creepypastas x reader Oneshots

By Eco_Moon

14.1K 223 85

Requests are open. More

So first off..
Ticci Toby
Laughing Jack
Smile dog
Ben Drowned
Bloody Painter
Eyeless Jack
Jeff the Killer
slender woman
Hoodie x innocent! Female! reader
Candypop x Female apprentice reader
Ben Drowned x Thrill seeker!
L. Jack x Candypop x Jason x fem. clown reader

Jason the Toymaker x Doll! Reader

430 9 1
By Eco_Moon

Here's another chapter! Sorry it took so long.

But this one's another request. Sorry it's been a while.
ladycipher666 sorry if it's not what you wanted! I tried.

Where am I? My creator sold me to a toy maker. Which is a little odd seeing ashe usually sells us to rich families. I say rich families because life-sized humanoid-esc dolls are quite expensive. From what I understand at least.

I check my surroundings for any familiar object, but I'm disappointed by a completely new environment. I appear to be in a bedroom. Who's bedroom is not clear. It's quite plain though.

As I'm lost in thought a man walks in. At least I assume it's a man. They could be a woman- or another doll for that matter. He introduced himself as Jason. He's the man I was sold to.

We get acquainted and he informs me that the room is mine, and that he will not be selling me to some upper-class family. He gives me tour of his surprisingly tidy workshop and introduces me to some of his colleagues. His toys are quite nice, though some of his work scares me.

I make mental notes of which rooms and people to avoid. That Jeff guy that came by earlier seemed mean so I'm not too fond of him. Candy Pop seemed decent enough though the mention of his incubus put me on edge. Don't question how I know what that is. My creator gave me some knowledge that I could probably live without ever knowing.

As I'm getting ready for bed - yes I sleep I'm supposed to be realistic - Jason informs me that there's a bathroom connected to my room if I need it. I decide to take a shower because some of the rooms were quite dusty and I don't like the feeling of dust. I find some clothes that were conveniently in the room and conveniently the right size. Jason must have done his research before buying me. How creepy but also I appreciate it.

I find a towel under the sink and hang it next to the shower, placing my clothes on the counter. I turn the water to the appropriate temperature before removing my dusty clothes which felt relieving on its own. I hate dust. I clean the rest of the dust off of me and out of my hair before turning the water off and drying myself. Once I'm finished getting dressed I lay down and fall asleep because it's been a long day.

I wake up to my door being knocked on. I sit up and see Jason walk in. He asks me if I eat which is a weird question to ask a doll. I inform him that I can eat, but I don't have to. He nods his head and leaves. I get dressed into something other than my pajamas before heading to the kitchen. I see Jason and some of the others eating breakfast.

I sit and join them, deciding it would be awkward for me to just stand in the doorway. The food is good from what I can tell, but I'm a doll I my taste buds probably aren't the best. But the others didn't seem to hate it so either it was actually good or they just eat it so often that they don't care.

-_--_-__-__--_--_--time skip cause idk-_-__-/---

I don't have a good sense of time so I can't tell you how long I've been here, so I'm not going to. But I will tell you that I am now dating Jason. I know, bummer that you didn't get to see us confess and kiss and blah blah blah but it was honestly the most boring get together ever. One of the guys asked when we would get together and Jason said we already were but we weren't but I just went with it. Then he kissed me. So that's that I guess. I don't know how that was supposed to go but I guess it works?

Anyways, it's about 10:30 in the evening according to the clock on the wall. Jason is not in bed yet. He's probably working on another toy, but I don't care. I'm cold because it's summer so Jason and the others won't let me turn a heater on. But they obviously must be forgetting that while I appear human, and do most tasks like a human I do not produce my own body heat like a human. So therefore I rely on alternative heat sources to stay warm.

Now I know that it's not necessary for me to stay warm because I'm technically not a living creature, but it's become something I'm used to so I prefer to stay warm. And naturally since I can't have a heater I use Jason as one, because he actually has a built-in heater known as body heat. Now you may see how him not coming to bed may cause me issues.

So me being petty I drag myself to Jason's workshop and then proceed to interrupt him. After many minutes of him not wanting to come to bed he finally agrees to come to bed for the night. I win, as always because I am not going to sleep cold.

We lay down in our bed and cuddle because we can and it's comfy. Despite all his previous protests about coming to bed he doesn't protest at all to cuddling. In fact when I try to move he just pulls me in tighter to prevent me from doing so. It's quite cute, and cute Jason is the perfect thing to fall asleep to, so I'm glad that's what I fall asleep to every night.

I don't plan on changing that anytime soon.


Okay! Hi! I made it! Hello!
I got another chapter out! Yay finally!

I have 1 more request that's in line for me to write.

Feel free to request and if I haven't done your request yet please remind me, I tend to lose track of them.

But as always I hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya in the next one,
(Also I wrote this in one sitting so sorry if it's bad or rushed)

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