Lucifer's FairyTale

By photographybook

30.8K 1.3K 145

[Book One of the Murdag Chronicles] Eden Greene is part of the Murdag Pack that resides on Scotland's West Co... More

The Kilyan Dilemma
Happy Birthday?
Pep Talk And Memories
A New Look
Shut Up And Listen
Movie Night With Yours Truly
When Snowed In With The Devil
The Wolf's Control
Pack Meeting
Lesson I: Recognise A Fairy
Lesson II: Fight For Your Life
Whispers In The Dark
Two Fairies, A Sprite and The Big, Bad Wolf
The Escape
Rather Unexpected
Safe Day I: Nightmares And Stories
Safe Day II: Clear Sight
Safe Day VII: Just Relax
On The Road I
The Consi
Come Back Home
The Calm Before The Storm
Let The Battle Commence

End And Beginning

904 43 18
By photographybook

Smiling I wrapped my arms closer around the little girl in my arms and buried my face in her soft golden hair. The cold December sun was already setting and I knew we had to get up soon to go to the Alpha's House for the celebration of the New Year, but nothing could destroy the peace I felt in that moment.

"Fairy? Come on, we need to get ready-" Lucifer's voice boomed through the house but he stopped when he saw us on the couch. Gia giggled in my arms and wriggled free to run up to him and hug him tightly. I smiled when he picked her up and held her to him tightly, a big smile on his face. She had come back to us a few days ago and I felt the corners of my mouth tug up into a smile when I remembered.

Eddie! COME OUT IMMEDIATELY! Makri was positively screaming so I shot up and looked down to see Lucifer still asleep. I kissed his forehead and rushed outside.

The sun was now shining brightly and almost ready to set while a slight fog had gathered over the field of the battle. And there in the fog I saw a figure, small and thin, limping slightly and when I saw who it was, my knees gave way and I fell to the ground. It was hard and cold and cut open my skin but I didn't care.

"Eddie!" Her voice sounded shrill and slightly croaky as if she hadn't had a drink in days. Her dirty blonde hair was flying behind her when she started to run, ignoring her injured leg and crashed into my arms. I could feel tears stream down my face and her tears were soaking what was left of my shirt while I rocked back and forth with my pup in my arms. She finally pulled free and looked up at me; her face was dirty and her tears had run streaks through it, revealing her now pale skin.

"Oh baby Gia, I'm so glad you're back." She smiled and pressed her chapped lips against my cheek.

"I never want to leave you again." She whispered as she buried her face in my neck and I hugged her tighter.

"I won't let you go again, honey. Do you wanna stay with us, little one?" As soon as the words had left my lips, Gia was nodding frantically.

"Where is Lulu?" My smile wavered but I only pushed up off the ground with her in my arms and led her to the hospital room.

"Lucifer?" I nudged him to wake him up, but he wouldn't budge.

"Lulu!" Gia giggled and climbed on top of the bed, Lucifer's eyes finally opened slightly and then grew wide when he saw our little angel.

"Gia." His voice cracked and Gia hugged him tightly. "I don't want to ever leave again." She stated and he chuckled, looking at me and taking my hand. Our baby was finally back.

"Come on, let's get ready for the party." I said and Gia shouted excitedly, running up the stairs to her room. It wasn't fully furnished yet but we had got her a nice dress to wear today and the shopping trips were planned for after the war. The house was still very empty, except for the pieces of furniture we had taken from the garage in Oban and a few things my parents had left over. Gia had my old bed in her room and we were using an old bed of my parents'.

"Let's get this party started!" Lucifer exclaimed happily before he picked me up and carried me to our room, to get changed. I shot him a glare but he chose to ignore it.

We entered the Alpha House a few hours later at sunset. Many other wolves were there already and welcomed us warmly.

"Hey there, devil." Kilyan joked and caught Lucifer in a headlock. I just left them be and moved to where my parents were standing, talking to Luke and Alanna.

"Hi guys." I smiled and they spun around, my dad immediately picked up Gia who giggled and wrapped her skinny arms around his neck.

"How's my princess doing?" He asked and she laughed as they talked. Arms wrapped themselves around my torso and from the sparks that made me shiver where they touched me, I knew it was Lucian.

"How's she settling in?" Luke asked and Alanna grinned.

"She's so cute, I just want to taker her and keep her forever." We laughed at her enthusiasm but she had a point. After a good bath and some proper food, Gia looked almost back ot normal. Her hair was a healthy golden colour and the sparkle was back in her kind eyes. Her skin had a healthy glow to it again and smiled happily.

"She's doing just fine. We need to buy her more clothes and enrol her in school, but other than that-" Lucifer was rumbling in to my ear and I cringed away as his breath tickled me. But soon everyone fell silent when the Alpha walked on stage.

"I welcome you all to our Hogmanay Gathering. I don't want to talk for too ling, so I'll make this short. While grieving for our fallen family, we cannot dwell on the dark days. They are with the ancestors now. Celebrating a new member to our pack, I hereby officially introduce you all to Gia Smith who will shortly be adopted by our future Beta family, Lucian and Eden." A roaring applause rolled through the room and Gia, who was back in Lucifer's arms, grinned widely and her cheeks were flushed red while her eyes were shining proudly and happily. "The war isn't over but tonight let us forget about the struggles o the past year and focus on the joys of family and community and the New Year!" He raised his wine glass and everyone followed suit in a cheerful toast to the new year and the merry talking continued. I smiled when Gia ran to join the other children, who welcomed her with open arms. Leaning into Lucifer, I let the war slip from my mind for one night and focused on my family and friends and the arrival of the New Year.

Happy Hogmanay, my friends.

That's it from Eden and Lucifer my friends. I hope you enjoyed this book and join Luke and Kilyan on their adventure in LFT's sequel "Alpha, Beta, Gamma?"!

Please vote and comment <3

Love, Kxx

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