for the tarnished hearts

By mari_thepoetess

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poetry for the hearts tarnished by love or the sudden death of it. for the hearts that find a soft lullaby in... More

for the tarnished hearts
saccharine summer
dug-up dreams
for all the good things i've let die
time, and how to waste every minute
rain, and how it falls
rush into life before it's gone
bouquet of bullets
for the happy-for-nows
night shift
for the silence i bury myself in
the dead girls
an ode to softness
autumn nights
for the parts of grief i've kept hidden
even in another time
for the music that turns off gravity
recipe for healing
bubbles bring you back
starry-eyed space girl
memory foam
for the days you choose to forget
your history's no mystery to me
child, let me show you how to hate
the other half of your heart
for the immortal loves
a comfort and a curse
her brief, blazing touch


98 21 79
By mari_thepoetess


anyway haha here's some poetry :)



it's the technicolor reservoir

i drink from, bathe in,

cooled rivulets of sun

sliding down my throat,

bright blues staining

my skin

until i turn into

a robin-egg summer sky

(that can stretch itself

to wrap around the world,

encasing this bruised earth

in tender beauty)

and lemonade laughs

(that are dulcet, sweet,

sticky in the air, on memories.)


reminds me that

the monotonous thrum

of my life

can be pulled and warped

into music, a stumbling jazz,

a splash of piano keys

and a low, plucking bass,

and these weeping shades

of monotone grays and blacks

and whites

can be pushed out of frame,

like wringing out muddy water

from a plush, ivory towel.


it's what i hide in.

i curl up in the "o"

of solitude,

sleeping soundly behind

the fortress of words

that has risen up

from the ink

like a fog

as opaque as onyx stone.

i cower beneath

the thick-wool canopy

of heavy purple prose

that carries the aroma

of light vanilla

laced with

earthy undertones

and wild gardens

with vines that crawl up

wooden trellises

to kiss

the stars

that glow like small bits

of polished moon,

and with full, rich voices,

they serenade

my sailor heart

like sirens,

the elegant vibrato

sending lazy ripples

through the night.

i am not courageous

in writing,

in laying my mind out

like this, flat on the stark white page,

on this sterile metal table

beneath a cold, singular lightbulb

just for you to dissect who i am,

my soul

heavy and limp in your hands

like a corpse.

i am only seeking shelter,

an inner hideaway,

retreating into


to weave together the words

that lay resting

at the bottom of my stomach,

under my tongue,

beneath my nail beds.

every poem

is a discovery.

a documentation.

a record

of my existence

for when i find myself

breathing in the stale air

of a silk-lined coffin

with my heart

still beating, begging,

and i need to remember

how i lived

and how i'm still alive

when i've only been drawing

real breaths

from the poetry

that is rich in heartbeats,

in inhales and exhales

and the ornate simplicity

of living.

poetry is my lungs,

but prose is my sight.

it slides a bright film

over my vision,

and every moment

is amplified, vivid,

and wholly sacred.

it seems that

i do not need to remain



once it enters my system,

i become everything

and nothing

at all.

i am the observer

and the artist

and the stars

and the whole universe

stuffed into a once hollow girl

who has spilled ink

into every fluttering page

lining her lungs.

she is human

yet she is immortal,

because when the earth

finally swallows her,

it'll spit back out

her aged, moth-eaten pages;

the wind will carry them

to a wistful soul

that mirrors her own,

and darling,

her heart will be read

and it will beat again.



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