why I doubt most 'good' girls that I meet.

Her friendly demeanor on the very first day I saw her was all but gone.

I took little to no interest in her anger and focused more on getting visual recording.

I was recording the audio at the same time I'm taking a video. The lens of this phone was small enough to see clearly through the small open space.

It clearly captured this girl relieving some stress. I took at least a minute's worth before closing the camera and running down the stairs.

I saw her figure planning to go back down so I had no choice but to make a hasty ascent, not caring about the loud sounds coming from my steps.

My ears picked up on hurried steps from the top too.

She must've realized someone was watching her, now trying to catch up who that was.

Unfortunately for her, there was already a natural difference between us. Add up the fact that I had good physical ability, then there's no way for her to even see a glimpse of my shadow.

If this was a straight path it was possible for her to see my back, but this place was the stairs where there were turns.

I walked down the last steps normally, taking care not to be suspicious. There were few people that were in my direction so I doubt beige girl would identify who I was.

"Will this video even be useful?" I threw my phone up and down, taking another set of stairs down.

Next Day
8:00 AM

"Before I reveal your scores, does anyone want to guess who scored the highest?~" Hoshinomiya-sensei started another silly game. I was the only one who seemed to be displeased with it. Of course, I took great care into not showing it outside.

"Uhh Sensei! Are there any hints?" Amikura instantly shot up and raised her arm. Excited about this little game.

"Well well. If I say their gender that would be too big of an advantage... Then should I say this person likes Omelette!" I snapped the pen in my hand as I heard her words.

"Can I take a guess, Sensei?" I raised my arm myself just to see her reaction.

"Of course Sadi-kun, feel free." As usual, she merely flashed a smile.

"Is it Amikura?" I said with a smile on my face.

At this point everyone realized it was another one of my jokes.

"Hey!" Hearing the class laugh at it, Amikura threw a notebook my way. Fuming about why she was chosen.

"Now now, does anyone have any more guesses?" Silencing the whole class, Sensei asked again.

"I have one person in mind Hoshinomiya-sensei!" To my surprise, it was Ichinose who volunteered.

"Can I go to the infirmary? My head hurts." I can see where this was going. That's why maybe running would help my case.

"No. And who's the person in mind, Honami-chan?" Mercilessly rejecting my cries for help, Sensei continued on with this torture of mine.

"Tōdo-kun! He was breezing through the whole test like it was nothing so I thought he had perfect preparation!" Ichinose explained her way of thinking, she was right on the first part then got the second part wrong. 

I guess even without watching me clearly it was obvious I had no difficulties.

"Yes. One of the themes of these tests is preparation, did he have a perfect one?" Sensei rolled over the cartolina in her hands, showing the 3 highest scoring students.

"Those are some insane numbers..." Someone muttered upon seeing the names on top.

Tōdo Sadi - 786
Ichinose Honami - 780
Ryūji Kanzaki - 777

"Congratulations to the top scorers! We can clearly see that they had prepared for this." Without any change of expression, Hoshinomiya-sensei congratulated us.


Somewhere outside the men's dorm.

A student's figure could be seen slowly walking. His left hand grabbing the phone right by his ear.

"See, there's a pattern for answers in each line. Each "line" contains 10 questions. Meaning there would be 10 different patterns for each subject." A womanly voice came out of the phone's speaker.

"I see. This is to help the teachers to have an easier time checking the papers in case they do it manually, correct?" The question from the boy walking in this deserted place.

"Yes and we're using it against the system this time." The woman said in a eery tone.

"This is going to be a long night..."

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